% fact for each vertex(N). vertex(0). vertex(1). vertex(2). % fact for each edge edge(U, V). edge(0, 1). edge(1, 2). edge(2, 0). reachable(V) :- chosen(U, V), reachable(U). reachable(0) :- chosen(V, 0). % Every vertex must be reachable. :- vertex(U), not reachable(U). % Choose exactly one edge from each vertex. other(U, V) :- vertex(U), vertex(V), vertex(W), edge(U, W), V \= W, chosen(U, W). chosen(U, V) :- edge(U, V), not other(U, V). % You cannot choose two edges to the same vertex :- chosen(U, W), chosen(V, W), U \= V. ?- chosen(1,2).