// Example of a call to a member method: the size of the list L (the value associated to the variable L) length(L, s) :- s is L:size(). compute(x, y, z, w) :- w is x + y * z, result is w - 34. useGlobal(x, r) :- r is result + x. createAStack(r) :- v is "java.util.Stack":new(), v:push(one), v:push(two), r is v:peek(). eq(x, x). dif(x, y) :- eq(x, y), !, fail. dif(x, y). sup(x, y) :- x > y. inf(x, y) :- x < y. or(p, q) :- p, !. or(p, q) :- q. car(1, "bmw"). car(2, "gfdgfd"). assertMetaPredicates :- assertz(car(3, "peugeot"), []), asserta(car(0, "honda"), []). removeMetaPredicates :- car(x,y), check(x), retract(car(x,y)), fail. removeMetaPredicates. check(1). check(2).