:- module(scasp_stack, [ justification_tree/3, % :Stack, -JustTree, +Options print_justification_tree/1, % :JustTree print_justification_tree/2, % :JustTree, +Options unqualify_justitication_tree/3 % +TreeIn, +Module, -TreeOut ]). :- use_module(predicates). :- use_module(common). :- use_module(modules). :- use_module(output). :- autoload(library(apply), [maplist/3]). :- autoload(library(lists), [reverse/2, append/3]). :- autoload(library(option), [option/2, merge_options/3, option/3, select_option/3]). :- meta_predicate justification_tree(:, -, +), print_justification_tree(:), print_justification_tree(:, +). :- multifile justification_tree_hook/2. %! justification_tree(:Stack, -JustificationTree, +Options) % % Process Stack as produced by solve/4 into a justification tree. % Options include: % % % % The `tree` format is defined as follows. % % - The tree as a whole is module-qualified with the same % module as the input Stack. % - Each node takes the shape `Node-Children`, where `Node` % is an _atom_ (in the logical sense) and `Children` is % a (possibly empty) list of sub-trees that justify the % `Node`. % - Nodes (_atom_) may be wrapped in one or more of % - not(Node) % NAF negation % - -(Node) % Classical negation % - chs(Node) % Node was proven by co-induction ("it is assumed that ...") % - proved(Node) % Node was proven before ("justified above") % - assume(Node) % Node was assumed (matching chs(Node)). % % The root node has the atom `query` and has two children: the actual % query and the atom `o_nmr_check` which represents the global % constraints. :- det(justification_tree/3). justification_tree(M:Stack, M:JustificationTree, Options) :- reverse(Stack, RevStack), stack_tree([query|RevStack], Trees), filter_tree(Trees, M, [JustificationTree], Options). %! stack_tree(+Stack, -Tree) is det. % % Translate the solver Stack into a tree. The solver stack is % represented as a flat list of proved goals where `[]` indicates % _this branch is complete_. Here are some examples % % [p, []] p-[] % [p, q, [], []] p-[q-[]] % [p, q, [], r, [], []] p-[q-[],r-[]] % % We maintain a stack of difference lists in the 4th argument. % On encountering a `[]` we pop this stack. stack_tree(Stack, Tree) :- stack_tree(Stack, Tree, [], []). stack_tree([], Children0, Children, []) => Children = Children0. stack_tree([[]|Stack], Children0, Children, [T0/T|Parents]) => Children = Children0, stack_tree(Stack, T0, T, Parents). stack_tree([H|Stack], Tree, T, Parents) => Tree = [H-Children|T0], stack_tree(Stack, Children, [], [T0/T|Parents]). %! filter_tree(+Children, +Module, -FilteredChildren, +Options) % % Clean the tree from less interesting details. By default removes % auxiliary nodes created as part of the compilation and the NMR proof % if this is empty. Additional filtering is based on Options: % % - pos(true) % Remove all not(_) nodes from the tree. filter_tree([],_,[], _) :- !. filter_tree([goal_origin(_,_)-[_,goal_origin(Abd, O)-_]|Cs], M, [goal_origin(abduced(Atom), O)-[]|Fs], Options) :- abduction_justification(Abd, Atom), !, filter_tree(Cs, M, Fs, Options). filter_tree([proved(Abd)-[]|Cs], M, [proved(Atom)-[]|Fs], Options) :- abduction_justification(Abd, Atom), !, filter_tree(Cs, M, Fs, Options). filter_tree([goal_origin(Term0,O)-Children|Cs], M, Tree, Options) :- filter_pos(Term0, Options), raise_negation(Term0, Term), selected(Term, M), !, filter_tree(Children, M, FChildren, Options), Tree = [goal_origin(Term, O)-FChildren|Fs], filter_tree(Cs, M, Fs, Options). filter_tree([Term0-Children|Cs], M, Tree, Options) :- filter_pos(Term0, Options), raise_negation(Term0, Term), selected(Term, M), !, filter_tree(Children, M, FChildren, Options), ( Term == o_nmr_check, FChildren == [] -> Tree = Fs ; Tree = [Term-FChildren|Fs] ), filter_tree(Cs, M, Fs, Options). filter_tree([_-Childs|Cs], M, FilterChildren, Options) :- append(Childs, Cs, AllCs), filter_tree(AllCs, M, FilterChildren, Options). %! filter_pos(+Node, +Options) is semidet. % % Filter negated nodes when ``--pos`` is active. We should _not_ % filter the global constraint nodes. filter_pos(not(GC), _Options), is_global_constraint(GC) => true. filter_pos(not(_), Options) => \+ option(pos(true), Options). filter_pos(_, _) => true. selected(query, _) => true. selected(proved(_), _) => true. selected(chs(_), _) => true. selected(assume(_), _) => true. selected(not(-Goal), _) => \+ aux_predicate(Goal). selected(not(Goal), _) => \+ aux_predicate(Goal). selected(-(Goal), M) => selected(Goal, M). selected(is(_,_), _) => true. selected(_>_, _) => true. selected(_>=_, _) => true. selected(_<_, _) => true. selected(_=<_, _) => true. selected(Goal, M) => ( aux_predicate(Goal) -> fail ; ( current_predicate(M:pr_user_predicate/1) -> user_predicate(M:Goal) ; true ) -> true ; is_global_constraint(Goal) ). aux_predicate(-(o_,_)) :- !. % copied from io.pl aux_predicate(A) :- functor(A, Name, _Arity), sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, o_), \+ is_global_constraint(Name). is_global_constraint(o_nmr_check) :- !. is_global_constraint(Atom) :- atom(Atom), atom_concat(o_chk_, NA, Atom), atom_number(NA, _). abduction_justification(Abd, Atom) :- Abd =.. [F, Atom], abduction_justification_(F). abduction_justification_(F) :- sub_atom(F, _, _, 0, 'abducible$'), !. abduction_justification_(abducible). %! print_justification_tree(:Tree) is det. %! print_justification_tree(:Tree, +Options) is det. % % Print the justification tree as returned by justification_tree/3 or % scasp_justification/2. The tree is printed to the current output % stream. Options: % % - format(+Format) % One of `unicode` (default) or `ascii`. % - depth(+Integer) % Initial indentation (0) % - indent(+Integer) % Indent increment per level (3). % - full_stop(+Bool) % End the tree with a full stop and newline. If `false`, % it ends with the last atom. print_justification_tree(Tree) :- print_justification_tree(Tree, []). :- det(print_justification_tree/2). print_justification_tree(Tree, Options) :- justification_tree_hook(Tree, Options), !. print_justification_tree(M:Tree, Options) :- merge_options(Options, [depth(0),module(M)], Options1), plain_output(Tree, Options1), ( option(full_stop(true), Options, true) -> format(".~n", []) ; true ). %! plain_output(+FilterChildren, +Options) plain_output(goal_origin(Term, _)-Children, Options) :- !, plain_output(Term-Children, Options). plain_output(Term-[], Options) :- !, option(depth(D), Options), Indent is D*3, nl_indent(Indent), term(Term, Options). plain_output(Term-Children, Options) :- !, select_option(depth(D), Options, Options1), option(indent(Width), Options1, 3), Indent is D*Width, connector(implies, Conn, Options), nl_indent(Indent), term(Term, Options), format(" ~w",[Conn]), D1 is D+1, plain_output_children(Children, [depth(D1)|Options1]). nl_indent(Indent) :- format('~N~t~*|', [Indent]). plain_output_children([A,B|Rs], Options) :- !, plain_output(A, Options), connector(and, Conn, Options), format("~w",[Conn]), plain_output_children([B|Rs], Options). plain_output_children([A], Options) :- !, plain_output(A, Options). %! term(+Node, +Options) is det. % % Print a, possibly annotated, stack atom. term(proved(Term), Options) => term1(proved, Term, Options). term(assume(Term), Options) => term1(assume, Term, Options). term(chs(Term), Options) => term1(chs, Term, Options). term(Term, Options) => print_model_term(Term, Options). term1(Functor, Arg, Options) :- print_connector(Functor, Options), format('(', []), print_model_term(Arg, Options), format(')', []). %! unqualify_justitication_tree(:TreeIn, +Module, -TreeOut) is det. % % Unqualify the nodes in TreeIn, turning the nodes qualified to module % Module into plain nodes. :- det(unqualify_justitication_tree/3). unqualify_justitication_tree(_:Tree0, Module, Tree) :- is_list(Tree0), !, maplist(unqualify_just(Module), Tree0, Tree). unqualify_justitication_tree(_:Tree0, Module, Tree) :- unqualify_just(Module, Tree0, Tree). unqualify_just(M, Node0-Children0, Node-Children) :- unqualify_model_term(M, Node0, Node), maplist(unqualify_just(M), Children0, Children).