Read and Print state profile There are a large number of special variables that control reading and printing. Taken together these comprise a "mode of operation" for the reader and printer. Because there are a fair number of such variables a method for capturing and restoring their state has been provided. (xcl:make-read-print-profile &key (readtable *readtable*) (read-base *read-base*) (read-suppress *read-suppress*) (package *package*) (read-default-float-format *read-default-float-format*) (print-escape *print-escape*) (print-pretty *print-pretty*) (print-circle *print-circle*) (print-base *print-base*) (print-radix *print-radix*) (print-case *print-case*) (print-gensym *print-gensym*) (print-level *print-level*) (print-length *print-length*)) [Function] Creates a read-print-profile object. The default values of its components are taken from the current special bindings of the variables shown in the argument list above. (xcl:copy-read-print-profile profile) [Function] Creates a new read-print-profile object and copies the values in the slots of profile into the new one. (xcl:read-print-profile-p object) [Function] Returns true if the object is a read-print-profile, otherwise false. (xcl:read-print-profile-readtable profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-read-base profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-read-suppress profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-package profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-read-default-float-format profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-escape profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-pretty profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-circle profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-base profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-radix profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-case profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-gensym profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-level profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-length profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-array profile) [Function] (xcl:read-print-profile-print-structure profile) [Function] profile must be a read-print-profile object. Returns the named slot of the read-print-profile. A corresponding setf method is provided for each slot. (xcl:save-read-print-profile profile) [Function] Capture bindings of special read & print variables into the profile. Returns profile. (xcl:with-read-print-profile profile-form &body forms) [Macro] Binds all the special read & print variables to the values in the profile and executes the body forms as in a let. Returns the value of the last of the forms. (xcl:restore-read-print-profile profile) [Function] Restore values of special read & print bindings from profile. Sets current bindings. Returns T. xcl:*default-read-print-profile* [Variable] Holds a simple default read-print-profile. When possible programs should default to the current settings of the read-print variables by capturing them with save-read-print-profile instead. (xcl:find-read-print-profile name) [Function] Since read-print-profiles enclose readtables and packages, which are availible by name, named read-print-profiles are also availible. This function will retrieve one of the following "standard" read-print-profiles: LISP: LISP readtable and USER package, others nominal. XCL: XCL readtable and XCL-USER package, ditto above. INTERLISP: INTERLISP readtable and INTERLISP package, ditto. This function is case insensitive. It returns NIL if a profile by that name is not found. (xcl:list-all-read-print-profile-names) [Function] Returns a list of strings containing the names of all availible read-print-profiles. TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN ߉nzº