#ifndef SUBRS_H #define SUBRS_H 1 /* This file written from LLSUBRS on 13-Sep-2021 15:19:22 */ /* Do not edit this file! Instead, edit the list \initsubrs */ /* on the lisp file LLSUBRS and then call WRITECALLSUBRS to */ /* generate a new version. */ #define sb_BACKGROUNDSUBR 06 #define sb_CHECKBCPLPASSWORD 07 #define sb_DISKPARTITION 010 #define sb_DSPBOUT 011 #define sb_DSPRATE 012 #define sb_GATHERSTATS 013 #define sb_GETPACKETBUFFER 014 #define sb_LISPFINISH 015 #define sb_MOREVMEMFILE 016 #define sb_RAID 017 #define sb_READRAWPBI 020 #define sb_WRITERAWPBI 021 #define sb_SETSCREENCOLOR 022 #define sb_SHOWDISPLAY 023 #define sb_PUPLEVEL1STATE 024 #define sb_WRITESTATS 025 #define sb_CONTEXTSWITCH 026 #define sb_COPYSYS0SUBR 027 #define sb_WRITEMAP 030 #define sb_UFS_GETFILENAME 042 #define sb_UFS_DELETEFILE 043 #define sb_UFS_RENAMEFILE 044 #define sb_COM_READPAGES 045 #define sb_COM_WRITEPAGES 046 #define sb_COM_TRUNCATEFILE 047 #define sb_UFS_DIRECTORYNAMEP 051 #define sb_COM_GETFREEBLOCK 055 #define sb_SETUNIXTIME 060 #define sb_GETUNIXTIME 061 #define sb_COPYTIMESTATS 062 #define sb_UNIX_USERNAME 063 #define sb_UNIX_FULLNAME 064 #define sb_UNIX_GETENV 065 #define sb_UNIX_GETPARM 066 #define sb_CHECK_SUM 067 #define sb_ETHER_SUSPEND 070 #define sb_ETHER_RESUME 071 #define sb_ETHER_AVAILABLE 072 #define sb_ETHER_RESET 073 #define sb_ETHER_GET 074 #define sb_ETHER_SEND 075 #define sb_ETHER_SETFILTER 076 #define sb_ETHER_CHECK 077 #define sb_DSPCURSOR 0100 #define sb_SETMOUSEXY 0101 #define sb_DSP_VIDEOCOLOR 0102 #define sb_DSP_SCREENWIDTH 0103 #define sb_DSP_SCREENHEIGHT 0104 #define sb_BITBLTSUB 0105 #define sb_BLTCHAR 0106 #define sb_TEDIT_BLTCHAR 0107 #define sb_BITBLT_BITMAP 0110 #define sb_BLTSHADE_BITMAP 0111 #define sb_RS232C_CMD 0112 #define sb_RS232C_READ_INIT 0113 #define sb_RS232C_WRITE 0114 #define sb_KEYBOARDBEEP 0120 #define sb_KEYBOARDMAP 0121 #define sb_KEYBOARDSTATE 0122 #define sb_VMEMSAVE 0131 #define sb_LISP_FINISH 0132 #define sb_NEWPAGE 0133 #define sb_DORECLAIM 0134 #define sb_DUMMY_135Q 0135 #define sb_NATIVE_MEMORY_REFERENCE 0136 #define sb_OLD_COMPILE_LOAD_NATIVE 0137 #define sb_DISABLEGC 0140 #define sb_COM_SETFILEINFO 0147 #define sb_COM_OPENFILE 0150 #define sb_COM_CLOSEFILE 0151 #define sb_DSK_GETFILENAME 0152 #define sb_DSK_DELETEFILE 0153 #define sb_DSK_RENAMEFILE 0154 #define sb_COM_NEXT_FILE 0156 #define sb_COM_FINISH_FINFO 0157 #define sb_COM_GEN_FILES 0160 #define sb_DSK_DIRECTORYNAMEP 0161 #define sb_COM_GETFILEINFO 0162 #define sb_COM_CHANGEDIR 0164 #define sb_UNIX_HANDLECOMM 0165 #define sb_RPC_CALL 0167 #define sb_MESSAGE_READP 0170 #define sb_MESSAGE_READ 0171 #define sb_MONITOR_CONTROL 0200 #define sb_GET_NATIVE_ADDR_FROM_LISP_PTR 0203 #define sb_GET_LISP_PTR_FROM_NATIVE_ADDR 0204 #define sb_LOAD_NATIVE_FILE 0205 #define sb_SUSPEND_LISP 0206 #define sb_NEW_BLTCHAR 0207 #define sb_COLOR_INIT 0210 #define sb_COLOR_SCREENMODE 0211 #define sb_COLOR_MAP 0212 #define sb_COLOR_BASE 0213 #define sb_C_SlowBltChar 0214 #define sb_UNCOLORIZE_BITMAP 0215 #define sb_COLORIZE_BITMAP 0216 #define sb_COLOR_8BPPDRAWLINE 0217 #define sb_TCP_OP 0220 #define sb_WITH_SYMBOL 0221 #define sb_CAUSE_INTERRUPT 0222 #define sb_OPEN_SOCKET 0240 #define sb_CLOSE_SOCKET 0241 #define sb_READ_SOCKET 0242 #define sb_WRITE_SOCKET 0243 #define sb_CALL_C_FUNCTION 0247 #define sb_DLD_LINK 0250 #define sb_DLD_UNLINK_BY_FILE 0251 #define sb_DLD_UNLINK_BY_SYMBOL 0252 #define sb_DLD_GET_SYMBOL 0253 #define sb_DLD_GET_FUNC 0254 #define sb_DLD_FUNCTION_EXECUTABLE_P 0255 #define sb_DLD_LIST_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS 0256 #define sb_C_MALLOC 0257 #define sb_C_FREE 0260 #define sb_C_PUTBASEBYTE 0261 #define sb_C_GETBASEBYTE 0262 #define sb_CHAR_OPENFILE 0310 #define sb_CHAR_BIN 0311 #define sb_CHAR_BOUT 0312 #define sb_CHAR_IOCTL 0313 #define sb_CHAR_CLOSEFILE 0314 #define sb_CHAR_EOFP 0315 #define sb_CHAR_READP 0316 #define sb_CHAR_BINS 0317 #define sb_CHAR_BOUTS 0320 #define sb_CHAR_FILLBUFFER 0321 #define sb_YIELD 0322 /* MISCN opcodes */ #define miscn_USER_SUBR 00 #define miscn_VALUES 01 #define miscn_SXHASH 02 #define miscn_EQLHASHBITSFN 03 #define miscn_STRINGHASHBITS 04 #define miscn_STRING_EQUAL_HASHBITS 05 #define miscn_VALUES_LIST 06 #define miscn_LCFetchMethod 07 #define miscn_LCFetchMethodOrHelp 010 #define miscn_LCFindVarIndex 011 #define miscn_LCGetIVValue 012 #define miscn_LCPutIVValue 013 /* Assigned USER SUBR numbers */ #define user_subr_DUMMY 012 #define user_subr_SAMPLE_USER_SUBR 00 #endif