Story Pizza-1: Karen asks her father, Mike, for a slice of pizza and her father gives it to her. Paraphrase: Karen has a goal of possessing a slice of pizza. Her plan is to ask Mike for a slice of pizza. Her goal succeeds. [Goal = [Goal]- -actor->[Human :Karen = [Human: Karen]- -Age->[Age:Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Blue] ], -goal->[Poss_By = [Poss_By]- -actor->[Human: Karen], -object->[Pizza: pizza001], -State_Value->[State_Value:Yes_State_Value] ], -plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans]- -actor->[Human: Karen], -to->[Human : Mike = [Human:Mike]- -Age->[Age: Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Green] ]<-Father-[Human: Karen], -object->[ATrans = [ATrans]- -actor->[Human:Mike], -object->[Pizza:Pizza001], -to->[Human:Karen] ] ] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome] ] Story Zoo-1: Karen wants to go to the zoo. She asks Mike to take her to the zoo. Her goal succeeds. [Goal = [Goal]- -actor->[Human :Karen = [Human: Karen]- -Age->[Age:Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Blue] ], -goal->[Location = [Location]- -actor->[Human: Karen], -object->[Zoo :Zoo001], -State_Value->[State_Value:Yes_State_Value] ], -plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans]- -actor->[Human: Karen], -to->[Human : Mike = [Human:Mike]- -Age->[Age: Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Green] ]<-Father-[Human: Karen], -object->[PTrans = [PTrans]- -actor->[Human:Mike], -object->[Human:Karen], -to->[Zoo:Zoo001] ] ] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome] ] Story Refrigerator-1: Karen wants to open the refrigerator. She pulls on the door, but it doesn't open. [Goal = [Goal]- -actor->[Human :Karen = [Human: Karen]- -Age->[Age:Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Blue] ], -goal->[Open = [Open]- -object->[Refrigerator: Refrigerator001 = [Refrigerator: Refrigerator001]-Color->[Color:White] ], -State_Value->[State_Value:Yes_State_Value] ], -plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[Propel = [Propel]- -actor->[Human: Karen], -object->[Door]<-Door-[Refrigerator: Refrigerator001] ] ], -outcome->[failure_Goal_Outcome] ] Story play-doh-1: Lynn wants some Play Doh. She asks Mike to give her some, and her goal succeeds. [Goal = [Goal]- -actor->[Human :Lynn = [Human: Lynn]- -Age->[Age:Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Blue] ], -goal->[Poss_By = [Poss_By]- -actor->[Human: Lynn], -object->[Play_Doh: Play_Doh001], -State_Value->[State_Value:Yes_State_Value] ], -plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans]- -actor->[Human: Lynn], -to->[Human : Mike = [Human:Mike]- -Age->[Age: Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color:Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color:Green] ]<-Father-[Human: Lynn], -object->[ATrans = [ATrans]- -actor->[Human:Mike], -object->[Play_Doh: Play_Doh001], -to->[Human:Lynn] ] ] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome] ] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ COMMON GRAPH $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [Goal #0] - -Goal->[State = [State #1] - -State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value], -Object->[PhysicalObject], -Actor->[Human :Karen] ], -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Age->[Age :Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue] ], -Plan->[Plan = [MTrans = [MTrans #2] - -to->[Human :Mike = [Human :Mike] - -Age->[Age :Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Green] ]<-Father-[Human :Karen]<-Actor-[MTrans #2], -Object->[Act = [Act #3] - -Object->[Object], -to->[Object], -Actor->[Human :Mike] ] ]<-RealizedBy-[Plan] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome]