#!/usr/bin/perl -w #$Id: Build.PL 15616 2009-03-28 04:49:43Z maj $ # This is a Module::Build script for bioperl-owl installation. # See http://search.cpan.org/~kwilliams/Module-Build/lib/Module/Build.pm # Uses a custom subclass of Module::Build called Bio::Root::Build use strict; my $v = '0.01'; eval "use Bio::Root::Build 1.006"; if ($@) { # using die so wrappers can catch the error message die "BioPerl minimal core version $v is required for BioPerl-owl\n"; } # Set up the Bio::Root::Build object my $build = Bio::Root::Build->new( module_name => 'Bio', dist_name => 'BioPerl-owl', dist_version => $v, dist_author => 'BioPerl Team ', dist_abstract => 'BioPerl-owl - wrapper toolkit', license => 'perl', requires => { # probably justified in bumping this up, but # leaving it for now: 'perl' => '5.6.1', 'Bio::Root::Version' => '1.006000' }, recommends => { # your ad here # # please add in your dependencies here, # if you intend your modules to be user-tested, # as: #'[dependency]' => '[version reqd]/[informative phrase]/[requirer]' # ex) #'Array::Compare' => '0/Phylogenetic Networks/Bio::PhyloNetwork' }, get_options => { network => { } # say 'perl Build.PL --network' to manually request network tests }, auto_features => { Network => { description => "Enable tests that need an internet connection", requires => { 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0 }, test => \&Bio::Root::Build::test_internet } }, dynamic_config => 1, create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough' #pm_files => {} # modules in Bio are treated as if they were in lib and auto-installed #script_files => [] # scripts in scripts directory are installed on-demand ); my $accept = $build->args->{accept}; # Create the build script and exit $build->create_build_script; exit;