/* Part of sCASP Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2021, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- use_module(library(scasp)). :- use_module(library(scasp/html)). :- use_module(library(scasp/output)). :- use_module(library(scasp/json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_server)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/js_write)). :- use_module(library(http/html_head)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(library(http/http_error)). :- use_module(library(http/jquery)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)). :- use_module(library(http/term_html)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_client)). :- use_module(library(http/http_host)). % Become Unix daemon process when on Unix and not attached to a % terminal. Otherwise be a normal commandline application. :- if((current_prolog_flag(unix,true), \+ stream_property(current_input, tty(true)))). :- format(user_error, '% Loading as Unix daemon~n', []). :- use_module(library(http/http_unix_daemon)). :- else. :- initialization(main,main). main(Argv) :- argv_options(Argv, _, Options), ( select_option(examples(Ex), Options, Options1) -> attach_examples(Ex) ; Options1 = Options ), server(Options1), ( option(interactive(true), Options1) -> cli_enable_development_system ; thread_get_message(quit) % do not terminate ). opt_type(port, port, natural). opt_type(p, port, natural). opt_type(examples, examples, atom). opt_type(i, interactive, boolean). opt_help(port, "Port used by the server"). opt_help(interactive, "Start interactive toplevel"). opt_help(examples, "':' separated list of files and directories from \c which to load examples"). opt_meta(port, 'PORT'). opt_meta(examples, 'DIRECTORY'). %! server(+Options) % % Start HTTP server at the indicated port. server(Options) :- ( option(port(_), Options) -> http_server(Options) ; http_server([port(8080)|Options]) ). :- endif. :- multifile http:location/3. :- dynamic http:location/3. http:location(scasp, root(scasp), []). http:location(js, scasp(js), []). http:location(css, scasp(css), []). :- http_handler(root(.), http_redirect(see_other, scasp(.)), []). :- http_handler(scasp(.), home, []). :- http_handler(scasp(solve), solve, [id(solve)]). :- http_handler(scasp(help), scasp_help, [id(help)]). :- http_handler(scasp(example), example_data, [id(example_data)]). /******************************* * HTML FORM PAGE * *******************************/ %! home(+Request) % % HTML handler to generate the home page. This is a simple form the % can send requests and display the result. home(_Request) :- http_link_to_id(help, [], Help), reply_html_page([ title('s(CASP) web server') ], [ h1(['s(CASP) web server ', a(href(Help), 'Help')]), \query_page ]). query_page --> html_requires(jquery), html_requires(scasp), styles, html([ div(class(section), [ div(class(select), \example_data), textarea([id(data), rows(10), cols(80), placeholder('s(CASP) program')], '') ]), h4('Query'), '?- ', input([id(query), size(50), placeholder('Query')]), ' Limit ', input([type(number), min(1), id(limit), value(1), size(3), placeholder('Empty means all answer sets')]), \html_json_radio, h4(''), button(id(solve), 'Solve'), button(id(clear), 'Clear'), div(id('results-html'), []), pre(id('results-json'), []) ]), button_actions. %! example_data % % Fill the example data example_data --> { \+ example(_,_,_) }, !. example_data --> { findall(Id-Comment, example(Id,_File,Comment), Pairs), http_link_to_id(example_data, [], ExDataURL) }, html([ select([name(example), id(example)], \sequence(example_option, Pairs)) ]), js_script({|javascript(ExDataURL)|| $(function() { $("#example").change(function() { var ex = $(this).val(); $.get(ExDataURL, {"example": ex}, function(reply) { var rows = reply.data.split("\n").length + 1; if ( rows > 20 ) rows = 20; $("#data").val(reply.data) .attr("rows", rows); $("#query").val(reply.query || ""); }); }); }); |}). example_option(Id-Comment) --> html(option(value(Id), Comment)). example_data(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [example(Id, [atom])]), example(Id, File, Comment), read_file_to_string(File, Data, []), Reply0 = _{comment:Comment, data:Data}, ( re_matchsub('^\\?-\\s*(.*?)\\.($|\\s)'/m, Data, Dict, []) -> Query = Dict.1, Reply = Reply0.put(query, Query) ; Reply = Reply0 ), reply_json(Reply). styles --> html({|html|| |}). html_json_radio --> html(div(class('html-json-switch'), [ 'Display results as: ', input([type(radio), id(rhtml), name(format), value(html), checked(checked)]), label(for(rhtml), 'HTML'), input([type(radio), id(rjson), name(format), value(json)]), label(for(rjson), 'JSON') ])). button_actions --> { http_link_to_id(solve, [], SolveURL) }, js_script({|javascript(SolveURL)|| $(function() { $("#solve").on("click", function() { var data = $("#data").val(); var query = $("#query").val(); var limit = $("#limit").val(); var format = $('input[type="radio"][name="format"]:checked').val(); $("#results-html").empty(); $("#results-json").empty(); $.get(SolveURL, { data: data, query: query, limit: limit, format: format }, function(reply) { if ( typeof(reply) == "string" ) { var results = $("#results-html"); results.html(reply); results.sCASP('swish_answer'); } else if ( typeof(reply) == "object" ) { var results = $("#results-json"); results.text(JSON.stringify(reply, undefined, 2)); } }) .fail(function(error) { if ( error.responseJSON ) { $("#results").text(error.responseJSON.message); } else { console.log(error); } }); }); $("#clear").on("click", function() { $("#results").empty(); }); }); |}). %! solve(+Request) % % Service is s(CASP) request. See the help page of the server for % details. solve(Request) :- option(method(post), Request), option(content_type(Type), Request), sub_atom(Type, 0, _, _, 'text/x-scasp'), !, http_read_data(Request, Data, [to(string)]), solve(Request, #{ data:Data, format:json }). solve(Request) :- option(method(post), Request), option(content_type(Type), Request), sub_atom(Type, 0, _, _, 'application/json'), !, http_read_json(Request, Dict0, [json_object(dict)]), foldl(to_atom, [format], Dict0, Dict1), foldl(dict_default, [format(json)], Dict1, Dict), solve(Request, Dict). solve(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ data(Data, []), query(QueryS, [optional(true)]), limit(Limit, [optional(true), integer]), format(Format, [default(html)]), tree(Tree, [boolean,optional(true)]) ]), solve(Request, #{ data:Data, query:QueryS, limit:Limit, format:Format, tree:Tree}). to_atom(Key, Dict0, Dict) :- ( Value = Dict0.get(Key) -> atom_string(Atom, Value), Dict = Dict0.put(Key, Atom) ; Dict = Dict0 ). dict_default(Term, Dict0, Dict) :- Term =.. [Name,Value], ( _ = Dict0.get(Name) -> Dict = Dict0 ; Dict = Dict0.put(Name, Value) ). %! solve(+Request, +Dict) % % The actual solver. solve(_Request, Dict) :- _{ data:Data, query:QueryS, limit:Limit, format:Format, tree:Tree } >:< Dict, ignore(Limit = infinite), solve_options(Format, Tree, Options), % prepare the program Error = error(Formal,_), catch(( setup_call_cleanup( open_string(Data, In), read_terms(In, Terms0), close(In)), query(QueryS, Query, Bindings, Terms0, Terms) ), Error, true), % On error, display the error. Else solve the query. ( nonvar(Formal) -> reply_html_page([], \error(Error)) ; in_temporary_module( M, ( use_module(library(scasp)), maplist(add_to_program(M), Terms) ), ( call_time(findall(Result, scasp_result(M:Query, Bindings, Result, Options), Results), TotalTime), ovar_set_bindings(Bindings), ovar_analyze_term(Query, []), inline_constraints(Query, []), reply(Format, M:Query, TotalTime, Results) )) ). error(Error) --> { message_to_string(Error, Message) }, html(div(class(error), Message)). solve_options(html, _, Options) => Options = [tree(true), unknown(fail)]. solve_options(json, Tree, Options) => ignore(Tree=true), Options = [tree(Tree), unknown(fail), inline_constraints(false)]. %! read_terms(+In:stream, -Terms) is det. % % Read the program terms and (optional) query from In. read_terms(In, Terms) :- read_one_term(In, Term0, Pos0), read_terms(Term0, Pos0, In, Terms). read_terms(end_of_file, _, _, []) :- !. read_terms(Term0, Pos0, In, [Term0-Pos0|T]) :- read_one_term(In, Term, Pos), read_terms(Term, Pos, In, T). read_one_term(In, Term, Pos) :- read_term(In, Term, [ module(scasp_dyncall), variable_names(Bindings), term_position(Pos) ]), fixup_pred(Term, Bindings). %! fixup_pred(+Term, +Bindings) is det. % % If Term is a `pred` directive, bind the variables in the atom % to '$VAR'(Name) if possible. fixup_pred((#pred Atom :: _Template), Bindings) => fixup_atom(Atom, Bindings). fixup_pred((:-pred Atom :: _Template), Bindings) => fixup_atom(Atom, Bindings). fixup_pred((?- Query), Bindings) => fixup_atom(Query, Bindings). fixup_pred(_, _) => true. fixup_atom(Var, Bindings), var(Var) => ( member(Name = V, Bindings), V == Var -> Var = '$VAR'(Name) ; true ). fixup_atom(Term, Bindings), compound(Term) => compound_name_arguments(Term, _Name, Args), maplist(fixup_atom_r(Bindings), Args). fixup_atom(_, _) => true. fixup_atom_r(Bindings, Atom) :- fixup_atom(Atom, Bindings). %! add_to_program(+Module, +Term) % % Add clauses to the program. Also handles s(CASP) directives. add_to_program(M, (# Directive)-Pos) => #(M:Directive, Pos). add_to_program(M, (:- show Spec)-_) => show(M:Spec). add_to_program(M, (:- pred Spec)-_) => pred(M:Spec). add_to_program(M, (:- abducible Spec)-Pos) => abducible(M:Spec, Pos). add_to_program(M, Term-Pos) => scasp_assert(M:Term, Pos). %! query(+String, -Query, -Bindings, +ProgramIn, -ProgramOut) is det. query(QueryS, Query, Bindings, Terms, Terms) :- atomic(QueryS), QueryS \== '', !, term_string(Query, QueryS, [variable_names(Bindings)]). query(_, Query, Bindings, TermsIn, TermsOut) :- partition(is_query, TermsIn, Queries, TermsOut), last(Queries, (?- Query0)-_), !, varnumbers_names(Query0, Query, Bindings). query(_, _, _, _, _) :- existence_error(scasp_query, program). is_query((?-_)-_) => true. is_query(_) => false. %! scasp_result(+Query, +Bindings, -Dict, +Options) is nondet. % % True when we succeeded proving Query. Dict contains details such as % the model and justification tree. scasp_result(Query, Bindings, scasp{ query:Query, answer:Counter, bindings:Bindings, model:Model, tree:Tree, time:Time }, Options) :- option(tree(true), Options), !, Query = M:_, call_nth(call_time(scasp(Query, [ model(M:Model), tree(M:Tree) | Options ]), Time), Counter), analyze_variables(t(Bindings, Model, Tree), Bindings, Options). scasp_result(Query, Bindings, scasp{ query:Query, answer:Counter, bindings:Bindings, model:Model, time:Time }, Options) :- Query = M:_, call_nth(call_time(scasp(Query, [ model(M:Model) | Options ]), Time), Counter), analyze_variables(t(Bindings, Model), Bindings, Options). analyze_variables(Term, Bindings, Options) :- ovar_set_bindings(Bindings), ( option(inline_constraints(false), Options) -> ovar_analyze_term(Term, [name_constraints(true)]) ; ovar_analyze_term(Term, []), inline_constraints(Term, []) ). %! reply(+Format, :Query, +TotalTime, +Results) % % Reply in either `html` or `json` format. reply(html, M:_Query, TotalTime, Results) => reply_html_page([], \results(Results, M, TotalTime)). reply(json, Query, TotalTime, Results) => scasp_results_json(#{query:Query, answers:Results, cpu:TotalTime}, JSON), reply_json_dict(JSON, []). /******************************* * HTML GENERATION * *******************************/ results([], _, Time) --> !, html(h3('No models (~3f sec)'-[Time.cpu])). results(Results, M, _Time) --> sequence(result(M), Results). result(M, Result) --> html(div(class(result), [ h3('Result #~D (~3f sec)'-[Result.answer, Result.time.cpu]), \binding_section(Result.bindings), \html_model(M:Result.model, [class('collapsable-content')]), \justification_section(M:Result) ])). %! binding_section(+Bindings)// binding_section([]) --> !. binding_section(Bindings) --> { copy_term(Bindings, Bindings1, Constraints0), var_names(Constraints0, Constraints1), exclude(no_op_binding, Bindings1, Bindings2) }, html(div(class(bindings), [ h4('Bindings'), \bindings(Bindings2, Constraints1) ])). var_names([], []). var_names([H|T0], T) :- var_name(H), !, var_names(T0, T). var_names([H|T0], [H|T]) :- var_names(T0, T). var_name(put_attr(Var, scasp_output, name(Name))) :- Var = '$VAR'(Name). var_name(put_attr(Var, scasp_output, singleton)) :- Var = '$VAR'('_'). no_op_binding(Name = '$VAR'(Name)) => true. no_op_binding(_) => false. %! bindings(+Bindings, +Constraints)// % % Report on the bindings. bindings([], []) --> !. bindings([], Constraints) --> !, constraints(Constraints). bindings([H|T], Constraints) --> ( {T == [], Constraints == []} -> binding(H, '') ; binding(H, ',') ), bindings(T, Constraints). binding(Name=Value, End) --> html(div(class(binding), [ var(Name), ' = ', \term(Value), End ])). constraints([]) --> []. constraints([H|T]) --> ( {T==[]} -> constraint(H, '') ; constraint(H, ','), constraints(T) ). constraint(H, End) --> html(div(class(constraint), [ \constraint(H), End ])). constraint('\u2209'(V,S)) --> !, html([ \term(V), ' \u2209 ', \term(S) ]). constraint({ClpQ}) --> !, { comma_list(ClpQ, List), maplist(to_clpq, List, Constraints) }, constraints(Constraints). constraint(C) --> term(C). to_clpq(A > B, C) => C = (A #> B). to_clpq(A < B, C) => C = (A #< B). to_clpq(A >= B, C) => C = (A #>= B). to_clpq(A =< B, C) => C = (A #=< B). to_clpq(A = B, C) => C = (A #= B). to_clpq(A =\= B, C) => C = (A #<> B). to_clpq(X, Y) => Y = X. term(T) --> term(T, [ quoted(true), numbervars(true) ]). justification_section(M:Results) --> { Tree = Results.get(tree) }, !, html_justification_tree(M:Tree, []). justification_section(_) --> []. /******************************* * HELP * *******************************/ scasp_help(Request) :- reply_html_page([ title('s(CASP) web server -- help') ], [ h1(['The s(CASP) web server']), \help_page(Request) ]). help_page(Request) --> { http_public_host_url(Request, Home), http_link_to_id(solve, [], URL), atom_concat(Home, URL, Solve) }, html({|html(Solve)||


This is a demonstrator. This service is likely to change functionality and location. This service runs on SWI-Prolog using the [GitHub] SWI-Prolog port of s(CASP). Bugs should be reported at the issue tracker of the the GIT repository. Discussion can use the SWI-Prolog forum


The s(CASP) system is a top-down interpreter for ASP programs with constraints.

This work was presented at ICLP'18 (Arias et al. 2018), also available here.

And extended description of the justification trees was presented at ICLP'20 (Arias et al. 2020).

s(CASP) by Joaquin Arias, is based on s(ASP) by Kyle Marple.

s(CASP) is an implementation of the stable model semantics of constraint logic programming. Unlike similar systems, it does not employ any form of grounding. This allows s(CASP) to execute programs that are not finitely groundable, including those which make use of lists and terms.

Using as a service

The server accepts data requests on Solve. It deals with several formats:

|}). /******************************* * EXAMPLES * *******************************/ :- dynamic example/3. attach_examples(Spec) :- atomic_list_concat(Ex, ':', Spec), maplist(attach_example, Ex). attach_example(Dir) :- exists_directory(Dir), !, forall(directory_member(Dir, File, [ recursive(true), extensions([pl]), access(read) ]), attach_ex(File)). attach_example(File) :- exists_file(File), !, attach_ex(File). attach_example(File) :- print_message(warning, error(existence_error(file, File),_)). attach_ex(File) :- variant_sha1(File, Id), ex_comment(File, Comment), assertz(example(Id, File, Comment)). ex_comment(File, Comment) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In), ( read_line_to_string(In, Line), sub_atom(Line, 0, _, _, '%'), sub_atom(Line, 1, _, 0, Comment0), split_string(Comment0, "", " \t%", [Title]) ), close(In)), !, file_base_name(File, Base), format(string(Comment), '~w -- ~w', [Base, Title]). ex_comment(File, Comment) :- file_base_name(File, Comment).