:-use_module(library(timeout)). :-use_module(library(lists)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file contain common predicates that are used in planners % takes two params from input % first is a domain file and second problem file % and run planner for it. command_line:- prolog_flag(argv, [D,P]), solve_files(D, P), halt. % Reads files and set timelimit for planner solve_files(DomainFile, ProblemFile):- parseDomain(DomainFile, DD, _), parseProblem(ProblemFile, PP, _), term_to_ord_term(DD, D), term_to_ord_term(PP, P), reset_statistic, !, time_out(solve(D, P, S), 500000, _Result), % time limit for a planner show_statistic(P, S), !. %solve(+Domain, +Problem, -Solution). % Set domain and problem on blackboard solve(D, P, Solution):- get_init(P, I), bb_put(initState, I), get_goal(P, G), bb_put(goalState, G), get_metric(P, M), bb_put(metric, M), get_actions(D, A), bb_put(actions, A), get_objects(P, O), bb_put(objects, O), make_init_state(IS), search(IS, G, Solution). %term_to_ord_term(+Term, -OrdTerm) % Go throught the term and look for sets, return the same term % with all sets become ordered. term_to_ord_term([], []). term_to_ord_term(A, A):-atomic(A), !. term_to_ord_term([H|T], R):- term_to_ord_term(H, OH), term_to_ord_term(T, OT), ord_add_element(OT, OH, R), !. % write(OH), write(OT), write(' '), write(R), nl. term_to_ord_term(T, OT):- T =.. [F,P], !, term_to_ord_term(P, OP), OT =..[F,OP]. term_to_ord_term(T, OT):- T =.. [F,P|Ps], NT=.. [F|Ps], term_to_ord_term(P, OP), term_to_ord_term(NT, ONT), ONT =.. [_|OPs], OT =.. [F,OP|OPs], !. % mysubset(+Subset, +Set) % It is similar to subset/2. Subset can include free variables that are % grounded with atoms of Set. mysubset([], _) :- !. mysubset([X|R], S):- member(X, S), mysubset(R, S). % Colenction shortcuts functions. % get(+Structure, -Parameter) get_actions( domain(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, A), A). get_problem_name( problem(N, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), N). get_init( problem(_, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _), I). get_goal( problem(_, _, _, _, _, G, _, _, _), G). get_metric( problem(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, M, _), M). get_objects( problem(_, _, _, O, _, _, _, _, _), O). get_precondition( action(_, _, P, _, _, _), P). get_positiv_effect( action(_, _, _, PE, _, _), PE). get_negativ_effect( action(_, _, _, _, NE, _), NE). get_assign_effect( action(_, _, _, _, _, AE), AE). get_parameters( action(_, P, _, _, _, _), P). get_action_def( action(Name, Params, _, _, _, _), F):- untype(Params, UP), F =.. [Name|UP]. % get_action(-Action, -ActionDef) get_action(A):- get_action(A, _). get_action(A, ActionDef):- bb_get(actions, As), member(Afree, As), copy_term_spec(Afree, A), % A =.. [_, Name, Params|_], get_action_def(A, ActionDef). get_goal(G):-bb_get(goalState, G). get_init(I):-bb_get(initState, I). %untype(LitOfParams, UntyperList). untype([], []). untype([H|T], [U|Us]):- compound(H), H =.. [_T, [U]], !, untype(T, Us). untype([H|T], [H|Us]):- untype(T, Us). %setInit(+Init, -State) setInit([], []). setInit([set(F, V)|Ls], S):- F =.. A, concat_atom(A, '-', CA), bb_put(CA, V), % write(CA),write(' '), write(V), nl, setInit(Ls, S), !. setInit([A|Ls], [A|Ss]):- setInit(Ls, Ss). % concat_atom(+List, +Delimiter, -ConcatenateAtom) concat_atom([E1, E2], D, O):- atom_concat(E1, D, Temp), atom_concat(Temp, E2, O). concat_atom([H|T], D, O):- concat_atom(T, D, Ts), atom_concat(H, D, Temp), atom_concat(Temp, Ts, O). % Special version of copy_term. variable x represented as ?(x) % All occurs of ?(x) are replaced with real prolog variables. % Modified version of code published by Bartak: http://kti.mff.cuni.cz/~bartak/prolog/data_struct.html copy_term_spec(A,B):- cp(A,[],B,_). cp(A,Vars,A,Vars):- atomic(A), A\= ?(_). cp(?(V),Vars,NV,NVars):- atomic(V), register_var(V,Vars,NV,NVars). cp(V,Vars,NV,NVars):- var(V),register_var(V,Vars,NV,NVars). cp(Term,Vars,NTerm,NVars):- compound(Term), Term \= ?(_), Term=..[F|Args], % decompose term cp_args(Args,Vars,NArgs,NVars), NTerm=..[F|NArgs]. % construct copy term cp_args([H|T],Vars,[NH|NT],NVars):- cp(H,Vars,NH,SVars), cp_args(T,SVars,NT,NVars). cp_args([],Vars,[],Vars). % During copying one has to remeber copies of variables which can be used further during copying. % Therefore the register of variable copies is maintained. register_var(V,[X/H|T],N,[X/H|NT]):- V\==X, % different variables register_var(V,T,N,NT). register_var(V,[X/H|T],H,[X/H|T]):- V==X. % same variables register_var(V,[],N,[V/N]). %minOfList(+List, -MaxiamlItem) %Find minimum value of the list minOfList([X|Xs], Min):- minOfList(Xs, X, Min). minOfList([], Min, Min). minOfList([X|Xs], Min0, Min):- ( X @< Min0 -> Min1 = X ; Min1 = Min0 ), minOfList(Xs, Min1, Min). reset_statistic:- bb_put(stat_nodes, 0), statistics(runtime, [T,_]), bb_put(startTime, T). show_statistic:- bb_get(stat_nodes, N), bb_get(startTime, T0), statistics(runtime, [T1,_]), statistics(memory, [M, _]), T is T1-T0, format('~3d sec ~d nodes ~d bytes~n', [T, N, M]). %show_statistic(+Problem, +Solution). show_statistic(P, S):- ground(S), get_problem_name(P, Name), bb_get(stat_nodes, N), bb_get(startTime, T0), statistics(runtime, [T1,_]), statistics(memory, [M, _]), T is T1-T0, length(S, L), format('~a ~3d ~d ~d ~d', [Name,T, N, M, L]), solution_to_lisp(S), nl, !. show_statistic(_, _). solution_to_lisp([]). solution_to_lisp([H|T]):- H =.. [F|P], write(' ('), write(F), write_list(P), write(')'), solution_to_lisp(T). write_list([]). write_list([H|T]):- write(' '), write(H), write_list(T). stat_node:- bb_get(stat_nodes, N), NN is N+1, bb_update(stat_nodes, _, NN). space(0):-!. space(I):- write(' '), NI is I-1, space(NI). writel([]):-nl. writel([H|T]):- write(H),nl, writel(T). w(X):- var(X), domain(X, D, F),!, write(X=D-F). w(X):- var(X),!, write(X). w(X):- atomic(X),!, write(X). w([H|T]):- write('['), !, w_list([H|T]), write(']'). w(X):- compound(X),!, X=..[F|L], write(F),write('('), w_params(L), write(')'). w_params([H]):- w(H). w_params([H,H2|T]):- w(H),write(','), w_params([H2|T]). w_list([H]):- w(H), !. w_list([H|T]):- w(H), write(','), w_list(T). %state_record(State, PreviousState, Action, Deep, StateRecord) state_record(S, PS, A, D, [S, PS, A, D]). %solution(+StateRecord, +Visited, -ListOfActions) solution(SR, V, L):- solution(SR, V, [], L). solution(SR, _, L, L):- state_record(_, nil, nil, _, SR), !. solution(SR, V, R, L):- state_record(_, PS, AD, _, SR), state_record(PS, _, _, _, Previous), member(Previous, V), solution(Previous, V, [AD|R], L). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Handling mutexes make_mutex(M):- bagof(R1, forbiden_pair(R1), MA), bagof(R2, forbiden_pair(MA, R2), MB), % writel(MA),nl, % writel(MB),nl, union(MA, MB, M0), % list_to_set(M0_, M0), % write('Cistim:'),nl, clear_mutex1(M0, M1), clear_mutex2(M1, M2), clear_duplicates(M2, M). %write('Ocistene:'),nl,writel(M),nl, length(M, L), write('Pocet: '), write(L),nl. clear_duplicates([], []). clear_duplicates([H|T], R):- member(M, T), identical_but_for_variables(H, M), !, clear_duplicates(T, R). clear_duplicates([H|T], [H|R]):- clear_duplicates(T, R). forbiden_pair(R):- get_action(A), get_positiv_effect(A, PE), get_negativ_effect(A, NE), member(P, PE), member(Q, NE), copy_term_spec(P-Q, R). forbiden_pair(MA, NR):- member(P-Q, MA), get_action(A), get_precondition(A, Precond), get_positiv_effect(A, PE), member(R, Precond), member(P, PE), copy_term_spec(R-Q, NR). clear_mutex1([], []):-!. clear_mutex1([PP-QQ|T], M):- (P-Q = PP-QQ ; P-Q = QQ-PP), get_init(I), select(P, I, R), member(Q, R), % write('Rule1: '), write(PP-QQ),nl, clear_mutex1(T, M), !. clear_mutex1([P-Q|R], [P-Q|M]):- clear_mutex1(R, M). clear_mutex2(M0, M):- (select(P-Q, M0, R) ; select(Q-P, M0, R)), get_action(A, _Def), get_precondition(A, Precond), get_positiv_effect(A, PE), get_negativ_effect(A, NE), select(P, PE, RPE), \+ member(Q, NE), ( member(Q, RPE)%, write('prva cast') ; all_not_in(Precond, P, Q, M0)%, write('druha cast') ), % write('Rule2: '), write(P-Q-_Def),nl, clear_mutex2(R, M), !. clear_mutex2(M0, M0). all_not_in([], _, _, _). all_not_in([P|T], P, Q, M):- all_not_in(T, P, Q, M). all_not_in([R|T], P, Q, M):- \+ (member(R-Q, M) ; member(Q-R, M)), %write(precon-R),nl, all_not_in(T, P, Q, M). %check_mutex(+State). check_mutex(S):- bb_get(mutex, M), pairfrom(S, P, Q, _), (member(P-Q, M) ; member(Q-P, M)), % write('Mutex pair.'), write(P-Q), nl, !, fail. check_mutex(_). identical_but_for_variables(X, Y) :- \+ \+ ( copy_term(X, Z), numbervars(Z, 0, N), numbervars(Y, 0, N), Z = Y ).