%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This file must implements following predicates: %% step(+State, -ActionDef, -NewState) %% Return descendant of State and ActionDefinition that was used. %% is_goal(State) - is true when State is a goal state. %% repeating(Goal1, Goal2):- Goal1 is the same as Goal2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :-use_module(library(ordsets)). make_init_state(I):- get_init(I), get_goal(G), bb_put(fictiveGoal, G). make_solution(S, S). step(State, ActionDef, NewState):- get_action(A, ActionDef), get_precondition(A, P1), sort(P1, P), mysubset(P, State), % choose suitable action get_negativ_effect(A, NE1), sort(NE1, NE), ord_subtract(State, NE, State2), get_positiv_effect(A, PE1), sort(PE1, PE), ord_union(State2, PE, NewState). is_goal(S):- get_goal(G), ord_subset(G, S). repeating(S1, S2):- S1 = S2.