thingsToFix('', [ ['the andy should ...','Andy should ...'] ]). %% [preconditions,['at start'(locked('$VAR'('Lo'))),'at start'(at('$VAR'('P'),'$VAR'('L'))),'at start'(at('$VAR'('Lo'),'$VAR'('L')))],effects,['at end'(not(locked('$VAR'('Lo')))),'at end'([assign(actions,op(+,actions,1))])]] %% [pairs,[,[['$VAR'('Ob'),object],bookbag],[['$VAR'('Lo'),container],'laptop-backpack'],[['$VAR'('L'),location],'cathedral-of-learning']]] %% :- convert_precondition('at start'(locked('$VAR'('Lo'))),[[['$VAR'('Lo'),container],'laptop-backpack']],Gloss),view([gloss,Gloss]). %% convert_pregd('at start'(not(inaccessible('$VAR'('L0')))),[[['$VAR'('Ob0'),object],andy],[['$VAR'('L0'),location],'doherty-4201'],[['$VAR'('L1'),location],'cathedral-of-learning']],Temp). preconditionNLGTemplates([ %% ['arm',[[A,must,be,P], %% [A,will,be,P], %% [A,must,be,P,for,the,duration,of,the,action]]], ]). %% replace this to be a proper noun, for instance, 'The chicago' is incorrect. getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT,AG) :- ( ( isa(A,person)) -> ( DT = '') ; ( DT = the )), hasEnglishGlosses(A,Tmp), Tmp =.. [_,AG|_]. formatSentence(Template,Sentence) :- findall(Item,(member(Item,Template),not(Item = '')),[First|Rest]), capitalize(First,FirstCapitalized), Sentence = [FirstCapitalized|Rest]. get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(PTmp,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence) :- ( ( PTmp = location) -> ( P = at) ; ( P = PTmp)), view([get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(P,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence)]), preconditionNLGTemplates(List), kmax_get_index_of_first_item_in_list(Condition,['at start','at end','over all'],Index), view([index,Index]), ( member([P,Templates],List) -> ( nth1(Index,Templates,Template)) ; ( view([condition,Condition,index,Index,templates,Templates,objectnames,ObjectNames]), ( ObjectNames = [A] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P], [DT1,AG,will,be,P], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), getDeterminerAndGloss(B,DT2,BG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,DT2,BG], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,DT2,BG], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,DT2,BG,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C,D] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C,D], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C,D,E] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,E], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C,D,E], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,E,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail))), formatSentence(Template,Sentence). get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(P,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence) :- view([get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(P,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence)]), preconditionNLGTemplates(List), kmax_get_index_of_first_item_in_list(Condition,['at start','at end','over all'],Index), view([index,Index]), ( member([P,Templates],List) -> ( nth1(Index,Templates,Template)) ; ( view([condition,Condition,index,Index,templates,Templates,objectnames,ObjectNames]), ( ObjectNames = [A] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P], [DT1,AG,will,be,P], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), getDeterminerAndGloss(B,DT2,BG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,DT2,BG], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,DT2,BG], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,DT2,BG,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C,D] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C,D], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; ( ObjectNames = [A,B,C,D,E] -> ( getDeterminerAndGloss(A,DT1,AG), nth1(Index,[[DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,E], [DT1,AG,will,be,P,B,C,D,E], [DT1,AG,must,be,P,B,C,D,E,for,the,duration,of,the,action]], Template)) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail) ; fail))), formatSentence(Template,Sentence). get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(P,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence). convert_pregd(Item,Pairs,Gloss) :- nl, length(Pairs,Length), view([pairs,Pairs]), ( Item =.. [Condition,not(PreGD)] -> (Concat = '*not* ') ; ( Item =.. [Condition,PreGD] -> (Concat = '') ; true )), view([preGd,PreGD]), PreGD =.. [P|A], view([p,P,a,A]), findall(ObjectName,(member(Pair,Pairs),member('$VAR'(VarName),A),Pair = [['$VAR'(VarName),_],ObjectName]),ObjectNames), get_sentence_for_precondition_predicate(P,ObjectNames,Condition,Sentence), view([sentence,Sentence]), ( nonvar(Sentence) -> atomic_list_concat(Sentence,' ',Gloss) ; (print_to_atom(PreGD,Gloss),view([glossBaby,Gloss]))), !. %% convert_pregd(Item,Pairs,Gloss) :- %% length(Pairs,Length), %% view([pairs,Pairs]), %% ( Item =.. [Condition,not(PreGD)] -> (Concat = '*not* ') ; %% ( Item =.. [Condition,PreGD] -> (Concat = '') ; true )), %% view([preGd,PreGD]), %% PreGD =.. [P|A], %% length(A,1), %% A = ['$VAR'(VarName)], %% findall(ObjectName,(member(Pair,Pairs),Pair = [['$VAR'(VarName),_],ObjectName]),ObjectNames), %% ObjectNames = [NewObjectName], %% ( Condition = 'at start' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,must,be,P] ; %% ( Condition = 'at end' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,will,be,P] ; %% ( Condition = 'over all' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,must,be,Concat,P,for,the,duration,of,the,action] ; %% fail ) ) ), %% atomic_list_concat(Sentence,' ',Gloss), %% view([gloss,Gloss]),!. %% convert_pregd(Item,Pairs,Gloss) :- %% view([pairs,Pairs]), %% Item =.. [Condition,PreGD], %% view([preGd,PreGD]), %% PreGD =.. [P|A], %% length(A,1), %% A = ['$VAR'(VarName)], %% findall(ObjectName,(member(Pair,Pairs),Pair = [['$VAR'(VarName),_],ObjectName]),ObjectNames), %% ObjectNames = [NewObjectName], %% ( Condition = 'at start' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,must,be,P] ; %% ( Condition = 'at end' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,will,be,P] ; %% ( Condition = 'over all' -> %% Sentence = [NewObjectName,must,be,P,for,the,duration,of,the,action] ; %% fail ) ) ), %% atomic_list_concat(Sentence,' ',Gloss), %% view([gloss,Gloss]),!. convert_pregd(Statement,Pairs,Gloss) :- with_output_to(atom(Gloss),write_term(Statement,[quoted(true)])),!. %% (locked ?lo - lockable-container) %% the Laptop Backpack must be *not* locked %% Andrew Dougherty must be in the Den %% the Laptop Backpack must be in the Den %% the Laptop Backpack will be locked %% (:types %% object location outlet stuff tool %% person - object %% battery-powered-device - object %% electric-razor - battery-powered-device %% collection - object %% meals - collection %% office - location %% building - location %% store - building %% headset - object %% container - object %% lockable-container - container %% locker - lockable-container %% bag - container %% tool - object %% hygiene-tool - tool %% laptop - battery-powered-device %% ) %% (:predicates %% (socially-acceptable ?p - person) %% (isolated ?l - location) %% (inaccessible ?l - location) %% (at ?ob - object ?l - location) %% (autonomous ?ob - object) %% (mobile ?ob - object) %% (holding ?ob0 ?ob1 - object) %% (is-contained-by ?ob1 - object ?c - container) %% (plugged-in ?l - laptop) %% (all-pending-work-accomplished ?p - person) %% (shaved ?p - person) %% (showered ?p - person) %% (clean ?la - laundry) %% (wet ?la - laundry) %% (tired ?p - person) %% (hungry ?p - person) %% (locked ?lo - lockable-container) %% (use-is-required ?t - tool) %% (ship-shape) %% ) %% (:functions %% (actions) %% (quantity ?c - collection) %% (hourly-wage-net ?p - person) %% (total-walking-distance) %% (charge-rate ?r - battery-powered-device) %% (charge-level ?r - battery-powered-device) %% (speed ?ob - object) %% (cash ?p - person) %% ) %% (:objects %% andy justin - person %% electric-razor0 - electric-razor %% laundry - laundry %% towel - towel %% basement-laundry-machines forbes-ave-laundromat - laundromat %% food-store - meals %% sleeping-bag - bed %% hidden-sleeping-spot - bed %% outlet0 - outlet %% UC-mens-locker-room-shower - shower %% IBM-R30 - laptop %% bookbag laptop-backpack duffel-bag - container %% doherty-4201 casos-office - office %% doherty-hall wean-hall baker-hall fouroseven-craig-st-hall - building %% flagstaff-hill cs-lounge wean-hall-bathroom doherty-hall-bathroom - location %% UC-gym forbes-and-chesterfield cathedral-of-learning - location %% baker-locker-18 baker-locker-67 baker-locker-69 doherty-locker-161 - locker %% doherty-locker-1 doherty-locker-4 doherty-locker-20 - locker %% squirrel-hill-giant-eagle oakland-giant-eagle greenville-giant-eagle - store %% water-front-giant-eagle airport-walmart indiana-walmart - store %% forbes-ave-cvs - store %% finger-clippers towel shampoo - hygiene-tool %% hair-trimmers food-cans shirts can-opener hair-brush - stuff %% padlock shampoo headset wallet sleeping-bag camouflage - stuff %% svrs-1 - location %% )