The enclosed files, plfann.h, plfann.c and form the SWI-Prolog bindings to the Fast Artificial Neural Network library. fann is an open source ANN-library and is released under the LGPL. The version of the library for which these bindings are intended to be used with is version 2.1.0. Functions foreseen in version 2.2.0 are equally included, but have been commented out. On the fann home page, links are provided to the Source Code, the Reference Manual and additionally, more general, materials related to ANN's. fann home page: All available functions are implemented, with the exception of: 1. fann_create_train_from_callback 2. fann_set_callback The predicate names, used in this library, are the same as the ones in the reference manual. C-Function return arguments are added as an additional (and last) argument to the predicates concerned. In a small number of functions, having length values, like f.e. the length of an input array, these arguments have been removed, as these can be obtained in the prolog interface at relative- ly low cost. fann can use floats, doubles or fixed point representation internally, uncomment the appropriate variable definition in plfann.h. The maximum number of layers (variable MAXLAYERS) is defined as 10, this can be changed in plfann.h. dated: 19.11.2009 degski [ta] gmail [tod] com