/* Part of sCASP Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2021, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(scasp_embed, [ begin_scasp/1, % +Unit begin_scasp/2, % +Unit, +Exports end_scasp/0, scasp_listing/2, % +Unit, +Options scasp_model/1, % :Model scasp_model/2, % :Model, +Options scasp_stack/1, % -Stack scasp_justification/2, % -Tree, +Options (not)/1, % :Query (-)/1, % :Query op(700, xfx, .\=.), op(700, xfx, '\u2209'), op(900, fy, not) ]). :- use_module(ops). :- use_module(input). :- use_module(compile). :- use_module(predicates). :- use_module(solve). :- use_module(model). :- use_module(stack). :- use_module(options). :- use_module(listing). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(prolog_code)). :- meta_predicate scasp_model(:), scasp_justification(:, +), not(0), -(:). % one of `false`, `true`, `unicode` or `human` :- create_prolog_flag(scasp_show_model, false, [keep(true), type(atom)]). :- create_prolog_flag(scasp_show_justification, false, [keep(true), type(atom)]). /** Embed sCASP programs in Prolog sources This module allows embedding sCASP programs inside a Prolog module. Currently the syntax is: ``` :- begin_scasp(UnitName[, Exports]). :- end_scasp. ``` The idea is to create wrappers for the sCASP user predicates in the target module that evaluate an sCASP query as a normal Prolog query, providing access to the model and justification. The bindings come available as normal Prolog bindings. This is an alternative interface to defining the user accessible predicates using e.g., `:- scasp p/1, q/2.`, which will then establish the reachable predicates and perform the sCASP conversion on them. I think both have their value and the above one is simpler to start with. @tbd: incomplete */ :- thread_local loading_scasp/3. % Unit, File, Dict %! begin_scasp(+Unit). %! begin_scasp(+Unit, +Exports). % % Start an embedded sCASP program. Exports is a list if predicate % indicators as use_module/2 that defines the sCASP predicates that % are made visible from the enclosing module as Prolog predicates. % These predicates modify the Prolog syntax by: % % - Defining appropriate operators % - Disable singleton checking % % Otherwise the read clauses are asserted verbatim. Directives are % terms #(Directive). Prolog directives (:- Directive) are interpreted % as sCASP __global constraints__. The matching end_scasp/0 compiles % the sCASP program and creates wrappers in the enclosing module that % call the sCASP solver. % % The sCASP code must be closed using end_scasp/0. Both % begin_scasp/1,2 and end_scasp/0 must be used as directives. begin_scasp(Unit) :- begin_scasp(Unit, all). begin_scasp(Unit, Exports) :- scasp_module(Unit, Module), prolog_load_context(module, Context), source_location(File, Line), '$set_source_module'(OldModule, Module), '$declare_module'(Module, scasp, Context, File, Line, false), scasp_push_operators, '$style_check'(OldStyle, OldStyle), style_check(-singleton), discontiguous(Module:(#)/1), asserta(loading_scasp(Unit, File, _{ module:Module, old_module:OldModule, old_style:OldStyle, exports:Exports })). scasp_module(Unit, Module) :- atom_concat('_scasp_', Unit, Module). %! end_scasp % % Close begin_scasp/1,2. See begin_scasp/1,2 for details. end_scasp :- throw(error(context_error(nodirective, end_scasp), _)). end_scasp(Clauses) :- ( retract(loading_scasp(Unit, _File, Dict)) -> _{ old_module:OldModule, old_style:OldStyle, exports:Exports } :< Dict, '$set_source_module'(_, OldModule), scasp_pop_operators, '$style_check'(_, OldStyle), ( Exports == [] -> Options = [unknown(fail)] ; Options = [] ), scasp_compile_unit(Unit, Options), link_clauses(OldModule, Unit, Clauses, Exports) ; throw(error(context_error(scasp_close(-)), _)) ). loading_scasp(Unit) :- source_location(File, _Line), loading_scasp(Unit,File,_). user:term_expansion(end_of_file, _) :- loading_scasp(Unit), print_message(error, scasp(not_closed_program(Unit))), end_scasp, fail. user:term_expansion((:- Constraint), Clause) :- loading_scasp(_), Constraint \== end_scasp, !, Clause = ('_false_0' :- Constraint). user:term_expansion((?- Query), Clause) :- loading_scasp(_), !, Clause = scasp_query(Query, 1). user:term_expansion(#(discontiguous(Preds)), (:- discontiguous(Preds))) :- loading_scasp(_). user:term_expansion(#(pred(Preds)), #(pred(Preds))) :- loading_scasp(_), prolog_load_context(variable_names, Vars), maplist(bind_var, Vars). user:term_expansion((:- end_scasp), Clauses) :- \+ current_prolog_flag(xref, true), end_scasp(Clauses). bind_var(Name = $(Name)). %! scasp_compile_unit(+Unit, +Options) is det. % % Compile an sCASP module. :- thread_local done_unit/1. % allow for mutually recursive #include scasp_compile_unit(Unit, Options) :- call_cleanup(scasp_compile_unit_(Unit, Options), retractall(done_unit(_))). scasp_compile_unit_(Unit, Options) :- scasp_module(Unit, Module), ( current_module(Module) -> true ; existence_error(scasp_unit, Unit) ), findall(Clause, scasp_clause(Unit, Clause), Clauses), scasp_compile(Module:Clauses, Options). %! scasp_clause(+Unit, -Clause) is nondet. % % True when Clause is an sCASP clause or directive defined in Unit. scasp_clause(Unit, _Clause) :- done_unit(Unit), !, fail. scasp_clause(Unit, Clause) :- assertz(done_unit(Unit)), scasp_module(Unit, Module), QHead = Module:Head, predicate_property(QHead, interpreted), \+ scasp_compiled(Head), \+ predicate_property(QHead, imported_from(_)), @(clause(Head, Body), Module), mkclause(Head, Body, Clause). mkclause(scasp_query(Query,_N), true, Clause) => Clause = (?- Query). mkclause(#(include(Unit)), true, Clause) => scasp_clause(Unit, Clause). mkclause(#(Directive), true, Clause) => % TBD: #abducible Clause = #(Directive). mkclause('_false_0', Body, Clause) => Clause = (:- Body). mkclause(Head, true, Clause) => Clause = Head. mkclause(Head, Body, Clause) => Clause = (Head :- Body). %! link_clauses(+ContextModule, +Unit, -Clauses, +Exports) is det. % % Create link clauses that make the user predicates from Unit % available as Prolog predicates from Module. link_clauses(_ContextModule, Unit, Clauses, Exports) :- scasp_module(Unit, Module), findall(Head, link_predicate(Module:Head), Heads), check_exports(Exports, Heads), convlist(link_clause(Module, Exports), Heads, Clauses). link_predicate(Module:Head) :- Module:pr_user_predicate(PI), \+ not_really_a_user_predicate(PI), pi_head(PI, Head). % TBD: merge with user_predicate/1. not_really_a_user_predicate((not)/1). not_really_a_user_predicate(o_nmr_check/0). not_really_a_user_predicate(global_constraints/0). check_exports(all, _) :- !. check_exports(Exports, Heads) :- must_be(list, Exports), maplist(check_export(Heads), Exports). check_export(Heads, -Name/Arity) :- !, atom_concat(-, Name, NName), check_export(Heads, NName/Arity). check_export(Heads, Export) :- pi_head(Export, EHead), % raises an exception on malformed PI. ( memberchk(EHead, Heads) -> true ; existence_error(predicate, Export) ). link_clause(Module, Exports, Head, (Head :- scasp_embed:scasp_call(Module:Head))) :- ( Exports == all -> true ; functor(Head, NName, Arity), atom_concat(-, Name, NName) -> memberchk(-Name/Arity, Exports) ; pi_head(PI, Head), memberchk(PI, Exports) ). %! scasp_call(:Query) % % Solve an sCASP goal from the interactive toplevel :- public scasp_call/1. scasp_call(Query) :- scasp_compile_query(Query, Compiled, []), scasp_stack(StackIn), solve(Compiled, StackIn, StackOut, Model), save_model(Model), Compiled = M:_, % TBD: Properly handle the module save_stack(M:StackOut). %! not(:Query) % % sCASP NaF negation. Note that this conflicts with the deprecated % standard Prolog not/1 predicate which is a synonym for \+/1. Make % sure to load sCASP into a module where you want sCASP negation and % use \+/1 for Prolog negation in this model. not(M:Query) :- clause(M:Query, scasp_embed:scasp_call(Module:Query)), scasp_call(Module:not(Query)). %! -(:Query) % % sCASP classical negation. -(M:Query) :- Query =.. [Name|Args], atom_concat(-, Name, NName), NQuery =.. [NName|Args], clause(M:NQuery, scasp_embed:scasp_call(Module:NQuery)), scasp_call(Module:NQuery). %! save_model(+Model) is det. % % Save the model. % % @tbd We must qualify the model. save_model(Model) :- ( nb_current(scasp_model, Model0) -> append(Model, Model0, FullModel), b_setval(scasp_model, FullModel) ; b_setval(scasp_model, Model) ). %! scasp_model(:Model) is semidet. %! scasp_model(:Model, +Options) is semidet. % % True when Model represents the current set of true and false % literals. scasp_model(M:Model) :- scasp_model(M:Model, []). scasp_model(M:Model, _Options) :- nb_current(scasp_model, RawModel), canonical_model(RawModel, Model1), unqualify_model(Model1, M, Model). save_stack(Stack) :- b_setval(scasp_stack, Stack), justification_tree(Stack, Tree, []), b_setval(scasp_tree, Tree). %! scasp_stack(-Stack) is det. % % True when Stack represents the justification of the current sCASP % answer. scasp_stack(Stack) :- ( nb_current(scasp_stack, Stack0) -> Stack = Stack0 ; Stack = [] ). %! scasp_justification(:Tree, +Options) is semidet. % % Justification for the current sCASP answer. scasp_justification(M:Tree, _Options) :- nb_current(scasp_tree, Tree0), unqualify_justitication_tree(Tree0, M, Tree). %! scasp_listing(+Unit, +Options) % % List the transformed program for Unit scasp_listing(Unit, Options) :- scasp_module(Unit, Module), scasp_portray_program(Module:Options). :- residual_goals(scasp_residuals). %! scasp_residuals// is det. % % Hook into the SWI-Prolog toplevel to add additional goals to the % answer conjunction. Optionally provides the model and justification. scasp_residuals --> { '$current_typein_module'(TypeIn), scasp_residual_types(Types) }, scasp_residuals(Types, TypeIn). scasp_residuals([], _) --> []. scasp_residuals([model(Options)|T], M) --> ( {scasp_model(M:Model, Options)} -> [ scasp_show_model(Model, Options) ] ; [] ), scasp_residuals(T, M). scasp_residuals([justification(Options)|T], M) --> ( {scasp_stack(Stack), Stack \== []} -> [ scasp_show_stack(M:Stack, Options) ] ; [] ), scasp_residuals(T, M). scasp_residual_types(Types) :- findall(Type, scasp_residual_type(Type), Types). scasp_residual_type(model(Options)) :- current_prolog_flag(scasp_show_model, Spec), Spec \== false, res_options(Spec, Options). scasp_residual_type(justification(Options)) :- current_prolog_flag(scasp_show_justification, Spec), Spec \== false, res_options(Spec, Options). res_options(List, Options), is_list(List) => Options = List. res_options(true, Options) => Options = [unicode(true)]. res_options(unicode, Options) => Options = [unicode(true)]. res_options(human, Options) => Options = [human(true)]. user:portray(scasp_show_model(Model, Options)) :- ansi_format(comment, '% s(CASP) model~n', []), print_model(Model, Options). user:portray(scasp_show_stack(M:Stack, Options)) :- ansi_format(comment, '% s(CASP) justification', []), justification_tree(Stack, Tree0, Options), unqualify_justitication_tree(Tree0, M, Tree), print_justification_tree(Tree, [full_stop(false)|Options]). user:portray('\u2209'(V,S)) :- % not element of format('~p \u2209 ~p', [V, S]). /******************************* * HIGHLIGHT SUPPORT * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:alternate_syntax/4, prolog:xref_update_syntax/2. prolog:alternate_syntax(scasp, Module, Setup, Restore) :- Setup = scasp_ops:scasp_push_operators(Module), Restore = scasp_ops:scasp_pop_operators. prolog:xref_update_syntax(begin_scasp(_Unit), Module) :- scasp_ops:scasp_push_operators(Module). prolog:xref_update_syntax(begin_scasp(_Unit, _Exports), Module) :- scasp_ops:scasp_push_operators(Module). prolog:xref_update_syntax(end_scasp, _Module) :- scasp_ops:scasp_pop_operators. :- multifile prolog_colour:term_colours/2. prolog_colour:term_colours(#(Directive), expanded - [DirColours]) :- debug(scasp(highlight), 'Got ~p', [Directive]), dir_colours(Directive, DirColours). dir_colours(pred(_Head::_Template), expanded - [ expanded - [ body, comment(_) ] ]). dir_colours(show(Preds), expanded - [Colours]) :- decl_show_colours(Preds, Colours). dir_colours(include(_Unit), expanded - [ classify ]). dir_colours(discontiguous(_Preds), expanded - [ declarations(discontiguous) ]). decl_show_colours((A,B), Colours) => Colours = classify-[CA,CB], decl_show_colours(A, CA), decl_show_colours(B, CB). decl_show_colours(not(_A), Colours) => Colours = built_in-[declarations(show)]. decl_show_colours(_A, Colours) => Colours = declarations(show).