:- module(scasp_just_html,
[ html_justification_tree//2, % :Tree, +Options
html_model//2, % :Model, +Options
html_bindings//2, % :Bindings, +Options
html_query//2, % :Query, +Options
html_predicate//2, % :Predicate, +Options
html_rule//2 % :Rule, +Options
:- use_module(common).
:- use_module(output).
:- use_module(html_text).
:- use_module(messages).
:- use_module(source_ref).
:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).
:- use_module(library(http/term_html)).
:- use_module(library(http/html_head), []).
:- if(exists_source(library(http/http_server_files))).
:- use_module(library(http/http_server_files), []).
:- endif.
:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(option)).
:- use_module(library(prolog_code)).
:- meta_predicate
html_model(:, +, ?, ?),
html_justification_tree(:, +, ?, ?),
html_query(:, +, ?, ?),
html_predicate(:, +, ?, ?),
html_rule(:, +, ?, ?).
:- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
user:file_search_path(js, library(scasp/web/js)).
user:file_search_path(css, library(scasp/web/css)).
:- html_resource(scasp,
[ virtual(true),
requires([ jquery,
/** Render s(CASP) justification as HTML
%! html_justification_tree(:Tree, +Options)// is det.
% Convert the tree to HTML. The caller should use ovar_analyze_term/1
% on Tree to name variables and identify singletons. This is not done
% in this predicate as the user may or may not wish to combin the the
% variable analysis with the bindings and/or model. Options processed:
% - pred(Boolean)
% When `false` (default `true`), ignore user pred/1 rules.
% - justify_nmr(Boolean)
% When `false` (default `true`), do not omit a justification for
% the global constraints.
:- det(html_justification_tree//2).
html_justification_tree(M:Tree, Options) -->
[ depth(0),
| Options
%! justification_tree(+Tree, +Options)//
% Emit HTML for Tree. Tree is of the format as returned by
% justification_tree/3, a term of the shape Atom-ListOfChildren. The
% first clause deals with mapping subtrees to human descriptions. The
% remainder deals with special cases where there are no global
% constraints. normal_justification_tree/2 deals with the general
% case.
justification_tree(Tree, Options) -->
{ \+ option(show(machine), Options),
option(pred(true), Options, true),
option(module(M), Options),
human_expression(M:Tree, Children, Actions)
( {Children == []}
-> emit(li([ div(class(node),
[ \human_atom(Tree, Actions, Options),
; { incr_indent(Options, Options1),
( Tree == o_nmr_check
-> ExtraClasses = ['scasp-global-constraints']
; ExtraClasses = []
emit(li( class([collapsable|ExtraClasses]),
[ div(class([node, 'collapsable-header']),
[ \human_atom(Tree, Actions, Options),
\connector(implies, Options)
\justification_tree_children(Children, Options1))
justification_tree(query-[Query,o_nmr_check-[]], Options) -->
justification_tree(Query, Options),
justification_tree(query-Children, Options) -->
justification_tree_children(Children, Options),
justification_tree(o_nmr_check-[], _Options) -->
justification_tree(Tree, Options) -->
normal_justification_tree(Tree, Options).
normal_justification_tree(goal_origin(Term, Origin)-[], Options) -->
{ scasp_source_reference_file_line(Origin, File, Line) },
emit(li([ div(class(node),
[ \tree_atom(Term, Options),
\origin(File, Line, Options),
normal_justification_tree(Term-[], Options) -->
emit(li([ div(class(node),
[ \tree_atom(Term, Options),
normal_justification_tree(o_nmr_check-_, Options) -->
{ option(justify_nmr(false), Options) },
normal_justification_tree(goal_origin(Term, Origin)-Children, Options) -->
{ incr_indent(Options, Options1),
( Term == o_nmr_check
-> ExtraClasses = ['scasp-global-constraints']
; ExtraClasses = []
scasp_source_reference_file_line(Origin, File, Line)
[ div(class([node, 'collapsable-header']),
[ \tree_atom(Term, Options),
\connector(implies, Options),
\origin(File, Line, Options)
\justification_tree_children(Children, Options1))
normal_justification_tree(Term-Children, Options) -->
{ incr_indent(Options, Options1),
( Term == o_nmr_check
-> ExtraClasses = ['scasp-global-constraints']
; ExtraClasses = []
[ div(class([node, 'collapsable-header']),
[ \tree_atom(Term, Options),
\connector(implies, Options)
\justification_tree_children(Children, Options1))
justification_tree_children([A,B|Rs], Options) -->
justification_tree(A, [connect(and)|Options]),
justification_tree_children([B|Rs], Options).
justification_tree_children([A], Options) -->
justification_tree(A, Options).
connect(Options) -->
{ option(connect(Connector), Options) },
connector(Connector, Options).
connect(_) -->
%! human_atom(+Tree, +Human, +Options)// is det.
% @tbd Deal with Human == '', deleting the node.
human_atom(Atom-_Children, Actions, Options) -->
{ css_classes(Options, Classes),
scasp_atom_string(Atom, String)
[ span([class(human), title(String)],
span(class(Classes), \actions(Actions, Options))),
span(class(machine), \machine_atom(Atom, Options))
tree_atom(Atom, Options) -->
{ option(show(machine), Options) },
span(class(machine), \machine_atom(Atom, Options)))).
tree_atom(Atom, Options) -->
{ scasp_atom_string(Atom, String)
[ span([class(human), title(String)], \atom(Atom, Options)),
span(class(machine), \machine_atom(Atom, Options))
scasp_atom_string(Atom, String) :-
print_model_term_v(Atom, [])).
print_model_term_v(Atom, Options) :-
\+ \+ ( inline_constraints(Atom, Options),
print_model_term(Atom, Options)
%! html_model(:Model, +Options)// is det.
% Emit the model as HTML terms. We export the model as a dict with
% nested model terms.
html_model(M:Model, Options) -->
{ ( option(class(Class), Options)
-> Classes = [Class]
; Classes = []
Options1 = [module(M)|Options]
\sequence(model_term_r(Options1), Model))).
model_term_r(Options, Atom) -->
{ scasp_atom_string(Atom, String)
[ span([class(human), title(String)], \atom(Atom, Options)),
span(class(machine), \machine_atom(Atom, Options))
%! html_bindings(+Bindings, +Options)//
% Print the variable bindings.
html_bindings([], _Options) -->
html_bindings([H|T], Options) -->
( {T==[]}
-> html_binding(H, [last(true)|Options])
; html_binding(H, Options),
html_bindings(T, Options)
html_binding(Name=Value, Options) -->
[ var(Name),
' = ',
\scasp_term(Value, Options),
connect_binding(Options) -->
{ option(last(true), Options) },
connect_binding(_Options) -->
%! html_query(:Query, +Options)//
% Emit the query. This rule accepts the query both in s(CASP) and
% normal Prolog notation.
:- det(html_query//2).
html_query(M:Query, Options) -->
{ ( is_list(Query)
-> prolog_query(Query, Prolog)
; Prolog = Query
comma_list(Prolog, List0),
clean_query(List0, List)
[ div(class(human),
[ div(class('scasp-query-title'),
'I would like to know if'),
\query_terms(List, [module(M)|Options])
[ '?- ', \term(Prolog, [numbervars(true)|Options])
html_query(_, _) -->
emit(div(class(comment), '% No query')).
prolog_query([not(o_false)], _) =>
prolog_query(List, Query), is_list(List) =>
clean_query(List, List1),
( List1 == []
-> Query = true
; comma_list(Query, List1)
clean_query(Q0, Q) :-
delete(Q0, o_nmr_check, Q1),
delete(Q1, true, Q).
query_terms([], Options) -->
query_term(true, Options).
query_terms([H1,H2|T], Options) -->
query_term(H1, [connect(and)|Options]),
query_terms([H2|T], Options).
query_terms([Last], Options) -->
{ option(end(End), Options, ?)
query_term(Last, [connect(End)|Options]).
query_term(Term, Options) -->
[ \atom(Term, Options),
%! html_predicate(:Rules, Options)//
html_predicate(M:Clauses, Options) -->
\sequence(html_rule_r(M, Options), Clauses))).
html_rule_r(M, Options, Clause) -->
html_rule(M:Clause, Options).
%! html_rule(:Rule, +Options)//
html_rule(Rule, Options) -->
{ ovar_analyze_term(Rule) },
html_rule_(Rule, Options),
{ ovar_clean(Rule) }.
html_rule_(M:(Head :- Body), Options) -->
{ MOptions = [module(M)|Options]
[ div(class('scasp-head'),
[ \atom(Head, MOptions),
', if'
\html_body(Body, [end(.)|MOptions]))
html_rule_(M:Head, Options) -->
[ \atom(Head, [module(M)|Options]),
\connector('.', Options)
html_body(forall(X, not(Goal)), Options) -->
[ 'there exist no ', \scasp_term(X, Options),
' for which ', \atom(Goal, Options)
html_body(Body, Options) -->
{ comma_list(Body, List) },
query_terms(List, Options).
%! atom(+SCASPAtom, +Options)//
% Emit an s(CASP) atom with annotations as they appear in the model
% and justification.
atom(not(GlobalConstraint), Options) -->
{ is_global_constraint(GlobalConstraint, N)
utter(global_constraint(N), Options).
atom(not(Term), Options) -->
utter(not(Term), [class(not)|Options]).
atom(-Term, Options) -->
utter(-(Term), [class(neg)|Options]).
atom(proved(Term), Options) -->
utter(proved(Term), [class(proved)|Options]).
atom(assume(Term), Options) -->
utter(assume(Term), [class(assume)|Options]).
atom(chs(Term), Options) -->
utter(chs(Term), [class(chs)|Options]).
atom(abduced(Term), Options) -->
utter(abduced(Term), [class(abducible)|Options]).
atom(M:Term, Options) -->
{ atom(M) },
atom(Term, [module(M)|Options]).
atom(o_nmr_check, Options) -->
utter(global_constraints_hold, Options).
atom(is(Value,Expr), Options) -->
{ format(string(S), '~p is ~p', [Expr, Value]),
css_classes(Options, Classes)
emit(span(class([arithmetic|Classes]), S)).
atom(Comp, Options) -->
{ human_connector(Comp, Text),
Comp =.. [_,Left,Right]
{ format(string(S), '~p ~w ~p', [Left,Text,Right]),
css_classes(Options, Classes)
emit(span(class([arithmetic|Classes]), S)).
atom(Term, Options) -->
{ option(pred(true), Options, true),
option(module(DefM), Options),
option(source_module(M), Options, DefM),
human_expression(M:(Term-[]), [], Actions),
css_classes(Options, Classes)
emit(span(class(Classes), \actions(Actions, Options))).
atom(Term, Options) -->
utter(holds(Term), Options).
%! utter(+Expression, +Options)
utter(global_constraints_hold, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(global_constraints_hold, Text) },
utter(global_constraint(N), _Options) -->
{ human_connector(global_constraint(N), Text) },
utter(not(-(Atom)), Options) -->
{ human_connector(may, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(not(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(not, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(-(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(-, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(proved(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(proved, Text) },
atom(Atom, Options),
emit([', ', Text]).
utter(chs(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(chs, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(abduced(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(abducible, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(according_to(File, Line), _Options) -->
{ human_connector(according_to, Text) },
span(class(human), [' [', Text, ' ~w:~w]'-[File, Line]]))).
utter(assume(Atom), Options) -->
{ human_connector(assume, Text) },
emit([Text, ' ']),
atom(Atom, Options).
utter(holds(Atom), Options) -->
{ css_classes(Options, Classes) },
( { atom(Atom) }
-> { human_connector(holds, Text) },
emit([span(class(Classes), Atom), Text])
; { Atom =.. [Name|Args] }
-> { human_connector(holds_for, Text) },
emit([span(class(Classes), Name), Text]),
list(Args, Options)
css_classes(Options, [atom|Classes]) :-
findall(Class, member(class(Class), Options), Classes0),
( Classes0 == []
-> Classes = [pos]
; Classes = Classes0
:- det(scasp_term//2).
scasp_term(Var, Options) -->
{ var(Var) },
var(Var, Options).
scasp_term(@(Var:''), Options) -->
{ var(Var)
var(Var, Options).
scasp_term(@(Var:Type), Options) -->
{ var(Var)
typed_var(Var, Type, Options).
scasp_term(@(Value:''), Options) -->
scasp_term(Value, Options).
scasp_term(@(Value:Type), Options) -->
emit('the ~w '-[Type]),
scasp_term(Value, Options).
scasp_term(Term, _Options) -->
{ var_number(Term, _) },
scasp_term('| '(Var, {Constraints}), Options) -->
inlined_var(Var, Constraints, Options).
scasp_term(Term, _Options) -->
{ emitting_as(plain) },
[ ansi(code, '~p', [Term]) ].
scasp_term(Term, Options) -->
term(Term, [numbervars(true)|Options]).
%! var(+Var, +Options)//
% Handle a variable, optionally with constraints and annotated using
% ovar_analyze_term/2.
var(Var, Options) -->
{ copy_term(Var, Copy),
inline_constraints(Copy, Options),
Copy = '| '(V, {Constraints})
inlined_var(V, Constraints, Options).
var(Var, _Options) -->
{ ovar_var_name(Var, Name)
var(_, _) -->
%! inlined_var(+Var, +Constraint, +Options)//
% Deal with constraints as represented after inline_constraints/2.
inlined_var(Var, Constraints, Options) -->
{ Constraints = '\u2209'(Var, List),
Var == '$VAR'('_')
( {List = [One]}
-> emit('anything except for '),
scasp_term(One, Options)
; emit('anything except for '),
list(List, [last_connector(or)|Options])
inlined_var(Var, Constraints, Options) -->
{ Constraints = '\u2209'(Var, List),
Var = '$VAR'(Name)
( {List = [One]}
-> {human_connector(neq, Text)},
emit([var(Name), ' ', Text, ' ']),
scasp_term(One, Options)
; {human_connector(not_in, Text)},
emit([var(Name), ' ', Text, ' ']),
list(List, [last_connector(or)|Options])
inlined_var(Var, Constraints, Options) -->
{ comma_list(Constraints, CLPQ)
clpq(Var, CLPQ, Options).
%! clpq(@Var, +Constraints, +Options)//
clpq(Var, [Constraint|More], Options) -->
{ compound(Constraint),
Constraint =.. [_,A,B],
Var == A,
human_connector(Constraint, Text),
( nonvar(Var),
Var = '$VAR'(Name)
-> Id = var(Name)
; Id = number
emit(['any ', Id, ' ', Text, ' ']),
scasp_term(B, Options),
( {More == []}
-> []
; emit(' and '),
clpq_and(More, Var, Options)
clpq_and([Constraint|More], Var, Options) -->
{ compound(Constraint),
Constraint =.. [_,A,B],
A == Var,
human_connector(Constraint, Text)
emit([Text, ' ']),
scasp_term(B, Options),
( {More == []}
-> []
; emit(' and '),
clpq_and(More, Var, Options)
%! typed_var(@Var, +Type, +Options)//
typed_var(Var, Type, Options) -->
{ copy_term(Var, Copy),
inline_constraints(Copy, Options),
Copy = '| '(V, {Constraints})
inlined_typed_var(V, Type, Constraints, Options).
typed_var(Var, Type, _Options) -->
{ ovar_var_name(Var, Name)
emit([var(Name), ', a ', Type]).
typed_var(_Var, Type, _Options) -->
emit(['a ', Type]).
inlined_typed_var(Var, Type, Constraints, Options) -->
{ Constraints = '\u2209'(Var, List),
Var == '$VAR'('_')
( {List = [One]}
-> emit(['any ', Type, ' except for ']),
scasp_term(One, Options)
; emit(['any ', Type, ' except for ']),
list(List, [last_connector(or)|Options])
inlined_typed_var(Var, Type, Constraints, Options) -->
{ Constraints = '\u2209'(Var, List),
Var = '$VAR'(Name)
( {List = [One]}
-> emit([var(Name), ', a ', Type, ' other than ']),
scasp_term(One, Options)
; emit([var(Name), ', a ', Type, ' not ']),
list(List, [last_connector(or)|Options])
inlined_typed_var(Var, Type, Constraints, Options) --> % TBD: include type in NLP
{ comma_list(Constraints, CLPQ)
clpq(Var, CLPQ, [type(Type)|Options]).
%! list(+Elements, +Options) is det.
% Emit a collection as "a, b, and c"
list([L1,L], Options) -->
{ option(last_connector(Conn), Options, and),
human_connector(Conn, Text)
scasp_term(L1, Options),
emit(', ~w '-[Text]),
scasp_term(L, Options).
list([H|T], Options) -->
scasp_term(H, Options),
( {T==[]}
-> []
; emit(', '),
list(T, Options)
actions([], _) --> [].
actions([H|T], Options) -->
action(H, Options),
actions(T, Options).
action(text(S), _) -->
action(Term, Options) -->
scasp_term(Term, Options).
%! connector(+Meaning, +Options)//
% Emit a logical connector.
connector(and, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(and, Text) },
emit([ span(class(human), [', ', Text]),
span(class(machine), ',')
connector(not, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(not, Text) },
emit([ span(class(human), [Text, ' ']),
span(class(machine), 'not ')
connector(-, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(-, Text) },
emit([ span(class(human), [Text, ' ']),
span(class(machine), '\u00ac ')
connector(implies, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(implies, Text) },
emit([ span(class(human), [', ', Text]),
span(class(machine), ' \u2190')
connector(?, _Options) -->
{ human_connector(?, Text) },
emit([ span(class(human), Text),
span(class(machine), '.')
connector('.', _Options) -->
emit([ span(class('full-stop'), '.')
human_connector(Term, Connector) :-
phrase(scasp_justification_message(Term), List),
( List = [Connector]
-> true
; Connector = List
full_stop(_Options) -->
emit('\u220e'). % QED block
incr_indent(Options0, [depth(D)|Options2]) :-
select_option(depth(D0), Options0, Options1),
select_option(connect(_), Options1, Options2, _),
D is D0+1.
%! machine_atom(+SCASPAtom, +Options)//
% Emit an s(CASP) atom with annotations as they appear in the model
% and justification.
machine_atom(not(Term), Options) -->
emit([span(class([connector,not]), not), ' ']),
machine_atom(Term, [class(not)|Options]).
machine_atom(-Term, Options) -->
emit([span(class([connector,neg]), '\u00ac'), ' ']),
machine_atom(Term, [class(neg)|Options]).
machine_atom(proved(Term), Options) -->
emit([ span(class([connector,proved]), proved), '(',
\machine_atom(Term, [class(proved)|Options]),
machine_atom(assume(Term), Options) -->
emit([ span(class([connector,assume]), assume), '(',
\machine_atom(Term, [class(assume)|Options]),
machine_atom(chs(Term), Options) -->
emit([ span(class([connector,chs]), chs), '(',
\machine_atom(Term, [class(chs)|Options]),
machine_atom(M:Term, Options) -->
{ atom(M) },
emit(span(class(module), [M,:])),
machine_atom(Term, [module(M)|Options]).
machine_atom(Term, Options) -->
{ css_classes(Options, Classes),
merge_options(Options, [numbervars(true)], WOptions)
emit(span(class(Classes), \term(Term, WOptions))).
:- multifile
term_html:portray(Term, Options) -->
{ nonvar(Term),
Term = '| '(Var, Constraints)
term(Var, Options),
emit(' | '),
term(Constraints, Options).
origin(File, Line, Options) -->
{ option(source(true), Options) },
utter(according_to(File, Line), Options).
origin(_, _, _) --> [].