[Global] CurrentProject=PrologARC.vpj [ProjectDates] PrologARC.vpj=20230627054014401 [ActiveConfig] PrologARC.vpj=Release [TreeExpansion2] - PrologARC.vpj - ..\ + shared\.devcontainer + kaggle_arc_new\.history + kaggle_arc\.ipynb_checkpoints + kaggle_arc_new\.ipynb_checkpoints + kaggle_arc\.notebook + tmp + kaggle_arc_new\.notebook + tmp + kaggle_arc_new\.q_file_picker + kaggle_arc\.unotes + templates + kaggle_arc_new\.unotes + templates + ILP\.vscode + kaggle_arc\.vs + kaggle_arc\.vscode + kaggle_arc_new\.vs + kaggle_arc_new\.vscode + ARC-Others + arc-dsl + arc_too - ILP + problog\.circleci + Anime_Studio_AnimAI\.github + Discussions + 1 + Body + OldVersions + Title + URLL + Funding + OldVersions + ISSUE_TEMPLATE + Issues + PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE + Pull_Requests + OldVersions + English + 1 + 1-100 + Security + OldVersions + 1 + 1-100 + SocialPreview + Unused + workflowArchives + GitHub-Pages + Jekyll + Static-HTML + Linting + Super-linter + YAML + Makefile + Red + Linux + Super-linter + YAML + Lint + workflows + ciao\.github + workflows + deepproblog\.github + ISSUE_TEMPLATE + workflows + deepstochlog\.github + workflows + evals\.github + ISSUE_TEMPLATE + workflows + upl\.github + workflows + ciao\.gitlab + issue_templates + merge_request_templates + TypesAndProofs\.idea + inspectionProfiles + 1-Maze State Transition using Aleph + 2-Maze State Transition using Metagol + 3-Planning in Maze using Prolog + 4-Extract Planning Rules using Metagol + aaai23-disco + data + dropk + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + droplast + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + e2 + data + md + progs + trains + progs + evens + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + finddup + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + iggp-attrition + data + test + goal + legal + next_claim_made_by + next_control + terminal + train + goal + legal + next_claim_made_by + next_control + terminal + programs + results + iggp-buttons + data + test + train + programs + results + iggp-buttons-goal + data + test + train + programs + results + iggp-centipede + data + test + goal + legal + next_blackPayoff + next_claim_made_by + next_whitePayoff + terminal + train + goal + legal + next_blackPayoff + next_claim_made_by + next_whitePayoff + terminal + programs + results + iggp-coins + data + test + train + programs + results + iggp-coins-goal + data + test + train + programs + results + iggp-minimal-decay + data + test + train + programs + results + iggp-rps + data + test + train + programs + results + imdb1 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + imdb2 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + imdb3 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + krk + data + test + train + programs + results + krk2 + data + train + programs + last + aleph + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + len + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + preprocessing + iggp-attrition + iggp-buttons + iggp-buttons-goal + iggp-centipede + iggp-coins + iggp-coins-goal + iggp-minimal-decay + iggp-rps + imdb + krk + trains + zendo1 + zendo2 + zendo3 + zendo4 + sorted + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + sumlist + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + trains1 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + trains2 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + trains3 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + trains4 + data + aleph + test + train + programs + results + zendo1 + data + test + train + programs + results + zendo2 + data + test + train + programs + results + zendo3 + data + test + train + programs + results + zendo4 + data + test + train + programs + results + popper + popper2 + lp + popper + lp + scaling + results + AAby + 2016 + 10 + 23 + defining-web-pages-web-sites-and-web-captures + 2023 + 03 + 25 + the-fight-continues + 2306.1.0 + en_US + about + account + addons + detail + wayback-machine + app + amazon-alexa + apps + blog + learn-more + components + ia-third-party-auth + npm + @webcomponents + webcomponentsjs + lit + details + donate + en-US + firefox + addon + wayback-machine_new + global-elements + global-header + v1 + assets + I + images + img + includes + build + css + js + intent + pin + create + button + projects + services + img + sharer + store + apps + us + app + wayback-machine + v2 + amp + components + musickit-components + v3 + web.archive.org + _static + css + images + toolbar + js + web + webstore + detail + wayback-machine + widgets + share + wiki + ajax.googleapis.com + ajax + libs + jquery + 1.11.0 + jqueryui + 1.10.4 + themes + smoothness + Aleph + abduce + constraints + features + gcws + genealogy + good + interactive + modes + mycodes + numbers + portray + posonly + Prolog + recursion + refine + sentences + trains + tree + Anime_Studio_AnimAI + Docs + OldVersions + AUTHORS + English + 1 + 1-100 + AUTOMATE2001 + CODEOWNERS + CONTRIBUTING + 1 + 1-100 + COPYING + English + 1 + 1-100 + CREDITS + English + 1 + 1-100 + Desktop.ini + EDITORCONFIG + 1 + 1-100 + GITATTRIBUTES + 1 + 1-100 + GITIGNORE + 1 + 1-100 + INITIAL_COMMIT + INSTALL + English + 1 + 1-100 + ISSUE_TEMPLATE + CONFIG + YML + ISSUE-TEMPLATE + 1 + 1-100 + MISCELLANEOUS + YML + KDESKTOP + LICENSE + GPL3 + MAKEFILE + 1 + 1-100 + PROJECT_LANGUAGE + Prolog + Red + PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE + README + English + 1 + ROOTFILES + RepoData + Description + GitHub + OldVersions + English + USA + atre nocache + atre + Sp38 + Library + Clpfd + x86-win32-nt-4 + Bdb + Chr + Clpfd + Db + Jasper + Tcltk + aurox-lang + doc + examples + src + c + modules + Automated-Logical-Systems + src + Azul_Board_Game + Bayesian-MIL-active-learning + bee_experiment + results_active + results_passive + fsa_experiment + results_active + results_passive + scripts + bonguard + Bongard-LOGO + Bongard-LOGO_Baselines + bongard + configs + configs_FF + configs_PS + configs_V2 + datasets + docker + models + scripts + utils + bongard + sampler + data + docker + examples + 00-rectangle_vs_circle + demo + png + 0 + 1 + ps + 0 + 1 + 01-convex_vs_concave + demo + png + 0 + 1 + ps + 0 + 1 + 02-bongard_logo + demo + bd + ff + hd + 03-horizontal_alignment_vs_vertical_alignment + demo + png + 0 + 1 + ps + 0 + 1 + galleries + human_designed_shapes_preview + images_hd + shapes + png + arrow + circle + classic + normal + square + triangle + zigzag + requirements + bongard-problems + p001 + p002 + p003 + p004 + p005 + p006 + p007 + p008 + p009 + p010 + p011 + p012 + p013 + p014 + p015 + p016 + p017 + p018 + p019 + p020 + p021 + p022 + p023 + p024 + p025 + p026 + p027 + p028 + p029 + p030 + p031 + p032 + p033 + p034 + p035 + p036 + p037 + p038 + p039 + p040 + p041 + p042 + p043 + p044 + p045 + p046 + p047 + p048 + p049 + p050 + p051 + p052 + p053 + p054 + p055 + p056 + p057 + p058 + p059 + p060 + p061 + p062 + p063 + p064 + p065 + p066 + p067 + p068 + p069 + p070 + p071 + p072 + p073 + p074 + p075 + p076 + p078 + p079 + p080 + p081 + p082 + p083 + p084 + p085 + p086 + p087 + p088 + p089 + p090 + p091 + p092 + p093 + p094 + p095 + p096 + p097 + p098 + p099 + p100 + p101 + p102 + p103 + p104 + p105 + p106 + p107 + p108 + p109 + p110 + p111 + p112 + p113 + p114 + p115 + p116 + p117 + p118 + p119 + p120 + p121 + p122 + p123 + p124 + p125 + p126 + p127 + p128 + p129 + p130 + p131 + p132 + p133 + p134 + p135 + p136 + p137 + p138 + p139 + p140 + p141 + p142 + p143 + p144 + p145 + p146 + p147 + p148 + p149 + p150 + p151 + p152 + p153 + p154 + p155 + p156 + p157 + p158 + p159 + p160 + p161 + p162 + p163 + p164 + p165 + p166 + p167 + p168 + p169 + p170 + p171 + p172 + p173 + p174 + p175 + p176 + p177 + p178 + p179 + p180 + p181 + p182 + p183 + p184 + p185 + p186 + p187 + p188 + p189 + p190 + p191 + p192 + p193 + p194 + p195 + p196 + p197 + p198 + p199 + p200 + p201 + p202 + p203 + p204 + p205 + p206 + p207 + p208 + p209 + p210 + p211 + p212 + p213 + p214 + p215 + p216 + p217 + p218 + p219 + p220 + p221 + p222 + p223 + p224 + p225 + p226 + p227 + p228 + p229 + p230 + p231 + p232 + bottom_up + experiment + chess + chess_results + results_bu1 + results_bu2 + results_bu3 + results_metagol + string + string_results + 2-clauses + 3-clauses + 4-clauses + system + metagol + topinv + buttons.github.io + c4.5r8 + R8 + Data + Doc + Src + ccsu.blackboard.com + ch4_pl + ciao + builder + cmds + dist + ci-status + etc + licenses + doc + Manifest + sh_boot + sh_src + config-sysdep + src + bundlehooks + mac + rpm + win32 + core + cmds + changelog_tools + ciao-serve + doc + common + Win32Native + internals + engine + unicode_gen + examples + general + misc + lib + assertions + pp + examples + attr + examples + basicmodes + bundle + cmdline + compiler + emugen + concurrency + examples + Attic + condcomp + examples + datafacts + dcg + debugger + dynamic + dynamic_clauses + examples + foreign_interface + embedding_example + examples + addresses + any_term + bignums + byte_lists + c++ + exceptions + foreign_init + foreign_low + int_lists + math + newtype + strings_and_atoms + fsmemo + inliner + examples + isomodes + metaprops + metatypes + modes + noprelude + optparse + process + pure + regtypes + restricted_syntax + rtchecks + examples + string_type + varnames + write_c + library + actmod + examples + nameserver + actmod_http + andorra + examples + argnames + examples + tests + bf + examples + block + examples + classic + clpfd + clpq + clpqr + examples + clpr + tests + det_hook + examples + dialect + doccomments + examples + emacs + expander + examples + factsdb + examples + persdb + user + fibers + file_locks + freeze + examples + fsyntax + examples + fuzzy_search + graphs + hrtime + examples + http + http_get + id + examples + indexer + examples + tests + iso_strict + layout_dcg + lazy + examples + librowser + markdown + examples + md5sum + menu + examples + modblobs + persdb + examples + tests + pillow + examples + random + regexp + runtime_ops + service + sha1 + examples + sockets + examples + source_tree + sr + examples + stream_wait + symfnames + examples + syntax_highlight + tabling + benchmark + examples + timeout + tests + toplevel + toplevel_proc + traits + examples + vcs + when + xrefs + Manifest + Win32 + clpset-miniKanren + code.jquery.com + cogent + algebra + CellDivision + 921455125 + 884693160 + 884693760 + 884693865 + 885235767 + 885236228 + 885236338 + 885236357 + 885242377 + 885248449 + 884693163 + 884693416 + 884693429 - Chapter3 Arithmetic + 802880880 + 802880892 + 802880946 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + Scripts - 821707088 + 802880892 + 802880946 - 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + Scripts + 836652452 + 821728430 + 836652582 + 836652585 + 836654178 + 836666067 + 836652464 + 802881019 + 802881064 + 821715332 + 822332015 + 836664408 + Scripts + 836674827 + 821728430 + 836674933 + 836674935 + 836675194 + 836675322 + 836674848 + 802881019 + 802881064 + 821715332 + 822332015 + 836675068 + Scripts + 849878166 + 821728430 + 836652582 + 836652585 + 836654178 + 836666067 + 836652464 + 802881019 + 802881064 + 821715332 + 822332015 + 836664408 + 885834136 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + 885835939 + 885836013 + Scripts + 888426615 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 885835939 + 888422660 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881077 + 888426659 + Scripts + 913380011 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 885835939 + 888422660 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881077 + 888426659 + Scripts + 992626079 + 802880892 + 802880946 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + Scripts + 993807642 + 802880892 + 802880946 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + Scripts - cogent + bin + lib + classes + help + images + oos + scripts + dcgutils + prolog + EulerDemo + 861990927 + 861155052 + 861155210 + 861155266 + 861155289 + 861155325 + 861155363 + 861155404 + 861387102 + 861387182 + 861760393 + 862500494 + 862588791 + Scripts + Hanoi + 903207938 + 892730105 + 892730110 + 892730125 + 892731290 + 892731304 + 892731528 + 892739791 + Scripts + julia2-bin__64__glib1.2__gtk1.2 + lib + classes + help + classes + images + oos + scripts + src + MentalModels + 847373738 + 844871378 + 844872285 + 844872834 + 844873148 + 846227684 + 846686234 + 846855355 + 847300848 + 895948156 + 844871378 + 844872285 + 844872834 + 844873148 + 846227684 + 846686234 + 846855355 + 847300848 + 895976080 + MissCann + 911134411 + 911134446 + 911134450 + 911134455 + 911134722 + 911134726 + 911136289 + 911136418 + 911141835 + 911146585 + 911134722 + 911134726 + 911136289 + 911136418 + 911141835 + 911149430 + 911391692 + oos + SerialPosition + 921446829 + 903364449 + 903365431 + 903369132 + 903375178 + 903375835 + 903376084 + 903377725 + 903364453 + 903364963 + 912746100 + 912815420 + 912815430 + 903390619 + 861216060 + 864077783 + 864145229 + 867629775 + 867770884 + src + Subtraction + 885834136 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 802881077 + 885835939 + 885836013 + 888426615 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 885835939 + 888422660 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881077 + 888426659 + 913380011 + 802881044 + 802881064 + 885835939 + 888422660 + 802880892 + 802880968 + 802881003 + 802881019 + 802881077 + 888426659 + typedef + prolog + xbm + cplint + docs + _build + doctrees + html + _sources + _static + latex + _static + old_docs + static + prolog + cplint_test + examples + learning + lemur + cplint_datasets + prolog + cs.ccsu.edu + web-ct + en + style + ~markov + aiprograms + ccsu_courses + aiprograms + mlprograms + programs + demos + dmwdata + dmwdata + CCSU departments + Top-100-websites + Weka data + flairs2004-ml + flairs2005-ml + flairs2007-ml + MDLClusetering + MDLclustering + ml + lgen + lilp + papers + ~neville + Courses + Fall00 + CS151 + Demos + ProjectInfo + QuickDemos + Tutorials + CS473 + Demos + ProjectInfo + JavaResources + Fall98 + CS152 + Demos + Projects + CS407 + Demos + JavaResources + Projects + Resources + Fall99 + CS423 + Demos + Projects + Spring00 + CS151 + Demos + Tutorials + CS407_JavaDB + Projects + JavaResources + MySqlResources + JDBCDemos + Spring01 + CircuitResources + CResources + CS110 + HTMLDemos + CS354 + Projects + CS460 + Projects + JavaResources + JavaScriptResources + Demos + AdvJavaScript + BeginJavaScript + BeginJavaScript10 + BeginJavaScript5 + BeginJavaScript6 + BeginJavaScript7 + BeginJavaScript8 + BeginJavaScript9 + Source + BeginJavaScript10 + BeginJavaScript5 + BeginJavaScript6 + BeginJavaScript7 + BeginJavaScript8 + BeginJavaScript9 + InterJavaScript + Source + MySqlResources + JDBCDemos + MySqlJavaClient + Spring98 + CS151 + Demos + Tutorials + Spring99 + CS151 + Demos + Projects + Tutorials + CS216 + JavaResources + Summer98 + First5 + CS290_Java + Demos + Summer99 + First5 + CS113 + CS161 + CS290_Java + Demos + Second5 + CS407_MultiTasking + Demos + Projects + webTutorial + cTI + benchterm + Apt - DeSchreye - large - libsp + medium - MGdLB + Plumer - prologbook - Bratko - CovingtonNuteVellino + NLP-Covington - Poole + apb - apc + ch10 + ch11 + ch12 + ch2 + ch3 + ch4 + ch5 + ch6 + ch7 + ch8 + Blocks_world + ch9 + Shoham + SterlingShapiro + various - src + Filex + cTI2 + benchterm + Apt + DeSchreye + large + libsp + medium + MGdLB + Plumer + prologbook + Bratko + CovingtonNuteVellino + NLP-Covington + Poole + apb + apc + ch10 + ch11 + ch12 + ch2 + ch3 + ch4 + ch5 + ch6 + ch7 + ch8 + Blocks_world + ch9 + Shoham + SterlingShapiro + various + src + Filex + DALI + docs + Examples + advanced + build + conf + mas + log + mas + instances + types + work + basic + conf + log + mas + work + more + src + onto + owl + DeepLog + DeepLogCodeAndExamples + DeepLogFork + DeepLogCodeAndExamples + DeepProbCEP + examples + NIPS + ActivityDetection + ProbLogFiles + CoinUrn + Forth + Add + data + Sort + data + WAP + MNIST + baseline + complex_sequence_detection + ProbLogFiles + multi_digit + noisy_sequence_detection + ProbLogFiles + scenario001 + scenario002 + scenario003 + scenario004 + scenario005 + scenario006 + scenario007 + scenario008 + scenario100_2 + scenario100_3 + scenario100_3_3 + scenario100_4 + scenario100_4_3 + scenario100_4_4 + scenario100_5 + scenario100_5_3 + scenario100_5_4 + scenario100_5_5 + scenario103_2 + scenario103_3 + scenario103_4 + scenario103_5 + scenario104_2 + scenario104_3 + scenario104_4 + scenario104_5 + scenario107_2 + scenario107_3 + scenario107_4 + scenario107_5 + scenario108_2 + scenario108_3 + scenario108_4 + scenario108_5 + rules_sequence_detection + ProbLogFiles + rules1 + rules2 + sequence_detection + ProbLogFiles + single_digit + MultiLabelClassification + UrbanSounds8K + NoiseSequenceDetection + ProbLogFiles + scenario100_2 + scenario100_3 + scenario100_4 + scenario100_5 + scenario103_2 + scenario103_3 + scenario103_4 + scenario103_5 + scenario104_2 + scenario104_3 + scenario104_4 + scenario104_5 + scenario108_2 + scenario108_3 + scenario108_4 + scenario108_5 + SequenceDetection + ProbLogFiles + ShotsDetection + ProbLogFiles + test + deepproblog - dist - src - deepproblog + engines + prolog_engine + prolog_files - examples + CLUTRR + data + data_2d5007e7 + data_47b0ffea + data_6b1c2f15 + data_a7d9402e + data_a9dcffad + data_b11e6a4f + data_f70b574f + Coins + data + blender_files + label_data - Forth + Add + data + train24_test128 + train2_test64 + train2_test8 + train4_test64 + train4_test8 + train8_test64 + train8_test8 - Sort + data + train2_test64 + train2_test8 + train3_test64 + train3_test8 + train4_test64 + train4_test8 + WAP + data + HWF + data - minimal + data + MNIST + data + models + data + MNIST + processed + raw + pretrained + neural_baseline + Poker + cfg + experiment + parameter_cfg + data + cards + labels - semiring + tests + utils + deepstochlog - deepstochlog - examples + addition + addition_simple - anbncn + bracket + citeseer + base + with_influence + with_rule_weights + with_rule_weights_xy + with_structure_learning + cora + with_rule_weights - mathexpression + splits_with_valid + wap + tests + DiceML + yapInterface\.settings + yapInterfaceForPython3\.settings + core + data + Hepatitis + Fold1 + test + train + PKDD + pkdd + Fold1 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold10 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold2 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold3 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold4 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold5 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold6 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold7 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold8 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + Fold9 + test + train + train1 + validate + validate1 + University + data800x125x125 + data800x125x125_1 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_10 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_2 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_3 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_4 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_5 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_6 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_7 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_8 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + data800x125x125_9 + data800x125x125 + test + train + validate + DC + datagen + examples + random + bfl + filter + model + pdf + sample + smoother + wrappers + matrix + rng + experimentScripts + py_dreaml_interface + synthInterface + yapInterfaceForPython3\.settings + yapInterfaceForPython3 + data + include + program + src + temp + yapInterface + data + include + program + src + yapInterfaceForPython3 + data + include + program + src + ecce + auto_tests + testfiles + bin + macintel + macppc + convex_hull + SamirGenaimCode + polyhedra + ecce_benchmarks + ecce_out + martin + orig + ecce_examples + ancestorstacks + dbaccess + demo + basic + deforestation + demo_lopstr03 + itp + petri + henk + pre-henkv + inductive_theorem_proving + interpreters + intuitionistic + inversion + model_check + treematch + petri-nets + sat_codish + slicing + Termination + ecce_source + abstract + abstractpd + bimtools + bottomUp + ErrorReports + check_instance_of + constraints + more_specific + neg_solve + partition + postprune + prb + b + rul + ErrorReports + Test + TestFiles + selectionrule + whistle + rul_source + tests + www + benchmarks + bin + CiaoDE + bin + ciao + benchmark + Antonio + WamCode + concurrency + data + directives + loading + modules + qexec + so + suite + bin + LINUXi86 + bootstrap + bugs + Fixed + abort_bug + amosbug + bigatom + debug_multifile + debugger_bug_curry_translation + debugging_cyclic_term + ensure_loaded_bug + isa + memory + multi_reload + number_codes + psanchez + read_bug + SAGE + sage + sage-large + Pending + arithmetic + attach + compiler_bug + conc_assert + conc_backtracking + debug_multifile + embedded_debugger + exceptions + fastrw_conc + foreign + foo + intercept_bug + jsabater + lib_modules_test + webbased_server + modules + multi_data + reading_fp_numbers_in_module + reexports_not_made_visible + segv + db + templates + segv-backup + db + templates + sformat + var_assert + win32 + Unclassified + c2 + c_itf + compiler_bug_1 + conc_term_indexing + data_reexp + debugger + engine + library + ciaoc + compatibility + sicstus3 + compiler + contrib + case_tester + catcher + chartlib + doc + errors + examples + images + chat80 + db + nl + top + costmodel + ddlist + examples + debugpred + distutils + fd + examples + gnuplot + hashtable + ho_unif + hrtimer + lazy + examples + macro + examples + math + modtester + mycin + examples + mycin_rulebase + examples + Academic + ProjectEvaluationExpert + oldt + examples + persvalue + persvalue.old + user + profiler + examples + provrml + doc + FDvis + test + vrml_code + regexp + shvarcom + sicstus-ugraphs-other + subversion + tester + test + time_analyzer + test + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5e + 6 + 6e + transactions + truster + xdr_handle + examples + pers + html_manager + xml_path + doc + examples + dist + common + old-stuff + some-devel-scripts + doc + brochure + common + compiler + CQS + INDEV + DMCAI-clpr + readmes + reference + slide + test + tutorial + SRC + emacs-mode + bak + doc + icons + win32lisp + engine + Alternatives + Mem_Mang + etc + cxref + examples + agenda + iclp01_contest + misc + include + installer + lib + assertions + doc + test + doc + autoconfig + components + compiler + debugger + engine + fastrw.disabled + foreign_interface + embedding_examples + examples + addresses + any_term + bignums + byte_lists + exceptions + foreign_init + foreign_low + int_lists + math + strings_and_atoms + metaprops + metatypes + regtypes + srcbyrd + types.old + write_c + library + actmods + examples + agents + webbased_server + agent + examples + agents + examples + protocols + ask + fipa + contract_net + englisg_auction + iterated_contract_net + query + request + request_when + amp + ams + examples + actmods + class + expanded + test + example + andorra + benchmarks + examples + andprolog + examples + old_andprolog + examples + nodist + argnames + examples + argnamesv + examples + attribute_dump + bf + examples + byrdbox + chip + ciaodevelop + ciaopp + api + menu + class + benchmarks + assrt + call + non_optimized + obj_vs_module + optimized + staticobj_vs_module + new + destroy + no_destroy + on_attr + on_inheritance + on_method + symmetry_test + examples + geometry + multiple_inh + persistency + queens + remote + sockets + library + clpq + clpqr-common + examples + small_incomplete_not_working + clpr + concurrency + examples + connections + fipa + http + soap + spy + davinci.old + dclp + and + benchmarks + benchmarks-results + benchmark1 + benchmark10 + benchmark11 + benchmark12 + benchmark13 + benchmark14 + benchmark15 + benchmark16 + benchmark18 + benchmark2 + benchmark3 + benchmark4 + benchmark6 + benchmark7 + benchmark8 + benchmark9 + dec_seqs + dec_seqs2 + magic3 + magicN + queens + smm + or + examples + nameserver + nameserver_db + nameserver + remote + remote_R + det_hook + examples + emacs + examples + small_incomplete_not_working + expander + factsdb + dynamic + examples + examples + persdb + user + static + window + fake + fdtypes + file_locks + in_development + fly + Doc + freeze + functions + examples + fuzzy + development + fuzzy + paco + examples + work + agregacion + bugs + domains + examples + graphs + hlc + examples + INDEV + id + examples + indexer + ALTERNATIVE + examples + KEEP + interface + javall + autofig + CiaoJava + doc + examples + java2pl + non-dist + pl2java + NotWorking + javadoc + CiaoJava + javaobs + Doc + Examples + javax + swing + event + sun + awt + io + misc + security + util + translator + librowser + Doc + make + Doc + example_latex + example_simple + neg + netscape + examples + objects + Doc + ontologies + p2p + test + test1 + test2 + persdb + doc + examples + persdb_mysql + delete_compiler + doc + examples + active_modules + not_working + small_examples + odbc + old + misc + pl2sql_modifications + postgreSQLaccess + tests + tests + persdb_mysql_op + persdb_odbc + examples + gdbi + doc + InfoForDevelopers + InfoForGDAUsers + InfoForSetup + readmes + src + Server + res + UnixClient + Win32Client + res + version + Win32ClientExecutables + persdb_sql_common + pillow + dist + doc + readmes + doc + examples + platforms + pwamc + random + remote + bak + benchmark + sizes + frw_att + frw_noatt + nofrw_att + nofrw_noatt + timing + timing_remote + examples + examples-jf + rtchecks + sha1 + examples + soap + example + on_facts + on_http + on_socket + sockets + examples + symfnames + examples + tcltk + Doc + doc_files + examples + interface + Doc + pers + phone_book + user + examples_sicstus + examples_with_problems + class + Doc + interface + NOT_WORKING + widget_class + Doc + Vtcl + Prev + RUC_NewVersion + examples + tcltk_obj + Back + Doc + library.development + argnamesvv + examples + benchmarking + doc + blackboard + curses + distribution + examples + exec + prolog + ho_test + lazy_functions + math + b + multi_dynamic + examples + proTcXl2.1 + local + other + outdated + transactions + db + demo + log + transaction_logging + Manual + Tests + vrml + doc + Test + WRL + Win32 + bin + doc + images + tool_description + downloads + Linux + Mac + Windows + include + mac_versions + evals + docs + evals + cli + completion_fns + elsuite + basic + modelgraded + test + prompt + registry + completion_fns + data + 2d_movement + 3d_globe_movement + aba_mrpc_true_false + abstract-causal-reasoning + accounting_audit + actors-sequence + adultery-state-laws + afrikaans-lexicon + aime_evaluation + algebra_word_problems + allergen-information + alternate_numeral_systems + ambiguous-sentences + anagrams + arc + arithmetical_puzzles + ascii-digit-recognition + ascii_wordart + asl-classifiers + atpl_exams + balance_chemical_equation + banking77 + beam_analysis + belarusian_grammar + belarusian_lexicon + belarusian_numerals + belarusian_proverbs + belarusian_rhyme + belarusian_russian_translation + belarusian_syllable_count + belarusian_synonyms + bigrams + bitwise + body_movement + born_first + brazilian-lexicon + brazilian_laws + building_floorplan + bulgarian-lexicon + canto_wu_pronunciation + cardinal-directions + categorize_with_distractors + chess + chess_piece_count + chinese_hard_translations + chinese_homonym + chinese_poem + chinese_song_ci + chinese_tang_poetries + chinese_zodiac + cissp-study-questions + code_combination + color_theory + compare-countries-area + complex-analogies-en-ru + complex_replace_characters + comprehensive-graph-reasoning + connect4 + consensus_summary + context-free-grammar + convert-hex-hsl-lightness + coqa + count_intersections_polynomial + count_token_freq_dna + counterfactual-reasoning + countries + crepe + cricket_situations + crontab + cube-pack + cybersecurity + date-booking + date-calculator + day-of-week-from-date + decrypt_caesar_cipher + detect-hshd + determinant + diabetes + diagrammatic_logic + dice-rotation-sequence + direct-speech-tag + directions + dna_melting_calculation + dutch-lexicon + emoji_riddle + emotional-intelligence + escher_sentences + euler_problems + european_date_format_challenge + event_categories + fcc_amateur_extra + finance + financial-derivatives + find-letter + find-thirukkural + find_country_from_svg + finnish-rhyme + first-letters + food + formal-grammar-to-regex + formal_logic + forth_stack_sim + french-lexicon + french-part-of-speech + game_theory + geometry_puzzle + german-part-of-speech + GOL + gpt-protocol-buffers + greek_nt_manuscripts + greek_vocabulary + guess_the_singer + heart-disease + hebrew_bible + hebrew_rhyme + hebrew_same_noun_gender + hebrew_talmud_suka + hindi_shuddha + hindi_upsc + hindi_words + historical-kana-orthography-reading + human-safety + iambic-pentameter + illinois-law + imperial_date_to_string + indonesian_numbers + infiniteloop-match + integer-sequence-predictions + internal_representations + invert_word_wise + invoice_due_date_leap_day_adjustment + invoices + irish-lexicon + irony + islands + isosceles-right-triangle + italian-new-words + italian_rhyme + japanese-decimal-units + japanese-itpassport-exam01 + japanese-national-medical-exam01 + japanese-national-medical-exam02 + japanese_city_name_pronunciation + japanese_driving_license + japanese_number_reading + Japanese_onomatopoeia + japanese_populer_video_game_title_and_the_publisher + jee-math + job_listing_title_for_a_caregiver_in_japan + json_patch_object + kanji-idioms + knot-theory + korean-consonant-vowel-combination + korean-phonetics + korean_dialects + korean_spelling + korean_yaminjeongeum + largest_country + last_word_nth + lat_long_identify + linear-regression + linear_equations + list_comparison_missing_name + logic + logic-grid + logic-liar-paradox + logic-riddles + logic-statements + logic_and_probability + logical_counting + logical_reasoning_letter_series_test + logiqa + logiqa-logical-reasoning-plus + loss_logic + lunar_calendar + mandaliof-table + manga-translation + map-electronic-component-part-to-fact + mapping_to_matricies + mate-in-one + math_logic_operations + math_polish + matrix_mult_rows + mazes + medication_dose + medmcqa + mendelian_inheritance + missing_operators + monthly_metric_comparison + moral_exceptQA + multi-step-equations + multistep-word-problems + music-theory + music_theory + music_theory_scale_modes + naughty_strings + nepali-song-singer + newsology + next-val-series + nfl-point-combinations + non-compound-names + norwegian-lexicon + number_pattern + number_reading + numbers_game + numeral-type-comparisons + nutrition + ordered-history-events + override-system-instruction + pantone_to_hex + parable-to-moral-match + pararule-plus-multi-step-deductive-reasoning + partially_solved_crossword_clues + passing-balls + path_enclosed_area + pattern_identification + ph_calculation + phonetics-identify-words-needing-missing-gpcs + physics-interaction + pointer-value-retrieval + points_on_line + poker_analysis + poker_hand_ranks + polish-lexicon + polish-syllable-count + polish_rhymes_generation + population_span_extraction + portuguese-kinship-riddles + portuguese-sarcasm + portuguese-syllable-count + positive-binary-operations + probability_questions + product-matching + fewshot + rules + zeroshot + prompt-injection + pure_korean + python_list_comprehension + qa + quartz + rare-and-loanwords-dutch-lexicon + raven-matrices + symbolic + symbolic-open + text + text-open + reasoning + rectangles + regex-match + resistor_ohm_calculator + resource_id_extraction + reverse-polish-notation + reverse-sort-words-eng + reverse_string + rhetorical_devices + rock-climbing + rot13 + ru_rhyming_phrases + rubiks-colors + rucola + russe + russian-english-homonym-context-resolution + russian-lexicon + russian-nlp-tasks + russian-rhyme + russian-verse + russian_medical + russian_sarcasm + sarcasm + seating_arrangements + security_guide + sexagenary_cycle_calculation + shape_in_shape + shared_border + shopping_discount_comparison + simple-knowledge-mongolian + simple-visual-understanding + simple_math + simple_physics_engine + sindarin_fluency + soc_codes + solve-for-variable + tools + sort_numeric + south-african-bands + spanish-lexicon + spanish_feminine_noun_masculine_article + split_chinese_characters + sql + squares-gpt + stats-tests + stock_options + superficialpatterns + svg_to_text + svg_understanding + swap-words + swedish-spelling + swedish_sat + syllables_long_words + syntax-check + taxes + tempo_to_measure_count + test_comp_sci + test_fuzzy_match + test_japanese_radical + test_japanese_units + test_metaeval + test_modelgraded + test_multiio + battles + test_time_zone_conversion + tetris + three-pt-mapping + track_objects + tracking-shuffled-objects + turkish_characters + ukraine_eit + ukraine_electronic_petitions + ukraine_gec + Unfamiliar-Chinese-Character + unified_patch + unique_combinations + unsolvable_questions + unwanted-rhyming + us_tort_law + utah_real_estate + utility_price_parsing + vigenere + vintage_phone_keyboard_decode + which_is_heavier + wkt_understanding + word_vector_over_reliance + eval_sets + evals + modelgraded + utils + examples + scripts + tests + unit + evals + typings + openai + FOIL_Prolog + fonts.googleapis.com + generate_ilp_input + GEOM + ALSProlog\.github + workflows - gpc\.vscode + ALSProlog + ALS Prolog.xcodeproj + project.xcworkspace + core + als_dev + alsdev + images + tcltk_lib + tk + c_s + generic_app + alsp_src + bin + builtins + doc + misc + generic + Doc + generate + tok.h + library + tests + mwbuild + pconfig + port + smath + tests + docker-centos + docker-ubuntu + iso_test_suite + libtests + systests + tsuite + consult1dir + c-f + i-m + p-x + s-u + w-x + y-z + echo + savedimages + unix + win32 + tcltk_interface + aix + common + examples + hpux + irix + linux + mswin32 + solaris + sunos + unix + aix + cygwin + darwin + hpux + irix + linux + solaris + sunos + unused_alsp_src + bld-natv + cfgs + dos + kernal + unix + generate + atrans + hppa + i386 + djgpp + djutils + regex + doc + dosphar + generate + mswins + oldstuff + DOSERGO + XENIX + os2 + sunos + sysv + tgtmach + save + work + local + hppa1.1-hpux9 + sparc-solaris2 + m68k + doc + macos + nextstep + sunos4 + sysv + m88k + dgux5 + sysv3 + sysv4 + port + djgpp + djgpp2 + msw95 + os2 + VAX + powerpc + sparc + doc + solaris2 + sunos4 + utils + vax + vms + wins + build + macos + motif + mswin32 + nextstep + pplant + wxwin + x + src + mswin32 + win32 + docs + _data + _includes + _layouts + assets + docs + guide + images + ref + infer-different + src_help_md + BuiltinsMgmt + ResultDir + TmpDir + ISO + lib_blt_xamps + ResultDir + TmpDir + xamps_np + examples + als + chat80 + more + objectpro + odbc + Prolog1000 + pxs + tables + tcltk + visual + Archive + extensions + cinterf + c2pro + examples + tests + deps + pro2intf + examples + gethostid + java + meminfo + odbc + common + save_V20 + doc + examples + src + play_sound + python + say + time_t + win32 + common + i386 + src + win32_service_kit + Source + x_motif + common + hppa_hpux9.05 + i386_linux + motif_source + sparc_solaris2.4 + sparc_sunos4.1.3 + x_source + foreign_sdk + docs + examples + common + unix + even + qa + tutorial + win32 + unix + win32 + manual + unix + win32 + functional-geometry-in-prolog + docs + image - gpc + c - prolog - gpc + Logic-Vision + data + polygons + pngs + regular + pngs + right-angle + pngs + include + sicstus + Yap + labels + lib + swipl + x86_64-linux + results + polygons + regular + right-angle + src + MetagolD + polygons + examples + facts + raw + run + prolog + sampler + socket + utils + src2 + MetagolD + polygons + examples + facts + raw + run + prolog + sampler + socket + utils + Paradigmas + Fundamentos + slides + funcoes + introducao + logica_booleana + teoria_dos_conjuntos + Lambda_Calculus + slides + aritmetica + definicao + logica_booleana + recursao + Maquinas_de_Turing + slides + abacos + computabilidade + enumerabilidade + maquinas_de_turing + Orientacao_a_Objetos + slides + blocos_e_excecoes + codes + small_talk + codes + Paradigma_Logico + slides + fundamentos + codes + regras + codes + unificacao + codes + Programacao_Estruturada + slides + conceitos_elementares + codes + estruturas_e_funcoes + codes + Programacao_Funcional + slides + alta_ordem + codes + funcoes + codes + fundamentos + codes + io + codes + Programacao_Imperativa + slides + assembly + codes + conceitos_elementares + codes + condicionais + codes + Programacao_Vetorial + slides + introducao + codes + figs + rank_ordenacao_reducao + codes + tipos_primitivos_e_funcoes + codes + figs - plsteroids + andorra + prolog + tests + assertions + examples + prolog + foreign + tests + foreign + include + bin - clpcd + archive - prolog - clpcd - tests + emacs + idfpml + prolog + idfpml + EXAMPLES + LIBRARY + float128 + src + TESTS + tests + lambda + prolog + mpc + prolog + mpfr + prolog + tests - playground - prolog + refactor + prolog + i18n + tests + rtchecks + examples + prolog + tests + smtp + prolog + stchecks + prolog + tests + xlibrary + prolog + i18n + tests + i18n + xtools + prolog + tests + prolog_geo + cpp + prolog + test + GILPS + datasets + alzheimers + ancestor + carcinogenesis + claws + function + mesh + metabolism + mutagenesis + proteins + pyrimidines + tictactoe + triazines + models + source + bottom clause + clause evaluation + engine + examples + hypotheses + messages + mode declarations + settings + theory + top_theory + type_checker + utils + gophi + abstract_meaning_representation_amr_2.0 + amr-examples + amr-ISI + build + gophi-web + ace + snippets + documentation + lexical-data + scripts + tools + hakank + advent-of-code-2022 + aimms + ampl + answer_set_programming + apl + blog_ppl + bprolog + choco3 + comet + common_cp_models + cpmpy + bus_scheduling_csplib + problems + eclipse_clp + essence_savile_row + essence_tailor + eureqa + frink + gecode + gecode_r + google_or_tools + j + jacop + java + javascript + jgap + jsr_331 + julia + constraints + turing + k + mathematica + minizinc + crossword3 + jobshop_data + nonogram_examples + perfect_square_placement_problems + sudoku_problems2 + numberjack + oocalc_excel + oscar + pddl + perl + perl6 + picat + bus_scheduling_csplib + crossword3 + nn_hakank + poplog + popper + addlast + adjacent_to_red + append + arch + book2 + book3 + boyles_law + clpfd_test + constants1_b + cyclic + cyclic-pi + droplast + equation + equation2 + even + evs + facebook_puzzle + facebook_puzzle2 + find_duplicates + find_last + float_test + grammar1 + graph_coloring + graph_connectedness + graph_reachability + last + leap_year + length + less_than + member + mutual_recursion + nextto + nextto2 + nim + number_puzzle1 + pickover_puzzle1_cp + predecessor + primorial + relatedness + son + strings1 + sum + trains + truthtable1 + truthtable2 + undirected_edge + project_euler + psi_ppl + python + sabr + setlx + sicstus + swi_prolog + turbo_prolog + pie + unicon + webppl + node_modules + hakank_utils + weka + DASL + csv + wordle + z3 + bus_scheduling_csplib + problems + IA2_2019 + docs + enunciados + informes + kohonen_tests + mlp_imgs + papers + tests + TP_1 + TP_2 + planning + TP_3 + datasets + ICML + A + B + C + D + E + F + iggp + data + test + train + validate + games + types + ijcai16-metagolai + chess + results + droplasts + results + waiter + results + ijcai19-playgol + e1-robo-5x5 + data + programs + nopi + playgol + results + nopi + playgol + e1-robo-6x6 + data + programs + nopi + playgol + results + nopi + playgol + e2-strings + data + programs + nopi + playgol + results + nopi + playgol + ilp-ce - raw + ce + 2dfir + adpcm + aha-compress + aha-mont64 + blowfish + bs + bubblesort + cnt + compress + cover + crc + crc32 + ctl-stack + ctl-string + ctl-vector + cubic + dijkstra + dtoa + duff + edn + expint + fac + fasta + fdct + fft + fibcall + fir + frac + insertsort + janne_complex + jfdctint + lcdnum + levenshtein + lms + ludcmp + matmult-float + matmult-int + mergesort + minver + nbody + ndes + nettle-arcfour + nettle-cast128 + nettle-des + nettle-md5 + newlib-exp + newlib-log + newlib-mod + newlib-sqrt + ns + nsichneu + picojpeg + prime + qrduino + qsort + qurt + recursion + rijndael + select + sglib-arraybinsearch + sglib-arrayheapsort + sglib-arrayquicksort + sglib-dllist + sglib-hashtable + sglib-listinsertsort + sglib-listsort + sglib-queue + sglib-rbtree + sha + slre + sqrt + st + statemate + stb_perlin + stringsearch1 + strstr + tarai + trio-snprintf + trio-sscanf + ud + whetstone + random + 2dfir + adpcm + aha-compress + aha-mont64 + blowfish + bs + bubblesort + cnt + compress + cover + crc + crc32 + ctl-stack + ctl-string + ctl-vector + cubic + dijkstra + dtoa + duff + edn + expint + fac + fasta + fdct + fft + fibcall + fir + frac + insertsort + janne_complex + jfdctint + lcdnum + levenshtein + lms + ludcmp + matmult-float + matmult-int + mergesort + minver + nbody + ndes + nettle-arcfour + nettle-cast128 + nettle-des + nettle-md5 + newlib-exp + newlib-log + newlib-mod + newlib-sqrt + ns + nsichneu + picojpeg + prime + qrduino + qsort + qurt + recursion + rijndael + select + sglib-arraybinsearch + sglib-arrayheapsort + sglib-arrayquicksort + sglib-dllist + sglib-hashtable + sglib-listinsertsort + sglib-listsort + sglib-queue + sglib-rbtree + sha + slre + sqrt + st + statemate + stb_perlin + stringsearch1 + strstr + tarai + trio-snprintf + trio-sscanf + ud + whetstone + ilp-experiments + ilpexp + problem + alzheimer + acetyl + amine + mem + toxic + carcinogenesis + graph + adjacent_to_red + connectedness + cyclic + graph_colouring + two_children + undirected_edge + hexose + aminoacid + atoms + iggp + alquerque_goal + test + train + alquerque_next + test + train + alquerque_terminal + test + train + asylum_goal + test + train + asylum_legal + test + train + asylum_next + test + train + asylum_terminal + test + train + battle_of_numbers_goal + test + train + battle_of_numbers_legal + test + train + battle_of_numbers_next + test + train + battle_of_numbers_terminal + test + train + breakthrough_goal + test + train + breakthrough_next + test + train + breakthrough_terminal + test + train + buttons_and_lights_goal + test + train + buttons_and_lights_legal + test + train + buttons_and_lights_next + test + train + buttons_and_lights_terminal + test + train + centipede_goal + test + train + centipede_legal + test + train + centipede_next + test + train + centipede_terminal + test + train + checkers_goal + test + train + checkers_next + test + train + checkers_terminal + test + train + coins_goal + test + train + coins_legal + test + train + coins_next + test + train + coins_terminal + test + train + connect4team_goal + test + train + connect4team_legal + test + train + connect4team_next + test + train + connect4team_terminal + test + train + dont_touch_goal + test + train + dont_touch_legal + test + train + dont_touch_next + test + train + dont_touch_terminal + test + train + duikoshi_goal + test + train + duikoshi_legal + test + train + duikoshi_next + test + train + duikoshi_terminal + test + train + eight_puzzle_goal + test + train + eight_puzzle_legal + test + train + eight_puzzle_next + test + train + eight_puzzle_terminal + test + train + farming_goal + test + train + farming_legal + test + train + farming_next + test + train + farming_terminal + test + train + firesheep_goal + test + train + firesheep_legal + test + train + firesheep_next + test + train + firesheep_terminal + test + train + fizzbuzz_goal + test + train + fizzbuzz_legal + test + train + fizzbuzz_next + test + train + fizzbuzz_terminal + test + train + forager2_goal + test + train + forager2_legal + test + train + forager2_next + test + train + forager2_terminal + test + train + freeforall_goal + test + train + freeforall_next + test + train + freeforall_terminal + test + train + frogs_and_toads_goal + test + train + frogs_and_toads_legal + test + train + frogs_and_toads_next + test + train + frogs_and_toads_terminal + test + train + gt_attrition_goal + test + train + gt_attrition_legal + test + train + gt_attrition_next + test + train + gt_attrition_terminal + test + train + gt_centipede_goal + test + train + gt_centipede_legal + test + train + gt_centipede_next + test + train + gt_centipede_terminal + test + train + gt_chicken_goal + test + train + gt_chicken_legal + test + train + gt_chicken_next + test + train + gt_chicken_terminal + test + train + gt_prisoner_goal + test + train + gt_prisoner_legal + test + train + gt_prisoner_next + test + train + gt_prisoner_terminal + test + train + gt_ultimatum_goal + test + train + gt_ultimatum_legal + test + train + gt_ultimatum_terminal + test + train + hexforthree_goal + test + train + hexforthree_legal + test + train + hexforthree_next + test + train + hexforthree_terminal + test + train + horseshoe_goal + test + train + horseshoe_legal + test + train + horseshoe_next + test + train + horseshoe_terminal + test + train + hunter_goal + test + train + hunter_legal + test + train + hunter_next + test + train + hunter_terminal + test + train + knights_tour_goal + test + train + knights_tour_legal + test + train + knights_tour_next + test + train + knights_tour_terminal + test + train + kono_goal + test + train + kono_next + test + train + kono_terminal + test + train + leafy_goal + test + train + leafy_legal + test + train + leafy_next + test + train + leafy_terminal + test + train + lightboard_goal + test + train + lightboard_legal + test + train + lightboard_next + test + train + lightboard_terminal + test + train + minimal_decay_goal + test + train + minimal_decay_legal + test + train + minimal_decay_next + test + train + minimal_decay_terminal + test + train + minimal_even_goal + test + train + minimal_even_legal + test + train + minimal_even_next + test + train + minimal_even_terminal + test + train + multiplebuttonsandlights_goal + test + train + multiplebuttonsandlights_legal + test + train + multiplebuttonsandlights_next + test + train + multiplebuttonsandlights_terminal + test + train + nineboardtictactoe_goal + test + train + nineboardtictactoe_legal + test + train + nineboardtictactoe_next + test + train + nineboardtictactoe_terminal + test + train + pentago_goal + test + train + pentago_legal + test + train + pentago_next + test + train + pentago_terminal + test + train + pilgrimage_goal + test + train + pilgrimage_legal + test + train + pilgrimage_next + test + train + pilgrimage_terminal + test + train + platformjumpers_goal + test + train + platformjumpers_legal + test + train + platformjumpers_next + test + train + platformjumpers_terminal + test + train + rainbow_goal + test + train + rainbow_legal + test + train + rainbow_next + test + train + rainbow_terminal + test + train + scissors_paper_stone_goal + test + train + scissors_paper_stone_legal + test + train + scissors_paper_stone_next + test + train + scissors_paper_stone_terminal + test + train + sheep_and_wolf_goal + test + train + sheep_and_wolf_next + test + train + sheep_and_wolf_terminal + test + train + sokoban_goal + test + train + sokoban_legal + test + train + sokoban_next + test + train + sokoban_terminal + test + train + sudoku_goal + test + train + sudoku_legal + test + train + sudoku_next + test + train + sudoku_terminal + test + train + sukoshi_goal + test + train + sukoshi_legal + test + train + sukoshi_next + test + train + sukoshi_terminal + test + train + switches_goal + test + train + switches_legal + test + train + switches_next + test + train + switches_terminal + test + train + tictactoe_goal + test + train + tictactoe_legal + test + train + tictactoe_next + test + train + tictactoe_terminal + test + train + tiger_vs_dogs_goal + test + train + tiger_vs_dogs_legal + test + train + tiger_vs_dogs_next + test + train + tiger_vs_dogs_terminal + test + train + tron_goal + test + train + tron_legal + test + train + tron_next + test + train + tron_terminal + test + train + ttcc4_goal + test + train + ttcc4_next + test + train + ttcc4_terminal + test + train + untwisty_corridor_goal + test + train + untwisty_corridor_legal + test + train + untwisty_corridor_next + test + train + untwisty_corridor_terminal + test + train + walkabout_goal + test + train + walkabout_legal + test + train + walkabout_next + test + train + walkabout_terminal + test + train + imdb + imdb1 + imdb2 + imdb3 + integer_sequences + data + krk + krk1 + krk2 + krk3 + list + addhead + addone + allequal + allone + allzero + appendlist + chartoint + contains + counteven + countpositive + dropk + droplast + duplicate + evens + filter_gt_head + filter_negative + finddup + last + lastbutone + len + maxlist + member + minlist + multlist + next + odds + replace + reverse + sorted + sublist + sumlist + swap + threesame + list_function + data + 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 + 005 + 006 + 007 + 008 + 009 + 010 + 011 + 012 + 013 + 014 + 015 + 016 + 017 + 018 + 019 + 020 + 021 + 022 + 023 + 024 + 025 + 026 + 027 + 028 + 029 + 030 + 031 + 032 + 033 + 034 + 035 + 036 + 037 + 038 + 039 + 040 + 041 + 042 + 043 + 044 + 045 + 046 + 047 + 048 + 049 + 050 + 051 + 052 + 053 + 054 + 055 + 056 + 057 + 058 + 059 + 060 + 061 + 062 + 063 + 064 + 065 + 066 + 067 + 068 + 069 + 070 + 071 + 072 + 073 + 074 + 075 + 076 + 077 + 078 + 079 + 080 + 081 + 082 + 083 + 084 + 085 + 086 + 087 + 088 + 089 + 090 + 091 + 092 + 093 + 094 + 095 + 096 + 097 + 098 + 099 + 100 + 101 + 102 + 103 + 104 + 105 + 106 + 107 + 108 + 109 + 110 + 111 + 112 + 113 + 114 + 115 + 116 + 117 + 118 + 119 + 120 + 121 + 122 + 123 + 124 + 125 + 126 + 127 + 128 + 129 + 130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134 + 135 + 136 + 137 + 138 + 139 + 140 + 141 + 142 + 143 + 144 + 145 + 146 + 147 + 148 + 149 + 150 + 151 + 152 + 153 + 154 + 155 + 156 + 157 + 158 + 159 + 160 + 161 + 162 + 163 + 164 + 165 + 166 + 167 + 168 + 169 + 170 + 171 + 172 + 173 + 174 + 175 + 176 + 177 + 178 + 179 + 180 + 181 + 182 + 183 + 184 + 185 + 186 + 187 + 188 + 189 + 190 + 191 + 192 + 193 + 194 + 195 + 196 + 197 + 198 + 199 + 200 + 201 + 202 + 203 + 204 + 205 + 206 + 207 + 208 + 209 + 210 + 211 + 212 + 213 + 214 + 215 + 216 + 217 + 218 + 219 + 220 + 221 + 222 + 223 + 224 + 225 + 226 + 227 + 228 + 229 + 230 + 231 + 232 + 233 + 234 + 235 + 236 + 237 + 238 + 239 + 240 + 241 + 242 + 243 + 244 + 245 + 246 + 247 + 248 + 249 + 250 + listHigherOrder + addN + allseqN + depth + droplastK + encryption + firstHalf + isBranch + isPalindrome + isSubTree + lastHalf + multFromSuc + of1And2 + repeatN + rotateN + mutagenesis + pharmacophore + sql + sql-01 + sql-02 + sql-03 + sql-04 + sql-05 + sql-06 + sql-07 + sql-08 + sql-09 + sql-10 + sql-11 + sql-12 + sql-13 + sql-14 + sql-15 + strings + examples + trains + examples + zendo + zendo1 + zendo2 + zendo3 + zendo4 + runner + system + aleph + metagol + popper + tests + problem + interpretable-learning + tilde\.idea + markov + tilde + ace + bongard + examples + keys + out + mach + examples + keys + muta + ecml06 + bongard4 + foil + folds + canc + foil + folds + financial + foil + folds + mutaace1 + foil + folds + mutab0 + foil + folds + script + script-bup + sisya + foil + folds + sisyb + foil + folds + uwcse + foil + folds + yeast + foil + folds + yeast-test + foil + folds + results + t-0-0-0 + examples + mai_experiments + run_experiments + visualizations + mai_version + classification + fold + IO + parsing_settings + model_validation + probeersel + mach_tests + probabilistic + problog_tests + problog_helper + refinement + representation + run + test + test_datasets + MLE_test + trees + refactor + cross_validation + io + parsing_settings + query_testing_back_end + django + django_wrapper + test + flgg_py4j + test + postgres + problog + test + subtle + test + representation + test + tilde_essentials + IUXE + custom + node + data + www + icons + engine + test + data + basic + examples + counter + music-quiz + timer + pepper + qi_application + server + connection + public + css + layouts + img + common + js + es6 + vendor + simulator + css + fonts + img + js + spotify + router + spotify + timer + site + simulator + public + src + assets + components + plugins + views + Jurassic.pl + c + julia + lib + k-means + C + include + src + Lisp + Prolog + Ruby + kl1-text + beginner + chuukyu + introductory + knorf_aaai21 + data + restructuring + experiments + knorf + build + lego + robots-5x5 + robots-6x6 + strings + nonredundant_programs + lego + strings + programs_pncorrect + lego + strings + refactored_programs_pncorrect + lego + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + strings + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + runners + lego + processed_results + programs_nonredundant + programs_pncorrect + literals2-3_layer3_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer4_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer5_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer6_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + results_nonredundant + results_pncorrect + literals2-3_layer3_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer4_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer5_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer6_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + strings + processed_results + programs_nonredundant + programs_pncorrect + literals2-3_layer3_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer4_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer5_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer6_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + results_nonredundant + results_pncorrect + literals2-3_layer3_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer4_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer5_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layer6_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + literals2-3_layerNone_time5400s_pruneTrue_altFalse_rcandsTrue_rrTrue_mrTrue_singlTrue + loreleai + language + kanren + lp + learning + reasoning + lp + datalog + kanren + playgol_experiments + e2-strings + data + programs + playgol + results + nopi + playgol + e3-lego + data + programs + playgol + results + playgol + tests + liftcover + docs + _build + doctrees + html + _sources + _static + latex + _static + static + prolog + examples_lift + logic-programming-2019-2020 + defin1 + ex1 + ex2 + ex3 + prolog + summer + prolog + ex1 + graphs + graphviz + output + logically + src + logically + abs + ai + meta + art + interpreters + exp + lf1 + nominal + test + logically + abs + ai + meta + art + interpreters + exp + lf1 + nominal + LogicalVision2 + data + moons + protists + libs + script + src + abduce + additional + polygon-detection-py + cpp + drawing + io + learning + sampling + stats + test + utils + tmp + LogicTransformers + C + bnf + bnf + ctnf + ctnf + tnf + tnf + CPP + tnf + tnf + data + docs + julia + old + out + progs + swift + tnf + tnf + logtalk-jupyter-kernel + logtalk_kernel + kernelspec + logtalk_server + notebooks + louise + data + coloured_graph + output + examples + robots + maps + scripts + scripts + learning_curve + plotting + doc + latex + lib + evaluation + folding_unfolding + lifting + mathemancy + program_reduction + data + tests + sampling + term_utilities + tp + vanilla + logs + output + src + subsystems + thelma + themes + lptp + doc + etc + examples + alpha + avl + mgu + parser + pr + src + test + taut + lib + builtin + graph + list + nat + sort + src + prolog + test + boot + gr + if_then_else + io + proof + tex + machine_learning + classifiers + shapelets + mACL + magicpopper + ilp-experiments + ilpexp + problem + drug_design + equilibrium + iggp + buttons + test + train + buttons-goal + test + train + coins + test + train + coins-goal + test + train + gt-centipede-goal + test + train + gt-centipede-legal + test + train + gt-centipede-next + test + train + minimaldecay + test + train + krk + list + evens + last + member + sorted + list_append + list_constant + list_example + list_magicvalues_multipleclauses + list_magicvalues_sameclause + md_constant + multiple2 + next + pi + sumk + trains + examples + runner + system + aleph + metagol + popper + results + drug_design + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + equilibrium + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + evens + magicpopper_all + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + iggp-buttons + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-buttons-goal + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-coins + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-coins-goal + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-gt-centipede-goal + aleph + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + metagol + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-gt-centipede-legal + aleph + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + metagol + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-gt-centipede-next + aleph + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + metagol + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + iggp-minimaldecay + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + krk + magicpopper_all + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_args + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + last + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + list_append + aleph + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + metagol + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + list_constant + aleph + 0 + 1 + 10 + test + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_args + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 200 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 400 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 8 + 800 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + metagol + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 200 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 400 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 8 + 800 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + list_example + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 10000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 2000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 5000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6 + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 7000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8 + 8000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + 9000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + 1 + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 10000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 200 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 2000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 250 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 400 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 5000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6 + 60 + test + 600 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 7000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8 + 800 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + 9000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + list_magicvalues_multipleclauses + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 11 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 110 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 120 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 130 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 140 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 15 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 16 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 2 + 20 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 21 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 25 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 26 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 3 + 30 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 31 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 35 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 36 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 4 + 40 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 41 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 45 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 46 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 5 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 50 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 51 + test + 55 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 56 + test + 6 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 60 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 61 + test + 65 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 66 + test + 7 + 70 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 75 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8 + 80 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 85 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + 90 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 95 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 11 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 110 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 120 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 130 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 140 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 15 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 16 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 20 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 21 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 25 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 26 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 30 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 31 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 35 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 36 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 40 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 41 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 45 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 46 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 50 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 55 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 60 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 65 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 70 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 75 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8 + 80 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 85 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + 90 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 95 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + list_magicvaluesameclause + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 11 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 12 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 13 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 14 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 16 + 0 + test + 1 + test + test + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 21 + test + 26 + test + 3 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 4 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 5 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + 7 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 8 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + md + magicpopper_types + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 10 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 200 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 400 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 8 + 800 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 100 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 1500 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 2 + 200 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 3 + 3000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 4 + 400 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 5 + 6 + 6000 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 7 + 8 + 800 + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + 9 + member + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + multiple + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_all + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_args + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + next + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + metagol + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + pi + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + sorted + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + sumk + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_all + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_args + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + magicpopper_types + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + metagol + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + popper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + trains1 + aleph + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + trains2 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + trains3 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + trains4 + magicpopper_all + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + popper + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + magicpopper + examples + alleven + dropk + droplast + filter + find-dupl + iggp-attrition + iggp-buttons + iggp-buttons-goal + iggp-coins + iggp-coins-goal + iggp-eight-puzzle-legal-move + iggp-gt-centipede-legal + iggp-gt-centipede-next_control + iggp-minimal-decay + test + iggp-rps + test + interval + kinship-pi + length + magic-append + magic-drug-design + magic-equilibrium + magic-iggp-buttons + magic-iggp-buttons-goal + magic-iggp-coins + magic-iggp-coins-goal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-goal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-legal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-next + magic-iggp-minimaldecay + test + magic-krk + magic-list + magic-next + magic-pi + magic-powerof2 + magic-sumk + metarules + non-OPL + reverse + robots-functional + robots-linear + robots-pi + robots-recursion + sorted + trains1 + trains2 + trains3 + trains4 + popper + lp + MC346 + Haskell + Aulas + Exercicios + Projeto + Prolog + Aulas + Exercicios + Projeto + Python + Aulas + Exercicios + Projeto + Testes + Metagol_NT + examples + gp + MetagolNT + metagol + examples + metagol_PLS + MetaInterpretativeLearning + mlj19-iggp + aleph + data + __MACOSX + data + test + train + validate + data + test + train + validate + games + metagol + programs + __MACOSX + programs + aleph + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + metagol + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + specialised_ilasp + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + programs + aleph + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + metagol + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + specialised_ilasp + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + results + __MACOSX + results + aleph + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + metagol + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + specialised_ilasp + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + results + aleph + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + metagol + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + specialised_ilasp + alquerque + asylum + battle_of_numbers + breakthrough + buttons_and_lights + centipede + checkers + coins + connect4team + dont_touch + duikoshi + eight_puzzle + farming + firesheep + fizzbuzz + forager2 + freeforall + frogs_and_toads + gt_attrition + gt_centipede + gt_chicken + gt_prisoner + gt_ultimatum + hexforthree + horseshoe + hunter + knights_tour + kono + leafy + lightboard + minimal_decay + minimal_even + multiplebuttonsandlights + nineboardtictactoe + pentago + pilgrimage + platformjumpers + rainbow + scissors_paper_stone + sheep_and_wolf + sokoban + sudoku + sukoshi + switches + tictactoe + tiger_vs_dogs + tron + ttcc4 + untwisty_corridor + walkabout + types - mlprograms - aiprograms - ml - lilp + MOFF + ccsu_courses + aiprograms + mlprograms + flairs2004-ml + flairs2005-ml + flairs2007-ml + ml + lgen + lilp + papers + webdata - ~markov - ccsu_courses + aiprograms + CS110 + CS151 + CS152 + CS354 + CS501 - mlprograms + demos + flairs2004-ml + flairs2005-ml + flairs2007-ml + MDLclustering - ml - lgen + lilp + papers + mmp + domain + benchmarks + blocksworld + src + grounder + pddl + mooney + abind + accel + backup + beth + gram + bio-data + interactions + proteins + chill + chillin + chillin-quintus + cs391L-code + dolphin + domains + bw + mulex + naivesort + nqueens + plan-gen + rw + foidl + foidl-lisp + foidl-lisp + foidl-prolog + foidl + forte + Data + Domain + Src + ie-data + job-data + lab + line-data + maps + ml-code + ml-course + spring88 + spring89 + spring90 + spring91 + ml-progs + C4.5-Src + mlj + neither + assert + cpp + data + neither + utils + nl-clang-data + nl-ilp-data + geosystem + jobsystem + restsystem + nll-tutorial + rapier + examples + resume-data + scope + planner + lib + trace + talks + planning + Natural_Language_Processing_Project + Subject 1 + NLP_Sentiment_Analysis + Pickles + Subject's Screenshots + Subject 2 + Subject's Screenshots + Sub Subject1's Screenshots + Sub Subject2's Screenshots + Subject 3 + Subject's Screenshots + Subject 4 + Subject's Screenshots + Subject 5 + Subject's Screenshots + Subject 6 + Subject's Screenshots + Subject 7 + Subject's Screenshots + Neural_Unification_for_Logic_Reasoning_over_Language + rule-reasoning-dataset-V2020.2.4 + birds-electricity + depth-0 + depth-1 + depth-2 + depth-3 + depth-5 + NatLang + spectre + module + utils + nsm + lang_doc\.vscode + bin + demo + doc + manual_file + lang_bin + lang_doc + lang_src + mark_up + numsynth-aaai23 + ilp-experiments + ilpexp + problem + geometry + halfplane + interval + list + last_leq + memberbetween + next_geq + pharmacophore + pharmacophores_1 + pharmacophores_2 + pharmacophores_3 + pharmacophores_4 + pharmacophore_example + pharma1_example + pharma2_example + zendo + zendo1 + zendo2 + zendo3 + zendo4 + zendo_example + zendo1_example + zendo2_example + runner + system + aleph + metagol + popper + results + halfplane + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + numsynth + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + interval + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + numsynth + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + last_leq + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numsynth + test + memberbetween + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numsynth + test + next_geq + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numsynth + test + pharmacophores_1 + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numsynth + test + pharmacophores_2 + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numsynth + test + pharmacophores_3 + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numsynth + test + pharmacophores_4 + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numsynth + test + zendo1 + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + test + numsynth + test + numsynthpopper + test + zendo2 + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + 5 + test + 6 + test + 7 + test + 8 + test + 9 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + zendo3 + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + zendo4 + aleph + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + magicpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numericalpopper + 0 + test + 1 + test + 2 + test + 3 + test + 4 + test + numsynth + examples + alleven + dropk + droplast + filter + find-dupl + iggp-attrition + iggp-buttons + iggp-buttons-goal + iggp-coins + iggp-coins-goal + iggp-eight-puzzle-legal-move + iggp-gt-centipede-legal + iggp-gt-centipede-next_control + iggp-minimal-decay + test + iggp-rps + test + interval + kinship-pi + length + magic-append + magic-drug-design + magic-equilibrium + magic-iggp-buttons + magic-iggp-buttons-goal + magic-iggp-coins + magic-iggp-coins-goal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-goal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-legal + magic-iggp-gt-centipede-next + magic-iggp-minimaldecay + magic-krk + magic-list + magic-next + magic-pi + magic-powerof2 + magic-sumk + metarules + non-OPL + numeric-halfplane + numeric-interval + numeric-lastleq + numeric-memberbetween + numeric-nextgeq + numeric-pharma1 + numeric-pharma2 + numeric-pharma3 + numeric-pharma4 + numeric-zendo1 + numeric-zendo2 + numeric-zendo3 + numeric-zendo4 + reverse + robots-functional + robots-linear + robots-pi + robots-recursion + sorted + trains1 + trains2 + trains3 + trains4 + popper + lp + patch-R8 + pmls + classification_data + data_f + ismis_data - pooney + abind + accel + backup + beth + gram + bio-data + interactions + proteins + chill + chillin + chillin-quintus + cs391L-code + dolphin + domains + bw + mulex + naivesort + nqueens + plan-gen + rw + foidl + foidl-lisp + foidl-lisp + foidl-prolog + foidl + forte + Data + Domain + Src + ie-data + job-data + lab + line-data + maps + ml-code + ml-course + spring88 + spring89 + spring90 + spring91 + ml-progs + C4.5-Src + mlj + neither + assert + cpp + data + neither + utils + nl-clang-data + nl-ilp-data + geosystem + jobsystem + restsystem + nll-tutorial + rapier + examples + resume-data + scope + planner + lib + trace + talks + planning + Popper + arc + examples + alleven + andersen + dropk + droplast + escape-rhh + filter + find-dupl + iggp-attrition + iggp-buttons + iggp-buttons-goal + iggp-coins + iggp-coins-goal + iggp-gt-centipede-legal + iggp-gt-centipede-next_control + iggp-gt-chicken-goal + iggp-minimal-decay + test + iggp-rps + test + kinship-ancestor + kinship-pi + length + metarules + nearlyscc + next + path + pddl-gripper-drop + pddl-gripper-move + pddl-gripper-pick + pddl-onearmedgripper-drop + pddl-onearmedgripper-move + pddl-onearmedgripper-pick + pddl-painting-dry + pddl-painting-painttobox + pddl-painting-painttoshelf + pddl-painting-pickfromside + pddl-painting-pickfromtop + pddl-painting-placeinbox + pddl-painting-placeinshelf + pddl-painting-wash + reverse + robots-functional + robots-linear + robots-recursion + rsg + scc + small + sorted + trains1 + trains2 + trains3 + trains4 + twopilenim + test + train + zendo1 + zendo2 + zendo3 + popper + lp + ProbCog + examples + alarm + alarm-propositional + grades + grades-ext + hmm + meals + smokers + tweety + vegetarians + repo + boris + van + schooten + yprolog + 0.5 + edu + ksu + cis + bnj + 3.004-Extended + bnj-res + 3.004-Extended + tum + cs + ias + tumutils + 1.0.0 + weka-fipm + 1.0.0 + umass + cs + kdl + proximity + 4.2 + KommuSoft + jahmm + 2010-10-15 + src + main + java + probcog + bayesnets + conversion + core + io + inference + learning + util + classification + clustering + multidim + exception + hmm + latent + inference + logging + logic + parser + sat + weighted + prolog + rpt + service + srl + directed + bln + coupling + py + inference + learning + mln + inference + taxonomy + srldb + datadict + domain + tools + wcsp + jython + python + MLN + grounding + inference + learning + test + java + probcog + srl + mln + inference + python + resources + models + probConstraints + posterior + prior + simpleLearning + smokers + student_course + problog + conversions + hugin_samples + smile_samples + xmlbif_samples + debug + docs + source + internal + usecases + metafunctions + problog + bin + darwin + linux + source + maxsatz + windows + learning + lib + library + nlp4plp.d + pgm + tasks + test + library + web + js + fonts + lib + snippets + yap + test + bn + constraints + dtproblog + lfi + ad + misc + simple + vars_in_tunable + lficont + parser + sample + specific + tasks + usecases + faultdiagnosis + inhibition_effects + interactive_grounder + java + learningascondinf + mln + prolog + python_interface + whirl + movies + reviews + progol5_0 + examples5_0 + source + progolemnrnot + bottom clause + clause evaluation - engine + examples + hypotheses + messages - mode declarations - settings + terms_files - theory + top_theory + type_checker + utils + Project-Automated-Reasoning + distances - interested - Prolog + Aleph + Examples + Trains + Tree + Prolog + Relational + Bupa + CS + NBA + pubs + Pyrimidine + Triazine + Slipcover - Prolog---Machine-Learning-Algorithm-Recommender - Prolog-AI - ailp + library + web + resources + css + images + js + prolog-experiments + AMZI Workspace\.metadata + AMZI Workspace\.metadata\.plugins + org.eclipse.core.resources\.history + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 1a + 1b + 1c + 1d + 1e + 1f + 2 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 2a + 2b + 2d + 2e + 2f + 3 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 + 39 + 3a + 3b + 3c + 3d + 3e + 3f + 4 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 + 4a + 4c + 4d + 4e + 4f + 5 + 50 + 51 + 52 + 53 + 54 + 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 5a + 5b + 5c + 5d + 5e + 5f + 6 + 60 + 61 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + 66 + 67 + 68 + 69 + 6a + 6b + 6c + 6d + 6e + 6f + 7 + 70 + 71 + 72 + 73 + 74 + 75 + 76 + 77 + 78 + 79 + 7a + 7b + 7c + 7d + 7e + 7f + 8 + 80 + 81 + 82 + 83 + 84 + 85 + 86 + 87 + 88 + 89 + 8a + 8b + 8c + 8d + 8e + 8f + 9 + 90 + 91 + 92 + 93 + 94 + 95 + 96 + 97 + 98 + 99 + 9a + 9b + 9d + 9e + 9f + a + a0 + a1 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + aa + ab + ac + ad + ae + af + b + b0 + b1 + b5 + b6 + b7 + b9 + ba + bc + bd + bf + c + c0 + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6 + c7 + c8 + c9 + ca + cb + cc + cd + ce + cf + d + d0 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8 + d9 + da + db + dc + dd + de + df + e + e0 + e1 + e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 + e6 + e7 + e8 + e9 + ea + eb + ec + ed + ee + ef + f + f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 + f7 + f8 + f9 + fa + fb + fc + fd + fe + ff + org.eclipse.core.resources\.root\.indexes + org.eclipse.debug.core\.launches + org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects + Eclair + Modules + Working + org.eclipse.core.resources\.root + org.eclipse.core.resources\.safetable + org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings + com.amzi.prolog.core + org.eclipse.debug.ui + org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring + org.eclipse.search + org.eclipse.team.ui + org.eclipse.tomcat + help + ROOT + org.eclipse.ui + org.eclipse.ui.ide + org.eclipse.ui.workbench + org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor + org.eclipse.update.ui + AMZI Workspace + Multi-Clipboard Data + External Sources + ActiveX + exlibris-0_2 + doc + eg + mock_home + compat + swi + ensure + file + list + meta + term + simple + lib + clause + compat + swi + yap + ensure + exec + file + io + kv + list + meta + option + term + unix + write + OOPL + workspace\.metadata\.config + platform.cfg.metadata + workspace\.metadata + workspace\.metadata\.plugins + org.eclipse.core.resources\.history + org.eclipse.core.resources\.root + org.eclipse.core.resources\.safetable + com.amzi.prolog.core + org.eclipse.ui + org.eclipse.ui.views + org.eclipse.ui.workbench + org.eclipse.update.ui + doc + lib + sample + counter + hello + inherit + operator + performance + save + string + PrologDoc + prologdoc-1.0RC2 + Sources + AI + Basic Algorithms + algebra + B-Prolog + Edinburgh + data + arrays + lists + misc + numbers + sets + terms + demo + evans + grammars + mandc + misc + plan + rules + search + winston + io + files + formatted_write + read_in + prolog + tools + editing + inspecting + on_line_doc + timing + tracing + GFULab + graph + interval + J. Payne Prolog Tools + library + benchmarks + ECRC + lisp_prolog_contest + tektronix + debug + fcp + shopper + Prolog and Logic Programming + Simple Text Parser + TLG Theorem Prover + Modules + bin + Documentation + Todo + My AMZI Extensions + CVUtilities + Debug + Resources + Test + Debug - Programs + Pizza + bin - Working + bin + Expert System - World + reasonable-embeddings + local + out + dataset + exp + 20220715T194304 + 20220715T194328 + 20220719T213232 + table3-k16e1 + table3-k16e10 + table3-k1e1 + table3-k1e10 + img + scripts + src + simplefact + rl + gym_vgdl + gym_vgdl + vgdl + sample_games + lib + log + ee_06-09-2018-21-50-58 + exp1_23-08-2018-12-51-05 + exp1_23-08-2018-12-59-29 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-09-17 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-16-28 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-23-48 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-34-41 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-46-44 + exp1_23-08-2018-13-56-51 + exp1_23-08-2018-14-05-13 + exp1_23-08-2018-14-16-33 + exp1_23-08-2018-14-42-51 + exp1_23-08-2018-14-57-47 + exp1_23-08-2018-15-06-46 + 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+ exp2_24-08-2018-06-37-29 + exp2_24-08-2018-06-56-11 + exp2_24-08-2018-07-16-46 + exp2_24-08-2018-07-35-33 + exp2_24-08-2018-08-04-01 + exp2_24-08-2018-09-02-19 + exp2_24-08-2018-09-25-26 + exp2_24-08-2018-09-47-56 + exp2_24-08-2018-10-12-06 + exp2_24-08-2018-10-35-09 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-10-33-53 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-10-41-18 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-10-48-31 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-10-55-40 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-03-38 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-11-22 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-18-04 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-25-58 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-34-37 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-42-06 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-50-42 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-11-58-58 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-07-16 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-15-35 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-26-42 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-34-25 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-41-27 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-48-23 + exp3_noTL_goal_26-08-2018-12-55-42 + 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experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-12-48-34 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-13-05-31 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-13-23-38 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-13-40-38 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-13-56-45 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-14-11-13 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-14-28-50 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-14-47-18 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-15-05-35 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-15-23-24 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-15-42-53 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-15-58-08 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-16-15-04 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-16-32-54 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-16-52-24 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-17-10-15 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-17-29-57 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-17-48-51 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-18-05-00 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-18-22-36 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-18-43-10 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-19-00-06 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-19-17-53 + experiment5_TL_20-08-2018-19-36-28 + old + background_report + figures + ilp + examples + experiments + py-vgdl + examples + gridphysics + vgdl + games + interfaces + ontology + sprites + newset + oryx + vgdl.egg-info + report + _minted-main + chapters + figures + result_pkl + experiment1 + experiment1_delete + experiment1_q + experiment1_q_del + experiment1_x + experiment2 + experiment2_q + experiment3_after_noTL_goal + experiment3_after_noTL_noGoal + experiment3_after_TL + experiment3_q + experiment3_q_q + experiment4_after_noTL_goal + experiment4_after_noTL_noGoal + experiment4_after_TL + experiment4_q + experiment_keep_first + experiment1 + experiment1_q + experiment3 + experiment3_q + experiment4_after_noTL + experiment4_after_TL + experiment4_before + experiment5_noTL + experiment5_TL + test + rule_learning_experiment - gensim - family - probfoil + slipcover + nell + others + sdmtoolkit + orange + OrangeWidgets + SDM + OWL2X + data + out + scripts + src + core + util + rsd + example + sdmaleph + bank + sdmsegs + segs_p + testdata + legacy + owl + workflows + sequential-teaching + data + results + amt + Group1 + Group2 + Group3 + Group4 + meta_results + scripts + test + amt + Group1 + Group2 + Group3 + Group4 + interface + A + B + backend + C + D + lib + materials + imgs + MaRs_IB + merge_sort + imgs + fruits + merge_test + merge_train + sort_test + sort_train + structure_train + metagol + background + database + demo + experiments + merge_sort + SHAP_FOLD + datasets + acute + autism + breastw + cars + credit + heart + kidney + krkp + mushroom + sonar + voting + examples + flies example + Explainable AI Notebooks + nbproject + private + papers + src + org + jpl7 + fli + util + sokoban + spatial-reasoning - images - outimages - primitives - prologSrc + texts - Super-Trunfo - SuperTrunfo + C++ + Haskell - Prolog - swi-prolog-fann - transformer - prolog - transformer - t + transpiler + code_generators + javascript + js_transpiler + jison_parsers + peggy_parsers + from_java + typescript-to-glsl + typescript-to-glsl + typescript_to_futhark + php + prolog + optimized_java_parser + optimized_javascript_parser + optimized_python_parser + simplified translator + python + translated_functions + cpp + glsl + prolog - tree-of-thought-llm - data + 24 - crosswords + text + logs + crosswords + game24 + text - prompts + scripts + crosswords + game24 + text - tasks + TypesAndProofs + docs - lltaut - Problems + LCL + SYJ - SYN - probs + LCL + SYJ + SYN + test_data + third_party + fCube-4.1 + fCube + ILTP + otherWffs + paper + script - uast2pl + cmd + qpl + uast2pl + examples + c + csharp + java + python + pkg + uast2pl + prolog + upl + bin + lib + upl + spec - VisualNarrator - lang - en - vn + templates + ui - utils - wangs-algorithm + www.ccsu.edu + _tmpl + css + faculty + css + www.cs.ccsu.edu + cit + ~neville + Courses + Summer99 + JavaResources + www.cs.cmu.edu + afs + cs + project + ai-repository + ai + a2z + bin + docs + lists + old + origins + areas + agents + animals + as + asm + drives + extended_R_and_P + hds + lorenz + maes + no_graphics + R_and_P + sim_env + icons + templates + aop + aop + a0 + agents + manual + mct + viewgen + vf_hetis + vf-hetis + lib + collections + predicates + utils + viewfind + viewgen + ViewGen\.proc + ViewGen + data + man + obj_syntax_rules + junk + pl + alife + doc + bib + edu + notes + faq + mail + n000 + n001_050 + n051_100 + n100_109 + news + systems + 3dlife + autogen + autogen + biomrf + biomrf + biosim + pc + unix + BIOSIM + DATA + gnuplot + demo + docs + latextut + os2 + term + win + HELP + SOURCES + xgrabsc_1.4 + bugs + BUGS + morph + Suntools_version + X_version + bugs_dos + bugs_mac + bugworld + bugworld + darwin + Darwin + devo + DEVO + echo + Echo-1.0 + cluster + DOCUMENTATION + OBJECTS + agents + sites + worlds + WIDGETS + At + include + Athena3d + include + lib + fwf + include + evo + Evo + evolutn4 + evolution4 + genesis + genesis + Doc + others + Papers + Scripts + burster + cable + channels + examples + concen + ddsyn + disk_in + draw + fonts + hines + pore + ConClamp + UnClamp + VClamp + sigmoid + table + helpdemo + int_methods + MultiCell + neurokit + prototypes + neuron + orient_tut + piriform + squid + traub91 + vclamp + src + axon + buffer + concen + device + hh + hines + olf + out + personal + pore + examples + ConClamp + UnClamp + VClamp + segment + shell + sim + ss + startup + synapse + sys + tools + user + xodus + comlib + drawlib + genlib + widglib + xolib + rallpack + comparison + rallpack1 + rallpack2 + rallpack3 + reports + genesis + rallpack1 + rallpack2 + rallpack3 + neuron + rallpack1 + rallpack2 + rallpack3 + theor + lee + lee11mac + lee11unix + life + aaalife + aaalife + aalife + dionne + dr_life + dr_life + hatch + hensel + life106 + lifep + lifepw + life_3d + life_3d + lifepas + lifepas + moraes + xlife + olsson + life + reilly + life + rokicki + Life + xmp + rupley + life + patterns + xpatterns + xlife + xlife + doc + lifesearch + patterns + lsys + lsys + Examples + nugs + Nugs.app + English.lproj + Nugs.nib + pfg + polywrld + papers + rev19 + extracode + psoup + tierra + alcomm + doc + inc + src + beagle + gif + doc + overview + tierra + gb1 + gb2 + gb3 + gb4 + td + vamv + vamv + xantfarm + xantfarm + anneal + asa + ASA + papers + asa + combat + markets + misc + nuclear + smni + blackbrd + gbb + v-120 + distribution + gbb1 + graphics + ops + simple-shell + gest + bookcode + knight + knight + winston + ai3 + ca + faq + ca_faq + mail + systems + cam + cdm + cellsim + patch1 + patch2 + V2.5 + Cellsim2.5.CM2 + Rule_mdir + Rule_src + sun4.objs + vax.objs + Cmap + doc + Rule_mdir + Rule_src + Rules + socket + src + sun2.objs + sun3.objs + sun4.objs + cinc + Distribution + Cinc.app + Positions + Rules + dtr + dtr + Documentation + Models + Systems + ca + ck + misc + oca + xca + hodge + v098j + hodge-c-0.98j + cmaps + config + contrib + idl + khoros + magick + wautom + wirewrld + wirew21 + wireworld + classics + eliza + azile + basic + eliza2 + bender + bg + dbase + emacs + honey + honey + mac + pascal + bbschat + pascal + pc + prolog + njr + uga + splotch + words + parry + racter + shrdlu + shrdlu + constrnt + bib + clp + clpbib + clp + clp2 + satisf + sched + faq + news + systems + cooldraw + csplib + lib + GRAPH_COLOR + d_blue + C-DEC + C-SUN4 + common-lisp + papers + Smalltalk + mlt_grnt + doc + v2.1 + v2.2 + skyblue + doc + src + thinglab + thinglab + dai + discover + doc + bib + survey + datamine + doc + ai_tutor + ai_tutor + aiexpert + aiexp_nn + bat + aiexpert + aix_8607 + aix_8610 + aix_8611 + aix_8612 + aix_8701 + aix_8702 + aix_8703 + aix_8704 + aix_8705 + aix_8706 + aix_8707 + aix_8708 + aix_8709 + aix_8710 + aix_8711 + aix_8712 + aix_8801 + aix_8802 + aix_8803 + aix_8804 + aix_8808 + aix_8811 + aix_8812 + aix_8901 + aix_8906 + aix_8907 + aix_8908 + aix_8909 + aix_8910 + aix_8911 + aix_9001 + aix_9002 + aix_9003 + aix_9004 + aix_9101 + aix_9102 + aigen + bib + AIEXPERT + AIMAG + anlp94 + ARTINTELL + BEHAVBRAINSCI + buch_ai + C4TBIV~I + COGNITION + COGSCI + COMPLING + COMPSPLANG + COMPSUR + HUMANFAC + IEEEEXP + IEEETRKDE + IEEETRNEURNET + IEEETRPAMI + IEEETRROAUTO + IEEETRSMCY + INTJCVI + INTJMMS + J34CN3~S + JAUTOREAS + JLOGICPROG + JOCY0Y~A + JROBOSYS + LISPSYMBCOMP + MACHLEARN + MACHTRANS + NEURALCOMP + NEURALNET + oop + PERCEPTION + PSYREV + uka + AI + Neural + Object + ddj + ddj-ai + checklsp + vis3 + vison2 + ddj-apr + ddj8901 + ddj9004 + ddj9104 + ddj9107 + schedule + edu + aicurric + aicurric + news + pail + pail + atn + lexicae + networks + atp + examples + tutorial + backward-rules + bib + bitmaps + cky + grammar + lexicon + csp + data-files + atn + lexicae + networks + atp + examples + tutorial + cky + grammar + lexicon + csp + ebg + forward-rules + id3 + jtms + nmjtms + np + planning + rpg + rules + doc + ebg + emacs + forward-rules + rules + working-memories + ga + gtre + help + hopfield + id3 + jtms + nmjtms + nn + np + pail-lib + acl-gin + examples + planning + domains + snlp + pool + rpg + rules + newdata + tms + sim + sim_2_7 + expert + bench + bench + arp + manners + waltz + waltz.clp + waltz.snip + waltzdb + weaver + expbench + expbench + faq + news + systems + amzi + articles + products + programs + CLAM + FOOPS + NATIVE + OOPS + RETEFOOP + RUBIK + TAXES + WINDOW + xsip + clam + foops + native + oops + retefoop + rubik + taxes + window + updates + babylon + v22 + v23 + Babylon-2.3 + clII + doc + fmcs + kernel + common + consat + basic + mini + normal + frames + basic + mini + normal + freetext + meta + modules + prolog + basic + mini + normal + rules + basic + mini + normal + mac + io + normal + modules + tools + model-k + configs + kbs + floor + kads + samples + axsets + configs + kbs + texi + configs + k1 + k3 + tty + basic + cmds + mini + modules + clips + agent + contrib + clipsdll + v1 + clipsdll + v2 + clipsdll + examples + Fact-Functions + programs + doc + abstract + bib + mac + manuals + 6docs + fixedps + ps + notes + notes + dyna + v1 + DYN + bin + clips + doc + examples + src + v2 + DYN + bin + clips + doc + examples + src + v3 + DYN + bin + clips + doc + examples + examples51 + src + v31 + DYN31 + bin + clips + doc + examples51 + examples60 + src + fzclips + v602 + docs.MIF + fixes.602A + FZ_CLIPS.6.02 + DOCS + fzexamples + ShowerProblem + src + tmp + FZ_CLIPS.tests + features + pc_split + postscript2.docs + v602a + docs.MIF + FZ_CLIPS.6.02A + DOCS + fzexamples + ShowerProblem + src + tmp + FZ_CLIPS.testsA + features + pc_split + wxfuzzy + MODFILES + SRC + wxfuzzy + modified_fuzzy_files + patches + Source-Files + sybase + clips2sybase + v4_3 + dos + SRC + unix + 4.3 + v5_0 + mac + v5_1 + msdos + unix + clips5.1 + clips + color + crsv + examples + xclips + v6_0 + dos + mac + unix + documentation + executables + examples + sun4 + ultrix + makefiles + pc + unix + vax + source + clips + color + Xaw + xinterface + wxclips + v12_6 + CLIPS5.1 + CLIPS6.0 + DOCS + EXAMPLES + LIB + SRC + v13_51 + EXAMPLES + FUZZY + WXCLIPS + CLIPS5.1 + CLIPS6.0 + DOCS + EXAMPLES + FUZZY + FUZZY + LIB + SRC + v13_6 + EXAMPLES + FUZZY + WXCLIPS + CLIPS5.1 + CLIPS6.0 + DOCS + EXAMPLES + FUZZY + FUZZY + LIB + SRC + es + esfm + esie + artintel + expert + expert + frulekit + doc + frulekit + eg + notes + request + sup + fruser + hugin + HUGIN_DEMO_SOLARIS + HUGIN_DEMO_SUN4 + les + mike + old + v203 + MIKEv2.03 + v250 + v250 + ops5 + ops5 + demo + doc + ops5_fj + kcl + kcl + msdos + msdos + orig + salvini + faq + fuzzy + com + aptronix + fide-info + aria + books + fril + iis + misc + togai + fca_foil + newsltr + v1 + v2 + v3 + ts3ss + TSIMAGES + doc + bib + fuzzy-nn + sched + elkan + intro + clearly + j_times + primer + tutorial + what_is + notes + appnotes + appnotes + assocs + bench + bench + brub + fledkit + whos_who + events + faq + mail + news + systems + anfis + anfis + anfis3 + c_lib + common + example1 + example2 + example3 + example4 + misc + test + artmap + pictures + class + cncl + ezd + doc + examples + v19 + bin + conv + doc + doc + info + ps_dvi + examples + fddi + gg1 + include + CNCL + lib + array + test + container + test + events + test + ezd + test + fuzzy + test + misc + test + random + test + stat + test + test + unix + test + v22 + bin + fuzzy + test + sdl + doc + doc + info + examples + fddi + gg1 + gist + car + indoor_scenario + sdl + include + CNCL + lib + array + test + container + test + events + test + ezd + test + fuzzy + test + gist + test + gnu + test + misc + test + random + test + sdl + test + stat + test + test + unix + test + usr + bin + g++-include + CNCL + demoshel + demoshel + manual + f_arith + fuzzy + confint + fznum + fcmdemo3 + fide + BIN + EXAMPLES + ABS + FANS + PEND + TRUCK + fide + bin + fismat + fismat + pcfismat + flie + cflie + flie + applications + bin + examples + sources + papers + flipc + funegen + doc + fune1 + iris + fuzzdemo + fuzzdemo + fuzzyfan + fuzzyfan + fuzzytec + gaf + ifr + IFR_fuzzy + demo + manual + templates + toolbox + infer3 + nefcon + nefcon + data + datagen + pendulum + source + orr + orr + pendemo + newdemo + pendemo + pendsrc + pws + FUZZ + FUZZDEMO + rice + doc + examples + include + lib + source + tools + upgrade + til2msg + til2msg + tracker + tracker + xfuzzy + ayuda + ejemplos + Camion + Error + pendulo + iconos - games - chess + font + chess1.1 + fonts + inputs + mf + pkfonts + gnuchess + mac + misc + v40p70 + gnuchess-4.0.pl70 + doc + misc + src + test + CHESSTEST + gnutest + SAN-testsuite + v40p73 + gnuchess-4.0.pl73 + book + doc + misc + src + test + CHESSTEST + gnutest + SAN-testsuite + windows + windows + san + SAN + SAN_DOC + SAN_SRC + shamko + test + doc - metagame - doc - doc + Pictures + v3 - Metagame + bin + comms + doc + evals + games + generator - learning - misc + play + state + theory + v3a + Metagame + bin + comms + doc + evals + games + generator + learning + misc + play + state + theory + x_word + Crossword.app + Crossword.nib + English.lproj + Help + Algorithms.rtfd + Appearance.rtfd + Dictionaries.rtfd + Frames.rtfd + Heuristics.rtfd + Index.rtfd + Overview.rtfd + Searching.rtfd + Example + src + Crossword.nib + English.lproj + Help + Algorithms.rtfd + Appearance.rtfd + Dictionaries.rtfd + Frames.rtfd + Heuristics.rtfd + Index.rtfd + Overview.rtfd + Searching.rtfd + genetic + ga + doc + bib + alander + alander + app + cogann + cogann + ec + EC + foga + ga_list + illigal + 92008 + ruhland + ga_nn + intro + overview + beasley + survey + notes + softsurv + faq + mail + src + v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6 + v7 + v8 + systems + ant + cfsc + cfsc-1.02 + cfsc + include + fsw1 + letseq1 + cfsc-1.98j + config + docs + fsw1 + ga + include + letseq1 + lib + src + tools + dgenesis + dgenesis + bin + doc + src + usr + DEJONG + MUHLENBEIN + em + em + ga_ucsd + GAucsd + doc + etc + src + usr + gac + GAC + gacc + gacc + gaga + res + gags + GAGS + bin + demos + docs + lib + src + GAGS-0.92 + bin + demos + docs + src + gal + GAL + game + GAME + INCLUDE + SGA + SRC + TST + gamusic + gannet + gannet + datasets + source + thesis + verifier + gaw + gaw110 + geco + v10 + GECO-v1.0 + v20 + mac + unix + doc + GECO-v2.0 + genalg + genalg + genesis + genesis + test.fns + genesys + doc + GENEsYs + bin + doc + src + fct + genet + GenET + ALG + doubleVector + REP + noLibProblems + genie + code + genitor + Genitor + doc + Examples + NeuralNet + ReproEval + Subpops + binary + decept + tsp + Traditional + TSP + SampleConfigs + 15city + 30city + include + ga + RCS + Save + op + RCS + src + ga + RCS + Save + op + RCS + Save + RCS + genlib + cosine + genetic.lib + vartop + giga + GIGA + Documents + TR92-02 + TR92-05 + TR92-06 + Experiments + Decept + DeJong + Simple + Source + libga + libga100 + lice + LICE-1.0 + doc + foxhole.dir + pixmon-0.3 + cmaps + examples + rast.dir + source + sphere.dir + messy_ga + c + 1992 + C + 1994 + messyGA + C + doc + lisp + messyGA + Lisp + michal + genetc2 + genetc2n + genocop + paragene + PARAGENESIS + test.fns + paratsp + TSP + pga + v24 + pga + v25 + pga-2.5 + src + scs + scs + scsc + config + contrib + getrsc + knuth + plauger + vax-scs + vlcr + docs + figs + data + fig-6.18 + fig-6.19 + fig-6.20 + fig-6.21 + fig-6.22 + man + src + scsp + simpleCS + Pascal + APPENDB + MISC + SCS + ses + SES-1.0 + rast.dir + source + sphere.dir + sga + goldberg + simpleGA + Pascal + APPENDB + MISC + SGA + sga_c + sga-c + sga_cube + sga-cube + sga_f + sga-f + sga_p + sga-p + tolkien + manual + TOLKIEN + gnu + include + src + include + samples + multimodal + royalrd + TSP + src + tutorial + winga + test + ga_bench + classic + DeJong + Muehlenbein + SchafferEtAl + new + dejong + ds + msb + st + tz + others + mlearn + netlib + tsplib + sac + sac94-suite + tsp + TSPLIB_1.2 + txt + gp + bib + faq + systems + abs + cerebrum + doodle + evoplane + evoplane + geppetto + v12 + geppetto-1.2 + doc + include + lib + debug + tools + v20 + geppetto-2.0 + corewar + doc + include + lib + debug + old + tools + gp_pl + gpcpp + gpc++-0.4 + ant + lawn + symbreg + GPCPP4 + ANT + LAWN + SYMBREG + gpeist + gpgraphs + gp-graphs + gpquick + gpquick + gpsteps + gpsteps + imogenes + imogenes + koza + litlflet + sgpc + sgpc1.01 + ADF + lib + REGRESSION + sgpc1.1 + ADF + DONUT + lib + REGRESSION + SIN + news + icot + apps + pimos + aligndp + alignsa + cbsdss + celplace + cohlex + colodex + co-LODEX + Agent + Delay + FEP + NJ + Rules + Sample + StdCells + Utilities + Par-Par + Par-Seq + consort + doc + src + kl1_source + consort + interv + desq + doc + src + esp + common + example + feedback + long + no_feedback + kl1_source + consort + interv + qucomp + DIS + DAT + DEEP + DEMAND + DIAG + MODEL + SEQU + SIM + examds + cmp_data + data_base + def_data2 + diag + diag2 + diag_kl1 + editor + editor2 + editor_kl1 + exp_data + font + func_data + main + mdl_data + mdl_DB + mdl_demo + mdl_win + simulator + simulator2 + simulator_kl1 + tr_data + Utility + wb + wb_lib + WORK + gog-kl1 + ESP + kl1 + gpsstap + async + esp + ex120 + ex15 + ex30 + ex60 + sync + helic2 + IF + PROGRAM + CBR + ESP + KL1 + EXPLAIN + LEGAL + ESP + KL1 + SIM + LEGAL + ACCIDENT + accident1 + CBR + BG + KL1 + ENGINE + TRANS + KS + ENGLISH + JAPANESE + REASON + doc + src + COM + DIC + DOC + RBR + KS + ENGLISH + JAPANESE + PROGRAM + logisim + DOC + lsirout + DATA + ESP + KL1 + mendels + metis + MMI + DATA + KL1 + pmonitor + Doc + ProteinStruct + amino + bury + DOC + dp + SAMPLE + hcat + hssp + matrix + mssd + multivariate + parallel + parameterize + pdb + MSSD_DIR + wavelet + rodin + data + datapath + lib + quadruple + schedule + spec + verilog + prog + compile + cost + ga + gcls + input + lib + main + move + ra + rank_test + register + rule + run + sa + verilog + seqanal + data + esp + kl1 + src + pimos + unix + aedit + stem + TOTAL + simpos + unix + proview + 3dview + script + matrix + prtalk + kbms_clp + cesp + cal + sample + alg + bool + smplx + system + man + pimos + Alg + Bool + doc + man + Parser + sample + Shell + Simplex + src + bfm + clm + cmp + dbc + dbi + dbm + emu + flm + GNU + flex-2.3.7 + MISC + readline + doc + examples + hap + icp + ifp + ilp + imu + ixp + jop + kmacs + lcp + lib + luu + mac + mdu + mixp + mop + mrp + QC + cs + sd + QD + dp + pc + qd2 + rt + spm + um + QE + ip + QF + config + control-d + dotsrc + emacs + parser + pm_server + qshell + db + is + lib + shell + ss + ts + term + xanswer + xlattice + xmodule + QS + esp + henkan + kl1IF + pm + server + rcm + rcp + rec + report + set + shp + srv + svm + tbm + tbp + datasearch + format + ixleaf + ixread + main + mref + read + search + tbp_lib + tbp_set + tbp_sort + update + tbpcom + mixp + tcp + tools + trp + uld + simpos + cal2.12 + cal_jman + cal_man + deb2.12 + deb_jman + kappa2 + font + init + sample + kernel + bcm + bfm + cnv + dbo + flm + hlc + icm + itr + ixm + mdm + net + pcm + prm + rcm + rdm + rdo + rsv + sto + svm + tbo + time + version + ptf + tool + del_tool + kappa_pool + update_tool + user_if + pb + utility + bck + dbc + dbi + fmp + ivt + luu + lvm + mdu + mop + rcopy + rep + tgt + tool + kvif + c + data + esp + src + example_A + example_B + system + unix + doc + document + example + GNU + program + main + PlainMakefiles + main + unix + Sample + unix + sample + src + manuals + esp + kl1 + kl1-text + beginner + chuukyu + introductory + kl1_tut + pimos + man + primer + newsltr + english + japanese + nlp + cesp\.comm_file + cesp\.kwic_files + DB_FILE2 + DB_SOURCE + cesp + _demo + _simpos + _source + _unix + doc + Manual + GuideE + Install + Manual + PsFiles + Soft + Title + Style + Style-E + info + kwic_etc + OBJECT + prog + source + binary + ckwic + engine + nemacsInterface + sample + xinterface + xwindow + src + pimos + Bel + doc + fgcs92 + nlc + fig + dul + dul_unix + man + rosi + meta + Common + Copy + Macro + Misc + Sample + Share + SAMPLE + sancho + soc1 + soc2 + TRANS + simpos + DATA + doc + kwic_esp + db + doc + kwic-esp + db + doc + src + src + PTF + source + FTS + QXT + Sancho + sit + Tour + src + unix + CESP + jgdict + mjg + DIC + doc + FSE + CRPS + text-JUMAN + text-SAX + JUMAN-Dat + L1 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L10 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L11 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L12 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L2 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L3 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L4 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L5 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L6 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L7 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L8 + Dic + Grm + Mor + L9 + Dic + Grm + Mor + Module + V62 + mitdic + stddic + JUMAN-LangLAB + lib + Module + JUMAN-SAX + lib + Module + LangLAB-Grm + lib + lib + DCG-ETL + Dict + SanoSpecial + SAX-Grm + lib + Work + GRAM + Lug + CRPSbv61 + CRPSv61 + CRPSv62 + GRAMbv61 + GRAMv61 + GRAMv62 + lib + REFERENCE + Manual + Application + Dictionary + GrammarV62 + Guide + Lug + Nlt + Release + Style + Style-E + Title + PARSER + prolog + src + dictdata + mktrie + syllabic + pc.SJIS + unix + edit_conjtabl + files + src + info + separate + files + src + TEXT + reasonng + pimos + mgtp + ppss + src + sme + simpos + BUP + CALC + DB + DEF + demo + BUFFER + CC + DATA_BASE + EDITOR + EXT + FONT + INIT_FILE + LEMMA_LIB + MACRO + ML + P_TERM + ESP + KL1 + PACKAGE + PROVER + RULE + TOP + TREE + TYPE + UTILITY + Font + fuzclust + install_DIR + src + PROOF + RULED + WFFED + unix + example + src + symbolic + pim_psi + Eman + object + pimos + protocol + src + bios + boot + fep_module + scsi + debugger + inspector + listener + paragraph + processor + shoen + kernel + builtin + init + stdio + table + task + library + assembler + compiler + kbn + loader + protocol + unloader + utility + macro + pimos + bignum + pimos + scsi + telnet + pimos_utility + server + atom + fep + fep + file + socket + string_io + timer + window + login + init + login + users + module + pipe + profiler + scsi + telnet + user + shell + main + utils + utility + bignum + ioutls + pool + sorter + timer + vm + src_util + paragraph + parallel + plib + pmeter + pmeter_c + psdpim + FONT.DIR + INSTALL.DIR + PMPSI.DIR + SYSTEM.DIR + pimos + doc + images + exreps - kl1graph + src + ESP + GHC + KL1 + klib + PROLOG + sample + util + unix + aum + aum-1.2c + aumc + code + register + scope + struct + syntax + bin + doc + paper + texinfo + pas + AUmProgs + aum + builtin + class + config + debugger + src + sun4 + symmetry + etc + fstream + loader + mathematics + pasrefman + primitive + sun4 + symmetry + sysdep + socket + symmetry + table + utils + samples + socket + compiler + compiler_pl + debug_utl + doc.e + doc.j + emacs + emulator + include + klic + klic + klic-1.000 + compiler + documents + manual + include + klic + runtime + test + klic-1.100 + compiler + documents + manual + include + klic + runtime + test + klic-1.410 + compiler + documents + include + klic + runtime + test + testklic + compiler + documents + include + klic + runtime + test + macro + mpimos + pimos_utl + runtime + sample + samples + test + vpim + DOCUMENT + TM-1044.j + src + basics + functions + interpreter + primitives + structures - kr + doc + systems + colab + colab + contax + demo + docu + manual + forward + demo + semi-mconc + semi-tx + docu + help + manual + fam + fw-bottomup + magic + semi-naive + fw-relfun + fw-rfe + fw-rfi + meta + strategies + taxon-interface + RFM + AHY9U3~9 + classifier + codegenerator + demo + bench + drlh + exa + extensions + findom + suites + sampler + docu + help + manual + gama + index + mode-interpreter + normalizer + relfun + taxon + concrete + consistency + demo + docu + help + manual + front-end + incr-real-ord + print-fcts + RCS + representation + subsumption + top + cmds + demo + decplan + mcad2nc + docu + help + manual + manuals + papers + frames + doc + framewrk + framework + old + frl + frl + demo + dhl + frl + frllib + manual + rule + talk + util + utils + frobs + examples + RCS + frobsdoc + RCS + kr + kr + parmenid + doc + parmenides + bak + 14-mar + 21-oct-92 + before-mlpa + eg + exp + notes + sup + pruser + kl-one + Alg + alignsa + Bool + cal + sample + alg + bool + smplx + system + cbsdss + celplace + cohlex + colab + contax + demo + docu + manual + forward + demo + semi-mconc + semi-tx + docu + help + manual + fam + fw-bottomup + magic + semi-naive + fw-relfun + fw-rfe + fw-rfi + meta + strategies + taxon-interface + RFM + AHY9U3~9 + classifier + codegenerator + demo + bench + drlh + exa + extensions + findom + suites + sampler + docu + help + manual + gama + index + mode-interpreter + normalizer + relfun + taxon + concrete + consistency + demo + docu + help + manual + front-end + incr-real-ord + print-fcts + RCS + representation + subsumption + top + cmds + demo + decplan + mcad2nc + docu + help + manual + colodex + co-LODEX + Agent + Delay + FEP + NJ + Rules + Sample + StdCells + Utilities + Par-Par + Par-Seq + desq + doc + src + esp + common + example + feedback + long + no_feedback + kl1_source + consort + interv + qucomp + DIS + DAT + DEEP + DEMAND + DIAG + MODEL + SEQU + SIM + doc + document + examds + cmp_data + data_base + def_data2 + diag + diag2 + diag_kl1 + editor + editor2 + editor_kl1 + exp_data + font + func_data + main + mdl_data + mdl_DB + mdl_demo + mdl_win + simulator + simulator2 + simulator_kl1 + tr_data + Utility + wb + wb_lib + WORK + example + GDCC4.0 + Alg + Bignum + bin + Bool + Doc + Parser + Sample + GNU + gog-kl1 + ESP + kl1 + gpsstap + async + esp + ex120 + ex15 + ex30 + ex60 + sync + helic2 + IF + PROGRAM + CBR + ESP + KL1 + EXPLAIN + LEGAL + ESP + KL1 + SIM + LEGAL + ACCIDENT + accident1 + CBR + BG + KL1 + ENGINE + TRANS + KS + ENGLISH + JAPANESE + REASON + doc + src + COM + DIC + DOC + RBR + KS + ENGLISH + JAPANESE + PROGRAM + kappa2 + font + init + sample + kernel + bcm + bfm + cnv + dbo + flm + hlc + icm + itr + ixm + mdm + net + pcm + prm + rcm + rdm + rdo + rsv + sto + svm + tbo + time + version + ptf + tool + del_tool + kappa_pool + update_tool + user_if + pb + utility + bck + dbc + dbi + fmp + ivt + luu + lvm + mdu + mop + rcopy + rep + tgt + tool + kvif + c + data + esp + logisim + DOC + lsirout + DATA + ESP + KL1 + man + mendels + metis + MMI + DATA + KL1 + Parser + pmonitor + Doc + program + main + PlainMakefiles + main + unix + Sample + unix + ProteinStruct + amino + bury + DOC + dp + SAMPLE + hcat + hssp + matrix + mssd + multivariate + parallel + parameterize + pdb + wavelet + rodin + data + datapath + lib + quadruple + schedule + spec + verilog + prog + compile + cost + ga + gcls + input + lib + main + move + ra + rank_test + register + rule + run + sa + verilog + Sample + seqanal + data + esp + kl1 + Shell + Simplex + src + bfm + clm + cmp + dbc + dbi + dbm + emu + example_A + example_B + flm + GNU + flex-2.3.7 + MISC + readline + doc + examples + hap + icp + ifp + ilp + imu + ixp + jop + kmacs + lcp + lib + luu + mac + mdu + mixp + mop + mrp + pimos + QC + cs + sd + QD + dp + pc + qd2 + rt + spm + um + QE + ip + QF + config + control-d + dotsrc + emacs + parser + pm_server + qshell + db + is + lib + shell + ss + ts + term + xanswer + xlattice + xmodule + QS + esp + henkan + kl1IF + pm + server + rcm + rcp + rec + report + set + shp + srv + svm + system + tbm + tbp + datasearch + format + ixleaf + ixread + main + mref + read + search + tbp_lib + tbp_set + tbp_sort + update + tbpcom + mixp + tcp + tools + trp + uld + unix + aedit + stem + TOTAL + kl_one + back + Back52 + libraries + tests + translate + cec + cec + doc + cec + example + induction + lib + cec + help + standard + examples + math + osspecs + obj + cec + src + cec + acUni + completion + compute + cr + display + help + inout + make + panndas + prolog + rg + specVars + terms + tps + kns + polyn + worlds + dp + motel + misc + knowbel + new-knowbel + Manual + ontic + ontic + adage + interface + manual + rel11.5 + rhet + cl_lib + s5 + cl-lib + series + series + cl-lib-nonessential + cl + code-walker + Memoization-1.0 + Memo-Tables + doc + papers + shocker + rhet + s5 + rhet + axioms + doc + auto + language + luk-windows + RCS + reasoner + term-support + tests + benchmarks + demos + heq + reasoner + typea + ui + unify + window-interface + RCS + rprs + rprs + code + demo + doc + test + time + tempos + timelogic + sneps + bib + demo + activation + dbms + defaults + nlint + snactor + arcinfo + blocksworld + sneps + numquant + snepslog + Doc + ginseng + symbolics + Logs + match + ds + fns + multi + ds + fns + nlint + englex + parser + snebr + sneps + ds + fns + snepslog + generator + parser + recognizer + snip + ds + fns + snip22 + Tests + Tools + xginseng + uranus + uranus + doc + learning + bib + database + uci_mldb + ml-databases + access-lists + other-repository-info + aim-94 + Diabetes-Data + ICU-Data + annealing + artificial-characters + murphy + learn + test + audiology + auto-mpg + autos + balance-scale + balloons + breast-cancer-wisconsin + bridges + chess + domain-theories + king-rook-vs-king-knight + king-rook-vs-king-pawn + contacts + cpu-performance + credit-screening + dgp-2 + donations + ebl + echocardiogram + flags + function-finding + glass + hayes-roth + heart-disease + hepatitis + horse-colic + housing + image + ionosphere + iris + kinship + labor-negotiations + led-display-creator + lenses + letter-recognition + liver-disorders + logic-theorist + CODE + OLD + PROBS + lung-cancer + mechanical-analysis + PUMPS-DATA-SET + molecular-biology + promoter-gene-sequences + protein-secondary-structure + splice-junction-gene-sequences + monks-problems + mushroom + othello + old + pima-indians-diabetes + postoperative-patient-data + prodigy + domains + blocksworld + probs + probsets + eightpuzzle + pfour + probs + psix1 + psix2 + psix3 + eightpuzzle-II + probs + extended-bw + probs + extended-strips + probs + probsets + frozenblocksworld + probs + grammar + probs + gridworld + probs + jupiter + probs + logic + probs + matrix-algebra + probs + multirobot + probs + r1 + probs + rocket + probs + schedworld + probs + probsets + stripsworld + probs + telescope + probs + quadrapeds + servo + shuttle-landing-control + solar-flare + soybean + space-shuttle + spectrometer + statlog + australian + heart + satimage + segment + shuttle + vehicle + student-loan + thyroid-disease + tic-tac-toe + trains + undocumented + connectionist-bench + nettalk + protein + sonar + vowel + pazzani + sigillito + taylor + university + voting-records + water-treatment + waveform + wine + zoo + mail + ml_list + V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + v6 + systems + accel + accel + classweb + Class-2 + Classweb + focl + FOCL + FOCL-1-2-3 + sample-domains + source + auxiliary + core + interface + misc + Mac + foil + foil2 + FOIL2 + TestData + foil4 + FOIL4 + foil5 + FOIL5 + foil6 + FOIL6 + golem + src + index + INDEX + learn_pl + aq1 + arch1 + arch2 + attdsc + cobweb + discr + ebg + idt + invers + logic + multagnt + vs + miles + miles + doc + examples + gencon_instances + xmiles_resources + mobal + extras + v22 + hyp_news + HyperNeWS1.4 + src + client + hndisplay + hnterm + etc + HyperNeWS + include + images + install + lib + intf + prolog + sunlisp + share + draw + examples + plot2data + hnman + draw + src + images + ps + Stacks + Info + Misc + System + tools + drawps + dvi2ps + plot2 + man + Mobal2.2 + domains + tldriver + source + user-guide-example + text + library + man + ps + Stacks + Picts + tools + bin + ScrConverter + v30 + domains + demos + tldriver + scr + patches + TclTk + bin + lib + tcl + tk + TkMobal + lib + layout + menus + viewMenus + tools + oc1 + occam + Occam + TalespinOccam + pebls + doc + v21 + mljournal-paper + v30 + mljournal-paper + rwm + RWM + DDKB + INPUTS + OUTPUTS + PROBLEMS + utexas + code + ml-code + course + ml-course + spring88 + spring89 + spring90 + spring91 + neither + papers + papers + progs + ml-progs + misc + faq + lit_prog + oop + qwertz + qwertz + man + ps + roff + src + symbmath + music + clm + cm + build + contrib + doc + contrib + midi + examples + sgi + oldsys + clm + examples + csound + examples + midi + mk + examples + realtime + stella + examples + blee + Ludwig + help + scripts + tutorial + unix + utils + cmn + cmn.rtfd + cmn.wn + neural + bench + cmu + bench-cmu + old + parse + parse + tesauro + tesauro + cns + adaline + ann4th + autonet + bam + batchnet + bayes + bin + bps211 + dos + Mac + SparcSLC + tutor + Ultrix + VAXVMS + bps_100 + bps_210 + bps_211 + dos + Mac + SparcSLC + tutor + Ultrix + VAXVMS + bpsim2 + brainocr + bve + corlithm + DATA + desire + dynsys + examples + facesim + HELP + hopnet + jedi + kohsim + math_ica + md2 + n_ware + netlab01 + neural + neuralx + neuron + neuronet + neurosim + neurttt + newrule + newrulec + nnpctool + batchnet + include + kohonen + lib + misc + music + nrlnet10 + nshell + oid + pdnnet + r_mbann + s_grossb + src + tann + tdnn + Front + Learn + Prelearn + Recognize + Useful + topmap + ttt_ann + wre_thes + doc + bib + pca + sanger + wang + notes + survey + neurosim + edu + 15_882a + intro + handouts + notes + software + faq + mail + connect + 1994 + arch88 + arch89 + arch90 + arch91 + arch92 + arch93 + old + cmnla + nn_vs_ai + neuron + v1 + v10 + v11 + v12 + v13 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6 + v7 + v8 + v9 + news + systems + am + am5 + contrib + Mathematica + doc + examples + characters + abcd + Runs + simple + detect + Runs + encode + Runs + iris + Runs + monk + Runs + ntalk + Runs + perf + Runs + ringing + sequence + sonar + Runs + spiral + Runs + xor + Runs + man + man1 + migraines + bp + param + porting + src + aspirin + generators + backprop + include + io + misc + parser + sim + os + tools + bp_tools + converge + file + ui + NetTools + bin + am6 + config + contrib + Mathematica + NetTools + bin + doc + examples + bayes + characters + abcd + Runs + simple + detect + Runs + encode + Runs + iris + Runs + monk + Runs + ntalk + Runs + perf + Runs + ringing + sequence + sonar + Runs + spiral + Runs + wine + xor + Runs + man + man1 + migraines + bp + porting + src + aspirin + backprop + dict + include + libBp + converge + file + io + sim + ui + parser + os + tools + analyze + animator + hyperplane-animator + Demos + Doc + RS6000-bin + Src + anncam + ansil + doc + doc + v100 + docs + examples + source + v202 + docs + examples + source + art + art1 + art1 + art2 + art2 + 1 + 2 + gaudiano + next + ART + ART.app + English.lproj + ART.nib + ARTAnimator.nib + ARTAnimator1.nib + ArtDoc.nib + InfoPanel.nib + inputs + sources + English.lproj + ART.nib + ARTAnimator.nib + ARTDoc.nib + InfoPanel.nib + atree + alnlpst + doc + msdos + unix + atree2 + examples + backprop + backprop + bam + bam + blue + bp + backprop + bgi + nw + rcp + bpnn + bpnn133u + bps + brain + cascor + c + v102 + v104 + v110 + doc + lisp + cmac + Cmac + cog + cog + condela + source + dartnet + datarep + datarep + et + flight + simulator + src + fortran + gatordem + GATORDEM + gradsim + v2.0 + doc + examples + src + hopfield + hopfield + ics + ics172 + backprop + C + Help + Hopfield + include + lib + mactivat + matrix + Matrix + include + libg++ + include + src + mbp + mume + MUME-DOS + doc + examples + dxor + kakadu + opt + word + xor + xor-seq + xor-unfo + include + man + man1 + man3 + man5 + nasanets + nasanets + neocog + NeoCognitron + nerves + 87 + nerves + 87 + newplay + no87 + play + print + NEWPLAY + NO87 + PLAY + PRINT + netstuff + netstuff + neudl + neural + neural10 + neural22 + neuronc + nc + c.src + doc + dos + ha + libP + ncourse + pl + rpack + src + tcomp + yaccsrc + lib + nevprop + dosdir + macdir + NevProp + newton + nn_demos + nn + distrib + nndt + nnetdraw + nnetdraw + nns + nnutl + NNEVOLVE + NNRECUR1 + NNSIM1 + NNSIM2 + NNTEST1 + NNTEST2 + nnutl101 + nnevolve + nnrecur1 + nnsim1 + nnsim2 + nntest1 + nntest2 + nnwhat + nnwhere + nnxor + NNWHAT + NNWHERE + NNXOR + percept + percept + planet + doc + example + net + pat + scr + lib + planet + doc + example + boltz + net + bp + net + pat + scr + cascade + net + pat + cl + net + quick + net + raam + net + pat + sdm + net + pat + scr + td + net + tensor + misc + net + scr + lib + ref + src + ref + src + qprop + quickprop + rcc + rcc1 + rcs + v42 + bin + contrib + kcl + c + h + unixport + macintosh + doc + example + 4color + 838encod + novice + tictacto + userdef + walk-thr + include + src + usr + mac2 + Parallel example + src + backprop + lib + Linda + special includes + tools + uniproc + test + 4.1 + basicsim + performa + scheme + doc + example + 4color + 838encode + necker + novice + parse + tictactoe + userdef + walk-through + xgi + icon + include + src + usr + lib + man + man1 + patches + src + backprop + gi + icon + ld + lib + tools + uniproc + xgi + icon + test + 4.1 + basicsim + performance + rns + doc + net + sciam + sciam + simul + NN-SIMULATOR + ENCODER + HINTON + SHANKS + snns + nessus + NESSUSv2.1 + compiler + bin + sun4 + docu + examples + sources + configuration + snns2c + SNNS2Cv2.1 + v20 + SNNSv2.0 + configuration + examples + kernel + sources + userman + intro_figs + kernel_figs + LaTeX_styles + xgui_3D_figs + xgui_bignet + xgui_figs + xgui + iconsXgui + sources + v21 + SNNSv2.1 + configuration + examples + kernel + doc + sources + tools + doc + sources + userman + intro_figs + kernel_figs + LaTeX_styles + xgui_3D_figs + xgui_bignet + xgui_figs + xgui + iconsXgui + sources + v30 + patches + SNNSv3.0 + configuration + examples + kernel + sources + tools + doc + sources + xgui + iconsXgui + sources + userman + art_figs + intro_figs + kernel_figs + LaTeX_styles + nn_models + xgui_3D_figs + xgui_bignet + xgui_figs + v31 + SNNSv3.1 + configuration + examples + kernel + sources + tools + doc + sources + xgui + iconsXgui + sources + userman + art_figs + intro_figs + kernel_figs + LaTeX_styles + nn_models + xgui_3D_figs + xgui_bignet + xgui_figs + som_lvq + bib + bib + lvq_pak + lvq_pak-2.1 + som_pak + som_pak-1.2 + utils + xvisual + suzy + tcs + tcs + thnet + THNET + REPS + tooldiag + tooldiag + data + doc + src + universes + iris + topmap + utexas + discern + discern + fgrep + fgrep + fm_2d + fm_2d + fm_nd + fm_nd + lex + lex + lissom + lissom + code + papers + cmss + miikkulainen.diss + papers + sirosh + winnn + EXAMPLES + xerion + v30 + 3.0 + v31 + Xaw + RCS + xerion + config + doc + ps + man + man1 + man3 + manl + nets + bm + bp + cascor + cl + fem + hcl + kcl + mft + rbp + scl + xerion + src + etc + lib + commands + display + include + itf + layout + minimize + simulator + widgets + sim + bm + bp + cascor + fem + hcl + kcl + mft + rbp + scl + util + templates + xpp + util + netpic + netpic + news + ai + games + phil + nlp + bookcode + allen + nlu_e1 + nlu_e2 + NLPcode + Grammars + Parser + nlp_pp + corpora + advising + company + company + dicts + doc + edictj + lifscdic + misc + sigurd + spanish + span_lex + stolfi + dutch + english + german + italian + norwegian + swedish + words + words + doc + jmorph + doc + src + dictdata + mktrie + keiras + keiras + names + other + proper + ota + ota + finnish + yiddish + pron + roget + thes1911 + susanne + wordnet + discours + drt + drt + drtn + tex + doc + bib + anaphora + csli + robust + systemic + notes + soft_reg + nlsr + nlsr + schulze + faq + fonts + PS_FILES + misc + alvey + babbler + cg + cg + peirce + tools + cgparser + Test + cgtests + conc + foggy + gramtsy + GRAMTSY + DOC + GRAMMARS + SOURCES + lgrammar + hum + hum + bin + doc + man + pgs + src + itp + it11c + itdata + sambal + ITDATA + SAMBAL + ldbdemo + lq_text + v110 + lq-text + doc + Sample + src + filters + h + liblqtext + lqtext + menu + examples + ozmahash + sdbm + test + v112g + lq-text1.12gamma + doc + Sample + src + bsdhash + contrib + filters + h + liblqerror + liblqtext + liblqutil + lqtext + menu + examples + sdbm + test + maclex + rook + sh + DEMO + GRAMMAR + SAMBAL + synoname + verbal + verbal02 + wlist + wordsurv + morph + fonol + fonol400 + fonol421 + map + MAP3.1 + common + doc + examples + GPSG + Simple + man + src + morfogen + morfogen-demo + English + French + Spanish + Turkish + pc_kimmo + englex + kgen + ktext + src + cportlib + opaclib + TAGALOG + pckimmo + CVCV + ENGLISH + FINNISH + HEBREW + JAPANESE + KASEM + LOGIC + MENDE + MINLEX + PCKLIB + PROTO + SAMPLE + SAMPLER + SOUNDEX + TAGALOG + TURKISH + ZOQUE + turklex + tulip + tulip + mt + cognate + mtran + ICON386 + DATA + DOCS + SAMPLES + SOURCE + ICON80 + DATA + PROGS + SOURCE + news + nlg + bib + dale + intro + nlgbib + explain + mk + nlg-bib + fuf + doc + examples + grammar + papers + src + nli + interbas + nlu + icu + icu + mcdypar + lisp_mcdypar + mcdypar + parsing + av + av + feature.parser + sample.grammars + flex + flex-2.4.3 + MISC + Atari + fastwc + MSDOS + MVS + Think-C + VMS + gb + gb + hdrug + Hdrug + Applications + Ale + CBCG + Doc + Dcg + Extraposition + GenBook + PG + LexRules + PG + Tag + PG + Man + Prolog + library + f + Tcl + bitmaps + Tex + ProTcl + local + Static + v1 + Hdrug + CBCG + Doc + Notused + Dcg + Extraposition + GenBook + PG + Notused + LexRules + PG + Notused + Tag + OtherGrammars + PG + library + f + ProTcl + Static + lhip + lhip_v1.0 + lhip_v1.1 + plhip_v1.0 + linger + new + link + grammar + papers + montague + parse + pappi + pappi + bin + sun4 + sun5 + bitmap + doc + posters + help + init + lib + sun4 + sun5 + pleuk + Pleuk + Cfg + Code + C + Doc + Info + etc + Grammars + AcordGrammar + HPSG-PL + MikesGrammar + SLEtest + TestGrammar1 + TestGrammar2 + HPSG-PL + Manuals + TreeTool + Mike + Protolexicon + Lexicon + Cfg + Demo + French + LFG + Template + UCG + PS + Saved_States + SLE + Sort + Term + xterm + tektests + pnla + pnla + proof + proof + doc + include + lib + src + regex + regex + sax + DIC + GRAM + PARSER + TEXT + taggers + brill + papers + RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.13 + Bin_and_Data + Docs + Learner_Code + Tagger_Code + Utilities + Utils + xerox + src\.rsrc + acldiffs + data + brown + english + moby-dick + teleman + doc + papers + asa91 + src + analysis + common-lisp + corpus + fsa + sysdcl + util + tom + tom + planning + systems + 3plan + 3plan + abtweak + doc + doc + v92 + Abtweak + Ab-routines + Domains + Mcallester-plan + My-routines + Plan-routines + Search-routines + Tw-routines + Conf-infer + Plan-infer + Succ + v93 + Abtweak93 + Ab-routines + Doc + Domains + Mcallester-plan + My-routines + Plan-routines + Search-routines + Tw-routines + Conf-infer + Plan-infer + Succ + build + build + buridan + buridan + idm + doc + lisp + src + nonlin + doc + Nonlin + prodigy + static + new + create + domains + blocksworld + data + probs + probsets + rules + extended-strips + data + maps + probs + probsets + rules + forall-bw + kites + probs + schedworld + data + probs + probsets + rules + effects + general + generated-rules + io + iterate + label + main + ne + backup + preprocess + rob-simplify + rules + shared-literals + papers + stats + version2 + domains + blocksworld + probs + probsets + eightpuzzle + pfour + probs + psix1 + psix2 + psix3 + eightpuzzle-II + probs + extended-bw + probs + extended-strips + maps + probs + probsets + frozenblocksworld + probs + grammar + probs + gridworld + probs + jupiter + probs + logic + probs + matrix-algebra + probs + monkey-bananas + probs + multirobot + probs + path-planning + probs + r1 + probs + rocket + probs + schedworld + probs + probsets + schedworld-II + probs + stripsworld + probs + telescope + probs + s91 + air-travel + probs + ps + autoflight + probs + bikes + probs + brew + probs + campaign + probs + car-painting + probs + chinese-seafood + probs + CleanWorld + back + probs + climber + probs + cooking + probs + coursesched + probs + cs-sched + probs + cs-sched2 + probs + dairy + probs + Date-World + probs + Date-WorldII + probs + distrib-software-config + probs + farmworld + probs + FishWorld + probs + gate-world + probs + gen-schedler + probs + heist + probs + HotelWorld + probs + jobsite + probs + jobsite2 + probs + jobsite3 + probs + kate-cook + probs + kite-building + probs + pc-config + probs + piano-fingerhack + piano-fingering + notes-raw + probs + scales + traces + planes + probs + rambler + probs + robo + probs + Texts + school-scheduler + probs + SCUDworld + probs + sd-working + probs + sewing + probs + Soap-Opera-World + probs + sq-final + probs + squaredance + probs + tailoring + probs + tailoring-10 + probs + tailoring-sc + probs + typing + probs + voiceleading + probs + WarWorldII + probs + system + alpine + domains + extended-strips + probs + probsets + hanoi + probs + probsets + hanoi-30op + probs + hanoi-5op + probs + schedworld + probs + probsets + stripsworld + probs + probsets + ebl + planner + version4 + prodigy4.0 + domains + blocksworld + jimprobs + probs + extended-strips + probs + probsets + hanoi + probs + hero + probs + logistics + probs + lyotard + probs + machining + probs + multirobot + probs + nolimit + probs + paperblocksworld + probs + rocket + probs + schedworld + probs + stripsworld + probs + subway + probs + telephone + probs + tm + probs + uc-blocksworld + probs + uc-ferry-domain + probs + uc-hanoi + probs + uc-init-flat-tire + probs + uc-mcd-blocksworld + probs + uc-road-operators + probs + uc-robot-domain + probs + uc-schedworld2 + probs + uni-bw + probs + ups + probs + system + abstraction + contrib + planner + snlp + snlp + soar + neomycin + neomycin + new-rules + tools + soar5 + soar5 + allegro + fi + manual + mathpack + pages + refman + pages + winman + pages + x-specific + new-pilot + CParaOPS5 + doc + lhs + lib + programs + rhs + debug + demo + doc + ilisp + 4.11 + 4.12 + lib + eightio + function + memory + taql + 3.1.4 + lib + taql-tutorial + blocks + docs + mab + trav + man + manuals + soarsim + doc + flip + robo + template + test + utilities + soar6 + soar6 + 6.0.0 + convert + default + src + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.1 + convert + default + src + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.2 + convert + default + src + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.3 + convert + default + src + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.4 + convert + default + src + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.5 + convert + default + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.6 + convert + default + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.7 + convert + default + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.0.8 + convert + default + mac_support + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.1.0 + convert + default + examples + blocks-world + eight-puzzle + farmer + missionaries + physics + waterjug + mac_support + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + 6.1.1 + convert + default + doc + examples + blocks-world + eight-puzzle + farmer + missionaries + physics + waterjug + src + tests + multi + multi + eight + farmer + gold-standard + tests + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + tests + allegro + fi + manual + mathpack + pages + refman + pages + winman + pages + x-specific + new-pilot + conversion + default + dismal-0.94 + doc + examples + non-nnpscm + safe-stack + probs + towers-of-hanoi + probs + flip + ilisp + 4.12 + info + info + libtxi + makeinfo + util + manual + manuals + multi-agent + pscm-convert + SOAR + DEFAULT + EXAMPLES + BLOCKS-W + EIGHT-PU + FARMER + MISSIONA + PHYSICS + WATERJUG + HLP + RES + SRC + TESTS + MULTI + MULTI + EIGHT + FARMER + GOLD-STA + TESTS + RETE + GOLD-STA + TESTS + TASK-SUI + GOLD-STA + TESTS + src + taql-conversion + tests + nnpscm + multi + multi + gold-standard + task-suite + gold-standard + non-nnpscm + multi + multi + gold-standard + rete + gold-standard + tests + task-suite + gold-standard + user-library + utilities + spa + spa + library + ucpop + ucpop + reasonng + analogy + sme + sme2e + doc + atp + doc + problems + atp + ATP_problems + algebra + boolean + category.theory + groups + henkin.models + lattices + rings + analysis + limits + circuits + geometry + logic.problems + morgan + miscellany + wang + pelletier + prog.verification + puzzles + carroll + combinators + gen.test + miscell + space.state + truth.lies + set.theory + godel + naive + topology + tptp + doc + v111 + TPTP-v1.1.1 + Axioms + Documents + Problems + ALG + ANA + BOO + CAT + CID + CIV + COL + COM + GEO + GRA + GRP + HEN + LAT + LCL + LDA + MSC + NUM + PLA + PRV + PUZ + RNG + ROB + SET + SYN + TOP + Scripts + TPTP2X + v113 + TPTP-v1.1.3 + Axioms + Documents + Problems + ALG + ANA + BOO + CAT + CID + CIV + COL + COM + GEO + GRA + GRP + HEN + LAT + LCL + LDA + MSC + NUM + PLA + PRV + PUZ + RNG + ROB + SET + SYN + TOP + Scripts + TPTP2X + systems + coq + DEMO + cards + pixmap + poub + trick + poub + DOC + LIB + libc + librt + config + doc + examples + cards + pixmap + chol + column + csht + sht + welltris + mkstub + rt + tools + Xlib + zdep + stream-pp + RELEASED + sun4 + SRC + THEORIES + ARITH + Bench + BOOL + CONTRIB + Bordeaux + EXCEPTIONS + Eindhoven + ABP + Lyon + AUTOMATA + PROGRAMS + ALG + STREAMS + Nancy + FOUnify + Nijmegen + Rocq + ALGEBRA + ARITH + Chinese + COMPILER + DEMOS + HIGMAN + LAMBDA + PARADOXES + SHUFFLE + SUBST + Sophia-Antipolis + condom + Utrecht + ABP + Ramsey + LISTS + PROGRAMS + ALG + RELATIONS + SETS + STREAMS + SYSTEM + dtp + papers + papers + v10 + dtp-1 + v20a + dtp-2a + v24 + logic + src + elf + elf + bin + elf + grammar + lib + emacs + examples + canonical + church-rosser + cps + crit-pairs + pair + utlam + fol + forsythe + lam + lambek + lf + lics92 + lists + miniml + ml-tpinf + modal + pap + pcf + polylam + prop-calc + record + hash + lam + mlyacc + pretty + sys + tools + papers + cr + lics92 + rlf + frapps + convert + test + doc-frapps + frapps + demos + hooked + hdemos + ft + c + ft1.23 + examples + pl + sicstusft1.0 + examples + hiper + hiper + examples + isabelle + doc + doc + Working + elle + Elle-1.1 + Elab + Eval + Syntax + Elle-2.4 + Elab + Elle + Eval + Kernel + emacs + isa-mode + mail + subst + Subst + v92 + 92 + CTT + ex + Cube + FOL + ex + HOL + ex + LCF + LK + ex + Modal + ex + Provers + Pure + Syntax + Thy + ZF + ex + v93 + Isabelle93 + CCL + ex + CTT + ex + Cube + Doc + FOL + ex + FOLP + ex + HOL + ex + Subst + LCF + LK + ex + Modal + ex + Provers + Pure + Syntax + Thy + ZF + ex + keim + ags + doc + prog + emacs + doc + macros + keim + doc + prog + base + examples + inter + nd + problem + resolution + term + test + test-keim + uni + sys + lcf + lcf + Bugs + Doc + Examples + Franz + Help + Test + leantap + doc + LeanTaP + mkrp + examples + analysis + limesprodukt + limessumme + limessumme1 + limessumme2 + limessumme3 + bibel + dame + bose + cade + 88 + mccune + l1a + wosmccune + c1 + c1-1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6 + rolf + chang + 1 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + classic + andrews0 + andrews1 + andrews1-old + andrews2 + belnap + challenge + chris-father + distributivity + group-id + implication + kalman-i + kalman-i-xx + kalman-ii-two + kalman-ii-xx + kapur + logelei + mcgregor + monkey-banana + loveland + nosorts + sorts + murderer + rudnick + rudnicksym + russel + sam + mt-ac + skordev6 + steamroller-set + steamroller-set-simple + steamroller-simple + steamroller-sort1 + steamroller-sort2 + steamroller1 + steamroller2 + steamroller3 + test + thief + transorder + deussen + chap-1 + 10 + a + b1 + b2 + b3 + bij + c + d1 + d2 + inj + 11 + ia + is + 12 + 1 + ia + is + inv + ia + is + uhg + 15 + ass + lem-is + lemma + ia + is + lr + rl + ia + is + 9 + chap-2 + 10-3 + 5 + 1 + 1-1 + 1-2 + 1-2-1-ia + 2-ia + 6 + lr + lr-1 + lr-1-1 + rl-inj-ia + rl-surj-ia + rl-surj-is + 7 + lemma + lr + lr-bij + lr-hom + lr-inj + rl + rl-ehg + rl-phinull + chap-3 + 10 + 1 + 2 + lemma + me-r + me-r-gleich + me-rk + 3 + einsgl + inv + uhgr + r-rlr + rlr-me + 4 + bij + homo + homomorph + inj + 11 + a + a-f + b-f + 13 + 1 + 3 + zwerg + 14 + 15 + a + a1 + a2 + b + inj + inja + injb + injg + injg1g=g2g + 16 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + ab + ideal + me + bc + ca + 7 + eins + 9 + 1 + r-n-t + r-t-lideal + rideal + rideal-ass + rideal-mprod + rmme + rmmn + 2 + kme + ljme + tm + chap-4 + 10-1 + 3 + lemma-10 + lemma-11 + lemma-12 + satz-10 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + satz-11 + 1 + 2-1-1 + 2-1-2 + 3 + 4 + satz-12 + 1 + 1-1 + 1-2 + 2 + 2-1 + satz-8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2-3 + 2-4 + 2-a-1 + 2-a-2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + satz-9 + 2 + 3 + chap-5 + 10 + 11 + 14 + 15 + lr + rl + 16 + inv + s + uhg + 17 + 1lr + 1rl + 2 + 2f + 3 + 3ref + 2 + all + lr + rl + s + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2ia + 2is + 4 + 1 + 2 + test + 5 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + s + 7 + 9 + 1 + 11 + 2 + dynamicsorts + detachment1 + detachment2 + pelletier25 + pelletier26 + simple + sort2 + test1 + unicorn + equality + algebra + alternative + 1 + centralgroup + group + ac1uni + inversemult + minusminus + acuni + inversemult + minusminus + characterizationcommcircle + communi + inversemult + gerlachcomplicated + group + inversemult + inversemultleftright + inversemultwithcomm + leftrightinverse + lingenberg + d + d1 + e + e1 + f + f1 + g1 + minusminus + minusminuswithcomm + minusminuswithleftright + threeelementxminusx + threeelementxx + woscommutator + xxcommutative + powersetpo + ring + acuni + xxisx + xxxisx + inversemult + nullmult + xxisx + xxisxsos + xxlikewos + xxxisx + ternary + middleleft + woslemma + woswithoutlemma + ari + 2x-1is1 + assmult + exp + x+yhoch3 + x2+3x+2is0 + x2+3x+2is0def + boole + gan91 + 1 + 1eq + inversep + lattice + inversemultwithcomm + sam + samkapur + sammin + member + member-trivial + subgroup + subgroup1 + subgroup2 + ununi + etree + ass + group + ring + gentzen + 4-3 + 4-3-nosplit + complemma + exist1 + exist2 + exist3 + knazis + lionunicorn + or1 + or2 + portia1 + portia2 + rudnick + sam + steamroller + subgroup + subgroupdirect + thief + werewolf + gerlach + nullteiler + cancelcompleted + cancelsimple + cancelwithoutcomm + quadrat + quadratwithoutcomm + quadratwithoutcommsos + hjo + formast + hole + kalman + ex1 + ex16-3 + ex1alt + ex2 + ex20 + ex2alt + ex4 + ex6 + ex7 + ex7a + ex8 + ex8-1 + nil + pos + pos1 + tem2 + tem3 + tem4 + wgc + z22 + z29 + minker + ances + ances-old + apabhp + apabhp-old + burst-spez + burstall + dbabhp + dm-old + ew1 + ew2 + ew3 + ex1 + ex5 + group1 + group1-old + group2 + hasparts + ls005 + ls017 + ls023 + ls026 + ls028 + ls029-np + ls041 + ls055 + ls065 + ls068 + ls075 + ls076 + ls087 + ls100 + ls103 + ls105 + ls106 + ls108-np + ls111 + ls115 + ls116 + mqw + num1 + prim + qw + rob1 + rob2 + shortburst + wos01 + wos02 + wos03 + wos04-eq + wos05 + wos06 + wos07 + wos08 + wos09 + wos10-np + wos11 + wos12 + wos13 + wos14 + wos15-np + wos16 + wos17 + wos18 + wos19 + wos20-np + wos24 + wos25 + wos27 + wos29 + wos30 + wos31 + wos32 + wos33 + narrow + 2 + 2b + 2c + 3 + 3a + 3b + norbert + andrews1 + statistics + binaere-resolution + factor + 1a4 + 2a2 + 4a2a2 + inst1 + inst2 + ff + ffffff + ffffffff + ffffffffff + ffffffffffff + illustr-greeks + sex + sexless + internal-3a3 + logic + landau + rules + transformations + merge + 1a6 + 2a2 + missionaries + promnorbert + refgraph + riddle + almzootle + missionaries + thieves + set + all + emptyset + extensionality + intersection + powerset + contains-eset + contains-set + propersubset + not-equal + subset + antisymmetric + emptyset + intersection + proper-or-equal + transitive + union + union + subs-2c1l + synt + demo + depth4 + general + ground + eder + 2 + 4 + 6 + psimtest + taut-ex1 + pelletier + 1 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 2 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 3 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 + 39 + 4 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 + 5 + 50 + 51 + 52 + 53 + 53alternative + 53contrary + 53simple + 54 + 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 59 + 6 + 60 + 61 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + 66 + 67 + 68 + 69 + 7 + 72 + 4-3 + 73 + 3-2 + 4-3 + 4-3-s + 8 + 9 + test + pfennig + hs + pl1 + pl2-h + pl3 + pure + praktikum + knazis + knazis-sort + parallel + reflexiv + rst + salz-senf + smullyan + e125 + e126 + e25 + e26a + e26b + e28 + e29 + e30 + e31 + e32 + e33 + e34 + e35 + e36 + e37 + e39 + e40 + e41 + e42 + e43 + e44 + e45 + e46 + e49 + e49a + e49b + e50 + e51b + e52 + e54 + e56 + e58 + e60 + e62 + e64 + e65a + e65b + e66 + e67a + e67b + e68a + e68b + e69a + e69b + e69c + e70 + e70a + e70b + e71 + e81 + e87 + e88 + e89 + e90 + e91 + e92 + e93 + e94 + e95 + e95a + symmetrisch + transitiv + propositional + rel + aimpla + belnap + plus1 + plus10 + plus11 + plus12 + plus13 + plus14 + plus15 + plus16 + plus2 + plus3 + plus4 + plus5 + plus6 + plus7 + plus8 + plus9 + simple + hjb + norbert + sort + example1 + simple + steinbach + 3-26 + theories + ac + simple + ac1 + simple + ag + simple + xxisx + ass + simple + unsinn + wurzel + manual + prog + c + cg + ctl + ds + e + edt + hd + init + latex + bitmaps + examples + examples1 + neu + release + norm + op + opt + ord + os + pp + prot + red + sel + serv + sort + term + uni + x + sys + patches + mvl + mvl + nqthm + nqthm + nqthm-1992 + doc + examples + basic + bevier + bronstein + cowles + flatau + fortran-vcg + hunt + kaufmann + kunen + numbers + shankar + talcott + yu + make + sinfix + pc_nqthm + pc-nqthm-1992 + examples + basic + cowles + defn-sk + dmg + generalize + mg + middle-gypsy + verkest + wilding + make + misc + c + demos + emacs + text + vcg + nuprl + doc + nuprl + clx + debug + demo + doc + test + doc + refman + lib + 2-0-tactics + automata + ml_files + ml_files_description + prl_extensions + basics + fta + girardsparadox + match + meta + newgirardsparadox + pigeonhole + programming-examples + queens + quicksort + ramsey + saddleback + ml + sys + ml + prl + x-fonts + bdf + decstation + ncd + opentemp + sun-mit + sun-openwindows + otter + mac + input + manual + misc + anldp100 + document + examples + first_order + propositional + qg_benchmarks + sorted_fol + const + logs + sent + otter_jobs + pc + unix + otter-3.0.0 + document + examples + auto + kalman + misc + procedural + wos + misc + source + otter-3.0.2 + document + examples + auto + kalman + misc + procedural + wos + misc + source + otter22 + document + misc + source + test + plaisted + qu_pl + ergo + bin + examples + prover + dbms + lib + prover + thy + arith + ergo + fol + fun + r + u1 + userman + qp3.2 + bin + lib + src + qa + src + qc1.sics + obj + src + qem + src + support + ql + src + qp + obj + src + qplib + obj + src + rrl + code + compete + examples + induc + man + modal + solve + test + setheo + bin.sun4 + examples + manpages + thm + thm + xpnet + case_bsd + protos + cl-protos + holte + DOC + EXAMPLES + SIG + old + cl-protos + doc + letters + src + riesbeck + icbr + chem + congen + c13 + congen + genstr + genstrc13 - defeasbl + belief - dprolog + nathan + medical + tmycin + tmycin + meta + multagnt + multagnt + probabl + bayes + belief + belief1.1 + lisp + rules + src + belief1.2 + borrowed + lisp + rules + src + doc + ideal + rcstat + qualittv + qpe + rel6 + rel7 + rt + ti + qsim + algy + examples + help + source + c-lisp + documentation + models + nq + source + c-code + catalogs + cc + examples + experiments + interface + main + text + sys-site + tr + xpos + xbatch-dir + temporal + hic + tg + tg-ii + zeno + doc + tms + bps + atms + circuits + cps + ftre + gde + jtms + LTMS + misc + relax + TCON + tgizmo + tre + utils + v24 + v25 + v26 + slg + SLG + test + tutorial + atms + jtms + ltms + utils + toolset + copyrights + doc + pcl + testcases + csrl + ra + toolset + xeroxinterface + robotics + doc + bib + notes + faq + images + news + systems + hyperbot + hyperbot + pcrobots + EXAMPLES + LIB + pcrobots + examples + lib + stiquito + tr363a.how.to.build + tr363b.controllers + Actel.FPGA.controller + AI-projects + actel.files + article.and.figures + Parallel.interface + Serial-interface + actel.files + article.and.figures + tr363c.iris.simulator + maze-learner + simple-vision + walking-only + tr378.Lukasiewicz.Insect + search + aisearch + DEMOS + DOC + INCLUDE + SRC + AOSEAR + BISEAR + LIST + NODES + OBJECT + UNISEAR + speech + database + britpron + britpron + homofonz + hvd + hVd_DBase + alex + andrew + andy + bill + charlie + david + eliz + geoff + gild + hbill + hdavid + hrose + james + jenn + jo + kate + lbill + ldavid + lrose + mark + mike + nick + penny + rich + rose + sarah + sue + tim + wendy + pb + PetersonBarney + doc + bib + notes + audio-fmts + ldc + celex.userguide + code + obj + bin + parse_number + src + libcs_compat + parse_number + test + textnorm + ldc.tipster.preproc.tools + ldc_samples + atis0 + csr + maptask + ntimit + fvmh0 + mjdm1 + rdrally + rm1 + swb + ti46 + tidigits + ec + mp + timit + fvmh0 + mjdm1 + newsletters + faq + news + systems + afsp + AFsp-V1R2 + audio + CompAudio + CopyAudio + FiltAudio + InfoAudio + include + libtsp + libtsp + AF + nucleus + AR + FI + FL + nucleus + MS + SP + ST + nucleus + UT + nucleus + test + audiofiles + celp + celp_3.2a + celp32 + celp32c + diskio + doc + processe + speech + tools + subtract + swap + ulaw + cookbook + cookbook + data + man + man1 + RubbishBin + Slib + Sutil + eng2phon + eng2phon + fview + doc + v10 + fview_1.0 + data + docs + drivers + src + v12 + fview.1.2 + data + doc + drivers + lists + src + g7xx + G711_G722_G723 + gsm + gsm-1.0-pl4 + add-test + inc + man + src + tls + tst + hmm + hmm + klatt + klatt + klatt-0.02 + klatt.3.01 + klatt.3.04 + kplot + klatt.3.04.kplot + kplot + ldcelp + ldcelp + lotec + lotec + bin + doc + sample + src + lpc + lpc-1.0 + abtool_1.2 + data + lpc55 + lpc55-C + Options + netaudio + contrib + svb + doc + nas-1.2 + clients + audio + auconvert + auctl + audemo + audial + auedit + auinfo + aupanel + auphone + auplay + aurecord + autool + auwave + examples + util + widgets + config + doc + include + audio + lib + audio + server + dda + sgi + sun + voxware + dia + include + os + sounds + ogitools + bin + addhdr + auto_lyre + autogain + bhdwav + byteswap + filter + findphone + halfrate + lyre + makedft + makeplp + mu2wav + nopt + include + label_confuse + nopt + noptest + noptread + noptreport + noptrun + ow2nw + phonebase + rplay + speech2ascii + speech2mu + speech2wav + tdat2ascii + VQ + wav2adc + wavextract + bin_share + changes + conf + etc + templates + contrib + sphere-1.7 + fmt + include + man + man1 + man3 + doc + include + lib + libnspeech + man + man1 + man3 + man5 + RCS + speechtools_examples + pc_conv + pcm2alaw + pcm2alaw + pt + Pitch_Tracker + Tonys_originals + rasta + recnet + recnet-1.3 + tools + rplay + rplay-3.1.0 + contrib + crossfire + jukebox1.2 + man1 + mailsound + man1 + olvwm + xpilot + xtank + doc + man1 + man5 + include + librplay + rplay + rplayd + rptp + rsynth + rsynth + shorten + shorten-1.13 + sox + sox10 + sox10-ircam + spasm + SPASMDist + diphones + glots + nphones + perfs + shapes + sounds + spctools + DOS42MEX + spccomms + SPCGUI + SPCLINE + spcprog + spcspch + SPCSSPI + SPCUTIL + speak + speak + phonemes + textnorm + textnorm + testbeds + arsmagna + ars-magna + doc + lib + worlds + decl + doc + duck + extra + nils + rpl + eden + bugs + eden2 + help + plog + bugs + help + worlds + erratic + app-defaults + erratic + include + src + worlds + handler + include + src + percept + parameters + ver1 + app-defaults + erratic + include + src + worlds + handler + include + src + mice + MacMICE + Mice + EXAMPLES + rsim + rsim + arc + demos + plan + src + pictures + text + simderel + simderella + bemmel + communication + include + src + connel + doc + figure + sources + include + matrix + include + src + simmel + socketnr + stand-alone-bemmel + tilewrld + new-tile + cl-util + doc + reg + xtile + agent + basics + exper + experiments + extensions + ui + world + tileworld + actual-exp + 7-17-bak + 7-28-bak + 8-01-bak + 8-02-works + 8-11-bak + 8-14-bak + 8-16-bak + 8-16-bak-2 + experiments + history + huntington + huntington-12 + huntington-2 + huntington-21 + kehoe + kehoe-1 + kehoe-20 + kehoe-20-bad + kehoe-6 + kehoe-7 + machines + huntington + huntington-12 + huntington-2 + huntington-21 + kehoe + kehoe-1 + kehoe-20 + kehoe-20-bad + kehoe-6 + kehoe-7 + makapuu-14 + makapuu-15 + makapuu-5 + makapuu-hang + morro-sad-case + pfeiffer-13 + pfeiffer-22 + pfeiffer-3 + pfeiffer-8 + pfeiffer-bad + pfeiffer-bad2 + pfeiffer-hang + pomponio-10 + pomponio-23 + pomponio-4 + sunset + sunset-11 + sunset-9 + sunset-bad + sunset-bad2 + sunset-bad3 + makapuu-14 + makapuu-15 + makapuu-5 + makapuu-hang + morro-sad-case + new + agents + tst + pfeiffer-13 + pfeiffer-22 + pfeiffer-3 + pfeiffer-8 + pfeiffer-bad + pfeiffer-bad2 + pfeiffer-hang + pomponio-10 + pomponio-23 + pomponio-4 + sunset + sunset-11 + sunset-9 + sunset-bad + sunset-bad2 + sunset-bad3 + agent-code + cl-util + doc + environments + experiments + history + martha-exp + a-experiments + a-junk + b-experiments + c-experiments + experiments + optimal-exp + original + environments + paper + reg + test + world-code + xtile + agent + basics + exper + experiments + ui + world + trckwrld + old + truckworld + command-processor + displayer + graphics + manual + simulator + worlds + truckworld + client-server + control + displayer + graphic + bitmaps + documentation + beginners-guide + entry-points + manual + multi-agent + extensions + ipc + simulator + truckdriver + worlds + virtual + vision + doc + html + news + obvius + doc + patches + patches-2.2 + modules + patches-3.0.3 + support + LispView-1.1 + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + lispview1.1 + doc + xview + pcl.12-88 + v22 + c-source + doc + emacs-source + images + clown + einstein + reagan + lisp-source + patches + v30 + c-source + doc + emacs-source + images + clown + einstein + reagan + lisp-source + tutorials + color + image-processing + lisp + matrix + motion + obvius + signal-processing + v301 + c-source + doc + emacs-source + images + clown + einstein + reagan + lisp-source + tutorials + color + image-processing + lisp + matrix + motion + obvius + signal-processing + v303 + c-source + doc + emacs-source + images + clown + einstein + reagan + lisp-source + tutorials + color + image-processing + lisp + matrix + motion + obvius + psychophysics + data + signal-processing + stereo + striate + copying + gpl + mkant + non_gpl + doc + events + contests + courses + journals + jiis + meetings + aaai + aaai94 + aaai95 + acnn94 + ai-math-94 + aiaa93 + aics93 + ais93 + aisimplan93 + alife94 + alt93 + anziis93 + asriv94 + ausai93 + caia94 + caise94 + ccl93 + cikm93 + cirffss94 + ckbs94 + clnl93 + cogsci93 + cogsci94 + coling94 + coopis94 + cscsi94 + dexa93 + discovery93 + ecoop94 + emcsr94 + esann94 + etce94 + etfa93 + ewaic93 + ewcbr93 + ewve93 + flairs94 + ftt93 + gis94 + goddard94 + hypertext93 + iass94 + iccc94 + iccte93 + iclp94 + icra94 + ieaaie94 + ieee + ilp94 + ilps93 + ipccc94 + iscas94 + isotas93 + ispacs93 + iuiw93 + iwannt93 + iwdl94 + kbse93 + kr94 + lcai94 + lfp94 + lics94 + nanotech93 + ncpw93 + nips93 + nlprs93 + nlulp93 + pacfocol93 + pepm94 + planning94 + plilp93 + pnpm93 + ppcbet94 + sigir94 + snns93 + spicis94 + tai93 + talc94 + tark94 + uai94 + uist93 + uust93 + vr94 + vrais93 + wetice94 + wsa93 + html + cltl + clm + digital_press + index + doc + faqs + ai + ai_general + alife + constraints + part1 + part2 + expert + part1 + fuzzy + part1 + genetic + part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 + part5 + part6 + microcontroller-faq + 68hc11 + 8051 + primer + neural + nlp + nlp_faq + sci_lang + speech + part1 + part2 + part3 + old_ai_general + part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 + part5 + part6 + robotics + part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 + part5 + lang + lisp + part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 + part5 + part6 + part7 + lit_prog + oop + prolog + faq + prg + part1 + part2 + scheme + part1 + part2 + smalltalk + gif + icons + glimpse + hyperspec + HyperSpec + Body + Data + FrontMatter + Graphics + Issues + keys + perl + RCS + other + jobs + r4rs + rep_info + jobs + ai + lisp + postdoc + predoc + prolog + lang + lisp + bookcode + dst + eval_trc + lisp + graham + norvig + norvig + winston + lisp3 + code + bench + acuff + fateman + gabriel + codewalk + mapforms + walk + csp + package + db + edb + ext + alerts + autoload + complete + copy_obj + enum + errors + init + library + lp + memoize + packages + resource + save_obj + screamer + tables + trees + types + wood + fun + conx + soundex + tetris + ilu + doc + etc + courier + lisp + misc + sunrpc + tim + examples + foo + foogen + fs + rwho2 + test1 + imake + indexman + lisp + runtime + c + c++ + kernel + os + lisp + m3 + stubbers + c + c++ + idl2isl + isl_be + Sun-parser + ast + demo_be + docs + driver + fe + include + narrow + util + lisp + m3 + parser + impdep + explorer + mcl2 + medley + symbolic + io + cbrk + dates + fast_io + plisp + query + rpc + sockets + tl + xp + iter + for + iterate + loop + series + match + matcher + miranda + nregex + regexp + unifier + unify + math + atof + bell + clasp + clmath + hist + isqrt + matrix + maxima + mma + numrecip + quine + random + sapa + simplex + parsing + lalr + taylor + time + tree_fmt + zebu + search + minimax + queues + syntax + cgol + fontstrp + glisp + haskell + infix + measures + name_spc + parcil + trans + testing + cover + rt + tools + defsys + doc + lint + metering + psgraph + sequel + src_cmp + step + user_man + xref + com + doc + bib + cltl + cltl + clm + icons + digital_press + cltl_dvi + cltl_ps + cltl_src + Digital-Press + Digital-Press + tips + history + intro + clos_intro + notes + standard + ansi + iso + tests + faq + gui + clim + clib + clim_1 + clim_2 + general + impl_dep + mail + papers + clm + bitmaps + demos + doc + documentation + documents + gina + gina-demos + ib + lisp + lisp-bugs+patches + server + X-initfiles + clue + clio + doc + examples + clue + clio + examples + clue + doc + examples + doc + examples + old + demo + pictures + doc + examples + systems + clx + CLX.R6 + debug + demo + test + clx_r61 + debug + demo + test + debug + demo + doc + test + cw + ew + goodwill + mail + original + garnet + contrib + v21 + v22 + v30alpha + graphers + clue7.2 + lispview + bin + doc + patches + src + lispwork + lsp2wish + lisp2wish + picasso + doc + papers + v20 + v21 + winterp + papers + v113 + v202 + v203 + xlisp + xit + bitmaps + cl-utilities + clue + doc + examples + doc + examples + bitmaps + font-tables + kernel + patches + sounds + utilities + xact + xam + xwin + xwin + bin + yy + v13a + v15a3 + impl + allegro + faq + web_acl + alsp + alsp + awk + lisp-in-awk + bbn + mach + bin + cl + demo + runtime + sf + tests + cl + fft + gabriel + uc + zcomp + back + base + etc + fggen + fgopt + machines + butterfly + rtlbase + rtlgen + rtlopt + tools + cvt + clicc + doc + dos386 + v061 + v062 + v064 + clisp + binaries + contrib + mail + packages + source + cmucl + 15e + 16f + 17e + 17f + doc + ecolisp + v011 + v012 + el_cl + elisp + elispman + gcl + clx + info + pcl + v1_0 + v1_1b + v2_0 + v2_1 + xakcl + xgcl + jlisp + jlisp-1.03 + bin + Doc + etc + lisp + src + kamin + budd + kamin + kcl + akcl + kcl + mail + lily + lily-0.1 + mcl + patches + pearl + powerlsp + v1_01 + v1_10 + reflisp + reflisp + demo_lsp + src + shar + starlisp + starsim + tutorial + wcl + doc + v214 + v22 + xlisp + doc + mac + misc + unix + v21e + v21f + v21g + xlspstat + amiga + cl + course + doc + fixes + glim + mac + msdos + unix + upgrade + news + alu + 94_09_14 + 94_09_20 + 94_09_24 + 94_10_01 + 94_10_08 + 94_10_15 + 94_10_22 + 94_10_29 + 94_11_05 + 94_11_12 + 94_11_19 + 94_12_03 + 94_12_10 + 94_12_17 + 94_12_24 + 95_01_07 + 95_01_14 + 95_01_28 + 95_02_04 + 95_02_11 + 95_03_04 + 95_03_11 + 95_03_18 + 95_03_25 + 95_04_01 + 95_04_08 + 95_04_15 + 95_04_29 + 95_05_13 + 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examples + cfish + RCS + old + lib + RCS + man + intro + reference + RCS + ml + caml_lt + sml_nj + prolog + bookcode + aitp + aop + ppid + tutor + code + bench + debug + demo + eval + ext + fun + io + library + math + misc + parsing + syntax + testing + tools + doc + bib + com + intro + notes + pl_1000 + standard + survey + faq + gui + pi + protcl + xpce + xwip + impl + clp + fp_lp + lp + other + parallel + prolog + schelog + wam + mail + news + oop + prolog + oop + ol + poem + txt + bench + papers + proc + util + latex2pl + ptags + scheme + bookcode + aibook + eopl + queinnec + sap + sicp + ssics + code + bench + csp + debug + eval + ext + fun + io + library + match + math + misc + modules + parsing + sps + syntax + tools + doc + bib + intro + macros + notes + standard + edu + 6001 + gac + plangs + tut + faq + gui + ezd + scix + impl + apple2gs + bigloo + elk + fools + gambit + help + iswym + lib_scm + mit_scm + oaklisp + pcscheme + pixie + pseudo + rabbit + s88 + scheme2c + scheme48 + scheme84 + scheme88 + schemers + scm + similix + siod + stk + t + umb_scm + vscm + xscheme + mail + news + c_scheme + scheme + oop + bos + meroon + methods + minioop + mos + scoops + sos + tinyclos + yasos + txt + expository + iucstr + ricetr + vlisp + y + util + editors + lisp2tex + scm_tex + slatex + sweb + st + faq + impl + gnu + little + news + 94_09_14 + 94_09_20 + 94_09_24 + 94_10_01 + 94_10_08 + 94_10_15 + 94_10_22 + 94_10_29 + 94_11_05 + 94_11_12 + 94_11_19 + 94_11_26 + 94_12_03 + 94_12_10 + 94_12_17 + 94_12_24 + 95_01_07 + 95_01_14 + 95_01_21 + 95_01_28 + 95_02_04 + 95_02_11 + 95_02_18 + 95_02_25 + 95_03_04 + 95_03_11 + 95_03_18 + 95_03_25 + 95_04_01 + 95_04_08 + 95_04_15 + 95_04_22 + 95_04_29 + 95_05_13 + 95_05_20 + 95_05_27 + 95_06_03 + 95_06_10 + 95_06_17 + 95_06_24 + 95_07_01 + 95_07_08 + 95_07_15 + 95_07_22 + 95_07_29 + 95_08_05 + 95_08_12 + 95_08_19 + 95_08_26 + 95_09_02 + 95_09_09 + 95_09_16 + 95_09_23 + 95_09_30 + 95_10_07 + 95_10_14 + 95_10_21 + 95_10_28 + 95_11_04 + 95_11_11 + 95_11_18 + 95_11_25 + 95_12_02 + 95_12_09 + 95_12_16 + 95_12_23 + 95_12_30 + 96_01_06 + 96_01_13 + 96_01_20 + 96_01_27 + 96_02_03 + 96_02_10 + 96_02_17 + 96_02_24 + 96_03_02 + 96_03_09 + 96_03_16 + 96_03_23 + 96_03_30 + 96_04_06 + 96_04_20 + 96_04_27 + 96_05_04 + 96_05_11 + 96_05_18 + 96_05_25 + 96_06_01 + 96_06_08 + 96_06_15 + 96_06_22 + 96_06_29 + 96_07_06 + 96_07_13 + 96_07_20 + 96_07_27 + 96_08_03 + 96_08_10 + 96_08_17 + 96_08_24 + 96_08_31 + 96_09_07 + 96_09_14 + 96_09_21 + 96_09_28 + 96_10_05 + 96_10_12 + 96_10_19 + 96_10_26 + 96_11_02 + 96_11_09 + 96_11_16 + 96_11_23 + 96_11_30 + 96_12_07 + 96_12_14 + 96_12_21 + 96_12_28 + 97_01_11 + 97_01_18 + 97_01_25 + 97_02_01 + 97_02_08 + 97_02_15 + 97_02_22 + 97_03_01 + 97_03_08 + 97_03_15 + 97_03_22 + 97_03_29 + 97_04_05 + 97_04_12 + new + daydreamer + AT2500Adapter + DOSODI + IBMLAN.OS2 + INFO + NDIS3 + NWSERVER + SCO + 4.X + 5.X + daydreamer + src + daydreamer3.5 + dima + eu2c + eu2c-94-07-EUPL + Apply + ApplyC + ApplyModules + EulispModules + Examples + glouglou + neslisp-0.0.16 + redhat + Sman + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + temp + test + tmasterkey-0.4 + old + ptfai + v1n1 + pubs + aijournal + books + development + arlotje + sessions + units + examples + huh + loaders + problem-sets + ps2 + aaronb + proposals + support + faqs + journals + lists + news + newsltrs + orgs + publishers + tex + timeline + util + 9660_u + a2z + arc + areas + arj + bbedit + copying + dms + doc + events + flip + gnutar + gzip + html + jobs + lang + lha + mac + new + pak + patch + pax + ptfai + pubs + shar + tar + techinfo + uu + zip + zoo + ~tom + files + ~wcohen + 02-701 + 10-601 + self-assessment + 10-707 + talks-2004 + 10-802 + fixed + postscript + www.cs.unm.edu + ~luger + ai-final + code + ai-5th-code + contrib + Ciao + expert_system + fuzzy + graphsearch + adt + doc + games + natural_language + ch22-SimpleSearch + ch 22 - Simple Search + puzzles + search + Ch24UnificationProblemSolver + ch 24 - Unification Problem Solver + unificationSolver + Ch25ExpertSystemShell + ch 25 - Expert System Shell + expertSystemShell + unificationSolver + Ch27ID3 + ch 27 - ID3 + creditExample + id3 + Ciao + expert_system + fuzzy + graphsearch + adt + doc + games + natural_language + earley + earleyparser + earleyparser + wordguess + ai-final2 + JAVA + LISP + www.cs.utexas.edu + ~mooney + cs178H + slides + cs343 + doc + ir + classifiers + eval + utilities + vsr + webutils + hw1-old + hw2-old + hw3-old + hw4-old + midterm-old + proj1 + proj2 + slide-handouts + slides + cs388 + slides + cs391L + hw1 + hw2 + slides + gnlp + slides + ir-course + doc + ir + classifiers + eval + utilities + vsr + webutils + proj1 + proj2 + proj3 + proj4 + slides + slides_pdfs + talks + videos + SIGDial2021 + www.cs.wwc.edu + ~aabyan + CII + Colloquia + Logic + code + Main + LogicPgmg + CODE + COMPILER + DBMS + DCG + KBS + LEARNING + THEORY + PLBook + www.doc.ic.ac.uk + ~shm + Software + ase_progol + version_1.0 + CD3_09 + cigol + Datasets + alzheimers + golem + text + carcinogenesis + gold + progol + text + chess + golem + text + e_coli + golem + text + mesh + golem + text + more_chess + progol + mutagenesis + foil + progol + 188 + 42 + common + text + proteins + golem + text + satellite + golem + text + suramin + progol + text + utube + golem + progol + text + GenerateTrains + trains + golem + src + progol4.1 + examples + man + source + progol4.2 + positives + source + progol4.4 + progol4.5 + examples4.2 + examples4.4 + examples4.5 + man + source + progol5.0 + GenomicsExperiment + NumbersExperiment + www.kdnuggets.com + 2016 + 08 + www.swi-prolog.org + css + icons + js + jquery + ui + images + pldoc + res + yas + attic + BFPL + Prolog + denotational + efpl + languages + BMPL + samples + ELRL + rules + RL + ueber + macros + logs + ontology + services + editor + view + languages + ANTLR + ASL + samples + 101 + adts + Java + functional + v1 + v2 + imperative + v1 + v2 + v3 + attic + BAL + Haskell + Language + BAL + BCL + BFPL + Haskell + Language + BFPL + Samples + Prolog + big-step + denotational + small-step + typing + samples + BGL + Haskell + Language + BGL + BIPL + Haskell + Language + BIPL + Algebra + Analysis + CS + DS + Goto + MonadicAlgebra + Rename + Prolog + big-step + small-step + samples + BL + Haskell + Language + GBL + V2 + TBL + Java + org + softlang + gbl + tbl + samples + BML + Haskell + Language + BML + BNL + ANTLR + org + softlang + bnl + EGL + ESL + haskell + java + samples + Haskell + Language + BNL + Universal + Java + JSON + Prolog + samples + XML + YACC + BOL + Haskell + Language + BOL + Samples + BSL + Haskell + Language + BSL + BSTL + Prolog + tests + BTL + Haskell + Language + BTL + Universal + Java + org + softlang + btl + JSON + Prolog + XML + DCG + DDL + DGL + DOT + EFPL + Prolog + big-step + tests + EGL + Haskell + Language + EGL + samples + EGTL + samples + EIPL + ANTLR + org + softlang + eipl + Prolog + tests + EL + Haskell + baselines + Language + EL + QQ + Rules + Rules + Prolog + qq + rules + rules + tests + ESL + FL + NFL + RFL1 + RFL2 + FSML + Java\.settings + Haskell + Language + FSML + Merge + QQ + Rename + StringTemplate + Java + org + softlang + fsml + fluent + tests + templates + JSON + tests + Prolog + dot + generated + to-java + Python + dot + generated + templates + tests + baselines + tests + Xtext + Haskell + Hinzu + HTML + Java + JSON + LAL + config + lib + bx + conformance + correspondence + cx + language + traceability + Markdown + MLDF + MMDL + MML + atom-to-ref + conformance + editing + tests + MMTL + None + PPL + tests + Prolog + Python + TDL + Term + dict + graph + Text + TLL + Haskell + Language + TLL + TULL + Haskell + Language + TULL + Ueber + macros + ULL + Haskell + Language + ULL + URAL + Haskell + Language + URAL + Meta + Repr + XML - lib + Haskell + Data + CPO + Generics + Text + Parsec - Prolog + generics + samples + xcoupled\.settings + Haskell + obsolete + expr + editing + exprRelaxed + parsing + figure + parsing + xcoupled + input + jdom + output + slbook + xcoupled + xml + xsd + xslt + tmp + tools + kaggle_arc - kaggle_arc_new + induction + acl1_1_tests + acl1_2_tests + m_acl_tests + secret_data + evaluation + solution + shared + gojs\.codesandbox + dom-to-image\.github + html-to-image\.github + ISSUE_TEMPLATE + workflows + backup + config + html-to-image\.husky + data\.ipynb_checkpoints + apps + css + img + js + bin + css + data + 1D_testset + ConceptARC + corpus + AboveBelow + Center + CleanUp + OriginalARCEvalSet + CompleteShape + Copy + OriginalARCEvalSet + Count + OriginalARCEvalSet + ExtendToBoundary + OriginalARCEvalSet + ExtractObjects + OriginalARCEvalSet + FilledNotFilled + OriginalARCEvalSet + HorizontalVertical + OriginalARCEvalSet + InsideOutside + MoveToBoundary + OriginalARCEvalSet + Order + OriginalARCEvalSet + ProblemsWithErrors + __MACOSX + Fixed + Fixed + Original + SameDifferent + OriginalARCEvalSet + TopBottom2D + TopBottom3D + OriginalARCEvalSet + editor + static + css + js + devaluation + evaluation + solution + storage + ref + test_100 + test_nar_10x10 + training + dom-to-image + node_modules\.bin + bower_components + fontawesome + css + fonts + less + scss + jquery + dist + src + ajax + var + attributes + core + var + css + var + data + var + effects + event + exports + manipulation + var + queue + sizzle + dist + traversing + var + var + js-imagediff + bin + browser + examples + js + lib + jasmine + make + spec + images + ocrad-bower + examples + ocrad-0.23-pre1 + doc + testsuite + dist + node_modules + abbrev + accepts + node_modules + mime-db + mime-types + after + test + align-text + ansi-regex + ansi-styles + anymatch + argparse + examples + lib + action + append + store + argument + help + node_modules + underscore.string + lib + arr-diff + arr-flatten + array-find-index + array-slice + array-unique + arraybuffer.slice + test + arrify + assertion-error + async + lib + async-each + backo2 + test + balanced-match + base64-arraybuffer + lib + test + base64id + lib + batch + benchmark + doc + test + better-assert + binary-extensions + blob + test + bluebird + js + browser + release + body-parser + lib + types + node_modules + debug + iconv-lite + encodings + tables + lib + qs + lib + test + brace-expansion + braces + browserify-zlib + src + test + fixtures + ignored + buffer-shims + builtin-modules + bytes + callsite + camelcase + camelcase-keys + center-align + chai + lib + chai + core + interface + utils + chalk + chokidar + lib + cli + examples + node_modules + glob + examples + test + minimatch + test + cliui + test + coffee-script + bin + extras + lib + coffee-script + colors + themes + combine-lists + node_modules + lodash + fp + component-bind + component-emitter + component-inherit + test + concat-map + example + test + concat-stream + node_modules + isarray + readable-stream + doc + wg-meetings + lib + connect + node_modules + debug + console-browserify + test + static + content-type + core-js + build + client + core + es5 + es6 + es7 + fn + array + virtual + date + dom-collections + error + function + virtual + json + math + number + virtual + object + reflect + regexp + string + virtual + symbol + system + typed + library + core + es5 + es6 + es7 + fn + array + virtual + date + dom-collections + error + function + virtual + json + math + number + virtual + object + reflect + regexp + string + virtual + symbol + system + typed + modules + stage + web + modules + library + stage + web + core-util-is + lib + currently-unhandled + custom-event + test + date-now + test + static + dateformat + lib + test + debug + lib + decamelize + deep-eql + lib + depd + lib + compat + di + lib + diff + dom-serialize + test + dom-serializer + node_modules + domelementtype + entities + lib + maps + test + domelementtype + domhandler + lib + test + cases + domutils + lib + test + tests + ee-first + engine.io + lib + transports + node_modules + accepts + debug + mime-db + mime-types + negotiator + lib + ws + lib + engine.io-client + lib + transports + node_modules + debug + ws + lib + engine.io-parser + lib + node_modules + has-binary + fixtures + ent + examples + test + entities + lib + maps + test + error-ex + escape-html + escape-string-regexp + esprima + bin + test + eventemitter2 + lib + eventemitter3 + exit + lib + test + fixtures + expand-braces + node_modules + braces + benchmark + fixtures + libs + expand-range + benchmark + fixtures + libs + is-number + repeat-string + expand-brackets + expand-range + extend + extglob + faye-websocket + examples + lib + faye + websocket + api + hybi_parser + spec + faye + websocket + figures + filename-regex + fill-range + finalhandler + node_modules + debug + find-up + findup-sync + lib + node_modules + glob + examples + test + lodash + dist + minimatch + test + test + fixtures + a + b + for-in + for-own + fs.realpath + gaze + lib + get-stdin + getobject + lib + test + glob + examples + node_modules + inherits + test + glob-base + glob-parent + globule + lib + node_modules + lodash + dist + test + fixtures + expand + css + deep + deeper + deepest + js + graceful-fs + test + growl + lib + grunt + internal-tasks + lib + grunt + util + grunt-cli + node_modules\.bin + bin + completion + lib + node_modules + findup-sync + lib + glob + minimatch + nopt + bin + examples + lib + test + grunt-contrib-jshint + tasks + lib + grunt-contrib-uglify + node_modules + lodash + array + chain + collection + date + function + internal + lang + math + number + object + string + utility + tasks + lib + grunt-contrib-watch + node_modules + async + lib + lodash + dist + tasks + lib + grunt-karma + lib + node_modules + lodash + array + chain + collection + date + function + internal + lang + math + number + object + string + utility + tasks + test + grunt-known-options + grunt-legacy-log + node_modules + lodash + dist + underscore.string + dist + lib + test + test_underscore + vendor + test + grunt-legacy-log-utils + node_modules + lodash + dist + underscore.string + dist + lib + test + test_underscore + vendor + test + grunt-legacy-util + test + fixtures + gzip-size + has-ansi + has-binary + has-cors + hooker + dist + lib + test + hosted-git-info + htmlparser2 + lib + test + Documents + Events + Feeds + Stream + http-errors + http-proxy + lib + http-proxy + passes + iconv-lite + encodings + table + generation + test + indent-string + indexof + inflight + inherits + is-arrayish + is-binary-path + is-buffer + test + is-builtin-module + is-dotfile + is-equal-shallow + is-extendable + is-extglob + is-finite + is-glob + is-number + is-posix-bracket + is-primitive + is-utf8 + isarray + build + isbinaryfile + test + fixtures + dir + encodings + isobject + node_modules + isarray + jade + bin + lib + nodes + node_modules + commander + lib + mkdirp + examples + test + testing + js-yaml + bin + examples + lib + js-yaml + schema + type + js + jshint + bin + data + dist + node_modules + lodash + array + chain + collection + date + function + internal + lang + math + number + object + string + utility + minimatch + src + platforms + reporters + json3 + coverage + lcov-report + lib + lib + karma + node_modules\.bin + bin + lib + init + launchers + middleware + reporters + node_modules + bluebird + js + browser + main + colors + examples + lib + custom + maps + system + themes + glob + graceful-fs + lodash + array + chain + collection + date + function + internal + lang + math + number + object + string + utility + minimatch + rimraf + static + karma-chai + karma-chrome-launcher + test + karma-firefox-launcher + karma-mocha + lib + karma-mocha-reporter + node_modules\.bin + node_modules + chalk + colors + examples + lib + custom + maps + system + themes + component-emitter + connect + debug + finalhandler + glob + graceful-fs + http-proxy + lib + http-proxy + passes + karma + bin + common + context + lib + init + launchers + middleware + reporters + static + lodash + array + chain + collection + date + function + internal + lang + math + number + object + string + utility + minimatch + rimraf + socket.io + lib + socket.io-client + lib + kind-of + lazy-cache + load-json-file + node_modules + graceful-fs + lodash + log4js + node_modules\.bin + examples + lib + appenders + streams + node_modules + readable-stream + lib + semver + bin + test + test + streams + longest + loud-rejection + lru-cache + lib + test + map-obj + maxmin + media-typer + meow + micromatch + lib + mime + build + mime-db + mime-types + minimatch + test + minimist + example + test + mkdirp + bin + examples + node_modules + minimist + example + test + test + mocha + node_modules\.bin + bin + images + lib + browser + interfaces + reporters + templates + node_modules + commander + debug + escape-string-regexp + glob + examples + test + minimatch + test + supports-color + ms + negotiator + lib + nopt + bin + examples + lib + noptify + node_modules\.bin + actions + node_modules + nopt + bin + examples + lib + test + fixtures + util + normalize-package-data + lib + test + fixtures + normalize-path + number-is-nan + object-assign + object-component + test + object.omit + on-finished + once + optimist + example + node_modules + minimist + example + test + test + _ + options + lib + os-tmpdir + pako + dist + lib + utils + zlib + parse-glob + parse-json + vendor + parsejson + parseqs + parseuri + parseurl + path-exists + path-is-absolute + path-type + node_modules + graceful-fs + pify + pinkie + pinkie-promise + preserve + pretty-bytes + process-nextick-args + qjobs + examples + tests + qs + test + browser + randomatic + raw-body + node_modules + bytes + iconv-lite + encodings + tables + lib + read-pkg + read-pkg-up + readable-stream + lib + readdirp + examples + node_modules + graceful-fs + isarray + minimatch + node_modules + brace-expansion + readable-stream + doc + wg-meetings + lib + test + bed + root_dir1 + root_dir1_subdir1 + root_dir2 + redent + regex-cache + repeat-element + repeat-string + repeating + requires-port + resolve + example + lib + test + dotdot + abc + module_dir + xmodules + aaa + ymodules + aaa + zmodules + bbb + node_path + x + aaa + ccc + y + bbb + ccc + pathfilter + deep_ref + node_modules + deep + deeper + precedence + aaa + bbb + resolver + bar + node_modules + foo + baz + biz + node_modules + garply + lib + grux + tiv + incorrect_main + other_path + lib + punycode + node_modules + punycode + quux + foo + without_basedir + node_modules + subdirs + node_modules + a + b + c + right-align + rimraf + test + semver + bin + set-immediate-shim + shelljs + bin + scripts + src + sigmund + test + signal-exit + socket.io + lib + node_modules + debug + engine.io + lib + transports + socket.io-adapter + node_modules + debug + socket.io-parser + bench + node_modules + debug + lib + socket.io-client + lib + node_modules + component-emitter + debug + engine.io-client + lib + transports + node_modules + component-emitter + ws + lib + socket.io-parser + bench + node_modules + debug + json3 + lib + source-map + dist + lib + spdx-correct + spdx-exceptions + spdx-expression-parse + spdx-license-ids + statuses + string_decoder + strip-ansi + strip-bom + strip-indent + strip-json-comments + supports-color + tiny-lr-fork + bin + lib + public + tasks + test + tmp + lib + test + symlinkme + to-array + to-iso-string + test + trim-newlines + type-detect + lib + type-is + typedarray + example + test + server + uglify-js + bin + lib + node_modules + async + lib + tools + uglify-to-browserify + test + ultron + underscore + underscore.string + dist + lib + test + test_underscore + vendor + unpipe + uri-path + test + useragent + bin + features + lib + node_modules + lru-cache + lib + test + static + utf8 + tests + util-deprecate + utils-merge + validate-npm-package-license + void-elements + test + which + bin + window-size + wordwrap + example + test + wrappy + ws + lib + xmlhttprequest-ssl + example + lib + tests + yargs + lib + node_modules + camelcase + yeast + spec + resources + bgcolor + big + bigger + border + canvas + css-bg + dimensions + ext-css + filter + fonts + web-fonts + hash + images + input + pixeldata + pseudo + scale + scroll + sheet + small + style + svg-ns + svg-rect + text + textarea + util + src + test-lib + gojs + api + assets + css + images + js + symbols + arc_preview + images + webdemo + assets + css + images + fonts + images + screenshots + js + extensions + assets + extensionsJSM + extensionsTS + intro + images + learn + projects + angular-basic + bpmn + BPMNdata + cordova-circuit + electron-circuit + floorplanner + icons + floorplannerTS + images + src + maximalSource + minimalSource + minimalSourceBrowserify + nw-circuit + pdf + puppeteer + storage + goCloudStorageIcons + lib + samples + src + public + fonts + img + release + samples + assets + images + samplesTS + src + templates + html-to-image + test + resources + bgcolor + bigger + border + canvas + css-bg + custom-element + dimensions + ext-css + filter + fonts + web-fonts + hash + images + input + pixeldata + placeholder + pseudo + scale + scroll + select + sheet + small + style + svg-color + svg-image + svg-ns + svg-rect + svg-use-tag + text + textarea + video + webp + spec - IDocs + muarc_output_html + Logicmoo ARC TopFrame_files + Pattern recognition _ Bongard, M. M. (Mikhail Moiseevich) _ Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming _ Internet Archive_files + js + muarc_cache + test_state + muarc_output - ilp + 00576224 + 009d5c81 + 00dbd492 + 03560426 + 0a2355a6 + 0d3d703e + 103eff5b + 1b60fb0c + 1d398264 + 25d487eb + 29c11459 + 32e9702f + 33b52de3 + 37d3e8b2 + 423a55dc + 5582e5ca + 626c0bcc - a61ba2ce - a61f2674 + a79310a0 + b230c067 + d2abd087 + e41c6fd3 - ea32f347 - f8b3ba0a + save-a79310a0 + save-a79310a0-1 + save-a79310a0-2 + save-a79310a0-3 + save-a79310a0-4 + muarc_output_html - riddles + example_001 + example_002 + example_003 + example_004 + example_005 + example_006 + example_007 + example_011 + example_012 + example_013 + example_014 + example_015 + example_016 + example_017 - muarc_tmp + static + images + tutorial_code + symbolic_ml scroll:0 [State] SCREEN: 1920 1200 52 52 1440 788 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 1456 610 CWD: \Program Files (x86)\SlickEdit\win BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_object.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.79804 CL=18 LE=0 CX=17 CY=11 WI=5 BI=20 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_deepening.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.5653 CL=30 LE=0 CX=29 CY=5 WI=5 BI=19 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_howdiff.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.34891 CL=11 LE=0 CX=10 CY=14 WI=5 BI=22 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\sample.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=60 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_individuation.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.200276 CL=14 LE=0 CX=13 CY=13 WI=5 BI=23 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\textmine.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=43 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_test_iface.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.122296 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=12 WI=5 BI=40 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\vs.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=39 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\foil.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=45 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\kinship.fol" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=44 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\taxonomy.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=42 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\shapes.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=41 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-2.txt" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=38 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\CS501\Farmer.java" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Java HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=37 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mips-simple.vl" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=36 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mips-alu.vl" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=35 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\conc2.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=34 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\lgen.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.685 CL=32 LE=0 CX=31 CY=14 WI=5 BI=33 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\can_reach.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=32 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\family.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=31 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\palindr.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=30 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\monks1.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=29 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\family.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=28 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\evenleng.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=27 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\member5.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=26 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\plus.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=25 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\lilp.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.2849 CL=39 LE=0 CX=38 CY=14 WI=5 BI=24 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-1.txt" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.4512 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=14 WI=5 BI=57 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\loan23.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=56 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\kinship.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=55 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cells.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=54 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cluster.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=58 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cobweb.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=53 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\dtheory1.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=52 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\ilp.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=51 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\was-index.html" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 5 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=HTML HM=0 MF=32 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.564 CL=14 LE=0 CX=13 CY=14 WI=5 BI=50 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\animal13.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=49 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\AI-ML-Lab1.txt" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=48 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\vs.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=47 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-2.txt" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=46 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\shapes.pl" BI: MA=1 174 1 TABS=1 3 WWS=1 IWT=0 ST=0 IN=2 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Prolog HM=0 MF=0 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=59 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 BUFFER: BN="\Program Files\gs\psview-5.12a\README" BI: MA=1 74 1 TABS=1 9 WWS=1 IWT=1 ST=0 IN=1 BW=0 US=32000 RO=0 SE=1 SN=0 BIN=0 MN=Fundamental HM=0 MF=512 TL=0 MLL=0 ASE=0 LNL=6 LCF=0 CAPS=0 E=0 ESBU2=-1 VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=5 BI=21 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=5 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\shapes.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=163 BI=59 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=4 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-2.txt" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=162 BI=46 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=7 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\vs.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=161 BI=47 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=8 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\AI-ML-Lab1.txt" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=160 BI=48 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=9 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\AI-ML-Lab1.txt" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=159 BI=48 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=10 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\animal13.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=158 BI=49 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=11 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\was-index.html" VIEW: LN=.564 CL=14 LE=0 CX=13 CY=14 WI=157 BI=50 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=12 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\ilp.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=156 BI=51 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=13 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\dtheory1.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=155 BI=52 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=14 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cobweb.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=154 BI=53 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=16 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cluster.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=153 BI=58 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=15 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\cells.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=152 BI=54 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=17 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\kinship.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=151 BI=55 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=18 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\loan23.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=150 BI=56 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=19 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-1.txt" VIEW: LN=.4512 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=14 WI=149 BI=57 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=20 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\lilp.pl" VIEW: LN=.2849 CL=39 LE=0 CX=38 CY=14 WI=148 BI=24 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=21 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\plus.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=147 BI=25 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=22 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\member5.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=146 BI=26 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=23 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\evenleng.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=145 BI=27 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=24 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\family.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=144 BI=28 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=25 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\monks1.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=143 BI=29 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=26 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lilp\palindr.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=142 BI=30 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=27 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\family.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=141 BI=31 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=28 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\can_reach.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=140 BI=32 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=29 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\lgen.pl" VIEW: LN=.685 CL=32 LE=0 CX=31 CY=14 WI=139 BI=33 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=30 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ml\lgen\conc2.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=138 BI=34 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=31 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mips-alu.vl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=137 BI=35 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=32 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mips-simple.vl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=136 BI=36 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=33 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\CS501\Farmer.java" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=135 BI=37 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=34 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\MachineLearningLab-2.txt" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=134 BI=38 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=36 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\shapes.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=133 BI=41 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=37 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\taxonomy.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=132 BI=42 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=39 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\kinship.fol" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=131 BI=44 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=40 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\foil.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=130 BI=45 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=35 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\vs.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=129 BI=39 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=41 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_test_iface.pl" VIEW: LN=.122296 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=12 WI=128 BI=40 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=38 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\textmine.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=127 BI=43 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=3 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\~markov\ccsu_courses\mlprograms\foil.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=126 BI=45 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 156 156 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=43 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_individuation.pl" VIEW: LN=.200276 CL=14 LE=0 CX=14 CY=13 WI=125 BI=23 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=6 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="ILP\mlprograms\sample.pl" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=124 BI=60 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 182 182 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=44 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_howdiff.pl" VIEW: LN=.34891 CL=11 LE=0 CX=10 CY=14 WI=123 BI=22 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=42 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_deepening.pl" VIEW: LN=.5653 CL=30 LE=0 CX=29 CY=5 WI=122 BI=19 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 0 0 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=45 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_howdiff.pl" VIEW: LN=.34345 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=10 WI=121 BI=22 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 130 130 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=2 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_deepening.pl" VIEW: LN=.5653 CL=30 LE=0 CX=29 CY=14 WI=120 BI=19 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 52 52 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=47 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_deepening.pl" VIEW: LN=.5653 CL=30 LE=0 CX=29 CY=14 WI=119 BI=19 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 78 78 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=48 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_object.pl" VIEW: LN=.79804 CL=18 LE=0 CX=17 CY=11 WI=118 BI=20 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 104 104 1274 428 -1 -1 N WF=0 WT=49 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="\Program Files\gs\psview-5.12a\README" VIEW: LN=.0 CL=1 LE=0 CX=0 CY=0 WI=117 BI=21 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 WINDOW: 26 26 1274 428 -1 -1 M WF=0 WT=46 "Default Fixed Font,14,0,1" BUFFER: BN="\Program Files\gs\psview-5.12a\README" VIEW: LN=.288 CL=22 LE=0 CX=21 CY=7 WI=164 BI=21 HT=0 HN=0 HF=0 HC=4 FILEHIST: 9 kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_individuation.pl kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_deepening.pl kaggle_arc_new\kaggle_arc_precompiler.pl kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_howdiff.pl kaggle_arc_new\kaggle_arc_howdiff.pl kaggle_arc_new\kaggle_arc_uniqueness.pl kaggle_arc_new\kaggle_arc_prior_groups.pl kaggle_arc\kaggle_arc_object.pl \Program Files\gs\psview-5.12a\README