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Please try to run with '-inst_with_contraddicting_objects' The problem is unsolvable since at the fixpoint level the goals are mutex or not reachable --> Compute mutex between numeric facts TOTAL TIME: %12.2f done Time spent for preprocessing: Instantiating: %7.2f seconds Mutex relations: %7.2f seconds Numeric relations: %7.2f seconds Preprocessing total time: %.2f seconds Switching to Best-first Search: ( code from J. Hoffmann's package FF-v2.3 ) improving the parallelism of the plan Solution number: %d Total time: %.2f Search time: %.2f Actions: %d Execution cost: %.2f Duration: %.3f Plan quality: %.3f Solution found: Total time: %.2f Search time: %.2f Actions: %d Execution cost: %.2f Duration: %.3f Plan quality: %.3f Plan file: %s_%d.SOL plan_%s_%d.SOL found solution of bad quality. Initial state is: Goal state is: Y@ Warning : negative var indexes passed to is_var_in_prec_cvar wrong cvar [%d] : found operator %d = Warning : negative var indexes passed to is_var_in_eff_cvar Max number of Rvals reached; increase max_r_vals OPERATORE ERRATOnumeric.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s OPEREATORE ERRATO?{Gz?@HX`PPp԰hPARTE NUMERICA ERRATAERR: refresh_cvars(): level can't be <= 0Parte numerica errata: OPERATORE Incorrect parameters level_from=%d; level_to=%d ERROR Warning! This problem should be restarted with -temporal 1 option ?Mb0?{Gz? Supported num prec in common level Not supported num prec in common level? Warning7448 WARNING: Division by zero in try_num_eff not considered b4QQPe{Gz?? ERROR: inertial fact insert in unsup list New False Numeric Fact: level %d, position %d Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the false facts exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_FALSE. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. New True Numeric Fact: ###INC CHOICE: Unsupported numeric fact: position %d, level %d fact name : Warning: Neighborhood empty >< NEIGHBORHOOD EVALUTATION >< Num act: %d ___NO ACTIONS ___Only ONE action ENABLE Random choice= %d === Action choosen unsup numeric fact: %s, level %d Incons %.3f Cost %.3f Time %.3f {Gz?{Gz?? INTLIST: %5d WARNING: Division by zero in ri_eval_comp_var Operator not yet supported in expression evaluation Operator: %d @B22Tp?WbpDP`p 0@3@P`p{Gz?{Gz?@c Cf{Gz? Evalutate action FAST_COST Act: %s, level %d Num. P: %d ME: %d Add-E: %d -> tot %f Warning: The code contains a bug. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. , %d%s Warning: trying to insert a non reachable action in neighbothood! WARNING: reached MAX_NUM_ACTIONS local_search.max_act_incons %.2f local_search.max_act_cost %.2f local_search.max_act_time %.2f (*(neighb_vect+i))->cost.weight %.2f (*(neighb_vect+i))->cost.act_cost %.2f (*(neighb_vect+i))->cost.act_time %.2f local_search.max_act_incons %.2f local_search.max_act_cost %.2f local_search.max_act_time %.2f ######################################################### ======= WEIGHT %.2f wc %.2f wt %.2f max_inc %.2f max_cost %.2f max time %.2f >< EVALUTATION RESULTS >< REMOVE INSERT neighborhood Act [%d] %s, level %d Incons %.2f Cost %.2f Time %.2f Timed %.2f Tot weight cost %.2f Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the actions exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_MAX_NODES. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. DIFF Action %d - %s level %d diff %fcAK?ư>?$@ A$@ A$@ A$@ A Act in Tabu: %s previously remove at flip %d Fact in Tabu: %s previously remove at flip %d Insert Inc in tabu %d - numtry %d - numR %d NEIGHBORHOOD DEFINITION: SKIP %s Warning %d in tabu-list in neighborhood definition ### INC CHOICE: Treated fact: %s, level %d >< NEIGHBORHOOD EVALUTATION >< Num act: %d ___NO ACTIONS ___Only ONE action ENABLE Random choice === Action choosen treated fact: %s, num %d, level %d Incons %.3f Cost %.3f Time %.3f ### INC CHOICE: Unsupported fact: position %d, level %d fact name : slack of %s: %.2f Constraint removed: %s, level %d is_goal %d is_true %d Warning: Neighborhood empty Random choice= %d Num min=1, choice 0 Choice= %d === Action choosen unsup fact: %s, num %d, level %d choice %d Incons %.3f Cost %.3f Time %.3f [wheight cost] Action %s --> new best level defined : %d [from %d] [weight] Action %s --> new best level defined : %d [from %d] Generation of neighborhood for EQUAL_OP not yet implemented shouldnt get this op %d here {Gz{Gz?q1102214244444&1&10004277p777 Esamined Inc: %d Skip Inc: %d is in tabu - step %d - numtry %d - numR %d [%d] %s lev:%d timed: %.2f endtime: %.2f slack:%.2f better than noone [%d] %s lev:%d timed: %.2f endtime: %.2f slack:%.2f better than[%d] %s lev:%d slack:%.2f BEST i_choice %d level %d cost %f constr %f fact %d NO Best i_choice %d level %d cost %f constr %f fact %d PG LPG: sorry, I ran out of memory! LocalSearch.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s INTIT UNSUP FACT LIST Level %d Unsup Fact %d Level %d Unsup Fact %d INTIT UNSUP NUM FACT LIST Level %d Unsup Num Fact %d Level %d Unsup Num Fact %d INTIT TREATED FACT LIST Level %d Treated Fact %d Level %d Treated Fact %d PGPG ADD BEST i_choice %d level %d cost %f constr %f fact %d No Best i_choice %d level %d cost %f constr %f fact %d PG BEST i_choice %d level %d cost %f constr %f fact %d num_same_lev %d PG INTIT TMD FACT LIST Level %d Tmd Fact %d Level %d Tmd Fact %d INIT UNSUP FACT LIST Level %d Unsup Fact %d INIT UNSUP NUM FACT LIST Level %d Unsup Num Fact %d @@@@@ Search Step: %d (tot step: %d)QS%dfound better quasi-solution. Restart using this quasi-solution found worse quasi-solution. Restart using stored quasi-solution Searching ('.' = every 50 search steps): Restart -----SEARCH START----- Max num flips reached. Stop execution.. Warning: Increase MAX_PLAN_LENGTH found solution of bad quality. search limit exceeded. solution found: @AABCDDD333333???$@ A$@ A$@ Aupdate_num_condition_of_cond_ef in ActionSubgrapc.c mai stata testata! ************************************************************************************************* L : %d P : %d S : %d A : SINO LPG: sorry, I ran out of memory! ActionSubgraph.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s No facts No noops Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the levels exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_PLAN_LENGTH. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Start compress: GpG.curr_plan_length %d Action %d -> Compress... Error level %d last_used %d fixpoint %d XXXX vectlevel %d temp_vect %d plan %d max %d insert action => increase level %d Warning: The code contains a bug. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. New True Fact: %s Level %d New Not Treated Noop: %s Level %d Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the false facts exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_FALSE. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. New False Fact: %s Level %d New Treated Noop: %s Level %d %d *** INSERT ACTION: level %d action %d : duration %.2f num_try %d total_num_try %d -+- TEMPORAL -+- %d *** REMOVE ACTION: level %d action %d : Azioni in remove_act_chain: %s xXx Remove action in precondition chain: UNSUP FACTS error : search for timed init facts first! INITIALIZE: After Reset plan Lev %d ipp-d: increase MAX_GOALS( preset value: %d ) After propagation Lev %d using stored plan using stored quasi-solution . ==> Insert action from stored plan in present plan Initialize->insert action %s in level %d using null plan Initialize random: Initialize initial goal: WARNING: shouldnt get here!!!exiting.. END INITIALIZE restart_TimedFct __________ RANDOM CHOICE %s level %d pos %d cost %.2f time %.2f Warning: there are no maximizing actions. ----- Start inizialization: Insert Action for maximize plan quality ----- End Inizialization ----- ^^^^RESTART_SEARCH: Remove/Add some actions to make inconsitence ^^^^END RESTART_SEARCH Check unsup timed facts... Timed facts presence : FALSE FATTO SUPPORTATO IN UNSUP_TIMED %d ERROR :: LEVEL : %d Warning : action position is -1 (insert_propagation_list). Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the levels exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_PLAN_LENGTH. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. --Propagation Act: %s, level %d start_time %.2f, end_time %.2f -Propagation end_effect: %s, level %d, time %.2f Act: %s -Propagation Start_eff: %s, level %d, time %.2f ---Compute Act: %s, level %d start_time %.2f, end_time %.2f -Compute End_eff: %s, level %d, time %.2f -Compute Start_eff: %s, level %d, time %.2f ---Delete Act: %s, level %d start_time %.2f, end_time %.2f -Delete End_eff: %s, level %d, time %.2f, true %d -Delete Start_eff: %s, level %d, time %.2f, true %d [o] COMPRESS PLAN => Delete empty levels Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the temporal actions exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_NUM_ACTIONS. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Compress Numeric Plan: Initialize->insert action %s in level %d Error: Compress Numerical Plan failed [o] BUILD TEMPORAL PLAN Searching temporal interval (time = %f) ...found --> Time Start = %f ****************************** Intervalli per le precondizioni dell'azione : Start : %f End : %f Action already inserted : Error : num_act_PC <= 0 for interval %d in timed fact %s Warning: Action for temporal literal not found Inserita inconsistenza temporale (livello %d) : Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the false facts exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_FALSE. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Inconsistenza temporale rimossa (livello %d) : Warning ---> check_time_interval : Azione fittizia!! ### INC CHOICE: Unsupported timed fact: position %d, level %d fact name : >< NEIGHBORHOOD EVALUTATION >< Num act: %d ___NO ACTIONS ___Only ONE action ENABLE Azione shiftata (time = %f) : Random choice= %d Num min=1, choice 0 Choice= %d === Action choosen unsup fact: %s, num %d, level %d choice %d Incons %.3f Cost %.3f Time %.3f PG Evaluate neighborhood : searching in CRITICAL PATH of %s New action in neighborhood: %s at level %d %s is ordered with %s [%d] slack assigned %.2f Error (in slack_fact_from_act) : %s %dis not precondition of %s at level %d numtry %d PRINT SLACK of %s of level %d slack among %s and action %s of level %d is %.2f Error : Timed fact %s isn't a precondition of  ̀K?P'``      22m1mmmmmRRR Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the DG heuristic exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_LENGTH_H. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Error act for fct %d REACHABILITY ANALISYS ERROR ComputeReachInf.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s REACHABILITY ANALISYS ERROR -- PRECONDITION TYPE NOT HANDLED YET ? Warning: Unsupported fact in the relaxed plan of the reachability information? ERROR REACHABILITY INFORMATION NO BEST INCREASE FOR COMPVAR %dNO BEST INCREASE FOR COMPVAR %d Az level %d con prec non supp: %d Preconditions Fact %d : Error, no timed facts for action %d Error in start time of action %dK This version of LPG doesn't support SCALE_UP and SCALE_DOWN effects 22P?  b    Warning RI not computed 1 Warning RI not computed 2?? Dg inform for Fact %d - num_actions %d level %d best act %d - related fact %d stop %d ********* >< Evaluate time interval for preconds of %s >< ********* ----> Time : %.2f ******** >< Evaluate time interval for preconds of %s >< ********* No temporal interval found for %s Temporal interval associated to %s : %.2f - %.2fANY Time for action %s level %d : %.2f Number of incons : %d ****** >< ****************** >< ****** INC: %d, ACT in following TIMED: %d, COST %.2f Warning some elements after related_fact=-1 UPDATE RI: fact reachability info: fact %s level %d best_action %s num_action %d duration %.2f cost %.2f No Prev inform Prev inform New next SRI: Mutex between %s at level %d and %s SRI: Find a previous dg_fact_node fact_pos: fact_pos %d at level: %dK SRI: Delete dg_fact_node fact_pos: %d level: %d GRI2: get fact reachability info: fact %s level %d num_action %d duration %.2f cost %.2f best_action %d - GRI1: get fact reachability info: factlevel %d best_action num_action %d duration %.2f cost %.2f GRI3: Find better RI: fact %s level %d best_action %s num_action %d duration %.2f cost %.2f GRI4: get fact reachability info: fact %s level %d best_action %s num_action %d duration %.2f cost %.2fWarning: Errore nel calcolo dei valori di raggiungibilit, la variabile non una precondizioneH_relaxed.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s ח{Gz? Comp CF insert action %d -- %s -------> Constr : fact %d __ action %s ME %d act %d -- %s level %d CCF Fact %d - %s level %d Total constr %d, cost %f Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the DG heuristic exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_LENGTH_H. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. >>> DG_INSERTION Act: %d -- %s, level %d Warning num_actions = %d STOP FACT to MAXCOST %d, level %d, name Supported fact %s lev %d DG INSERTION STOP FACT to MAXCOST %d, level %d, name Num. P: %.2f M.E.: %.2f TF-BA: Increase search cost for %d unsup timed prec of best action candidate %s TF-BA: Update start time %.2f of %s TF-BA: Increase cost for BA %s: time(BA) %.2f, time of previous actions in Rplan %.2f, slack %.2ffor timed fact %s tot %f [cost: %.2f time: %.2f] level %d END eval action -> tot %f cAK$@ Relaxed Eval INSERTION ACTION %d: Hvar.ri_num_actions_define_cost %d fact %s lev %d in Hvar.ri_supp_bit_vect_facts == 1 fact %s lev %d in Hvar.ri_supp_bit_vect_facts == 1 fact %s lev %d in Hvar.ri_supp_bit_vect_facts== 1 >>> RELAXED DG_INSERTION Act: %s, level %d fact %s lev %d in Hvar.bit_vect_facts == 1 tot %f [cost: %.2f time: %.2f] -> W %f cost %f KcA$@ >>> DG_INSERTION Act: %s, level %d Penalize FACT %d, level %d, name Penalize FACT %d, level %d, name cAK$@ZERO!! ?cA?cA #############ITERATION %d Evalutate action DG_ACTION Act: %s, level %d lpg: increase MAX_GOALS( preset value: %d ) %d +++++ DG_MAX_COST Prec_start Act %s fact %s %d +++ END DG_MAX_COST Prec_start Act %s fact %s, COST weight %f cost %f time %f unsatisf_prec %d %d +++++ DG_MAX_COST Prec_overall Act %s %d +++ END DG_MAX_COST Prec_overall Act %s %d +++++ DG_MAX_COST Prec_end Act %s %d +++ END DG_MAX_COST Prec_end Act %s Temp Num. P: %f weight %.2f << Evalutate precondition END %d +++++ DG_MAX_COST Mutex Act : START evaluate_threated_supported_preconds_of_neighb_action, action %d -- %s Evaluate %d -- %s END evaluate_threated_supported_preconds_of_neighb_action Err search step %d %d +++ END DG_MAX_COST Mutex Act %s fact %s, COST weight %f cost %f time %f Fact in additive effects not considered %d - %s Temp M.E.: %f << Evalutate mutex END %d +++++* DG_MAX_COST End_eff Act %s Fact %s already supported in COMPUTE_DG_LIST_COST, level %d Fact %s already supported in vectlevel, level %d Fact %s ** NOT already supported in vectlevel, level %d %d +++ DG_MAX_COST End_eff Act %s Fact precondition of NO action %d +++++ DG_MAX_COST Start_eff Act %s Supported fact %s, level %d Temp Add-E: %f, effects %f << Evalutate effect END %d START Extended unsupported facts evaluation %d Already supported START_Externded comput. for fact %d - %s , level %d Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost %f Hvar.num_actions_define_cost %d %d START_Externded comput. for fact %d - %s , level %d Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost %f Hvar.num_actions_define_cost %d END_Externded comput. for fact %d - %s , level %d Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost %f Hvar.num_actions_define_cost %d TF-NeighbAct: Increase timed cost for %d unsup timed prec of %s in Rplan Update start time %.2f of %s TF-NeighbAct: Increase temporal cost of %.2f for %s at level %d; total timecost -> %.2f TF-NeighbAct: Increase timed cost for %d new unsupported timed preconditions TF-NeighbAct: Increase timed cost for %d precs that cannot be supported <<<< Evalutate action END Act: %s -------------------------------------------------------------- -> tot %fcA?$@K CRI ITERATION %d FACT to Examine %d, level %d, name STOP compute_dg_cost gft_conn[ Fact_position].num_A==0--skip it ||||| DG_COST Fact %s, position %d, level %d Only one action with this additive effect: act %d name %s Comp_fact_cost NEW BEST ACT %s time %d inc %.2f act_cost %.2f act_time %.2f STOP - no best action found for fact ITERATION %d BEST_ACTION choosen %s time %d pos %d %d -Penalize neighb element in threat evaluation. Fact %d -- %s action %d -- %s Evaluate mutex action at the end of compute_relaxed_fact_cost Best action MUTEX %f -- best act %d Level %d Supported fact %s -2 Level %d Supported fact %s -3 Level %d Supported fact %s -4 TF-RplanAct: Update start time of best action %d: %f --> %f TF-RplanAct: Increase search cost for %d unsupported timed precondition of %s in relaxed plan TF-RplanAct: Update start time %.2f of %s ||| END DG_COST Fact %s, position %d, level %d total %f PREC %.2f ME %.2f act_cost %.2f act_time %.2f -- Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost %.2f Stop compute_dg_cost AK@@cA This version of LPG doesn't support SCALE_UP and SCALE_DOWN effects A$$@%@%W% Comp_fact_cost BEST ACT %s time %d inc %.2f act_cost %.2f act_time %.2f K START build_relaxed_plan_for_next_goals level %d Level %d Supported fact %s - 1 END build search cost %f num act %d cost %f START build REMOVE action %d - %s level %d END build REMOVE search cost %f num act %d cost %f START build_relaxed_plan_from_action_for_next_goals action %d - %s level %d END build INSERT search cost %f num act %d cost %f Insert ACTION in relaxed plan %d -- %s Insert fact %d-- %s Fact %d - %s level %d Total cost %f K START Define cost for supported facts in relaxed plan for inconsistences Action %d - %s level %d Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost %f --- Hvar.num_actions_define_cost %d ------------------FACT : %d END Define cost for supported facts in relaxed plan for inconsistences --- Delta %f cA Evalutate action FAST_INSERTION Act: %s, level. %d P: %d ME: %d Add-E: %d -> tot %f Fact supported: %s ||||| MAX_COST Fact %s, position %d, level %d MAX_ACT_COST stop skip_precondition: continue... is_fact_in_additive_effects_start ||| END MAX_COST Fact %s, position %d, level %d total %f PREC %.2f ME %.2f act_cost %.2f act_time %.2f KcA MAX COST Act: %s, level %d %d +++++ MAX_COST Prec_start Act %s fact %s %d +++ END MAX_COST Prec_start Act %s fact %s, COST weight %f cost %f time %f unsatisf_prec %d %d +++++ MAX_COST Prec_overall Act %s %d +++ END MAX_COST Prec_overall Act %s %d +++++ MAX_COST Prec_end Act %s %d +++ MAX_COST Prec_end Act %s << Evalutate precondition END Temp Num. P: %f %d +++++ MAX_COST Mutex Act : << Evalutate mutex END Temp ME: %f %d +++++ MAX_COST End_eff Act %s %d END MAX_COST End_eff Act: %s fact %s, COST weight %f cost %f time %f %d +++++ MAX_COST Start_eff Act %s %d END MAX_COST Start_eff Act %s << Evalutate effect END Temp Add-E: %f, effects %f total %f -> tot %f <<<< Evalutate action END Act: %s -------------------------------------------------------------- cAffffff?$@ !!! Optimize not set => SAVE !!! Find FIRST solution => SAVE !!! Find BETTER solution => SAVE Find EQUAL solution (%.2f), but with LESSER actions %d !!! Find WORSE solution => OPTIMIZE MbP? !!! Find BETTER quasi-solution !!! Find WORSE quasi-solution ?=@? After Reset plan Lev %d ipp-d: increase MAX_GOALS( preset value: %d ) After propagation Lev %d ==> Insert action from stored plan in present plan Initialize->insert action %s in level %d END INITIALIZE get_index_of_constant: constant name %s not found in params r GPG: can't find plan file %s ! Load input plan: init_act_vect: opname not found (not even '(' ) %sinit_act_vect: opname not found init_act_vect: ')' not found Arg not found in constants table! action not found in gef_conns %5.2f: () [%5.2f ] @?@Oz?DD75o: #INC: %d VAR: %.2f Mean %3.3f, var %4.3f, min %d , max %d N %d, L %d A@A?333333??D@ Execution Cost = %.2f, Temporal Cost = %.2f Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the facts exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter NUMINTS. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. --- REMOTION --- INSERTION%s at level %d Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array for the actions exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_MAX_NODES. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Warning: The code contains a bug. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. check_mutex_noop_1 check_mutex_noop_durative_1 rnd=%d ./ time spent: %7.2f seconds instantiating %d easy, %d hard action templates %7.2f seconds reachability analysis, yielding %d facts and %d actions %7.2f seconds creating final representation with %d relevant facts %7.2f seconds building connectivity graph %7.2f seconds creating %d primary vars and %d numeric relations %7.2f seconds creating %d mutex relations, in %d levels %12.2f seconds for mutex between facts %12.2f seconds for other logical mutex %12.2f seconds for mutex from numeric effects %7.2f seconds searching, evaluating %d states, to a max depth of %d %7.2f seconds total timeLPG-td-1.0 %s SETTINGS: NECESSARY SETTINGS -o specifies the file of the operators -f specifies the file of (init/goal) facts -n specifies the desired number of solutions; alternative options are -speed and -quality OPTIONAL SETTINGS -p specifies the path for the operator/fact files -out specifies the file name for computed plans -noout does not save computed plans -v off switches off verbose mode -search_steps specifies the number of steps of the first restart of the local search [default 500] -restarts specifies the max number of the restarts [default 9] -repeats specifies the maximum number of the repeats [default 5] -noise <0..1> specifies the initial noise value of Walkplan [default 0.10] -static_noise set the noise value to a fixed static value -seed sets the seed of the random number generator -lowmemory computes mutex relations between actions at runtime -cputime specifies the maximum CPU-time (in seconds) [default 1800] -cputime_localsearch specifies the maximum CPU-time for the local search procedure (in seconds) [default 1200] -nobestfirst switches off best-first search -onlybestfirst immediately runs best-first search -timesteps sets the plan quality metric as #time-steps -p-o-f-P-info%d-d-L-T%f-out-timesteps-AdvancedTime-wcost-wtime-heuristic-num_sol-n Warning: Option -n, -speed, and -quality are mutually exclusive -speed-quality-lowmemory-total_time_goal-incchoice-ichoice-i_choice-nonuniform_random-seed-numtry-num_flips-search_steps-numrestart-restarts-num_tries-numrepeats-repeats-info_search-bestfirst-nobestfirst-h-adaptfirst-noout-fastadapt-onlybestfirst-inst_duplicate_param-inst_with_contraddicting_objects-same_objects-maximize-pop-searchcostx1stsol-onlysearchcostx1stsol-validate-noise-static_noise-maxnoise-advanced_temporal_setting-lagrange-lm_multilevel-lm_incrprec-lm_decrprec-lm_incrme-lm_decrme-cputime-cputime_localsearch-voff-l_rate+-l_rate--verifyinit-verifyAf-verifyincchoice-criprecond-relaxed_examination-evaluation_function-ri_list-verify_action_remotion_negative_numeric_effects-no_action_remotion_negative_numeric_effects-verify_negative_numeric_effects-no_negative_numeric_effects-hpar_cut_neighb-no_hcut_neighb-npar_cut_neighb-ncut_neighb-no_lcut_neighb-lpar_cut_neighb-cri_update_iterations-walkplan-notabuplan-notabu_act-notabu_fct-twalkplan-tabu_length-remove_act_next_step-neighb_without_timed_fa-zero_num_A-penalize_inconsistence-cri_insertion_add_mutex-extended_effects_evaluation-mutex_and_additive_effects-not_supported_preconds_evaluation-not_extended_unsupported_facts-extended_unsupported_goals-no_insert_threated_act_in_neighb-reset_extended_unsupported_facts-cri_intermediate_levels-relaxed_neighborhood_evaluation-max_num_flips-fast_best_action_evaluation-avoid_best_action_cycles-stop_remove_act-consider_relaxed_plan_for_inconsistences-evaluate_threated_supported_preconds_of_neighb_action-no_mutex_with_additive_effects-evaluate_mutex_for_action_remotion-weight_mutex_in_relaxed_plan-numeric_neighbors_in_down_levels-donot_try_suspected_actions-ps-choose_min_numA_fact Unknown option: %s entered Please specify the parameter '-n' B $$$Lev %d -ACTION %d -- Prec %d - %s supported supported in relaxed plan Prec over all %d - %s Prec end %d - %s Effect at start %d - %s already supported already supported in relaxed plan Effect at end %d - %s %d Extended unsupported facts evaluation %d -- Added %d -- %s Sorting neighbors ...INSERTIONREMOTION <%d> NEIGHB : %s [%s level %d] SORTED NEIGHBORS: LPG: Segmentation Fault - Seed %d =Y@{Gz?NULLGOAL-REACHED=(%sx%d )!=(%s() = %f ------------------------------------------------------------ NumVar %d: ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ CompVar %d: ------------------------------------------------------------ ******INERTIAL****** ******DYNAMIC******* OPERATOR :%s first_op :%d second_op :%d value :%f Affects vars :, %d%s created connectivity graph as follows: ------------------OP ARRAY:----------------------- OP: ----------EFFS: effect %d SIZE = %d -------------------EFFECT ARRAY:---------------------- effect %d of op %d: cost :%f duration :%f - ----------PCS START: Index %d ----------PCS OVERALL: ----------PCS END: ----------ADDS START: ----------ADDS END: ----------DELS START: ----------DELS END: ----------IMPLIEDS: implied effect %d of op %d: ----------------------FT ARRAY:----------------------------- ------------------- %d FT: rand: %d ----------PRE COND OF: ----------ADD BY: ----------DEL BY: ----------------------NUM FT ARRAY:----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Index %d - ----------INCREASED BY: - ----------DECREASED BY: ----------AFFECTS VAR: ----------------------------------------------------------- ARRAY FT_EF MUTEX: total mutex of fact: %d ARRAY EF_EF %d -- total mutex of action: %d ARRAY EF_FT total mutex of action: %d WARNING num_ft_ef!=num_ef_ft Total mutex pairs between facts: %d Total mutex pairs between facts and actions: %d Total mutex pairs between actions: %d Total mutex pairs between actions and facts: %d Number of facts : %d Number of actions: %d Total mutex pairs between facts: %d %2d Mutex table: %d%2d 10 %2d ERROR NUMERIC PART LpgOutput.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s ( %s ) --> TRUE --> FALSE %f ( ? <<< UNSUP NUM FACT: %d False num pos %d Level %d Fact %d ->action=%4d ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Level %d action Fact %d numact %d cost %.2f dur %.2f best_act %d tot %.2f name INITIAL_ACTION(UNREACHABLE)REACH-GOAL( ADD: DEL:Derived NUM fact (%s NOOP_ Fact pos %d level %d : totcost %.2f cost %.2f duration %.2f num_actions %d, best_act %d : COST OF UNSUPPORTED FACTS num %d -->[ES] [EE] [SS] [SE] >>> ACTIONS in subgraph Level %d: %s, start_time %.2f, end_time %.2f pos %d Plan computed: Time: (ACTION) [action Duration; action Cost] %.4f: %s [D:%.4f; C:%.4f] No action in solution. -+- TEMPORAL PLAN -+- %2d: Facts %s, true %d, goal %d, time %.2f Action used %d, end_time %.2f %2d: Facts --- GOAL LEVEL --- LEVEL %d Fact: %s [%d] time_f: %.2f w_is_true %d LEVEL %d True-crit-vect: %s LEVEL %d False-crit-vect: LEVEL %d prec-vect: LEVEL %d check w_is_used - w_is_goal - w_is_true: %s w_is_goal: %d w_is_used: %d w_is_true: %d LEVEL %d NOOP: noop overall: %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d w_is_goal %d level %d noop: %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d w_is_goal %d level %d LEVEL %d Action: %s [%d] time_f %.2f time_start %.2f <<< UNSUP FACT: %d False pos %d Level %d Unsup fact %s <<< TREATED FACT: %d Treated pos %d Level %d Treated noop %s Domain without timed facts. <<< UNSUP TIMED FACT: %d +++++ FACT %d numA=%d Num. Risorsa %d FATTO INIZIALE Costo %3f : Durata %3f -x- NUMERIC -x- %d ---------------------------------------------------------- Num value in level %d: Act in insert/remove => BREAK %5d:%9.2f->%9.2f Action %d: ERRRR2: livello %d-%d: cvar %d %f != %f cvar %.2f VARTEST lev %d :<>: cvar %d= %.2f ? (%s %s%s_%d.SOLplan_%s_%d.SOLw Error opening output file: %s Cannot open file! Please check the write permission %s.SOLplan_%s.SOLLPG-td-1.0 ; Version %s ; Seed %d ; Command line: %s ; Problem %s ; Time %.2f ; Plan generation time %.2f ; Search time %.2f ; Parsing time %.2f ; Mutex time %.2f ; NrActions %d ; MakeSpan %.2f ; MetricValue %.2f %.4f: [%.4f] no solution$HOME/Validator/validate -v -t 0.002 %s MbP?@?Mb0?-C6?plan_%s_1.SOL ; Actions having STRIPS duration%.0f: [1] ;;Problem: %s time: %f actions: %d total cost %f total time %.2f ;; ;;Fatti lev %d: ;; time %.2f ;; check w_is_used - w_is_goal: w_is_goal: %d w_is_used: %d ;; check NOOP w_is_used - w_is_goal: ;; NOOP: %.4f: %d: [%.2f] ;; ;;Fatti lev GOAL: MbP?Mb0? planact not initialized MbP?@?Mb0?( debug me ?4 4 4 5 4 G5 d5 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5  -----------------------EFFECT ARRAY:------------------------ Action: ----------------CONDITIONAL EFFECT ARRAY:------------------- Action %d (base ef: %d) ----------------CONDITIONAL EFFECT COSTS:------------------- Conditional action costs: Action %d :: %.2f ------------CONDITIONAL NUMERIC FCT MODIFIER:--------------- Numeric fact: Increased by Decreased by ----------------------EFFECT COSTS:------------------------- ------------------NUMERIC FCT MODIFIER:--------------------- Found Solution: ExecCost %.2f TimeCost %.2f TotWeightCost %.2f Solution number: %d Total time: %.2f Search time: %.2f Actions: %d Execution cost: %.2f Duration: %.3f Plan quality: %.3f Solution found: Total time: %.2f Search time: %.2f Actions: %d Execution cost: %.2f Duration: %.3f Plan quality: %.3f Plan file: %s_%d_1.SOL plan_%s_%d.SOL %s_1.SOL %splan_%s_1.SOLArray con %d elementi e puntatore == NULL Precondizioni dell'effetto condizionale %d = NULL Condizione numerica AT_START non trovata Condizione numerica AT_END non trovata Condizione numerica OVERALL non trovata Fatto non valido K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 3J K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 0J J 0K Effetti dell'effetto condizionale %d = NULL Effetto AT_START non trovato Effetto numerico AT_START non trovato Effetto AT_END non trovato Effetto numerico non trovato M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N `L M gcondef_conn[%d].plop->effects == NULL Effetto condizionale %d trovato in Pl2Operator Effetto condizionale %d trovato %d volte in Pl2Operator gcondef_conn[%d].plop == NULL %s Inizio sezione debug effetti condizionali Fine sezione debug effetti condizionali %s Check previous and next levels links (levels : %d) ... Error level %d : previous is %d, should be %d Error level %d : next is %d, should be %d Error level %d : next is an empty level (%d) Fact mutex ERROR Mutex error, facts %d %s - %d not Should%sbe mutex. done. %d ERRORS FOUND. Error: max plan length reached Error: max cpu-time reached EEE: Level %d Fact: (%d) %s has derived_true %d but count %d EEE: Fact (%d) : %s Level %d: %d Leve %d: %d Active rules : Level %d: %d Level %d: %d EEE: RULE (%d) : Level %d: %d Level %d: %d Check Plan max_time error... %d %dcheck.c Check Plan... %s:%d, max %d LEVEL %d - Derived Fact error : %s Level %d :: derived fact error : fact TRUE should be FALSEFALSE should be TRUE(%d) is %s. PRECONDIZIONI : [%d] (%d) %d ...fixed! MODIFIED %d, vectlevel %d, level %d ERROR level %d Fact error %s w_is_true %d count %d level %d Fact error %s Goal w_is_goal %d count %d level %d Fact error %s w_is_goal %d count %d level %d Action at level %d: name %s w_is_goal %d pos %dAction at level %d: name %s %d %d Noop: name %s w_is_goal %d pos %d min-level %d Fact error %s w_is_true %d bit %d level %d position %d Fact error %s w_is_goal %d bit %d level %d Fact error False critic %s w_is_goal %d w_is_true %d bit %d level %d Fact error True critic %s w_is_goal %d w_is_true %d bit %d level %d Noop error %s w_is_used %d bit %d level %d Noop error %s w_is_goal %d bit %d level %d Noop error: DEL_START noop used - noop %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d level %d Noop error: ADD_START noop not used - noop %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d level %d Noop error: NADD_DEL noop used fact true - noop %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d level %d Noop error: NADD_DEL noop used fact false - noop %s w_is_used %d w_is_overall %d level %d ERR 1: act_f :: %s lev %d ERR 2: act_f :: %s lev %d ERR 5 ERR 3: act_f :: %s lev %d ERR 4: act_f :: %s lev %d ERR 6 ERR act_f AZ: %s %d lev: %dha action_f %s %d lev: %dma ordinata con %s %d lev: %dErr act_f !=NULL %s %dMb0? Check temporal plan... ERROR true fact1: time_f %s level: %d time %.2f ERROR true fact2: time_f %s level: %d time %.2f ERRORE true fact: action_f %s level: %d time %.2f ERROR true fact: action_f %s level: %d time %.2f act_level %d ERROR false fact3: time_f %s [%d] level: %d time %.2f ERROR false fact4: action_f %s level: %d time %.2f ERROR 3 fact %s level: %d time %.2f action_f pos %d action_f time %.2f %s level %d w_is_used %d ERROR action used: %s level: %d time %.2f ERROR on action_f value action used: %s level %d stat_time %.10f preceding action: %s level: %d time_f: %.10f ERROR action not used: %s level: %d time %.2f ERROR action used: %s end-time %.2f with precondition %s at time %.2f in level %d ERROR noop %s %d level %d time_f %.3f Error TL1: Action at level %d does not exists for %s Error TL2: Action %s at level %dhas not Timed Literals %s as precondition Error TL3 : l'azione %s associata a %s al livello %d ma non viceversa. NUM TRY = %d MbP? ERROR ACT_ORD_VECT ERROR MATRIX CONSTRAINT MANAGEMENT ERROR PROP_LEVEL_INDEX inconsistency in cvars array op: * first : %5d:%8f second : %5d:%8f correct : %f reported: %f check_consistency: div by 0 inconsistency in cvars array op: / op: + correct : %5f reported: %5f op: - op: unary - op: < op: <= correct : %d op: = op: > inconsistency in cvars array, pos %d Operator %d not yet supported in consistency check {Gz??| 4} ~  ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 " 0 % 1 1 {Gz?     G G G G G G G Dž    ' ERRORE PARTE NUMERICA ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s VARIABILE %d che vale %2f ma dovrebbe valere %2f al livello %d Errore: Precondizione numerica non supportata, azione %d, precondizione numerica %d ERRORE SULLA VARIABILE %d che vale %2f ma dovrebbe valere %2f al livello %d OPERATOR: %d FIRST_OP: num %d value: %2f SECOND_OP: num %d value: %2f ERRORE SULLA VARIABILE START %d che vale %2f ma dovrebbe valere %2f al livello %d Ci sono %d errori!!! ? PRECONDITION OF ACTION : %d start: %d overall: %d end: %d Max time exceeded for Local Search Time: %f Solution found: Total time: %.2f Search time: %.2f Actions: %d Execution cost: %.2f Duration: %.3f Plan quality: %.3f Plan file: %s_1.SOL plan_%s_1.SOL Do not use option -quality for better solutions. Max time exceeded. Max time exceeded for LocalSearch Y@%1d Goal unreachable %d Azione %d : Preco non supportate: %d Mutex Goals: -- Supected [%d] : %s Warning : derived predicate marked as "to delete" from initial state ?! Remove suspected action: %s Level %3d:%5d facts, %5d ops and %5d mutex relations The problem is unsolvable since at the fixpoint level the goals are mutex or not reachable total_ft_ft_mutex %d num_ops %d num_facts %d     ,  , , , , , P P          Q        r r r ? 8   v          `  E  This version of LPG doesn't support SCALE_UP and SCALE_DOWN effects S   7 ?  " p p  OCIO EFFECT :TRUEFALSE : %s PRECONDITIONS : %d : REVIEW: -%d Temporary false fact (%d) %s - will be reviewed later - Review fact (%d): %s FIXED %d SET_BIT %d Searching preconds for %s Analize prec : %s --- Prec found : %s ------X Recursive... RESET_BIT %d num precs : %d Fact to support : %s action : %s TUPLE Search best tuple (level %d) TUPLE [%d]: (%d) %s [depth : %d] Hvar.weight_facts_define_cost: %f Hvar.num_actions_define_cost: %d TUPLE => COST : %.2f Best tuple at level %d : Fact: %s CHOOSE BEST TUPLE AND LEVEL |==== TUPLE ====| Evaluation at level %d (to level %d) BEST TUPLE : Fact [num_A : %d] : %s END CBTAL (%d) %sOK{Gz?KKKempty%s%s%s none ALL %s : %s ( ) EX %s : %s A( AND O( OR IF THEN ENDIF NOT NOT(((TRUE) (FALSE) NUM_EXP(BIN_COMP(< (<= (= (> (>= ((* (/ (- (+ ASSIGN ( INCREASE ( DECREASE ( SCALE_UP ( SCALE_DOWN ( AT_START ( AT_END ( OVER_ALL ( MINIMIZE ( MAXIMIZE ( METRIC ( FN_HEAD ( F_EXP ( TOTAL_TIME DURATION_VAR ***** ERROR **** print_plnode: %d > Wrong Node specifier #9 59 8 E8 h6 7 V5 5 G9 C D D D D pC uD 9 9 x: ; ; < <  = = = 0> D > @? ? P@ @ `A A B hB B C %D 7  OPERATOR parameters: (%d real) : preconditions: effects: ----- Anzahl der Operatoren: %d ALL x%d (%s): %s EX x%d (%s) : %s prev in AND not correctly set! - translation NOT print_Wff: %d > Wrong Node specifier J $J I `I G H F pG  ----------------Operator %s, translated form, step 1-------------- YESNO x%d (%s) of type %s, removed ? %s total params %d, real params %d Preconds: Effects: effect %d, parameters %d x%d (%s) of type %s Conditions Effect Literals NOT ----------------Operator %s, normalized form-------------- x%d of type %d vars removed from original operator: x%d (%s) of type %s, type constraint Adds Dels ----------------Operator %s, mixed form-------------- x%d = %s of type x%d of type %s ----------------Pseudo Action %s-------------- effect %d Conditions Action REACH-GOAL Action %s %s Preconds: INTERSECTED TYPE (UNARY INERTIA TYPE (%s) and )GOAL-REACHED=(x%d!=(%s(UNREACHEABLE INITIAL_ACTION REACH-GOAL ff: found legal plan as follows step %4d: Cueing down from goal distance: %4d into depth - %4d [%d] increase MAX_PLAN_LENGTH! currently %d current start state not hashed! debug me! current start state marked removed from plan! debug me! reencountering a state that is already in plan! debug me best first search space empty! problem proven unsolvable. advancing to distance : %4d %4d LEVEL %d: FACTS: EFS: effect %d to selecting at step %3d: collected H: memory.c NO MEMORY in file %s:%d too many axioms! look into memory.c, line 157 AXIOM#%s%s%4dEITHER~OBJECTt t t E   H H t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t U     ` `                                     quantifier without argument !! check input files. H H H      H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H #  original problem parsing is: objects: %s : %s initial state: goal state: ops: metric: illegal initial state illegal goal formula op %s has illegal precondition op %s has illegal effects final ADL representation is: goal formula: vero o false        EQ equality in effect! check input files Conditional effects not supported by this exp version.                                 s s s     V   original problem parsing BEFORE REDUCTION TO PDDL1 is: Numeric conditions in derived predicates not handled yet. Tempo : %f Unisco i timed facts %s e %s/ / / / / / / /                                  ( DUMMYPRED ERR:OVER ALL effect constant table: %d --> %s types table: %d --> %s: %d predicates table: %3d --> %s: %s functions table: first step initial state is: numeric variables: first step operators are: first step goal is: too many types! increase MAX_TYPES (currently %d) too many constants! increase MAX_CONSTANTS (currently %d) too many consts in type %s! increase MAX_TYPE (currently %d) DUMMYPRED predicate %s declared twice! too many predicates! increase MAX_PREDICATES (currently %d) predicate %s is declared to use unknown or empty type %s arity of %s to high! increase MAX_ARITY (currently %d) DUMMY_VARINTERNAL-TOTAL-COSTTOTAL-TIME too many functions! increase MAX_FUNCTIONS (currently %d) Warning : unexpected connective %d in derived predicate goal definition.  B                                        too many initial facts! increase MAX_INITIAL (currently %d) equality in initial state! check input files. %d warning: parameter %s of op %s has unknown or empty type %s. skipping op too many parameters! increase MAX_VARS (currently %d) warning: operator %s parameter %s overwrites previous declaration too many operators! increase MAX_OPERATORS (currently %d) Undefined predicate %s found. too many derived predicates! increase MAX_DERIVED_PREDICATES (currently %d) Nedeed : %d Error : found %d derived predicates instead of %dTIMED_FACT- illegal (empty) atom used in domain. check input files EQ undeclared predicate %s used in domain definition undeclared variable %s in literal %s. check input files type of var %s does not match type of arg %d of predicate %s unknown constant %s in literal %s. check input files type mismatch: constant %s as arg %d of %s. check input files found eq - predicate with %d arguments. check input files predicate %s is declared to have %d (not %d) arguments. check input files warning: var quantification of %s overwrites previous declaration warning: quantified var %s has unknown or empty type %s. simplifying. forbidden connective %d in Pl Wff. must be a bug somewhere...         `     w  ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `       @ @ @  warning: effect parameter %s has unknown or empty type %s. skipping effect. warning: effect parameter %s overwrites previous declaration non WHEN %d at end of effect parameters. debug me non AND %d in front of literal effect list. debug me predicates inertia info:DELETEDNOT DELETEDADDEDNOT ADDED is %s, %s splitted initial state is: individual predicates: %s: --- STATIC non static part: extended types table: %d --> UNARY INERTIA TYPE (%s) too many (inferred) types! increase MAX_TYPES (currently %d) type mismatch in initial state! %s as arg 0 of %s ff: goal can be simplified to TRUE. The empty plan solves it ff: goal can be simplified to FALSE. No plan will solve it domain with normalized PL1 formula: operators are: goal is: won't get here: remove var, non logical %d x x x P     ` `  won't get here: var used ?, non logical %d 0 0        won't get here: decrement, non logical %d ` `        won't get here: simplify, non logical %d     r    won't get here: expansion, non logical %d    s 6 6    won't get here: copy, non logical %d    s `        won't get here: tautologies, non logical %d    P P P P P  won't get here: merge, non logical %d          trying to put nots down in quantified formula! debug me won't get here: nots down, non logical %d h h h A      domain with translated negative conds: initial state is: individual predicates: translating NOT in quantified formula! debug me too many predicates in translation! increase MAX_PREDICATES (currently %d) NOT-%s%sq q q ` 7 7      replacing p with %sp in quantified formula! debug me won't get here: replace p with %sp, non logical %d won't get here: non OR, AND, ATOM, TRUE, FALSE in dnf. debug me " # " " ! 0  splitted operators are: EASY: HARD: DP splitted operators are: checking quantifier for dnf. debug me NOT with non eq - son in presimplified formula. debug me won't get here: check dnf, non logical %d \' \' \' P' & ' & & - . ', ', p* '  trying to put quantified formula into DNF! (ands down) debug me won't get here: ands down, non logical %d P0 P0 P0 P0 7/ /  /  / 4 4 4 B4 4 4 3 3  cleaned up easy operators are: unaries encoded easy operators are: effects multiplied easy operators are: inertia free easy operators are: easy operator templates are: -----------operator %s:----------- inst: uninstantiated param in template! debug me, please x%d = %s, ********** SUSPECTED ************ two constants in equality of easy precond. debug me increase MAX_TYPE_INTERSECTIONS (currently %d) too many (inferred and intersected) types! increase MAX_TYPES (currently %d) too many consts in intersected type! increase MAX_TYPE (currently %d) cleaned up hard domain representation is: mixed hard domain representation is: pseudo hard domain representation is: Derived predicates: cleaned up hard domain representation is: Derived predicates: pseudo hard domain representation is: ILLEGAL DNF %s AFTER INSTANTIATION illegal connective %d in parsing DNF precond. illegal connective %d in instantiate formula    p~ t} }  increase MAX_RELEVANT_FACTS! (current value: %d) Y Le geasy_templates sono %d, le gnum_actions %d Warning: Problem size too large. Size of the array of the actions exceeded. LPG should be recompiled with a higher value for the parameter MAX_VARS. If the source code is not available, please contact the authors of LPG. Attenzione: uno dei fatti non inerziali non compare tra le preconds del normoperator! too many relevant facts! increase MAX_RELEVANT_FACTS (currently %d) reachability analysys came up with: possibly positive facts: this yields these %d action templates: operator %s: template: %s YY facts selected as relevant: %d: final domain representation is: ------------------operator %s----------- --------------------GOAL REACHED ops----------- final initial state is: final goal state is: LPG %s: goal can be simplified to TRUE. The empty plan solves it Goals of the planning problem can not be reached. Please try to run with '-inst_with_contraddicting_objects' %s: create_final_goal_state(): goal can be simplified to FALSE. No plan will solve it won't get here: non ATOM,AND,OR in fully simplified goal Y NOT POSSIBLY POSITIVE FACT : %s %s won't get here: non NOT,OR,AND in goal set relevants too many initial facts! increase MAX_STATE(%d) YY created connectivity graph as follows: ------------------OP ARRAY:----------------------- OP: ----------EFFS: effect %d implied effect %d SIZE = %d -------------------EFFECT ARRAY:---------------------- effect %d of op %d: ----------PCS: ----------ADDS: ----------DELS: ----------IMPLIEDS: implied effect %d of op %d: ----------------CONDITIONAL EFFECT ARRAY:------------------- implied effect %d of op: %d (base ef: %d) ----------------------FT ARRAY:----------------------------- ----------------- %d FT: rand: %d ----------PRE COND OF: ----------ADD BY: ----------DEL BY: SIZE= %d ------------------CONDITIONAL FT ARRAY:---------------------Connection graph 1 Switch to lowmemory mode... Number of actions : %7d Number of conditional actions : %7d Number of facts : %7d Dim. azioni (gop_conn): %7d Dim. 'effetti' (gef_conn): %7d Dim. fatti (gft_conn): %7d search_timed_facts_idx() - error: wrong number of timed facts in gef_conn.Error : count %d timed facts but %d expected. Timed fact : %s Temporal intervals : [%d] : %.2f - %.2f Timed fact %s is precondition of actions  Create finale derived predicates and operators...YESNO Derived predicates in actions preconditions: %s YY Composite Numeric Var %d -----X affects X----- af: %d -----X increased by X----- inc: %d -----X decreased by X----- dec: %d -----X changed by X----- ch: %d Impongo una disuglualianza tra i parametri : %d e %d Azione inutile : %sERRORE PARTE NUMERICA inst_utils.c ERROR in file %s:%d ; %s DUMMYPREDEffetto condizionale %d non trovato in Pl2Operator add_effects_to_comp_vars: Unexpected node:                                        3 fact generated by plnode wasn't found among the effects add_preconds_to_comp_vars: Unexpected node: Duration inequalities are not supported by this version @? Increase MAX_FUNCTIONSư>ư>h* + * 0+ + . X/ . / 0  COST OF ACTIONS FROM %d TO %d Azione : %d : %s : COST : %.2f=? warning! shouldn't be -1 Warning variable not found initialization to 0; action: index_in_cvars_of_expression: shouldnt get here $t< 4> 4> 4> 4> 4> < '6 '6 = 4> 4> ; ; 4> 86 86 86 86 86 8 8 8 u: 8 4> 7 7 7 7 7 4> 4> 4> 86 86 '6 =  Warning in eval_comp_var index <0 : %d WARNING: Division by zero in eval_comp_var Operator %d not yet supported in expression evaluation > > ? ? P? u> u> @ (@ P@ x@ @  B pB A pA A @ @ B  Position %d num vars %d Void positions : %d Function name %s not found in function table Object name %s not found in objects table NOT- Pred name %s not found in params Not defined wrong cvar G G G H G >H  H OH OH OH OH OH G G G G G H H  OP not supported by Propagate_inertias CI CI CI CI CI I CI pI pI pI pI pI I I I I I CI CI PJ PJ PJ PJ PJ J J J J J J J J J PJ  or AT_START neither AT_END!!! op not found?!!! or AT_START neither AT_END neither OVER_ALL!!! get_fct_pos_from_plnode: PlNode is not a boolean fact get_fct_pos_from_plnode: Fact not found: Numeric variables exceed num var array. Check allocation. "S "S "S "S "S (T QS T T T T T "S "S "S "S "S 9B.? Mean numeric effects per eff_conn: %.2f Numeric neighbors in down levels: ON Numeric neighbors in down levels: OFF @ set_rvals_for_cvar:wrong cvar 0h 0h 0h 0h 0h 'i `h i i i i i i i i i i i i 'i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 8j 1j  continuous effect : %d LPG: sorry, I ran out of memory! undeclared function %s used in domain definition undeclared variable %s in literal %s. check input files type of var %s does not match type of arg %d of function %s unknown constant %s in literal %s. check input files type mismatch: constant %s as arg %d of %s. check input files found eq - function with %d arguments. check input files function %s is declared to have %d (not %d) arguments. check input files illegal (empty) atom used in domain. check input files Connective %d not yet supported in expression evaluation n go go go go go n go go go go go go go go go go go go go n n 4o Xo o  Null PLNODE!!! NO MEMORY in file %s:%d SPLIT (%d) %s into: START %d END %d9B.?   DŽ Є D P p  `          ׄ         T T T T T T T                      first order logic expression expectedgoal definition expectedinitial facts definition expectedthis problem needs another domain file':domain' expectedsituation name expected'situation' expectedrequirement %s not supported by this IPP versionnegated atomic formula expectedeffect definition expectedatomic formula expectedaction functor expected expected expectedpredicate definition expectedlist of constants expectedtype definition expecteddomain to be extented expecteddomain extension expectedtyped list of <%s> expectedrequirements (e.g. ':strips') expectedadditional domain definitions expected')' expected'(' expectedproblem name expected'problem' expected'define' expected  !"#$%&'()*++-,./000000001324455576888888889:::::::;;<<<<<======>>?@@AABCCDDEEFFFFGGGGHHIIJKKLMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOPPPQRTUSVWV  Dmh  DTUGDO <n867]\[5*gkFBLMQ9-9./+,>p*SlCDQ9HH("@A>q^ijEMN>RP:;H=?po0V)KH""""!r2abX1_`W3efY4cdZJ#H%$&'I #23$w8A`CDx9:M!R45v(E*-.%c FMTXcpiuv| c?<Jf||||fc(Wf||3z||||fWWWWWxWWWxWW  jlaB7hsn,<}NOP KBIJ<+ +=iQ>?defgyO|&'@<FG=<>?r>?@ >?")<</0==>?>?>?<16;@H@>?LSbkUVOmWXYZ[\]<j^_NOl>?opu{~<Ttzqa($~=PL a Z  -`=  "%=w)V Yr#$(defg &'s defgo| (      ((    !      3QVtNu6 problem '%s' definedOBJECTEQparse errorparser stack overflow  Ԓ          F ` p    “  p    3 V      ן a   W   @  # 0 @ P ` p         p E g  @ p      p   7 p       5 @ p     0 r О '  ן  % @ W   `   g        P a    64/-! 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