% Simple illustration of using Aleph to do incremental learning % To run do the following: % a. Load Aleph % b. read_all(mem). % c. induce_incremental. % After that, just follow the menus on screen. /** ?- induce_incremental(Program). % try with this input mem(1,[1]). overgeneral. show(constraints). none. ok. ok. none. mem(1,[2,1]). because(overgeneral,not(mem(1,[2,3]))). none. ok. ok. none. none. */ % :- modeh(*,mem(+any,+list)). % :- modeb(*,mem(+any,+list)). % :- modeb(1,((+list) = ([-any|-list]))). :- use_module(library(aleph)). :- aleph. :- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(prolog). :- endif. :- mode(*,mem(+any,+list)). :- mode(1,((+list) = ([-any|-list]))). :- aleph_set(i,3). :- aleph_set(noise,0). :- aleph_set(print,1). :- determination(mem/2,mem/2). :- determination(mem/2,'='/2).