Email message sent to Gerard Ellis on Tue 4 December, 1990. Gerard, Just a few notes on the appendix I sent you yesterday. Firstly you will have probably guessed that CoGNO is the name of the program I wrote for my honours thesis (It stands for Conceptual Graph Node Organiser - well I liked the acronym and that's the best I could come up with). + I have used the CONGRES "subtype of is " statement to construct the concept type hierarchy. (this is not exactly part of the linear form). + As in CONGRES, I have used the dollar sign ($) to represent the universal quantifier. + Oops, I have just picked up a typographical error last line of CoGNO's grammar should be: ::= id ["," ] (I have fixed this) Comparing CoGNO's grammar to the other two presented: + The grammar for CONGRES is quite good though it seems that a few short-cuts have been taken, eg. "type" construct is a monadic lambda abstraction and therefore should accept only one parameter yet CONGRES allows . + CONGRES does not allow sets (though to be fair, CoGNO does not deal with them either even though I have included them in my YACC parser - they are neglected) + CoGNO allows referent [id] "#" [number] (e.g. Gerard #12345) while CONGRES does not (as far as I could tell from the code - didn't have enough time to test this). + I think KRE has the simplest grammar. I have made newlines significant in my grammar so that it follows the linear form presented in the Sowa's book. This presents a number of implementation problems though since most computer languages treat newlines as white space. KRE gets past this problem by using a colon (:) separator - I didn't like this idea. It also allows fewer types of referent and does not provide for abstraction and numbering of arcs (neither does CONGRES - CoGNO does but the numbers are ignored I should have more to say about this when I send you my grammar). That's about all I can think of at the moment - if I come up with more I'll get back to you. BTW, I have started modifying my YACC grammar. I hope to write a small README file for you also to outline a few of the decisions made, problems etc. I hope to have it finished in the next few days (are you in a hurry? - At the latest I hope to have it done by the end of the week ). Maurice. __ email: