/* A simple Bayesian network from Figure 2 in J. Vennekens, S. Verbaeten, and M. Bruynooghe. Logic programs with annotated disjunctions. In International Conference on Logic Programming, volume 3131 of LNCS, pages 195.209. Springer, 2004. */ burg(t):0.1; burg(f):0.9. % there is a burglary with probability 0.1 earthq(t):0.2; earthq(f):0.8. % there is an eartquace with probability 0.2 alarm(t):-burg(t),earthq(t). % if there is a burglary and an earthquake then the alarm surely goes off alarm(t):0.8 ; alarm(f):0.2:-burg(t),earthq(f). % it there is a burglary and no earthquake then the alarm goes off with probability 0.8 alarm(t):0.8 ; alarm(f):0.2:-burg(f),earthq(t). % it there is no burglary and an earthquake then the alarm goes off with probability 0.8 alarm(t):0.1 ; alarm(f):0.9:-burg(f),earthq(f). % it there is no burglary and no earthquake then the alarm goes off with probability 0.1 /** ?- alarm(t). % what is the probability that the alarm goes off? % expected result 0.30000000000000004 ?- alarm(f). % what is the probability that the alarm doesn't go off? % expected result 0.7000000000000002 */