# *-* coding: utf-8 *-* # This file is part of butterfly # # butterfly Copyright(C) 2015-2017 Florian Mounier # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # This has been forked from term.js # # Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License) # https://github.com/chjj/term.js # # # which has been forked from jslinux # # Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard # http://bellard.org/jslinux/ cancel = (ev) -> ev.preventDefault() if ev.preventDefault ev.stopPropagation() if ev.stopPropagation ev.cancelBubble = true false isMobile = -> /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test navigator.userAgent s = 0 State = normal: s++ escaped: s++ csi: s++ osc: s++ charset: s++ dcs: s++ ignore: s++ class Terminal @hooks: {} # Mini implementation of event @on: (hook, fun) -> unless Terminal.hooks[hook]? Terminal.hooks[hook] = [] Terminal.hooks[hook].push(fun) @off: (hook, fun) -> unless Terminal.hooks[hook]? Terminal.hooks[hook] = [] Terminal.hooks[hook].pop(fun) constructor: (@parent, @out, @ctl=->) -> # Global elements @document = @parent.ownerDocument @html = @document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] @body = @document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] @term = @document.getElementById('term') @forceWidth = @body.getAttribute( 'data-force-unicode-width') is 'yes' # A hidden textarea to capture all input events # This allows the body to receive IME composition events # without being `contentEditable`, which will mess up # the layout @inputHelper = @document.getElementById('input-helper') # A simple div to take place of the IME input preview # which is now hidden due to the textarea @inputView = @document.getElementById('input-view') # Main terminal element @body.className = 'terminal focus' @body.style.outline = 'none' @body.setAttribute 'tabindex', 0 @body.setAttribute 'spellcheck', 'false' @inputHelper.setAttribute 'tabindex', 0 @inputHelper.setAttribute 'spellcheck', 'false' # Adding one line to compute char size div = @document.createElement('div') div.className = 'line' @term.appendChild(div) @computeCharSize() @cols = Math.floor(@body.clientWidth / @charSize.width) @rows = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / @charSize.height) @visualBell = 100 @convertEol = false @termName = 'xterm' @cursorBlink = true @cursorState = 0 @inComposition = false @compositionText = "" @resetVars() @focus() @startBlink() # IME Events should be registered to the textarea # The textarea helps guiding the IME to pop up # at the correct position @inputHelper.addEventListener 'compositionstart', @compositionStart.bind(@) @inputHelper.addEventListener 'compositionupdate', @compositionUpdate.bind(@) @inputHelper.addEventListener 'compositionend', @compositionEnd.bind(@) addEventListener 'keydown', @keyDown.bind(@) addEventListener 'keypress', @keyPress.bind(@) # Always focus on the inputHelper textarea addEventListener 'keyup', => @inputHelper.focus() if isMobile() addEventListener 'click', => @inputHelper.focus() addEventListener 'focus', @focus.bind(@) addEventListener 'blur', @blur.bind(@) addEventListener 'resize', => @resize() @body.addEventListener 'load', => @nativeScrollTo() , true @initmouse() addEventListener 'load', => @resize() @emit 'load' @active = null emit: (hook, obj) -> unless Terminal.hooks[hook]? Terminal.hooks[hook] = [] for fun in Terminal.hooks[hook] # fun.call(@, obj) setTimeout ((f) -> -> f.call(@, obj))(fun), 10 cloneAttr: (a, char=null) -> bg: a.bg fg: a.fg ch: unless char is null then char else a.ch bold: a.bold underline: a.underline blink: a.blink inverse: a.inverse invisible: a.invisible italic: a.italic faint: a.faint crossed: a.crossed placeholder: false equalAttr: (a, b) -> # Not testing char (a.bg is b.bg and a.fg is b.fg and a.bold is b.bold and a.underline is b.underline and a.blink is b.blink and a.inverse is b.inverse and a.invisible is b.invisible and a.italic is b.italic and a.faint is b.faint and a.crossed is b.crossed) putChar: (c, placeholder = false) -> newChar = @cloneAttr @curAttr, c newChar.placeholder = placeholder if @insertMode @screen[@y + @shift].chars.splice(@x, 0, newChar) @screen[@y + @shift].chars.pop() else @screen[@y + @shift].chars[@x] = newChar @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true resetVars: -> @x = 0 @y = 0 @cursorHidden = false @state = State.normal @queue = '' @scrollTop = 0 @scrollBottom = @rows - 1 @scrollLock = false # modes @applicationKeypad = false @applicationCursor = false @originMode = false @autowrap = true @horizontalWrap = false @normal = null # charset @charset = null @gcharset = null @glevel = 0 @charsets = [null] # stream @defAttr = bg: 256 fg: 257 ch: " " bold: false underline: false blink: 0 inverse: false invisible: false italic: false faint: false crossed: false placeholder: false @curAttr = @cloneAttr @defAttr @params = [] @currentParam = 0 @prefix = "" @screen = [] @shift = 0 for row in [0..@rows - 1] @screen.push @blankLine(false, false) @setupStops() @skipNextKey = null computeCharSize: -> testSpan = document.createElement('span') testSpan.textContent = '0123456789' line = @term.firstChild line.appendChild(testSpan) @charSize = width: testSpan.getBoundingClientRect().width / 10 height: line.getBoundingClientRect().height line.removeChild(testSpan) eraseAttr: -> erased = @cloneAttr @defAttr erased.bg = @curAttr.bg erased focus: -> old_sl = @scrollLock @scrollLock = true @send('\x1b[I') if @sendFocus @showCursor() @body.classList.add('focus') @body.classList.remove('blur') @inputHelper.focus() # Always focus on the textarea @resize() @scrollLock = old_sl blur: -> old_sl = @scrollLock @scrollLock = true @cursorState = 1 @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true @refresh() @send('\x1b[O') if @sendFocus @body.classList.add('blur') @body.classList.remove('focus') @scrollLock = old_sl # XTerm mouse events # http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#Mouse%20Tracking # To better understand these # the xterm code is very helpful: # Relevant files: # button.c, charproc.c, misc.c # Relevant functions in xterm/button.c: # BtnCode, EmitButtonCode, EditorButton, SendMousePosition initmouse: -> pressed = 32 # mouseup, mousedown, mousewheel # left click: ^[[M 3<^[[M#3< # mousewheel up: ^[[M`3> sendButton = (ev) -> # get the xterm-style button button = getButton(ev) # get mouse coordinates pos = getCoords(ev) return unless pos sendEvent button, pos, ev.type pressed = button # motion example of a left click: # ^[[M 3<^[[M@4<^[[M@5<^[[M@6<^[[M@7<^[[M#7< sendMove = (ev) -> button = pressed pos = getCoords(ev) return unless pos # buttons marked as motions # are incremented by 32 button += 32 sendEvent button, pos, ev.type # encode button and # position to characters encode = (data, ch) => unless @utfMouse return data.push(0) if ch is 255 ch = 127 if ch > 127 data.push ch else return data.push(0) if ch is 2047 if ch < 127 data.push ch else ch = 2047 if ch > 2047 data.push 0xC0 | (ch >> 6) data.push 0x80 | (ch & 0x3F) # send a mouse event: # regular/utf8: ^[[M Cb Cx Cy # urxvt: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M # sgr: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M/m # vt300: ^[[ 24(1/3/5)~ [ Cx , Cy ] \r # locator: CSI P e ; P b ; P r ; P c ; P p & w sendEvent = (button, pos, type) => if @urxvtMouse pos.x -= 32 pos.y -= 32 pos.x++ pos.y++ @send "\x1b[" + button + ";" + pos.x + ";" + pos.y + "M" return if @sgrMouse pos.x -= 32 pos.y -= 32 button -= 32 @send "\x1b[<" + button + ";" + pos.x + ";" + pos.y + ( if type is "mouseup" then "m" else "M" ) return data = [] encode data, button encode data, pos.x encode data, pos.y @send "\x1b[M" + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data) getButton = (ev) => # two low bits: # 0 = left # 1 = middle # 2 = right # 3 = release # wheel up/down: # 1, and 2 - with 64 added switch ev.type when "mousedown" button = if ev.button? then +ev.button else ( if ev.which? then ev.which - 1 else null) when "mouseup" button = 3 when "wheel" button = if ev.deltaY < 0 then 64 else 65 # next three bits are the modifiers: # 4 = shift, 8 = meta, 16 = control shift = if ev.shiftKey then 4 else 0 meta = if ev.metaKey then 8 else 0 ctrl = if ev.ctrlKey then 16 else 0 mod = shift | meta | ctrl # no mods if @vt200Mouse # ctrl only mod &= ctrl else unless @normalMouse mod = 0 # increment to SP (32 + (mod << 2)) + button # mouse coordinates measured in cols/rows getCoords = (ev) => x = ev.pageX y = ev.pageY - window.scrollY # convert to cols/rows w = @body.clientWidth h = window.innerHeight x = Math.ceil((x / w) * @cols) y = Math.ceil((y / h) * @rows) # be sure to avoid sending # bad positions to the program x = 0 if x < 0 x = @cols if x > @cols y = 0 if y < 0 y = @rows if y > @rows # xterm sends raw bytes and # starts at 32 (SP) for each. x += 32 y += 32 x: x y: y type: ev.type addEventListener "contextmenu", (ev) => return unless @mouseEvents cancel ev addEventListener "mousedown", (ev) => return unless @mouseEvents # send the button sendButton ev # fix for odd bug sm = sendMove.bind(this) addEventListener "mousemove", sm # x10 compatibility mode can't send button releases unless @x10Mouse addEventListener "mouseup", up = (ev) -> sendButton ev removeEventListener "mousemove", sm removeEventListener "mouseup", up cancel ev cancel ev addEventListener "wheel", (ev) => if @mouseEvents return if @x10Mouse sendButton ev cancel ev getClasses: (data) -> classes = [] styles = [] # bold classes.push "bold" if data.bold # underline classes.push "underline" if data.underline # blink classes.push "blink" if data.blink is 1 classes.push "blink-fast" if data.blink is 2 # inverse classes.push "reverse-video" if data.inverse # invisible classes.push "invisible" if data.invisible # italic classes.push "italic" if data.italic # faint classes.push "faint" if data.faint # crossed classes.push "crossed" if data.crossed if typeof data.fg is 'number' fg = data.fg if data.bold and fg < 8 fg += 8 classes.push "fg-color-" + fg else if typeof data.fg is 'string' styles.push "color: " + data.fg if typeof data.bg is 'number' classes.push "bg-color-" + data.bg else if typeof data.bg is 'string' styles.push "background-color: " + data.bg [classes, styles] # Fullwidth (CJK) character ranges isCJK: (ch) -> "\u4e00" <= ch <= "\u9fff" or # CJK Unified Ideographs "\u3040" <= ch <= "\u30ff" or # Japanese Hiragana and Katakana "\u31f0" <= ch <= "\u31ff" or # Japanese Katakana Phonetic Extensions "\u3190" <= ch <= "\u319f" or # Japanese Kanbun symbols "\u3301" <= ch <= "\u3356" or # Japanese compound characters Kumimoji (組文字) "\uac00" <= ch <= "\ud7ff" or # Hangul precomposed syllables "\u3000" <= ch <= "\u303f" or # CJK Punctuations and Symbols "\uff00" <= ch <= "\uff60" or # Fullwidth forms "\uffe0" <= ch <= "\uffe6" # Fullwidth forms charToDom: (data, attr, cursor) -> # Just do not render if we see any placeholder characters return if data.placeholder return data.html if data.html attr = attr or @cloneAttr @defAttr ch = data.ch char = '' unless @equalAttr data, attr char += "" unless @equalAttr attr, @defAttr unless @equalAttr data, @defAttr [classes, styles] = @getClasses data char += "" if cursor switch ch when "&" char += "&" when "<" char += "<" when ">" char += ">" when " " char += '\u2007' else if ch <= " " char += " " # CJK characters should always be forced to be fullwidth else unless @forceWidth or @isCJK ch char += ch else if ch <= "~" # Ascii chars char += ch else if @isCJK ch # CJK always fullwidth char += "#{ch}" else char += "#{ch}" char += "" if cursor char lineToDom: (y, line, active) -> cursorX = @x if active for x in [0..@cols] unless x is @cols @charToDom line.chars[x], line.chars[x - 1], x is cursorX else eol = '' eol += '' unless @equalAttr line.chars[x - 1], @defAttr eol += '\u23CE' if line.wrap eol += "#{line.extra}" if line.extra screenToDom: (force) -> for line, y in @screen if line.dirty or force active = y is @y + @shift and not @cursorHidden div = document.createElement 'div' div.classList.add 'line' div.classList.add 'active' if active div.classList.add 'extended' if line.extra div.innerHTML = (@lineToDom y, line, active).join('') if active @active = div @cursor = div.querySelectorAll('.cursor')[0] div writeDom: (dom) -> r = Math.max @term.childElementCount - @rows, 0 for line, y in dom continue unless line @screen[y].dirty = false if y < @rows and y < @term.childElementCount @term.replaceChild(line, @term.childNodes[r + y]) else frag = frag or document.createDocumentFragment('fragment') frag.appendChild line @emit 'change', line frag and @term.appendChild frag @shift = 0 @screen = @screen.slice -@rows refresh: (force=false) -> if @active? @active.classList.remove('active') if @cursor @cursor.parentNode?.replaceChild( @document.createTextNode(@cursor.textContent), @cursor) dom = @screenToDom(force) @writeDom dom @nativeScrollTo() @updateInputViews() @emit 'refresh' _cursorBlink: -> @cursorState ^= 1 return unless @cursor if @cursor.classList.contains("reverse-video") @cursor.classList.remove "reverse-video" else @cursor.classList.add "reverse-video" showCursor: -> unless @cursorState @cursorState = 1 @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true @refresh() startBlink: -> return unless @cursorBlink @_blinker = => @_cursorBlink() @t_blink = setInterval(@_blinker, 500) refreshBlink: -> return unless @cursorBlink clearInterval @t_blink @t_blink = setInterval(@_blinker, 500) scroll: -> # Use emulated scroll in alternate buffer or when scroll region is defined if @normal or @scrollTop isnt 0 or @scrollBottom isnt @rows - 1 # inner scroll @screen.splice @shift + @scrollBottom + 1, 0, @blankLine() @screen.splice @shift + @scrollTop, 1 for i in [@scrollTop..@scrollBottom] @screen[i + @shift].dirty = true else @screen.push @blankLine() @shift++ unscroll: -> @screen.splice @shift + @scrollTop , 0, @blankLine(true) @screen.splice @shift + @scrollBottom + 1, 1 for i in [@scrollTop..@scrollBottom] @screen[i + @shift].dirty = true nativeScrollTo: (scroll=2000000000) -> # ~ Max ff number return if @scrollLock window.scrollTo 0, scroll scrollDisplay: (disp) -> @nativeScrollTo window.scrollY + disp * @charSize.height nextLine: -> @y++ if @y > @scrollBottom @y-- @scroll() prevLine: -> @y-- if @y < @scrollTop @y++ @unscroll() write: (data) -> i = 0 l = data.length while i < l ch = data.charAt(i) switch @state when State.normal switch ch # '\a' when "\x07" @bell() # '\n', '\v', '\f' when "\n", "\x0b", "\x0c" # @x = 0 if @convertEol if @horizontalWrap @screen[@y + @shift].extra += ch else @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true @nextLine() # '\r' when "\r" unless @horizontalWrap @x = 0 # '\b' when "\b" # Cap on overflow @x-- if @x >= @cols @x-- if @x > 0 # '\t' when "\t" @x = @nextStop() # shift out when "\x0e" @setgLevel 1 # shift in when "\x0f" @setgLevel 0 # '\e' when "\x1b" @state = State.escaped else # Diacritical Marks if ("\u0300" <= ch <= "\u036F" or "\u1AB0" <= ch <= "\u1AFF" or "\u1DC0" <= ch <= "\u1DFF" or "\u20D0" <= ch <= "\u20FF" or "\uFE20" <= ch <= "\uFE2F") x = @x y = @y + @shift if @x > 0 x -= 1 else if @y > 0 y -= 1 x = @cols - 1 else # ?! break @screen[y].chars[x].ch += ch break if ch >= " " ch = @charset[ch] if @charset?[ch] if @x >= @cols if @horizontalWrap @screen[@y + @shift].extra += ch else if @autowrap @screen[@y + @shift].wrap = true @nextLine() @x = 0 @putChar ch @x++ if @isCJK ch # Add a dummy, placeholder character # for double-width, CJK characters # In order to fix counting of characters # when calculating for remaining cols # They are always considered to be # @forceWidth because otherwise they # do not render properly at all @putChar " ", true @x++ when State.escaped switch ch # ESC [ Control Sequence Introducer ( CSI is 0x9b). when "[" @params = [] @currentParam = 0 @state = State.csi # ESC ] Operating System Command ( OSC is 0x9d). when "]" @params = [] @currentParam = 0 @state = State.osc # ESC P Device Control String ( DCS is 0x90). when "P" @params = [] @currentParam = 0 @state = State.dcs # ESC _ Application Program Command ( APC is 0x9f). when "_" @state = State.ignore # ESC ^ Privacy Message ( PM is 0x9e). when "^" @state = State.ignore # ESC c Full Reset (RIS). when "c" @clearScrollback() @reset() # ESC E Next Line ( NEL is 0x85). when "E" @x = 0 @index() # ESC D Index ( IND is 0x84). when "D" @index() # ESC M Reverse Index ( RI is 0x8d). when "M" @reverseIndex() # ESC % Select default/utf-8 character set. # @ = default, G = utf-8 when "%" @setgLevel 0 @setgCharset 0, Terminal::charsets.US @state = State.normal i++ # ESC (,),*,+,-,. Designate G0-G2 Character Set. # <-- this seems to get all the attention when "(", ")" , "*" , "+" , "-" , "." switch ch when "(" @gcharset = 0 when ")", "-" @gcharset = 1 when "*", "." @gcharset = 2 when "+" @gcharset = 3 @state = State.charset # Designate G3 Character Set (VT300). # A = ISO Latin-1 Supplemental. # Not implemented. when "/" @gcharset = 3 @state = State.charset i-- # ESC n # Invoke the G2 Character Set as GL (LS2). when "n" @setgLevel 2 # ESC o # Invoke the G3 Character Set as GL (LS3). when "o" @setgLevel 3 # ESC | # Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR (LS3R). when "|" @setgLevel 3 # ESC } # Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR (LS2R). when "}" @setgLevel 2 # ESC ~ # Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR (LS1R). when "~" @setgLevel 1 # ESC 7 Save Cursor (DECSC). when "7" @saveCursor() @state = State.normal # ESC 8 Restore Cursor (DECRC). when "8" @restoreCursor() @state = State.normal # ESC # 3 DEC line height/width when "#" @state = State.normal i++ num = data.charAt(i) switch num when "3" # DECDHL break when "4" # DECDHL break when "5" # DECSWL break when "6" # DECDWL break when "8" # DECALN for line in @screen line.dirty = true for c in [0..line.chars.length] line.chars[c] = @cloneAttr @curAttr, "E" @x = @y = 0 # ESC H Tab Set (HTS is 0x88). when "H" @tabSet() # ESC = Application Keypad (DECPAM). when "=" @applicationKeypad = true @state = State.normal # ESC > Normal Keypad (DECPNM). when ">" @applicationKeypad = false @state = State.normal else @state = State.normal console.log "Unknown ESC control:", ch when State.charset switch ch when "0" # DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set. cs = Terminal::charsets.SCLD when "A" # UK cs = Terminal::charsets.UK when "B" # United States (USASCII). cs = Terminal::charsets.US when "4" # Dutch cs = Terminal::charsets.Dutch # Finnish when "C", "5" cs = Terminal::charsets.Finnish when "R" # French cs = Terminal::charsets.French when "Q" # FrenchCanadian cs = Terminal::charsets.FrenchCanadian when "K" # German cs = Terminal::charsets.German when "Y" # Italian cs = Terminal::charsets.Italian # NorwegianDanish when "E", "6" cs = Terminal::charsets.NorwegianDanish when "Z" # Spanish cs = Terminal::charsets.Spanish # Swedish when "H", "7" cs = Terminal::charsets.Swedish when "=" # Swiss cs = Terminal::charsets.Swiss when "/" # ISOLatin (actually /A) cs = Terminal::charsets.ISOLatin i++ else # Default cs = Terminal::charsets.US @setgCharset @gcharset, cs @gcharset = null @state = State.normal when State.osc # OSC Ps ; Pt ST # OSC Ps ; Pt BEL # Set Text Parameters. if ch is "\x1b" or ch is "\x07" i++ if ch is "\x1b" @params.push @currentParam switch @params[0] when 0, 1, 2 if @params[1] @title = @params[1] + " - ƸӜƷ butterfly" @handleTitle @title # reset colors @params = [] @currentParam = 0 @state = State.normal else unless @params.length if ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" @currentParam = @currentParam * 10 + ch.charCodeAt(0) - 48 else if ch is ";" @params.push @currentParam @currentParam = "" else @currentParam += ch when State.csi # '?', '>', '!' if ch is "?" or ch is ">" or ch is "!" @prefix = ch break # 0 - 9 if ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" @currentParam = @currentParam * 10 + ch.charCodeAt(0) - 48 break # '$', '"', ' ', '\'' if ch is "$" or ch is "\"" or ch is " " or ch is "'" break # Ignore garbage characters if ch <= " " or ch >= "~" if ch is '\b' @currentParam = (@currentParam / 10) & 1 if ch is '\r' @x = 0 if ["\n", "\x0b", "\x0c"].indexOf(ch) >= 0 @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true @nextLine() break @params.push @currentParam @currentParam = 0 # ';' break if ch is ";" @state = State.normal switch ch # CSI Ps A # Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU). when "A" @cursorUp @params # CSI Ps B # Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD). when "B" @cursorDown @params # CSI Ps C # Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF). when "C" @cursorForward @params # CSI Ps D # Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB). when "D" @cursorBackward @params # CSI Ps ; Ps H # Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP). when "H" @cursorPos @params # CSI Ps J Erase in Display (ED). when "J" @eraseInDisplay @params # CSI Ps K Erase in Line (EL). when "K" @eraseInLine @params # CSI Pm m Character Attributes (SGR). when "m" @charAttributes @params unless @prefix # CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). when "n" @deviceStatus @params # CSI Ps @ # Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH). when "@" @insertChars @params # CSI Ps E # Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). when "E" @cursorNextLine @params # CSI Ps F # Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). when "F" @cursorPrecedingLine @params # CSI Ps G # Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA). when "G" @cursorCharAbsolute @params # CSI Ps L # Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL). when "L" @insertLines @params # CSI Ps M # Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL). when "M" @deleteLines @params # CSI Ps P # Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH). when "P" @deleteChars @params # CSI Ps X # Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH). when "X" @eraseChars @params # CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute # [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA). when "`" @charPosAbsolute @params # 141 61 a * HPR - # Horizontal Position Relative when "a" @HPositionRelative @params # CSI P s c # Send Device Attributes (Primary DA). # CSI > P s c # Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA) when "c" @sendDeviceAttributes @params # CSI Pm d # Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA). when "d" @linePosAbsolute @params # 145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative when "e" @VPositionRelative @params # CSI Ps ; Ps f # Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = # [1,1]) (HVP). when "f" @HVPosition @params # CSI Pm h Set Mode (SM). # CSI ? Pm h - mouse escape codes, cursor escape codes when "h" @setMode @params # CSI Pm l Reset Mode (RM). # CSI ? Pm l when "l" @resetMode @params # CSI Ps ; Ps r # Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of win- # dow) (DECSTBM). # CSI ? Pm r when "r" @setScrollRegion @params # CSI s # Save cursor (ANSI.SYS). when "s" @saveCursor @params # CSI u # Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS). when "u" @restoreCursor @params # CSI Ps I # Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT). when "I" @cursorForwardTab @params # CSI Ps S Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU). when "S" @scrollUp @params # CSI Ps T Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD). # CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps T # CSI > Ps; Ps T when "T" @scrollDown @params if @params.length < 2 and not @prefix # CSI Ps Z # Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT). when "Z" @cursorBackwardTab @params # CSI Ps b Repeat the preceding graphic character Ps times (REP). when "b" @repeatPrecedingCharacter @params # CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC). when "g" @tabClear @params # CSI > Ps p Set pointer mode. # CSI ! p Soft terminal reset (DECSTR). # CSI Ps$ p # Request ANSI mode (DECRQM). # CSI ? Ps$ p # Request DEC private mode (DECRQM). # CSI Ps ; Ps " p when "p" if @prefix is '!' @softReset @params else console.error "Unknown CSI code: %s (%d).", ch, ch.charCodeAt(0) @prefix = "" when State.dcs if ch is "\x1b" or ch is "\x07" i++ if ch is "\x1b" switch @prefix # User-Defined Keys (DECUDK). when "" pt = @currentParam unless pt[0] is ';' console.error "Unknown DECUDK: #{pt}" break pt = pt.slice(1) [type, content] = pt.split('|', 2) if not content console.error "No type for inline DECUDK: #{pt}" break switch type when "HTML" safe = html_sanitize(content, (l) -> l) attr = @cloneAttr @curAttr attr.html = ( "
") @screen[@y + @shift].chars[@x] = attr @resetLine @screen[@y + @shift] @nextLine() when "IMAGE" # Prevent injection content = encodeURI content if content.indexOf(';') mime = content.slice(0, content.indexOf(';')) b64 = content.slice(content.indexOf(';') + 1) else mime = 'image' b64 = content attr = @cloneAttr @curAttr attr.html = ( "") @screen[@y + @shift].chars[@x] = attr @resetLine @screen[@y + @shift] when "PROMPT" @send content when "TEXT" l += content.length data = data.slice(0, i + 1) + content + data.slice(i + 1) else console.error "Unknown type #{type} for DECUDK" # Request Status String (DECRQSS). # test: echo -e '\eP$q"p\e\\' when "$q" pt = @currentParam valid = false switch pt # DECSCA when "\"q" pt = "0\"q" # DECSCL when "\"p" pt = "61\"p" # DECSTBM when "r" pt = "" + (@scrollTop + 1) + ";" + (@scrollBottom + 1) + "r" # SGR when "m" pt = "0m" else console.error "Unknown DCS Pt: %s.", pt pt = "" @send "\x1bP" + +valid + "$r" + pt + "\x1b\\" when "+q" pt = @currentParam valid = false @send "\x1bP" + +valid + "+r" + pt + "\x1b\\" else console.error "Unknown DCS prefix: %s.", @prefix @currentParam = 0 @prefix = "" @state = State.normal else unless @currentParam if not @prefix and ch isnt "$" and ch isnt "+" @currentParam = ch else if @prefix.length is 2 @currentParam = ch else @prefix += ch else @currentParam += ch when State.ignore # For PM and APC. if ch is "\x1b" or ch is "\x07" i++ if ch is "\x1b" @state = State.normal i++ @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true @refresh() writeln: (data) -> @write "#{data}\r\n" updateInputViews: -> # Re-position the textarea and the preview box # to the current position of the cursor cursorPos = @cursor.getBoundingClientRect() @inputView.style['left'] = cursorPos.left + "px" @inputView.style['top'] = cursorPos.top + "px" @inputHelper.style['left'] = cursorPos.left + "px" @inputHelper.style['top'] = cursorPos.top + "px" # Clear the textarea as often as possible @inputHelper.value = "" compositionStart: (ev) -> ev.preventDefault() ev.stopPropagation() @updateInputViews() # Show the preview box @inputView.className = "" @inputView.innerText = "" # Hide the blinking cursor @cursor.style['visibility'] = "hidden" @inComposition = true @compositionText = "" return false compositionUpdate: (ev) -> ev.preventDefault() ev.stopPropagation() # Update the composition text @compositionText = ev.data @inputView.innerText = @compositionText return false compositionEnd: (ev) -> ev.preventDefault() ev.stopPropagation() @finishComposition() return false finishComposition: -> @inComposition = false @showCursor() @inputHelper.value = "" @inputView.className = "hidden" @send @compositionText @compositionText = "" # Force focus on the inputHelper @inputHelper.focus() keyDown: (ev) -> if @inComposition # Continue IME composition if the character is # composition key or modifier key if ev.keyCode is 229 return false else if ev.keyCode is 16 || ev.keyCode is 17 || ev.keyCode is 18 return false # Otherwise, if we receive a keyDown, abort the composition @finishComposition() if ev.keyCode is 229 ev.preventDefault() ev.stopPropagation() # If the composition key is sent while IME not active # it means that some character have been input while IME # enabled, i.e. punctuations # in which case we just fetch it from the text area setTimeout => unless @inComposition || @inputHelper.value.length > 1 val = @inputHelper.value @inputHelper.value = "" # Clear the value immediately char = val.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) if 65 <= char <= 90 # If the character sent here is a letter # allow it to be overridden on mobile # Combinations like "Ctrl+C" won't work without this # on Chrome for Android e = new KeyboardEvent 'keydown', keyCode: char return if window.mobileKeydown e @send val , 0 return false # Key Resources: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/KeyboardEvent # Don't handle modifiers alone return true if ev.keyCode > 15 and ev.keyCode < 19 return true if window.mobileKeydown ev if ev.keyCode is 19 # Pause break @body.classList.add 'stopped' @out '\x03' @ws.shell.close() return false # Handle shift insert and ctrl insert # copy/paste usefull for typematrix keyboard return true if (ev.shiftKey or ev.ctrlKey) and ev.keyCode is 45 # Let the ctrl+shift+c, ctrl+shift+v go through to handle native copy paste if (ev.shiftKey and ev.ctrlKey) and ev.keyCode in [67, 86] # Make the content temporarily ediatble, to allow the paste event # to propagate (this does not work for the textarea if not set like this) @body.contentEditable = true return true # Alt-z works as an escape to relay the following keys to the browser. # usefull to trigger browser shortcuts, i.e.: Alt+Z F5 to reload # May be redundant with keyPrefix if ev.altKey and ev.keyCode is 90 and not @skipNextKey @skipNextKey = true @body.classList.add('skip') return cancel(ev) if @skipNextKey @skipNextKey = false @body.classList.remove('skip') return true switch ev.keyCode # backspace when 8 key = if ev.altKey then "\x1b" else "" if ev.shiftKey key += "\x08" # ^H break key += "\x7f" # ^? # tab when 9 if ev.shiftKey key = "\x1b[Z" break key = "\t" # return/enter when 13 key = "\r" # escape when 27 key = "\x1b" # left-arrow when 37 if @applicationCursor key = "\x1bOD" # SS3 as ^[O for 7-bit #key = '\x8fD'; // SS3 as 0x8f for 8-bit break key = "\x1b[D" # right-arrow when 39 if @applicationCursor key = "\x1bOC" break key = "\x1b[C" # up-arrow when 38 if @applicationCursor key = "\x1bOA" break if ev.ctrlKey @scrollDisplay -1 return cancel(ev) else key = "\x1b[A" # down-arrow when 40 if @applicationCursor key = "\x1bOB" break if ev.ctrlKey @scrollDisplay 1 return cancel(ev) else key = "\x1b[B" # delete when 46 key = "\x1b[3~" # insert when 45 key = "\x1b[2~" # home when 36 if @applicationKeypad key = "\x1bOH" break key = "\x1b[H" # end when 35 if @applicationKeypad key = "\x1bOF" break key = "\x1b[F" # page up when 33 if ev.shiftKey break if ev.ctrlKey @scrollDisplay -(@rows - 1) return cancel(ev) else key = "\x1b[5~" # page down when 34 if ev.shiftKey break if ev.ctrlKey @scrollDisplay @rows - 1 return cancel(ev) else key = "\x1b[6~" # F1 when 112 key = "\x1bOP" # F2 when 113 key = "\x1bOQ" # F3 when 114 key = "\x1bOR" # F4 when 115 key = "\x1bOS" # F5 when 116 key = "\x1b[15~" # F6 when 117 key = "\x1b[17~" # F7 when 118 key = "\x1b[18~" # F8 when 119 key = "\x1b[19~" # F9 when 120 key = "\x1b[20~" # F10 when 121 key = "\x1b[21~" # F11 when 122 key = "\x1b[23~" # F12 when 123 key = "\x1b[24~" # Scroll lock when 145 @scrollLock = ! @scrollLock if @scrollLock @body.classList.add 'locked' else @body.classList.remove 'locked' return cancel(ev) else # a-z and space if ev.ctrlKey if ev.keyCode >= 65 and ev.keyCode <= 90 key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 64) else if ev.keyCode is 32 # NUL key = String.fromCharCode(0) else if ev.keyCode >= 51 and ev.keyCode <= 55 # escape, file sep, group sep, record sep, unit sep key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 51 + 27) else if ev.keyCode is 56 # delete key = String.fromCharCode(127) else if ev.keyCode is 219 # ^[ - escape key = String.fromCharCode(27) # ^] - group sep else if ev.keyCode is 221 key = String.fromCharCode(29) else if (ev.altKey and 'Mac' not in navigator.platform) or (ev.metaKey and 'Mac' in navigator.platform) if ev.keyCode >= 65 and ev.keyCode <= 90 key = "\x1b" + String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode + 32) else if ev.keyCode is 192 key = "\x1b`" else if ev.keyCode >= 48 and ev.keyCode <= 57 key = "\x1b" + (ev.keyCode - 48) if ev.keyCode >= 37 and ev.keyCode <= 40 if ev.ctrlKey key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;5" + key.slice(-1) else if ev.altKey key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;3" + key.slice(-1) else if ev.shiftKey key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;4" + key.slice(-1) return true unless key @showCursor() @send(key) cancel ev setgLevel: (g) -> @glevel = g @charset = @charsets[g] setgCharset: (g, charset) -> @charsets[g] = charset @charset = charset if @glevel is g keyPress: (ev) -> if @skipNextKey is false @skipNextKey = null return true # Don't handle modifiers alone return true if ev.keyCode > 15 and ev.keyCode < 19 # Handle shift insert and ctrl insert # copy/paste usefull for typematrix keyboard return true if (ev.shiftKey or ev.ctrlKey) and ev.keyCode is 45 # Let the ctrl+shift+c, ctrl+shift+v go through to handle native copy paste return true if (ev.shiftKey and ev.ctrlKey) and ev.keyCode in [67, 86] cancel ev if ev.charCode key = ev.charCode else unless ev.which? key = ev.keyCode else if ev.which isnt 0 and ev.charCode isnt 0 key = ev.which else return false return false if not key or ev.ctrlKey or ev.altKey or ev.metaKey key = String.fromCharCode(key) @showCursor() @send key false bell: (cls="bell")-> return unless @visualBell @body.classList.add cls @t_bell = setTimeout (=> @body.classList.remove cls ), @visualBell resize: (x=null, y=null, notif=false) -> oldCols = @cols oldRows = @rows @computeCharSize() w = @body.clientWidth h = @html.clientHeight #- (@html.offsetHeight - @html.scrollHeight) if @charSize.width is 0 or @charSize.height is 0 console.error 'Null size in refresh' return @cols = x or Math.floor(w / @charSize.width) @rows = y or Math.floor(h / @charSize.height) @cols = Math.max 1, @cols @rows = Math.max 1, @rows @nativeScrollTo() if (not x and not y) and oldCols == @cols and oldRows == @rows return @ctl(JSON.stringify( cmd: 'size', cols: @cols, rows: @rows)) unless notif # resize cols if @cols > oldCols # does xterm use the default attr? for line in @screen line.chars.push @defAttr while line.chars.length < @cols line.wrap = false if @normal for line in @normal.screen line.chars.push @defAttr while line.chars.length < @cols line.wrap = false else if @cols < oldCols for line in @screen line.chars.pop() while line.chars.length > @cols if @normal for line in @normal.screen line.chars.pop() while line.chars.length > @cols @setupStops oldCols if @term.childElementCount >= @rows @y += @rows - oldRows insert = 'unshift' else insert = 'push' # resize rows while @screen.length > @rows @screen.shift() while @screen.length < @rows @screen[insert] @blankLine(false, false) if @normal while @normal.screen.length > @rows @normal.screen.shift() while @normal.screen.length < @rows @normal.screen[insert] @blankLine(false, false) # make sure the cursor stays on screen @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows @y = 0 if @y < 0 @x = @cols - 1 if @x >= @cols @scrollTop = 0 @scrollBottom = @rows - 1 @refresh() @reset() if not notif and (x or y) resizeWindowPlease: (cols) -> # This is only when running butterfly in app mode when resizeTo is available margin = window.innerWidth - @body.clientWidth width = cols * @charSize.width + margin resizeTo width, window.innerHeight setupStops: (i) -> if i? i = @prevStop(i) unless @tabs[i] else @tabs = {} i = 0 while i < @cols @tabs[i] = true i += 8 prevStop: (x) -> x = @x unless x? while not @tabs[--x] and x > 0 1 if x >= @cols then @cols - 1 else (if x < 0 then 0 else x) nextStop: (x) -> x = @x unless x? while not @tabs[++x] and x < @cols 1 if x >= @cols then @cols - 1 else (if x < 0 then 0 else x) eraseRight: (x, y) -> line = @screen[y + @shift].chars # xterm while x < @cols line[x] = @eraseAttr() x++ @resetLine @screen[y + @shift] eraseLeft: (x, y) -> x++ @screen[y + @shift].chars[x] = @eraseAttr() while x-- @resetLine @screen[y + @shift] eraseLine: (y) -> @eraseRight 0, y resetLine: (l) -> l.dirty = true l.wrap = false l.extra = '' blankLine: (cur=false, dirty=true) -> attr = (if cur then @eraseAttr() else @defAttr) line = [] i = 0 while i < @cols line[i] = attr i++ chars: line dirty: dirty wrap: false extra: '' ch: (cur) -> if cur then @eraseAttr() else @defAttr isterm: (term) -> "#{@termName}".indexOf(term) is 0 send: (data) -> @out data handleTitle: (title) -> document.title = title ## ESC ## # ESC D Index (IND is 0x84). index: -> @nextLine() @state = State.normal # ESC M Reverse Index (RI is 0x8d). reverseIndex: -> @prevLine() @state = State.normal # ESC c Full Reset (RIS). reset: -> @resetVars() @refresh(true) clearScrollback: -> # In case of real hard reset # Drop DOM history while @term.childElementCount > @rows @term.firstChild.remove() @emit 'clear' # ESC H Tab Set (HTS is 0x88). tabSet: -> @tabs[@x] = true @state = State.normal ## CSI ## # CSI Ps A # Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU). cursorUp: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y -= param @y = 0 if @y < 0 # CSI Ps B # Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD). cursorDown: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y += param @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows # CSI Ps C # Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF). cursorForward: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @x += param @x = @cols - 1 if @x >= @cols # CSI Ps D # Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB). cursorBackward: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @x -= param @x = 0 if @x < 0 # CSI Ps ; Ps H # Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP). cursorPos: (params) -> row = params[0] - 1 if params.length >= 2 col = params[1] - 1 else col = 0 if row < 0 row = 0 else row = @rows - 1 if row >= @rows if col < 0 col = 0 else col = @cols - 1 if col >= @cols @x = col @y = row + if @originMode then @scrollTop else 0 # CSI Ps J Erase in Display (ED). # Ps = 0 -> Erase Below (default). # Ps = 1 -> Erase Above. # Ps = 2 -> Erase All. # Ps = 3 -> Erase Saved Lines (xterm). # CSI ? Ps J # Erase in Display (DECSED). # Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase Below (default). # Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase Above. # Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. eraseInDisplay: (params) -> switch params[0] when 0 @eraseRight @x, @y j = @y + 1 while j < @rows @eraseLine j j++ when 1 @eraseLeft @x, @y j = @y @eraseLine j while j-- when 2 j = @rows @eraseLine j while j-- # CSI Ps K Erase in Line (EL). # Ps = 0 -> Erase to Right (default). # Ps = 1 -> Erase to Left. # Ps = 2 -> Erase All. # CSI ? Ps K # Erase in Line (DECSEL). # Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase to Right (default). # Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase to Left. # Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. eraseInLine: (params) -> switch params[0] when 0 @eraseRight @x, @y when 1 @eraseLeft @x, @y when 2 @eraseLine @y # CSI Pm m Character Attributes (SGR). # Ps = 0 -> Normal (default). # Ps = 1 -> Bold. # Ps = 2 -> Faint # Ps = 3 -> Italic # Ps = 4 -> Underlined. # Ps = 5 -> Blink. # Ps = 6 -> Blink rapid # Ps = 7 -> Inverse. # Ps = 8 -> Invisible, i.e., hidden (VT300). # Ps = 9 -> Crossed out # Ps = 1 0 -> Primary font # Ps = 2 1 -> Bold off # Ps = 2 2 -> Normal (neither bold nor faint). # Ps = 2 3 -> Non italic # Ps = 2 4 -> Not underline. # Ps = 2 5 -> Steady (not blinking). # Ps = 2 7 -> Positive (not inverse). # Ps = 2 8 -> Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300). # Ps = 2 9 -> Not crossed out # Ps = 3 0 -> Set foreground color to Black. # Ps = 3 1 -> Set foreground color to Red. # Ps = 3 2 -> Set foreground color to Green. # Ps = 3 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow. # Ps = 3 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue. # Ps = 3 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta. # Ps = 3 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan. # Ps = 3 7 -> Set foreground color to White. # Ps = 3 9 -> Set foreground color to default (original). # Ps = 4 0 -> Set background color to Black. # Ps = 4 1 -> Set background color to Red. # Ps = 4 2 -> Set background color to Green. # Ps = 4 3 -> Set background color to Yellow. # Ps = 4 4 -> Set background color to Blue. # Ps = 4 5 -> Set background color to Magenta. # Ps = 4 6 -> Set background color to Cyan. # Ps = 4 7 -> Set background color to White. # Ps = 4 9 -> Set background color to default (original). # If 16-color support is compiled, the following apply. Assume # that xterm's resources are set so that the ISO color codes are # the first 8 of a set of 16. Then the aixterm colors are the # bright versions of the ISO colors: # Ps = 9 0 -> Set foreground color to Black. # Ps = 9 1 -> Set foreground color to Red. # Ps = 9 2 -> Set foreground color to Green. # Ps = 9 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow. # Ps = 9 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue. # Ps = 9 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta. # Ps = 9 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan. # Ps = 9 7 -> Set foreground color to White. # Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set background color to Black. # Ps = 1 0 1 -> Set background color to Red. # Ps = 1 0 2 -> Set background color to Green. # Ps = 1 0 3 -> Set background color to Yellow. # Ps = 1 0 4 -> Set background color to Blue. # Ps = 1 0 5 -> Set background color to Magenta. # Ps = 1 0 6 -> Set background color to Cyan. # Ps = 1 0 7 -> Set background color to White. # If xterm is compiled with the 16-color support disabled, it # supports the following, from rxvt: # Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set foreground and background color to # default. # If 88- or 256-color support is compiled, the following apply. # Ps = 3 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set foreground color to the second # Ps. # Ps = 4 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set background color to the second # Ps. charAttributes: (params) -> # Optimize a single SGR0. if params.length is 1 and params[0] is 0 @curAttr = @cloneAttr @defAttr return l = params.length i = 0 while i < l p = params[i] if p >= 30 and p <= 37 # fg color 8 @curAttr.fg = p - 30 else if p >= 40 and p <= 47 # bg color 8 @curAttr.bg = p - 40 else if p >= 90 and p <= 97 # fg color 16 p += 8 @curAttr.fg = p - 90 else if p >= 100 and p <= 107 # bg color 16 p += 8 @curAttr.bg = p - 100 else if p is 0 # default @curAttr = @cloneAttr @defAttr else if p is 1 # bold text @curAttr.bold = true else if p is 2 # bold text @curAttr.faint = true else if p is 3 # italic text @curAttr.italic = true else if p is 4 # underline text @curAttr.underline = true else if p is 5 # blink @curAttr.blink = 1 else if p is 6 # blink fast @curAttr.blink = 2 else if p is 7 # inverse and positive # test with: echo -e '\e[31m\e[42mhello\e[7mworld\e[27mhi\e[m' @curAttr.inverse = true else if p is 8 # invisible @curAttr.invisible = true else if p is 9 # crossed out @curAttr.crossed = true else if p is 10 # Primary Font # ignoring undefined else if p is 21 # bold off @curAttr.bold = false else if p is 22 # not bold @curAttr.bold = false @curAttr.faint = false else if p is 23 # not italic @curAttr.italic = false else if p is 24 # not underline @curAttr.underline = false else if p is 25 # not blink @curAttr.blink = false else if p is 27 # not inverse @curAttr.inverse = false else if p is 28 # not invisible @curAttr.invisible = false else if p is 29 # not crossed out @curAttr.crossed = false else if p is 39 # reset fg @curAttr.fg = 257 else if p is 49 # reset bg @curAttr.bg = 256 else if p is 38 if params[i + 1] is 2 # fg color 2^24 i += 2 @curAttr.fg = "rgb(#{params[i]}, #{params[i+1]}, #{params[i+2]})" i += 2 else if params[i + 1] is 5 # fg color 256 i += 2 @curAttr.fg = params[i] & 0xff else if p is 48 if params[i + 1] is 2 # bg color 2^24 i += 2 @curAttr.bg = "rgb(#{params[i]}, #{params[i+1]}, #{params[i+2]})" i += 2 else if params[i + 1] is 5 # bg color 256 i += 2 @curAttr.bg = params[i] & 0xff else if p is 100 # reset fg/bg @curAttr.fg = 257 @curAttr.bg = 256 else console.error "Unknown SGR attribute: %d.", p i++ # CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). # Ps = 5 -> Status Report. Result (``OK'') is # CSI 0 n # Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. # Result is # CSI r ; c R # CSI ? Ps n # Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific). # Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI # ? r ; c R (assumes page is zero). # Ps = 1 5 -> Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready). # or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready). # Ps = 2 5 -> Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) # or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked). # Ps = 2 6 -> Report Keyboard status as # CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American). # The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote key- # board ready and LK01 respectively. # Ps = 5 3 -> Report Locator status as # CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or # CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not. deviceStatus: (params) -> unless @prefix switch params[0] when 5 # status report @send "\x1b[0n" when 6 # cursor position @send "\x1b[" + (@y + 1) + ";" + (@x + 1) + "R" else if @prefix is "?" # modern xterm doesnt seem to # respond to any of these except ?6, 6, and 5 if params[0] is 6 # cursor position @send "\x1b[?" + (@y + 1) + ";" + (@x + 1) + "R" # Custom DSR if params[0] is 99 # Geo position unless navigator.geolocation?.getCurrentPosition? @send '\x1b[?R' return navigator.geolocation?.getCurrentPosition (position) => @send ( "\x1b[?" + position.coords.latitude + ";" + position.coords.longitude + "R") , (error) => @send '\x1b[?R' ## Additions ## # CSI Ps @ # Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH). insertChars: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 row = @y j = @x # xterm while param-- and j < @cols @screen[row + @shift].chars.splice j++, 0, [@eraseAttr(), true] @screen[row + @shift].chars.pop() @screen[row + @shift].dirty = true # CSI Ps E # Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). # same as CSI Ps B ? cursorNextLine: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y += param @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows @x = 0 # CSI Ps F # Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). # reuse CSI Ps A ? cursorPrecedingLine: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y -= param @y = 0 if @y < 0 @x = 0 # CSI Ps G # Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA). cursorCharAbsolute: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @x = param - 1 # CSI Ps L # Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL). # test: echo -e '\e[44m\e[1L\e[0m' insertLines: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 while param-- @screen.splice @y + @shift, 0, @blankLine(true) # blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior @screen.splice @scrollBottom + 1 + @shift, 1 for i in [@y + @shift..@screen.length - 1] @screen[i].dirty = true # CSI Ps M # Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL). deleteLines: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 while param-- # test: echo -e '\e[44m\e[1M\e[0m' # blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior @screen.splice @scrollBottom + @shift, 0, @blankLine(true) @screen.splice @y + @shift, 1 unless @normal or @scrollTop isnt 0 or @scrollBottom isnt @rows - 1 node = @term.childElementCount - @rows + @y + @shift @term.childNodes[node].remove() if @normal or @scrollTop isnt 0 or @scrollBottom isnt @rows - 1 for i in [@y + @shift..@screen.length - 1] @screen[i].dirty = true # CSI Ps P # Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH). deleteChars: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 while param-- @screen[@y + @shift].chars.splice @x, 1 @screen[@y + @shift].chars.push @eraseAttr() @resetLine @screen[@y + @shift] # CSI Ps X # Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH). eraseChars: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 j = @x # xterm @screen[@y + @shift].chars[j++] = @eraseAttr() while param-- and j < @cols @resetLine @screen[@y + @shift] # CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute # [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA). charPosAbsolute: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @x = param - 1 @x = @cols - 1 if @x >= @cols # 141 61 a * HPR - # Horizontal Position Relative # reuse CSI Ps C ? HPositionRelative: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @x += param @x = @cols - 1 if @x >= @cols # CSI Ps c Send Device Attributes (Primary DA). # Ps = 0 or omitted -> request attributes from terminal. The # response depends on the decTerminalID resource setting. # -> CSI ? 1 ; 2 c (``VT100 with Advanced Video Option'') # -> CSI ? 1 ; 0 c (``VT101 with No Options'') # -> CSI ? 6 c (``VT102'') # -> CSI ? 6 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 6 ; 8 ; 9 ; 1 5 ; c (``VT220'') # The VT100-style response parameters do not mean anything by # themselves. VT220 parameters do, telling the host what fea- # tures the terminal supports: # Ps = 1 -> 132-columns. # Ps = 2 -> Printer. # Ps = 6 -> Selective erase. # Ps = 8 -> User-defined keys. # Ps = 9 -> National replacement character sets. # Ps = 1 5 -> Technical characters. # Ps = 2 2 -> ANSI color, e.g., VT525. # Ps = 2 9 -> ANSI text locator (i.e., DEC Locator mode). # CSI > Ps c # Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA). # Ps = 0 or omitted -> request the terminal's identification # code. The response depends on the decTerminalID resource set- # ting. It should apply only to VT220 and up, but xterm extends # this to VT100. # -> CSI > Pp ; Pv ; Pc c # where Pp denotes the terminal type # Pp = 0 -> ``VT100''. # Pp = 1 -> ``VT220''. # and Pv is the firmware version (for xterm, this was originally # the XFree86 patch number, starting with 95). In a DEC termi- # nal, Pc indicates the ROM cartridge registration number and is # always zero. # More information: # xterm/charproc.c - line 2012, for more information. # vim responds with ^[[?0c or ^[[?1c after the terminal's response (?) sendDeviceAttributes: (params) -> return if params[0] > 0 unless @prefix if @isterm("xterm") or @isterm("rxvt-unicode") or @isterm("screen") @send "\x1b[?1;2c" else @send "\x1b[?6c" if @isterm("linux") else if @prefix is ">" # xterm and urxvt # seem to spit this # out around ~370 times (?). if @isterm("xterm") @send "\x1b[>0;276;0c" else if @isterm("rxvt-unicode") @send "\x1b[>85;95;0c" else if @isterm("linux") # not supported by linux console. # linux console echoes parameters. @send params[0] + "c" else @send "\x1b[>83;40003;0c" if @isterm("screen") # CSI Pm d # Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA). linePosAbsolute: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y = param - 1 @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows # 145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative # reuse CSI Ps B ? VPositionRelative: (params) -> param = params[0] param = 1 if param < 1 @y += param @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows # CSI Ps ; Ps f # Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = # [1,1]) (HVP). HVPosition: (params) -> params[0] = 1 if params[0] < 1 params[1] = 1 if params[1] < 1 @y = params[0] - 1 @y = @rows - 1 if @y >= @rows @x = params[1] - 1 @x = @cols - 1 if @x >= @cols # CSI Pm h Set Mode (SM). # Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM). # Ps = 4 -> Insert Mode (IRM). # Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). # Ps = 2 0 -> Automatic Newline (LNM). # CSI ? Pm h # DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). # Ps = 1 -> Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM). # Ps = 2 -> Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 # (DECANM), and set VT100 mode. # Ps = 3 -> 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM). # Ps = 4 -> Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM). # Ps = 5 -> Reverse Video (DECSCNM). # Ps = 6 -> Origin Mode (DECOM). # Ps = 7 -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). # Ps = 8 -> Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). # Ps = 9 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the sec- # tion Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 -> Show toolbar (rxvt). # Ps = 1 2 -> Start Blinking Cursor (att610). # Ps = 1 8 -> Print form feed (DECPFF). # Ps = 1 9 -> Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX). # Ps = 2 5 -> Show Cursor (DECTCEM). # Ps = 3 0 -> Show scrollbar (rxvt). # Ps = 3 5 -> Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt). # Ps = 3 8 -> Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK). # Ps = 4 0 -> Allow 80 -> 132 Mode. # Ps = 4 1 -> more(1) fix (see curses resource). # Ps = 4 2 -> Enable Nation Replacement Character sets (DECN- # RCM). # Ps = 4 4 -> Turn On Margin Bell. # Ps = 4 5 -> Reverse-wraparound Mode. # Ps = 4 6 -> Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a # compile-time option. # Ps = 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be dis- # abled by the titeInhibit resource). # Ps = 6 6 -> Application keypad (DECNKM). # Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM). # Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and # release. See the section Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Use All Motion Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Send FocusIn/FocusOut events. # Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Enable Extended Mouse Mode. # Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt). # Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). # Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit. # (enables the eightBitInput resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Enable special modifiers for Alt and Num- # Lock keys. (This enables the numLock resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This # enables the metaSendsEscape resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete # key. # Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This # enables the altSendsEscape resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Keep selection even if not highlighted. # (This enables the keepSelection resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables # the selectToClipboard resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Enable Urgency window manager hint when # Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent # resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Enable raising of the window when Control-G # is received. (enables the popOnBell resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be # disabled by the titeInhibit resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be dis- # abled by the titeInhibit resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate # Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by # the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 # 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based # applications rather than the 4 7 mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Set Sun function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Set HP function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Set SCO function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). # Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Set VT220 keyboard emulation. # Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Set bracketed paste mode. # Modes: # http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html setMode: (params) -> if typeof params is "object" l = params.length i = 0 while i < l @setMode params[i] i++ return if not @prefix switch params when 4 @insertMode = true when 20 @convertEol = true return if @prefix is "?" switch params when 1 @applicationCursor = true when 2 @setgCharset 0, Terminal::charsets.US @setgCharset 1, Terminal::charsets.US @setgCharset 2, Terminal::charsets.US @setgCharset 3, Terminal::charsets.US # set VT100 mode here when 3 # 132 col mode @savedCols = @cols @resize 132, @rows @resizeWindowPlease 132 @reset() # For app mode when 6 @originMode = true when 7 @autowrap = true when 66 @applicationKeypad = true when 77 @horizontalWrap = true # X10 Mouse # no release, no motion, no wheel, no modifiers. when 9, 1000, 1002, 1003 # any event mouse # any event - sends motion events, # even if there is no button held down. @x10Mouse = params is 9 @vt200Mouse = params is 1000 @normalMouse = params > 1000 @mouseEvents = true @body.style.cursor = 'pointer' when 1004 # send focusin/focusout events # focusin: ^[[I # focusout: ^[[O @sendFocus = true when 1005 # utf8 ext mode mouse @utfMouse = true # for wide terminals # simply encodes large values as utf8 characters when 1006 # sgr ext mode mouse @sgrMouse = true # for wide terminals # does not add 32 to fields # press: ^[[ Keyboard Action Mode (AM). # Ps = 4 -> Replace Mode (IRM). # Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). # Ps = 2 0 -> Normal Linefeed (LNM). # CSI ? Pm l # DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST). # Ps = 1 -> Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM). # Ps = 2 -> Designate VT52 mode (DECANM). # Ps = 3 -> 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM). # Ps = 4 -> Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM). # Ps = 5 -> Normal Video (DECSCNM). # Ps = 6 -> Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM). # Ps = 7 -> No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). # Ps = 8 -> No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). # Ps = 9 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press. # Ps = 1 0 -> Hide toolbar (rxvt). # Ps = 1 2 -> Stop Blinking Cursor (att610). # Ps = 1 8 -> Don't print form feed (DECPFF). # Ps = 1 9 -> Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX). # Ps = 2 5 -> Hide Cursor (DECTCEM). # Ps = 3 0 -> Don't show scrollbar (rxvt). # Ps = 3 5 -> Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt). # Ps = 4 0 -> Disallow 80 -> 132 Mode. # Ps = 4 1 -> No more(1) fix (see curses resource). # Ps = 4 2 -> Disable Nation Replacement Character sets (DEC- # NRCM). # Ps = 4 4 -> Turn Off Margin Bell. # Ps = 4 5 -> No Reverse-wraparound Mode. # Ps = 4 6 -> Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a # compile-time option). # Ps = 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer. # Ps = 6 6 -> Numeric keypad (DECNKM). # Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM). # Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press and # release. See the section Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Don't use Hilite Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking. # Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events. # Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Disable Extended Mouse Mode. # Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Don't scroll to bottom on tty output # (rxvt). # Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Don't scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). # Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Don't interpret "meta" key. (This disables # the eightBitInput resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Disable special modifiers for Alt and Num- # Lock keys. (This disables the numLock resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Don't send ESC when Meta modifies a key. # (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource). # Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad # Delete key. # Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Don't send ESC when Alt modifies a key. # (This disables the altSendsEscape resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Do not keep selection when not highlighted. # (This disables the keepSelection resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables # the selectToClipboard resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Disable Urgency window manager hint when # Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent # resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Disable raising of the window when Control- # G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen # first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by # the titeInhibit resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be # disabled by the titeInhibit resource). # Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor # as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit # resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 # 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather # than the 4 7 mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Reset Sun function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Reset HP function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Reset SCO function-key mode. # Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). # Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style. # Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Reset bracketed paste mode. resetMode: (params) -> if typeof params is "object" l = params.length i = 0 while i < l @resetMode params[i] i++ return if not @prefix switch params when 4 @insertMode = false when 20 @convertEol = false return if @prefix is "?" switch params when 1 @applicationCursor = false when 3 @resize @savedCols, @rows if @cols is 132 and @savedCols @resizeWindowPlease 80 @reset() # App mode delete @savedCols when 6 @originMode = false when 7 @autowrap = false when 66 @applicationKeypad = false when 77 @horizontalWrap = false when 9, 1000, 1002 , 1003 # any event mouse @x10Mouse = false @vt200Mouse = false @normalMouse = false @mouseEvents = false @body.style.cursor = "" when 1004 # send focusin/focusout events @sendFocus = false when 1005 # utf8 ext mode mouse @utfMouse = false when 1006 # sgr ext mode mouse @sgrMouse = false when 1015 # urxvt ext mode mouse @urxvtMouse = false when 25 # hide cursor @cursorHidden = true when 1049, 47, 1047 # normal screen buffer - clearing it first if @normal @screen = @normal.screen @x = @normal.x @y = @normal.y @shift = @normal.shift @scrollTop = @normal.scrollTop @scrollBottom = @normal.scrollBottom @tabs = @normal.tabs @curAttr = @normal.curAttr @normal = null @refresh(true) @showCursor() # CSI Ps ; Ps r # Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of win- # dow) (DECSTBM). # CSI ? Pm r setScrollRegion: (params) -> return if @prefix @scrollTop = (params[0] or 1) - 1 @scrollBottom = (params[1] or @rows) - 1 @x = 0 @y = 0 # CSI s # Save cursor (ANSI.SYS). saveCursor: (params) -> @savedX = @x @savedY = @y # CSI u # Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS). restoreCursor: (params) -> @x = @savedX or 0 @y = @savedY or 0 ## Lesser Used ## # CSI Ps I # Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT). cursorForwardTab: (params) -> param = params[0] or 1 @x = @nextStop() while param-- # CSI Ps S Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU). scrollUp: (params) -> param = params[0] or 1 while param-- @screen.splice @scrollTop, 1 @screen.splice @scrollBottom, 0, @blankLine() for i in [@scrollTop..@scrollBottom] @screen[i + @shift].dirty = true # CSI Ps T Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD). scrollDown: (params) -> param = params[0] or 1 while param-- @screen.splice @scrollBottom, 1 @screen.splice @scrollTop, 0, @blankLine() for i in [@scrollTop..@scrollBottom] @screen[i + @shift].dirty = true # CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps T # Initiate highlight mouse tracking. Parameters are # [func;startx;starty;firstrow;lastrow]. See the section Mouse # Tracking. initMouseTracking: (params) -> # Relevant: DECSET 1001 # CSI > Ps; Ps T # Reset one or more features of the title modes to the default # value. Normally, "reset" disables the feature. It is possi- # ble to disable the ability to reset features by compiling a # different default for the title modes into xterm. # Ps = 0 -> Do not set window/icon labels using hexadecimal. # Ps = 1 -> Do not query window/icon labels using hexadeci- # mal. # Ps = 2 -> Do not set window/icon labels using UTF-8. # Ps = 3 -> Do not query window/icon labels using UTF-8. # (See discussion of "Title Modes"). resetTitleModes: (params) -> # CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT). cursorBackwardTab: (params) -> param = params[0] or 1 @x = @prevStop() while param-- # CSI Ps b Repeat the preceding graphic character Ps times (REP). repeatPrecedingCharacter: (params) -> param = params[0] or 1 line = @screen[@y + @shift].chars ch = line[@x - 1] or @defAttr line[@x++] = ch while param-- @screen[@y + @shift].dirty = true # CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC). # Ps = 0 -> Clear Current Column (default). # Ps = 3 -> Clear All. # Potentially: # Ps = 2 -> Clear Stops on Line. # http://vt100.net/annarbor/aaa-ug/section6.html tabClear: (params) -> param = params[0] if param <= 0 delete @tabs[@x] else @tabs = {} if param is 3 # CSI Pm i Media Copy (MC). # Ps = 0 -> Print screen (default). # Ps = 4 -> Turn off printer controller mode. # Ps = 5 -> Turn on printer controller mode. # CSI ? Pm i # Media Copy (MC, DEC-specific). # Ps = 1 -> Print line containing cursor. # Ps = 4 -> Turn off autoprint mode. # Ps = 5 -> Turn on autoprint mode. # Ps = 1 0 -> Print composed display, ignores DECPEX. # Ps = 1 1 -> Print all pages. mediaCopy: (params) -> # CSI > Ps; Ps m # Set or reset resource-values used by xterm to decide whether # to construct escape sequences holding information about the # modifiers pressed with a given key. The first parameter iden- # tifies the resource to set/reset. The second parameter is the # value to assign to the resource. If the second parameter is # omitted, the resource is reset to its initial value. # Ps = 1 -> modifyCursorKeys. # Ps = 2 -> modifyFunctionKeys. # Ps = 4 -> modifyOtherKeys. # If no parameters are given, all resources are reset to their # initial values. setResources: (params) -> # CSI > Ps n # Disable modifiers which may be enabled via the CSI > Ps; Ps m # sequence. This corresponds to a resource value of "-1", which # cannot be set with the other sequence. The parameter identi- # fies the resource to be disabled: # Ps = 1 -> modifyCursorKeys. # Ps = 2 -> modifyFunctionKeys. # Ps = 4 -> modifyOtherKeys. # If the parameter is omitted, modifyFunctionKeys is disabled. # When modifyFunctionKeys is disabled, xterm uses the modifier # keys to make an extended sequence of functions rather than # adding a parameter to each function key to denote the modi- # fiers. disableModifiers: (params) -> # CSI > Ps p # Set resource value pointerMode. This is used by xterm to # decide whether to hide the pointer cursor as the user types. # Valid values for the parameter: # Ps = 0 -> never hide the pointer. # Ps = 1 -> hide if the mouse tracking mode is not enabled. # Ps = 2 -> always hide the pointer. If no parameter is # given, xterm uses the default, which is 1 . setPointerMode: (params) -> # CSI ! p Soft terminal reset (DECSTR). # http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table4-10.html softReset: (params) -> @cursorHidden = false @insertMode = false @originMode = false @autowrap = true @applicationKeypad = false # ? @applicationCursor = false @scrollTop = 0 @scrollBottom = @rows - 1 @curAttr = @defAttr @x = @y = 0 # ? @charset = null @glevel = 0 # ?? @charsets = [null] # ?? # CSI Ps$ p # Request ANSI mode (DECRQM). For VT300 and up, reply is # CSI Ps; Pm$ y # where Ps is the mode number as in RM, and Pm is the mode # value: # 0 - not recognized # 1 - set # 2 - reset # 3 - permanently set # 4 - permanently reset requestAnsiMode: (params) -> # CSI ? Ps$ p # Request DEC private mode (DECRQM). For VT300 and up, reply is # CSI ? Ps; Pm$ p # where Ps is the mode number as in DECSET, Pm is the mode value # as in the ANSI DECRQM. requestPrivateMode: (params) -> # CSI Ps ; Ps " p # Set conformance level (DECSCL). Valid values for the first # parameter: # Ps = 6 1 -> VT100. # Ps = 6 2 -> VT200. # Ps = 6 3 -> VT300. # Valid values for the second parameter: # Ps = 0 -> 8-bit controls. # Ps = 1 -> 7-bit controls (always set for VT100). # Ps = 2 -> 8-bit controls. setConformanceLevel: (params) -> # CSI Ps q Load LEDs (DECLL). # Ps = 0 -> Clear all LEDS (default). # Ps = 1 -> Light Num Lock. # Ps = 2 -> Light Caps Lock. # Ps = 3 -> Light Scroll Lock. # Ps = 2 1 -> Extinguish Num Lock. # Ps = 2 2 -> Extinguish Caps Lock. # Ps = 2 3 -> Extinguish Scroll Lock. loadLEDs: (params) -> # CSI Ps SP q # Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520). # Ps = 0 -> blinking block. # Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default). # Ps = 2 -> steady block. # Ps = 3 -> blinking underline. # Ps = 4 -> steady underline. setCursorStyle: (params) -> # CSI Ps " q # Select character protection attribute (DECSCA). Valid values # for the parameter: # Ps = 0 -> DECSED and DECSEL can erase (default). # Ps = 1 -> DECSED and DECSEL cannot erase. # Ps = 2 -> DECSED and DECSEL can erase. setCharProtectionAttr: (params) -> # CSI ? Pm r # Restore DEC Private Mode Values. The value of Ps previously # saved is restored. Ps values are the same as for DECSET. restorePrivateValues: (params) -> # CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Ps$ r # Change Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECCARA), VT400 and up. # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. # Ps denotes the SGR attributes to change: 0, 1, 4, 5, 7. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. setAttrInRectangle: (params) -> t = params[0] l = params[1] b = params[2] r = params[3] attr = params[4] while t < b + 1 line = @screen[t + @shift].chars @screen[t + @shift].dirty = true i = l while i < r line[i] = @cloneAttr attr, line[i].ch i++ t++ # CSI ? Pm s # Save DEC Private Mode Values. Ps values are the same as for # DECSET. savePrivateValues: (params) -> # CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t # Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions). # These controls may be disabled using the allowWindowOps # resource. Valid values for the first (and any additional # parameters) are: # Ps = 1 -> De-iconify window. # Ps = 2 -> Iconify window. # Ps = 3 ; x ; y -> Move window to [x, y]. # Ps = 4 ; height ; width -> Resize the xterm window to # height and width in pixels. # Ps = 5 -> Raise the xterm window to the front of the stack- # ing order. # Ps = 6 -> Lower the xterm window to the bottom of the # stacking order. # Ps = 7 -> Refresh the xterm window. # Ps = 8 ; height ; width -> Resize the text area to # [height;width] in characters. # Ps = 9 ; 0 -> Restore maximized window. # Ps = 9 ; 1 -> Maximize window (i.e., resize to screen # size). # Ps = 1 0 ; 0 -> Undo full-screen mode. # Ps = 1 0 ; 1 -> Change to full-screen. # Ps = 1 1 -> Report xterm window state. If the xterm window # is open (non-iconified), it returns CSI 1 t . If the xterm # window is iconified, it returns CSI 2 t . # Ps = 1 3 -> Report xterm window position. Result is CSI 3 # ; x ; y t # Ps = 1 4 -> Report xterm window in pixels. Result is CSI # 4 ; height ; width t # Ps = 1 8 -> Report the size of the text area in characters. # Result is CSI 8 ; height ; width t # Ps = 1 9 -> Report the size of the screen in characters. # Result is CSI 9 ; height ; width t # Ps = 2 0 -> Report xterm window's icon label. Result is # OSC L label ST # Ps = 2 1 -> Report xterm window's title. Result is OSC l # label ST # Ps = 2 2 ; 0 -> Save xterm icon and window title on # stack. # Ps = 2 2 ; 1 -> Save xterm icon title on stack. # Ps = 2 2 ; 2 -> Save xterm window title on stack. # Ps = 2 3 ; 0 -> Restore xterm icon and window title from # stack. # Ps = 2 3 ; 1 -> Restore xterm icon title from stack. # Ps = 2 3 ; 2 -> Restore xterm window title from stack. # Ps >= 2 4 -> Resize to Ps lines (DECSLPP). manipulateWindow: (params) -> # CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Ps$ t # Reverse Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECRARA), VT400 and # up. # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. # Ps denotes the attributes to reverse, i.e., 1, 4, 5, 7. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. reverseAttrInRectangle: (params) -> # CSI > Ps; Ps t # Set one or more features of the title modes. Each parameter # enables a single feature. # Ps = 0 -> Set window/icon labels using hexadecimal. # Ps = 1 -> Query window/icon labels using hexadecimal. # Ps = 2 -> Set window/icon labels using UTF-8. # Ps = 3 -> Query window/icon labels using UTF-8. (See dis- # cussion of "Title Modes") setTitleModeFeature: (params) -> # CSI Ps SP t # Set warning-bell volume (DECSWBV, VT520). # Ps = 0 or 1 -> off. # Ps = 2 , 3 or 4 -> low. # Ps = 5 , 6 , 7 , or 8 -> high. setWarningBellVolume: (params) -> # CSI Ps SP u # Set margin-bell volume (DECSMBV, VT520). # Ps = 1 -> off. # Ps = 2 , 3 or 4 -> low. # Ps = 0 , 5 , 6 , 7 , or 8 -> high. setMarginBellVolume: (params) -> # CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Pp; Pt; Pl; Pp$ v # Copy Rectangular Area (DECCRA, VT400 and up). # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. # Pp denotes the source page. # Pt; Pl denotes the target location. # Pp denotes the target page. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. copyRectangle: (params) -> # CSI Pt ; Pl ; Pb ; Pr ' w # Enable Filter Rectangle (DECEFR), VT420 and up. # Parameters are [top;left;bottom;right]. # Defines the coordinates of a filter rectangle and activates # it. Anytime the locator is detected outside of the filter # rectangle, an outside rectangle event is generated and the # rectangle is disabled. Filter rectangles are always treated # as "one-shot" events. Any parameters that are omitted default # to the current locator position. If all parameters are omit- # ted, any locator motion will be reported. DECELR always can- # cels any prevous rectangle definition. enableFilterRectangle: (params) -> # CSI Ps x Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM). # if Ps is a "0" (default) or "1", and xterm is emulating VT100, # the control sequence elicits a response of the same form whose # parameters describe the terminal: # Ps -> the given Ps incremented by 2. # Pn = 1 <- no parity. # Pn = 1 <- eight bits. # Pn = 1 <- 2 8 transmit 38.4k baud. # Pn = 1 <- 2 8 receive 38.4k baud. # Pn = 1 <- clock multiplier. # Pn = 0 <- STP flags. requestParameters: (params) -> # CSI Ps x Select Attribute Change Extent (DECSACE). # Ps = 0 -> from start to end position, wrapped. # Ps = 1 -> from start to end position, wrapped. # Ps = 2 -> rectangle (exact). selectChangeExtent: (params) -> # CSI Pc; Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ x # Fill Rectangular Area (DECFRA), VT420 and up. # Pc is the character to use. # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. fillRectangle: (params) -> ch = params[0] t = params[1] l = params[2] b = params[3] r = params[4] while t < b + 1 line = @screen[t + @shift].chars @screen[t + @shift].dirty = true i = l while i < r line[i] = @cloneAttr line[i][0], String.fromCharCode(ch) i++ t++ # CSI Ps ; Pu ' z # Enable Locator Reporting (DECELR). # Valid values for the first parameter: # Ps = 0 -> Locator disabled (default). # Ps = 1 -> Locator enabled. # Ps = 2 -> Locator enabled for one report, then disabled. # The second parameter specifies the coordinate unit for locator # reports. # Valid values for the second parameter: # Pu = 0 <- or omitted -> default to character cells. # Pu = 1 <- device physical pixels. # Pu = 2 <- character cells. enableLocatorReporting: (params) -> val = params[0] > 0 # CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ z # Erase Rectangular Area (DECERA), VT400 and up. # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. eraseRectangle: (params) -> t = params[0] l = params[1] b = params[2] r = params[3] while t < b + 1 line = @screen[t + @shift].chars @screen[t + @shift].dirty = true i = l while i < r line[i] = @eraseAttr() i++ t++ # CSI Pm ' { # Select Locator Events (DECSLE). # Valid values for the first (and any additional parameters) # are: # Ps = 0 -> only respond to explicit host requests (DECRQLP). # (This is default). It also cancels any filter # rectangle. # Ps = 1 -> report button down transitions. # Ps = 2 -> do not report button down transitions. # Ps = 3 -> report button up transitions. # Ps = 4 -> do not report button up transitions. setLocatorEvents: (params) -> # CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ { # Selective Erase Rectangular Area (DECSERA), VT400 and up. # Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. selectiveEraseRectangle: (params) -> # CSI Ps ' | # Request Locator Position (DECRQLP). # Valid values for the parameter are: # Ps = 0 , 1 or omitted -> transmit a single DECLRP locator # report. # If Locator Reporting has been enabled by a DECELR, xterm will # respond with a DECLRP Locator Report. This report is also # generated on button up and down events if they have been # enabled with a DECSLE, or when the locator is detected outside # of a filter rectangle, if filter rectangles have been enabled # with a DECEFR. # -> CSI Pe ; Pb ; Pr ; Pc ; Pp & w # Parameters are [event;button;row;column;page]. # Valid values for the event: # Pe = 0 -> locator unavailable - no other parameters sent. # Pe = 1 -> request - xterm received a DECRQLP. # Pe = 2 -> left button down. # Pe = 3 -> left button up. # Pe = 4 -> middle button down. # Pe = 5 -> middle button up. # Pe = 6 -> right button down. # Pe = 7 -> right button up. # Pe = 8 -> M4 button down. # Pe = 9 -> M4 button up. # Pe = 1 0 -> locator outside filter rectangle. # ``button'' parameter is a bitmask indicating which buttons are # pressed: # Pb = 0 <- no buttons down. # Pb & 1 <- right button down. # Pb & 2 <- middle button down. # Pb & 4 <- left button down. # Pb & 8 <- M4 button down. # ``row'' and ``column'' parameters are the coordinates of the # locator position in the xterm window, encoded as ASCII deci- # mal. # The ``page'' parameter is not used by xterm, and will be omit- # ted. requestLocatorPosition: (params) -> # CSI P m SP } # Insert P s Column(s) (default = 1) (DECIC), VT420 and up. # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. insertColumns: -> param = params[0] l = @rows + @shift while param-- i = @shift while i < l @screen[i].chars.splice @x + 1, 0, @eraseAttr() @screen[i].chars.pop() @screen[i].dirty = true i++ # CSI P m SP ~ # Delete P s Column(s) (default = 1) (DECDC), VT420 and up # NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. deleteColumns: -> param = params[0] l = @rows + @shift while param-- i = @shift while i < l @screen[i].chars.splice @x, 1 @screen[i].chars.push @eraseAttr() @resetLine @screen[i].dirty i++ # DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set. # http://vt100.net/docs/vt102-ug/table5-13.html # A lot of curses apps use this if they see TERM=xterm. # testing: echo -e '\e(0a\e(B' # The xterm output sometimes seems to conflict with the # reference above. xterm seems in line with the reference # when running vttest however. # The table below now uses xterm's output from vttest. charsets: SCLD:# (0 "`": "◆" # '◆' a: "▒" # '▒' b: "\t" # '\t' c: "\f" # '\f' d: "\r" # '\r' e: "\n" # '\n' f: "°" # '°' g: "±" # '±' h: "␤" # '\u2424' (NL) i: "\x0b" # '\v' j: "┘" # '┘' k: "┐" # '┐' l: "┌" # '┌' m: "└" # '└' n: "┼" # '┼' o: "⎺" # '⎺' p: "⎻" # '⎻' q: "─" # '─' r: "⎼" # '⎼' s: "⎽" # '⎽' t: "├" # '├' u: "┤" # '┤' v: "┴" # '┴' w: "┬" # '┬' x: "│" # '│' y: "≤" # '≤' z: "≥" # '≥' "{": "π" # 'π' "|": "≠" # '≠' "}": "£" # '£' "~": "·" # '·' UK: null # (A US: null # (B (USASCII) Dutch: null # (4 Finnish: null # (C or (5 French: null # (R FrenchCanadian: null # (Q German: null # (K Italian: null # (Y NorwegianDanish: null # (E or (6 Spanish: null # (Z Swedish: null # (H or (7 Swiss: null # (= ISOLatin: null # /A window.Terminal = Terminal