from pyswip import Prolog from gym_sokoban.envs.sokoban_env_fast import SokobanEnvFast import time import pandas as pd def flatten(container): for i in container: if isinstance(i, (list,tuple)): for j in flatten(i): yield j else: yield i def map_moves(move): if move == "up": return 3 elif move == "down": return 2 elif move == "left": return 0 elif move == "right": return 1 def find_solution(size=8, num_boxes=2, time_limit=10, seed=0): dim_room = (size, size) env = SokobanEnvFast(dim_room=dim_room, num_boxes=num_boxes, seed=seed, penalty_for_step=0) # The encoding of the board is described in README board = env.reset() wall = board[:,:,0] # this is a one-hot encoding of walls # For readibility first we deal with tops and then with rights tops = [] for i in range(dim_room[0]): for j in range(dim_room[1]-1): if wall[i,j] == 0 and wall[i,j+1] == 0: tops.append("top(x{}y{},x{}y{})".format(i,j,i,j+1)) rights = [] for i in range(dim_room[0]-1): for j in range(dim_room[1]): if wall[i,j] == 0 and wall[i+1,j] == 0: rights.append("right(x{}y{},x{}y{})".format(i,j,i+1,j)) boxes_initial_locations = board[:,:,4] boxes_initial = [] for i in range(dim_room[0]): for j in range(dim_room[1]): if boxes_initial_locations[i,j] == 1: boxes_initial.append("box(x{}y{})".format(i,j)) boxes_target_locations = board[:,:,2] + board[:,:,3] + board[:,:,6] boxes_target = [] for i in range(dim_room[0]): for j in range(dim_room[1]): if boxes_target_locations[i,j] == 1: boxes_target.append("solution(x{}y{})".format(i,j)) sokoban_initial_location = board[:,:,5] + board[:,:,6] for i in range(dim_room[0]): for j in range(dim_room[1]): if sokoban_initial_location[i,j] == 1: sokoban_string = "sokoban(x{}y{})".format(i,j) break tops_string = "[" + ','.join(tops) + ']' rights_string = "[" + ','.join(rights) + ']' boxes_initial_string = "[" + ','.join(boxes_initial) + ']' boxes_target_string = "[" + ','.join(boxes_target) + ']' prolog = Prolog() prolog.consult("") query = "call_with_time_limit({},solve([{},{},{},{},{}],Solution))".format(time_limit, tops_string, rights_string, boxes_initial_string, boxes_target_string, sokoban_string) print(query) try: result = list(prolog.query(query)) rewards = [] for i, r in enumerate(result): solution = r['Solution'] actions = [] for index in range(len(solution)): move = str(solution[index]).split()[-1] move = move[:-1] action = map_moves(move) actions.append(action) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) rewards.append(reward) print("Last return {}".format(rewards[-1])) if rewards[-1] >= 10: return 1, actions return 0, [] except: return 0, [] if __name__ == "__main__": personal_seed = 3943420000 number_of_trials = 100 time_start = time.time() df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['seed', 'actions']) results = 0 l = list(range(personal_seed, personal_seed + number_of_trials)) for seed in l: print("Current trial {} result {}".format(seed, results)) new_result, actions = find_solution(size=8, num_boxes=2, time_limit=30, seed=seed) results += new_result df = df.append({'seed' : seed , 'actions' : actions} , ignore_index=True) print("Number of solutions: {}".format(results)) print("Total time: {}".format(time.time() - time_start)) df.to_csv('results.csv')