D:\aminePlatform\aminePlatform\classes\aminePlatform\samples\ontology\OccamSBLSampleC2.xml True English English Relation Root Root English Root Relation Goal State Object Attribute Plan IPT Goal_Outcome Activity Activity English Activity Act Behavior Root Behavior English Behavior Activity Act English Act ATrans MTrans Propel PTrans Activity PTrans English PTrans Act Propel English Propel Act MTrans English MTrans Act ATrans English ATrans Act Goal_Outcome English Goal_Outcome Success_Goal_Outcome Failure_Goal_Outcome Root Failure_Goal_Outcome English Failure_Goal_Outcome Goal_Outcome Success_Goal_Outcome English Success_Goal_Outcome Goal_Outcome IPT English IPT Family_Rel Root Family_Rel English Family_Rel Father IPT Father English Father Family_Rel Plan English Plan aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@8c5ea2 Root aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@8c5ea2 [Goal #0] - -outcome->[Goal_Outcome], -Goal->[State = [State]-State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value] ], -Plan->[Plan = [Act = [Human :Karen]<-Actor-[Act] ]<-RealizedBy-[Plan] ], -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue], -Age->[Age :Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond] ] aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@198defc aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@1579a30 Plan Goal aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@1579a30 [Goal #0] - -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Age->[Age :Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue] ], -Goal->[Open = [Open #1] - -Object->[Refrigerator :Refrigerator001 = [Refrigerator :Refrigerator001]-Color->[Color :White] ], -State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value] ], -Plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[Propel = [Propel #2] - -Actor->[Human :Karen], -Object->[Door #3]<-Door-[Refrigerator :Refrigerator001] ] ], -outcome->[Failure_Goal_Outcome] aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@8c5ea2 aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@198defc [Goal #0] - -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome], -Plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans #1] - -to->[Human :Mike = [Human :Mike] - -Age->[Age :Grown_Up], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Green], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Brown] ]<-Father-[Human :Karen]<-Actor-[MTrans #1], -Object->[Act = [Act #2] - -Actor->[Human :Mike], -to->[Object], -Object->[Object] ] ] ], -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond], -Age->[Age :Kid], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue] ], -Goal->[State = [State #3] - -State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value], -Object->[PhysicalObject], -Actor->[Human :Karen] ] aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@4bfe6b aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@12c5431 aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@8c5ea2 aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@12c5431 [Goal #0] - -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Age->[Age :Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue] ], -Goal->[Location = [Location #1] - -Actor->[Human :Karen], -Object->[Zoo :Zoo001], -State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value] ], -Plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans #2] - -to->[Human :Mike = [Human :Mike] - -Age->[Age :Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Green] ]<-Father-[Human :Karen]<-Actor-[MTrans #2], -Object->[PTrans = [PTrans #3] - -Actor->[Human :Mike], -Object->[Human :Karen], -to->[Zoo :Zoo001] ] ] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome] aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@198defc aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@4bfe6b [Goal #0] - -Actor->[Human :Karen = [Human :Karen] - -Age->[Age :Kid], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Blond], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Blue] ], -Goal->[Poss_By = [Poss_By #1] - -Actor->[Human :Karen], -Object->[Pizza :Pizza001], -State_Value->[State_Value :Yes_State_Value] ], -Plan->[Plan = [Plan]-RealizedBy->[MTrans = [MTrans #2] - -to->[Human :Mike = [Human :Mike] - -Age->[Age :Grown_Up], -Hair->[Hair]-Color->[Color :Brown], -Eyes->[Eyes]-Color->[Color :Green] ]<-Father-[Human :Karen]<-Actor-[MTrans #2], -Object->[ATrans = [ATrans #3] - -Actor->[Human :Mike], -Object->[Pizza :Pizza001], -to->[Human :Karen] ] ] ], -outcome->[Success_Goal_Outcome] aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@198defc Attribute English Attribute Age Color State_Value Root State_Value English State_Value Yes_State_Value Attribute Yes_State_Value English Yes_State_Value State_Value State_Value Color English Color Blond Blue Brown Green White Attribute White English White Color Color Green English Green Color Color Brown English Brown Color Color Blue English Blue Color Color Blond English Blond Color Color Age English Age Kid Grown_Up Attribute Grown_Up English Grown_Up Age Age Kid English Kid Age Age Object English Object PhysicalObject Actor Root Actor English Actor Human Object Human English Human Girl Man Actor Man English Man Mike Human Mike English Mike Man Man Girl English Girl Karen Lynn Human Lynn English Lynn Girl Girl Karen English Karen Girl Girl PhysicalObject English PhysicalObject Pizza Hair Eyes Location Refrigerator Door Toy Object Toy English Toy Play_Doh PhysicalObject Play_Doh English Play_Doh Play_Doh001 Toy Play_Doh001 English Play_Doh001 Play_Doh Play_Doh Door English Door PhysicalObject Refrigerator English Refrigerator Refrigerator001 PhysicalObject Refrigerator001 English Refrigerator001 Refrigerator Refrigerator Location English Location Zoo PhysicalObject State Zoo English Zoo Zoo001 Location Zoo001 English Zoo001 Zoo Zoo Eyes English Eyes PhysicalObject Hair English Hair PhysicalObject Pizza English Pizza Pizza001 PhysicalObject Pizza001 English Pizza001 Pizza Pizza State English State Poss_By Location Open Root Open English Open State Poss_By English Poss_By State Goal English Goal aminePlatform.kernel.ontology.Situation@8c5ea2 Root Relation English Relation to outcome RealizedBy achievedBy intendedBy motivates Root motivates English motivates Relation intendedBy English intendedBy Relation achievedBy English achievedBy Relation RealizedBy English RealizedBy Relation outcome English outcome Relation to English to Relation