(DEFINE-FILE-INFO PACKAGE "INTERLISP" READTABLE "INTERLISP" BASE 10) (FILECREATED " 1-Feb-2022 16:43:26" ("compiled on " {DSK}kaplan>Local>medley3.5>my-medley>lispusers>DICTTOOL.;2) "31-Jan-2022 23:34:55" brecompiled ALL in "FULL 31-Jan-2022 ..." dated "31-Jan-2022 23:35:00") (FILECREATED " 1-Feb-2022 16:42:35" {DSK}kaplan>Local>medley3.5>my-medley>lispusers>DICTTOOL.;2 92394 :CHANGES-TO (VARS DICTTOOLCOMS) :PREVIOUS-DATE " 1-Mar-94 10:43:44" {DSK}kaplan>Local>medley3.5>my-medley>lispusers>DICTTOOL.;1) TEDIT.INCLUDESTREAM :D8 (P 0 STARTPOS I 1 INCLUDEDSTREAM I 0 TEXTSTREAM) L@ kXAkA g @Hjg @Hjg @ @i (73 TEDIT.STREAMCHANGEDP 66 TEDIT.NORMALIZECARET 60 TEDIT.SETSEL 47 TEDIT.COPY 42 TEDIT.SETSEL 29 TEDIT.SETSEL 19 GETEOFPTR 8 GETEOFPTR) (55 LEFT 37 LEFT 24 LEFT) () TEdit.PrintDefinitionA0001 :D8 (P 7 def P 5 left P 4 exists P 3 word P 1 entry P 0 printFn I 2 stream I 1 selection I 0 dict)  A !JL@X?@X/@KhlHY IBKo NILJZg@KBlHN_hN_NO OjO _BO MmԽkMBoBo(160 TEDIT.INSERT 149 STREAM.FETCHSTRING 144 GETEOFPTR 132 STREAMP 76 TEDIT.INSERT 71 CONCAT 55 LENGTH 8 PARSEBYCOLONS) (96 NILL 36 Dict 25 Dict) ( 184 " " 176 ", " 66 ": ") TEdit.PrintDefinition :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) ,@bA@ g@Boo (41 DictTool.TEditWrapper 18 DictForStream 6 Dict.OutputStream) (23 TEdit.PrintDefinitionA0001) ( 35 "Getting definition for" 30 "word to look up:") DictTool.PrintDefinition :D8 (P 12 i P 11 I P 9 I P 7 word P 4 pos P 3 found P 2 looks P 1 def P 0 offset I 2 stream I 1 words I 0 dict) Q jQA NKd_h_N@@OhlM@g Z-@g @g @gJ I AiBI lk OO&IjO l Bl Ok_\I QoI AiBIhJ lk OO&IjO l Bl Ok_B Id BOJOHO LkٸBLjg (331 TEDIT.SETSEL 309 TEDIT.LOOKS 277 TEDIT.GETPOINT 261 TEDIT.INSERT 256 CHARACTER 244 NTHCHARCODE 220 TEDIT.INSERT 202 STREQUAL 186 STRINGP 166 TEDIT.INSERT 161 CHARACTER 149 NTHCHARCODE 125 TEDIT.INSERT 114 STRINGP 107 Dict.Prop 94 DICTCLIENT.GETLOOKS 89 Dict.Prop 76 Dict.Prop 62 Dict.Prop 9 PARSEBYCOLONS) (326 LEFT 101 Looks 84 RemoteDict 71 RemoteDict 57 Looks 38 Dict) ( 195 "") Dict.PrintDefinition :D8 (P 1 start P 0 scratch I 2 stream I 1 word I 0 dict) 0Bbhdddo X@@@g @g @AHlJvHl l H k B kعHkH g BIjg H BIjg B Bi i(193 TEDIT.STREAMCHANGEDP 185 TEDIT.NORMALIZECARET 178 TEDIT.SETSEL 164 CLOSEF 157 TEDIT.COPY 152 TEDIT.SETSEL 139 TEDIT.SETSEL 129 GETEOFPTR 118 GETEOFPTR 111 TEDIT.INSERT 104 GETEOFPTR 98 CONCAT 93 CHARACTER 86 CHARACTER 67 InvertedDict.Prop 27 OPENTEXTSTREAM 9 Dict.OutputStream) (173 RIGHT 147 LEFT 134 LEFT 62 PRINTENTRYFN 53 INVERTEDDICT 41 Dict 34 Dict) ( 21 (LEAVETTY)) DictTool.GetEntry :D8 (I 2 prop I 1 uniqueID I 0 dict) )Ad3@g @g (38 DICTCLIENT.GETDEFINITION 33 Dict.Prop 21 DICTCLIENT.ENUMERATE 16 Dict.Prop) (28 RemoteDict 11 RemoteDict) () TEdit.SetDictionary :D8 (P 6 i P 0 menuItems I 1 dict I 0 stream F 7 Dict.DictionaryList) \0@bA@W6d^ gNhNg ohLKh]K&MX@oi T kWbG`dHdodi dg dgjdndhdI bA0@g b@oAd o i t@oAd o i A AkJ@gA ` ` @`g A@o A(344 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 324 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 306 WINDOWP 288 STREAMPROP 260 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 254 CONCAT 244 Dict.Name 228 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 222 CONCAT 212 Dict.Name 195 STREAMPROP 178 MENU 103 LENGTH 96 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 52 Dict.Prop 32 Dict.Name 9 Dict.OutputStream) (332 TEdit.DefaultDictionary 319 TEXTSTREAM 314 Dict.DefWindow 301 Dict.DefWindow 294 TEdit.DefaultDictionary 282 dict 267 Dict 190 dict 153 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 144 CLRPROMPT 118 |MENUTYPE#| 47 RemoteDict 37 QUOTE) ( 339 "done." 249 "..." 236 "Setting dictionary to " 217 "." 204 "Dictionary is " 130 "dictionaries" 90 "Sorry, no dictionaries loaded." 59 "Calls the remote dictionary server") DictForStream :D8 (I 0 stream) @g `  (29 TEdit.SetDictionary 24 Dict.OutputStream 10 STREAMPROP) (17 TEdit.DefaultDictionary 5 dict) () DictTool.Dictionaries :D8 (I 1 errorStream I 0 dict) (4 DICTCLIENT.DICTIONARIES) NIL () PARSEBYCOLONS :D8 (P 4 I P 3 SEPARATOR P 2 WORDS P 1 POS P 0 OLDPOS I 1 COLONSORSPACES I 0 STRING) kj"@ Ao@Ik oo[K@Ik Y.@HIk JIk@L l LiLkԼHjH@ @H@ JZJ @(139 DREVERSE 129 SUBSTRING 124 NCHARS 113 NCHARS 83 NTHCHARCODE 67 SUBSTRING 54 STRPOS 31 STRPOS 10 STRINGP) NIL ( 43 ";" 37 " " 22 ";") PrintPronunciationGuide :D8 (P 3 pronCode P 2 i P 0 startPos I 0 stream F 4 PronunciationGuide) j@ XT!IZ@oHk@ H @K oKoK Joo  J(99 TEDIT.INSERT 94 CONCAT 74 ConvertPronunciation 52 ConvertPronunciation 41 TEDIT.LOOKS 34 GETFILEPTR 8 GETFILEPTR) NIL ( 88 "" 82 "; " 65 " " 57 ": " 25 (FAMILY CLASSIC SIZE 10 FACE STANDARD)) ConvertPronunciation :D8 (P 4 nschars P 3 char P 1 i I 0 string F 5 PronunciationMap) @@ k2IHJ J@I [U\KL Lh IkY(55 \NCONC2 46 COPY 29 NTHCHAR 20 CONCATLIST 5 NCHARS) NIL () TEdit.SearchMenu :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream F 0 SearchMenu) g P h(21 SearchMenu.Create 15 OPENWP 9 LOAD?) (4 SEARCHMENU.MCOM) () TEdit.PrintSearch :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) 1@bA@ g@Boog (46 DictTool.TEditWrapper 18 NerdForStream 6 Dict.OutputStream) (40 SEARCHKEYS 23 DictTool.PrintSearch) ( 35 "Searching for words using" 30 "Type keywords to search on:") DictTool.PrintSearch :D8 (P 7 look P 6 word P 5 header P 4 pos P 3 i P 1 venn P 0 looks I 2 stream I 1 selection I 0 dict)  @A Yd!JBokB HB K#dBMMoo LB LHK#dBNNoo Bl Bl JZ`dBoOO I(200 TEDIT.LOOKS 171 TEDIT.INSERT 166 CHARACTER 157 TEDIT.INSERT 152 CHARACTER 139 TEDIT.INSERT 134 CONCAT 97 TEDIT.GETPOINT 85 TEDIT.INSERT 80 CONCAT 49 TEDIT.GETPOINT 37 TEDIT.LOOKS 32 TEDIT.GETPOINT 9 DictTool.MergeSearch) NIL ( 189 (FAMILY HELVETICA SIZE 10 FACE BOLD) 129 "" 123 "; " 75 ": " 69 " " 25 (FAMILY TIMESROMAN SIZE 10 FACE STANDARD)) DictTool.MergeSearch :D8 (P 2 VennSearchFn P 1 maxWord P 0 minWord I 4 maxWord I 3 minWord I 2 minKeywords I 1 synonymclasses I 0 dict) @Ad[KdhHQINA`/`j&`jkظ`djj`Yj`AI@g &A`HjI`@g @g Z@A`HjI`lJ@A`HjI` (215 InvertedDict.MergeSearch 162 InvertedDict.Prop 150 DICTCLIENT.SEARCHFORWORD 144 InvertedDict.Prop 113 InvertedDict.Prop) (209 DictTool.MaxWords 197 DictTool.MinKeywords 184 DictTool.MaxWords 172 DictTool.MinKeywords 157 VENNSEARCHFN 139 RemoteDict 133 DictTool.MaxWords 121 DictTool.MinKeywords 108 RemoteDict 101 DictTool.LastWord 94 DictTool.LastSearch 87 DictTool.MaxWords 77 DictTool.LastWord 65 DictTool.MaxWords 57 DictTool.LastWord 49 DictTool.LastWord 40 DictTool.MaxWords 32 DictTool.LastSearch) () NerdForStream :D8 (I 0 stream) *@g g  (39 TEdit.SetNerd 34 Dict.OutputStream 27 STREAMPROP 17 Dict.OutputStream 10 STREAMPROP) (22 nerd 5 nerd) () TEdit.SetNerd :D8 (P 5 i P 0 menuItems I 1 nerd I 0 stream) ( @bA@`6d] gMhMg ohKJh\J&LXYH k`bG`dHdodi dg dgjdndhdI bA0@g b@oAd o i G@oAd o i A @gA @o hA(285 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 273 STREAMPROP 260 InvertedDict.Open 253 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 247 CONCAT 237 InvertedDict.Name 221 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 215 CONCAT 205 InvertedDict.Name 188 STREAMPROP 171 MENU 93 LENGTH 55 InvertedDict.Prop 35 InvertedDict.Name 9 Dict.OutputStream) (292 DictTool.LastSearch 267 nerd 183 nerd 146 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 137 CLRPROMPT 111 |MENUTYPE#| 101 InvertedDict.List 50 RemoteDict 40 QUOTE 25 InvertedDict.List) ( 280 "done." 242 "..." 229 "Setting database to " 210 "." 197 "Database is " 123 "databases" 62 "Calls the remote dictionary server") DictTool.PromptForCutoff :D8 (I 0 STREAM) P@ bo`o i o @o`o i (77 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 71 CONCAT 45 RNUMBER 35 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 29 CONCAT 7 Dict.OutputStream) (61 DictTool.MaxWords 50 DictTool.MaxWords 19 DictTool.MaxWords) ( 66 "." 56 "New maximum = " 40 "Enter the maximum number of words that each combination of keywords may return. (0 = no limit)" 24 "." 14 "Current maximum = ") DictTool.PromptForKeywordCutoff :D8 (I 0 STREAM) P@ bo`o i o @o`o i (77 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 71 CONCAT 45 RNUMBER 35 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 29 CONCAT 7 Dict.OutputStream) (61 DictTool.MinKeywords 50 DictTool.MinKeywords 19 DictTool.MinKeywords) ( 66 "." 56 "New minimum = " 40 "Enter the minimum number of keywords that a word must have to be accepted. e.g. 2 = at least two keywords, 0 = all of the keywords given, -2 = all but two of the keywords given, etc." 24 "." 14 "Current minimum = ") PARSESELECTION :D8 (P 9 word P 8 priorAlpha P 7 alpha P 6 startPos P 5 charcode P 4 i P 1 temp P 0 words I 0 selection) 0@ kkR LKHI @L O_Mdl_lAJJlZhMl-_OL^)O&O"@NLk _IOIYOh Mdl(HIl)HIh hLk\~(138 \APPEND2 114 \NCONC2 93 SUBSTRING 34 NTHCHARCODE 26 \APPEND2 8 NCHARS) NIL () TEdit.PrintPhraseSearch :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) -@ b g@Boog (42 DictTool.TEditWrapper 14 NerdForStream 7 Dict.OutputStream) (36 SEARCHPHRASE 19 DictTool.PrintPhraseSearch) ( 31 "Searching for phrase using" 26 "Type phrase to search for:") DictTool.PrintPhraseSearch :D8 (P 4 word P 3 pos P 2 fn P 1 words P 0 looks I 2 stream I 1 selection I 0 dict) @@g A@g @g Z @AlJYB [BoAo KB KXI#dBLLoo Bl Bl BokB BoHH I(194 TEDIT.LOOKS 179 TEDIT.LOOKS 174 TEDIT.GETPOINT 161 TEDIT.INSERT 156 CHARACTER 148 TEDIT.INSERT 143 CHARACTER 130 TEDIT.INSERT 125 CONCAT 92 TEDIT.GETPOINT 85 TEDIT.INSERT 80 CONCAT 62 TEDIT.GETPOINT 45 InvertedDict.Prop 32 DICTCLIENT.SEARCHFORPHRASE 27 InvertedDict.Prop 13 InvertedDict.Prop) (40 SEARCHFORPHRASEFN 22 RemoteDict 8 RemoteDict) ( 185 (FAMILY HELVETICA SIZE 10 FACE BOLD) 167 (FAMILY TIMESROMAN SIZE 10 FACE STANDARD) 120 "" 114 "; " 75 "%": " 69 "%"") TEdit.PrintSynonyms :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) ig@Boog (28 DictTool.TEditWrapper) (22 USERSYNONYM 5 DictTool.PrintSynonyms) ( 17 "Getting synonyms for" 12 "synonym to look up:") REMOVEALL :D8 (P 4 TAIL I 1 L I 0 X) 6@AH\IALLdA  J KhZLK&(34 COPY 27 REMOVEALL) NIL () CONVERTFUNCTIONSTOFORMS :D8 (P 3 ELT I 0 LIST) B@@8d[dggKhhd IHhZH&J(46 COPY 40 CONVERTFUNCTIONSTOFORMS) (23 QUOTE 15 FUNCTION) () TEdit.PrintNounSynonyms :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) ig@Boog (28 DictTool.TEditWrapper) (22 USERSYNONYM 5 DictTool.PrintNounSynonyms) ( 17 "Getting noun synonyms for" 12 "synonym to look up:") DictTool.PrintNounSynonyms :D8 (I 2 stream I 1 words I 0 dict) @ABo (12 DictTool.PrintSynonyms) NIL ( 7 "n") DictTool.PrintVerbSynonyms :D8 (I 2 stream I 1 words I 0 dict) @ABo (12 DictTool.PrintSynonyms) NIL ( 7 "v") DictTool.PrintAdjSynonyms :D8 (I 2 stream I 1 words I 0 dict) @ABo (12 DictTool.PrintSynonyms) NIL ( 7 "adj") TEdit.PrintVerbSynonyms :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) ig@Boog (28 DictTool.TEditWrapper) (22 USERSYNONYM 5 DictTool.PrintVerbSynonyms) ( 17 "Getting verb synonyms for" 12 "synonym to look up:") TEdit.PrintAdjSynonyms :D8 (I 2 words I 1 dict I 0 stream) ig@Boog (28 DictTool.TEditWrapper) (22 USERSYNONYM 5 DictTool.PrintAdjSynonyms) ( 17 "Getting adjective synonyms for" 12 "synonym to look up:") DictTool.PrintSynonyms :D8 (P 9 word P 8 class P 6 word P 4 endPos P 3 headerPos P 2 startPos P 1 found P 0 synonyms I 3 form I 2 stream I 1 words I 0 dict) PAMIdhMN XiB BNo B HOKBl B BoJKkJ BoKLK BLjg w_CCONBOo O$d BOOoo Bl O_V(234 TEDIT.INSERT 229 CHARACTER 216 TEDIT.INSERT 211 CONCAT 178 TEDIT.INSERT 173 CONCAT 142 TEDIT.SETSEL 128 TEDIT.LOOKS 112 TEDIT.LOOKS 94 TEDIT.GETPOINT 87 TEDIT.INSERT 82 CHARACTER 63 TEDIT.GETPOINT 56 TEDIT.INSERT 51 CONCAT 38 TEDIT.GETPOINT 28 DICTCLIENT.SYNONYMS) (137 LEFT) ( 206 "" 200 ", " 168 ": " 119 (FAMILY TIMESROMAN SIZE 10 FACE STANDARD) 101 (FAMILY HELVETICA SIZE 10 FACE BOLD) 46 ": ") DictTool.TEditWrapper :D8 (P 4 textObj P 3 startTime P 2 startPos P 1 textStream P 0 scratchStream I 6 cachePropName I 5 waitString I 4 promptString I 3 selection I 2 stream I 1 proc I 0 dict F 5 SI::*RESETFORMS*) _PBb@Boi hCrB b khbC2oC oB g  +BDoF BF bBoi hj [FBFC BEooCo i g`g  hhUc hdddo X@CHlAGH `'Boj Koo !Bo Bo B H h(347 CLOSEF 340 TEDIT.PROMPTFLASH 333 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 320 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 307 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 302 CONCAT 284 CLOCK 264 TEDIT.INCLUDESTREAM 258 Dict.OutputStream 242 OPENTEXTSTREAM 218 OUTPUT 212 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 192 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 186 CONCAT 160 STREAMPROP 149 CLOCK 141 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 126 TEDIT.GETINPUT 121 STREAMPROP 100 MOUSECONFIRM 94 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 76 TEXTOBJ 65 CONCAT 44 NCHARS 37 TEDIT.SEL.AS.STRING 26 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 9 Dict.OutputStream) (270 DictTool.TimeOperation 207 PROMPTWINDOW 202 Dict.DefWindow 197 OUTPUT 89 PROMPTWINDOW 81 TEXTOBJ) ( 328 "not found." 315 "Done." 297 " seconds." 291 1000.0 278 "Elapsed Time: " 236 (LEAVETTY) 181 "' . . . " 175 " '" 170 "processing" 135 " Aborted." 111 "input: " 70 "" 59 "CONFIRM INPUT: " 20 "Please select a dictionary.") Dict.OutputStream :D8 (P 2 UNHIDEFN P 1 HIDDENFN P 0 TEXTSTREAM I 0 REGION) 0`d` `g ` `4o oo Yw`` @`d o h` X o,H`ho gg - `kI{oo `kJ` (258 TEXTSTREAM 238 CL:FIND-SYMBOL 209 \DEFINEDP 202 PROCESSPROP 187 TEDIT 157 TEXTOBJ 151 OPENTEXTSTREAM 134 CREATEW 122 \INSUREWINDOW 103 OPENWP 84 CL:FIND-SYMBOL 67 CL:FIND-PACKAGE 47 OPENW 36 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 19 OPENWP) (253 Dict.DefWindow 244 Dict.DefWindow 216 Dict.DefWindow 197 DICTIONARY 192 NAME 176 Dict.DefWindow 162 TEXTOBJ 146 Dict.DefWindow 139 Dict.DefWindow 115 Dict.DefWindow 98 Dict.DefWindow 92 Dict.DefWindow 55 Dict.DefWindow 42 Dict.DefWindow 31 TEXTSTREAM 26 Dict.DefWindow 14 Dict.DefWindow 7 Dict.DefWindow) ( 233 "ROOMS" 228 "UN-HIDE-WINDOW" 182 (LEAVETTY) 167 "Definitions" 129 "Definitions" 79 "ROOMS" 74 "WINDOW-HIDDEN?" 62 "ROOMS") DictTool.PromptStream :D8 (P 1 window I 0 stream F 2 PROMPTWINDOW) A@ 8@g Hd%dhHIg Ig R(60 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 47 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 18 STREAMPROP 5 STREAMPROP) (55 PROMPTWINDOW 42 PROMPTWINDOW 13 WINDOW) () DictTool.Init :D8 (P 2 wordNerd P 1 dict P 0 analyzer I 0 serverName) 0`dgdgdg dgdgdgdgdgdgdgdg X Hgg `dgdg dg dgdgdgdgY gghddddddddZ Jgg JgI h(272 InvertedDict.Prop 260 InvertedDict.Prop 244 InvertedDict.Establish 209 Dict.Establish 134 Analyzer.Prop 118 Analyzer.Establish 7 Dict.AddCommands) (266 DICTIONARY 255 DictTool.OpenNerd 250 OPENFN 219 DictServer 214 INVERTEDDICT 200 NILL 191 NILL 182 DictTool.PrintDefinition 173 DictTool.GetEntry 164 DictTool.Close 155 DictTool.OpenDictionary 146 DictServer 139 |DictTYPE#| 129 DictTool.CountWords 124 CountWords 109 Analyzer.DefaultProofread 100 NILL 91 NILL 82 NILL 73 NILL 64 Analyzer.DefaultAddEntry 55 DictTool.Corrections 46 DictTool.Analyze 37 DictTool.Close 28 DictTool.OpenAnalyzer 19 DictServer 12 |MorphalyzerTYPE#|) () DictTool.Open :D8 (P 18 dictName P 17 i P 15 j P 13 analyzerName P 12 i P 2 menuItems P 1 dictionaries P 0 analyzers I 1 errors I 0 analyzer F 19 Analyzer.List F 20 Dict.DictionaryList) @9@g @A 0 H&d[gKhh_O Oh_O&_OZ k@gH k@g`dJ@o dLdi dg dgjdndhdM H H! Oh_@oO _W&O&h@ W&c&gO O__OO OiO_@@g @A 0 I&d^gNhh_O Oh_O&_OZ k@gI ,@g`dJ@o _dOdi dg dgjdndh_dO I I!O _"@oO" _$W(O&h@ W(c(gO" O _ _O$O OiO_(634 Dict.Name 613 Dict.Prop 595 COPYALL 572 MKATOM 567 CONCAT 529 Dict.Prop 520 MENU 463 CONCAT 424 Dict.Prop 407 LENGTH 352 DictTool.Dictionaries 341 Dict.Prop 306 Analyzer.Name 285 Analyzer.Prop 267 COPYALL 244 MKATOM 239 CONCAT 203 Analyzer.Prop 194 MENU 143 CONCAT 105 Analyzer.Prop 89 LENGTH 34 DictTool.Analyzers 23 Analyzer.Prop) (606 RemoteDict 553 Dict 492 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 483 CLRPROMPT 451 Dict 439 |MENUTYPE#| 434 RemoteDict 417 RemoteDict 367 QUOTE 336 RemoteDict 328 Dict 278 RemoteDict 225 Morphalyzer 169 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 160 CLRPROMPT 131 Morphalyzer 119 |MENUTYPE#| 114 RemoteDict 98 RemoteDict 49 QUOTE 18 RemoteDict 8 Morphalyzer) ( 560 ": " 458 " dictionaries" 232 ": " 138 " analyzers") DictTool.OpenDictionary :D8 (P 11 j P 9 dictName P 8 i P 1 menuItems P 0 dictionaries I 1 errors I 0 dict F 12 Dict.DictionaryList) = P@@g 0HdZgJhhNMh_M&OY k@gH k@g`dI@o dKdi dg dgjdndhdL H H! Oh_@oO _W O&h@ WcgO O__OO OiO_(299 Dict.Name 278 Dict.Prop 260 COPYALL 237 MKATOM 232 CONCAT 196 Dict.Prop 187 MENU 136 CONCAT 98 Dict.Prop 82 LENGTH 34 DICTCLIENT.DICTIONARIES 25 Dict.Prop) (271 RemoteDict 218 Dict 162 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 153 CLRPROMPT 124 Dict 112 |MENUTYPE#| 107 RemoteDict 91 RemoteDict 49 QUOTE 20 RemoteDict 8 Dict) ( 225 ": " 131 " dictionaries") DictTool.OpenAnalyzer :D8 (P 11 j P 9 analyzerName P 8 i P 1 menuItems P 0 analyzers I 1 errors I 0 analyzer F 12 Analyzer.List) = P@@g 0HdZgJhhNMh_M&OY k@gH k@g`dI@o dKdi dg dgjdndhdL H H! Oh_@oO _W O&h@ WcgO O__OO OiO_(299 Analyzer.Name 278 Analyzer.Prop 260 COPYALL 237 MKATOM 232 CONCAT 196 Analyzer.Prop 187 MENU 136 CONCAT 98 Analyzer.Prop 82 LENGTH 34 DICTCLIENT.LANGUAGES 25 Analyzer.Prop) (271 RemoteDict 218 Morphalyzer 162 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 153 CLRPROMPT 124 Morphalyzer 112 |MENUTYPE#| 107 RemoteDict 91 RemoteDict 49 QUOTE 20 RemoteDict 8 Morphalyzer) ( 225 ": " 131 " analyzers") DictTool.OpenNerd :D8 (P 10 i P 3 remote P 2 dict P 1 menuItems P 0 nerds I 1 errors I 0 nerd)  p@g@g g 0 H&d\gLhh_O Oh_O&_OY k@gH `@g`dI@o dMdi dg dgjdndhdN H[ @g ZH ZgK @gJ d @O g@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @`gO `g Z 5h ZgO `gJ (505 InvertedDict.Prop 487 Dict.Prop 474 COPYALL 455 InvertedDict.Prop 438 InvertedDict.Prop 393 COPYALL 377 COPYALL 362 COPYALL 348 COPYALL 335 COPYALL 323 COPYALL 312 COPYALL 302 COPYALL 293 COPYALL 276 InvertedDictFromName 258 InvertedDict.Prop 245 Dict.Prop 233 COPYALL 221 InvertedDict.Prop 209 InvertedDict.Prop 199 MENU 148 CONCAT 114 InvertedDict.Prop 97 LENGTH 42 DICTCLIENT.RESOURCES 28 InvertedDict.Prop) (499 DICTIONARY 493 InvertedDict.List 480 RemoteDict 450 DICTIONARY 444 InvertedDict.List 431 RemoteDict 425 InvertedDict.List 419 InvertedDict.List 285 INVERTEDDICT 252 DICTIONARY 239 RemoteDict 216 DICTIONARY 174 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 165 CLRPROMPT 129 |MENUTYPE#| 124 RemoteDict 107 RemoteDict 57 QUOTE 37 INDICES 23 RemoteDict 10 INVERTEDDICT) ( 143 " databases") Dict.AddCommands :D8 (P 0 menuItems F 1 LAFITE.EXTRA.DISPLAY.COMMANDS F 2 TEDIT.DEFAULT.MENU F 3 BackgroundMenu F 4 \LAFITE.ACTIVE F 5 BackgroundMenuCommands) EoXRH g HdQQcTgH U hc(63 PUTASSOC 57 CONVERTFUNCTIONSTOFORMS 44 LAFITE.COMPUTE.CACHED.VARS 25 BOUNDP 15 TEDIT.ADD.MENUITEM) (50 Dictionary 20 \LAFITE.ACTIVE) ( 7 (Dictionary (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintDefinition) "Prints the definition of the selected word. Prompts the user for a word if there isn't a selection." (SUBITEMS (Set% Dictionary (FUNCTION TEdit.SetDictionary) "Gives the user a menu of dictionaries to select from.") (Get% Definition (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintDefinition) "Prints the definition of the selected word. Prompts the user for a word if there isn't a selection.") (Get% Synonyms (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintSynonyms) "Prints the synonyms of the selected word. Prompts the user for a word if there isn't a selection." (SUBITEMS (nouns (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintNounSynonyms) "Only prints the noun form synonyms.") (verbs (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintVerbSynonyms) "Only prints the verb form synonyms.") (adjectives (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintAdjSynonyms) "Only prints the adjective form synonyms."))) (Relevance% Feedback (FUNCTION TEdit.SearchMenu)) (|Search For Word| (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintSearch) "Prints the words in the dictionary containing at least two of the keywords in the selection. Prompts the user for keywords if there aren't any keywords selected." (SUBITEMS (Set% Database (FUNCTION TEdit.SetNerd) "Gives the user a menu of dictionaries to select from.") (Max% Words (FUNCTION DictTool.PromptForCutoff) "Lets the user set the maximum number of words to be returned for a set of keywords.") (Min% Keywords (FUNCTION DictTool.PromptForKeywordCutoff) "Lets the user determine the minimum number of keywords needed by a word for it to accepted.") (|Search For Phrase| (FUNCTION TEdit.PrintPhraseSearch) "Searches a dictionary for a particular phrase, using the Search For Word database to narrow the search. This can be an expensive operation, so please use it sparingly.")))))) DictTool.Close :D8 (I 0 analyzer F 0 DICTSERVERSTREAM) P (5 CLOSEF) NIL () DictTool.Analyze :D8 (P 8 userWords P 7 returnValue P 6 char P 5 bufferLength P 4 bufferStream P 3 buffer P 2 offset P 1 maxBufferLength P 0 substring I 4 analFn I 3 length I 2 fromLoc I 1 stream I 0 analyzer) a jl nBs @g _A )o A@g _jhCdII [g AB CjLj jA ^3Nll LN CmbMkԽCj"MIMIlNl Nl MIl2MK KKkMH @g _jh_JMZvOOmOdJO_OKOkOOH hlOCMjOObJOOԺAJ h_(344 SETFILEPTR 302 SUBSTRING 234 DICTCLIENT.PROOFREAD 229 Analyzer.Prop 218 SUBSTRING 205 NCHARS 149 BOUT 125 SETFILEPTR 110 SETFILEPTR 102 OPENSTRINGSTREAM 91 ALLOCSTRING 68 DICTCLIENT.PROOFREAD 63 Analyzer.Prop 50 HELP 38 STRINGP 25 Analyzer.Prop 7 ALLOCSTRING) (276 Dict 224 RemoteDict 97 OUTPUT 58 RemoteDict 20 UserDict) ( 45 "DictTool.Analyze not implemented for STRING") DictTool.Analyzers :D8 (I 1 errorStream I 0 analyzer) (4 DICTCLIENT.LANGUAGES) NIL () DictTool.Pronunciation :D8 (I 1 dictName I 0 word) #@ @ bAgb@A (32 DICTCLIENT.PRONUNCIATION 12 MKSTRING 5 STRINGP) (22 AmericanHeritage) () DictTool.Corrections :D8 (I 3 len I 2 loc I 1 stream I 0 analyzer) #A AABC @g (32 DICTCLIENT.CORRECTIONS 27 Analyzer.Prop 16 STREAM.FETCHSTRING 5 STRINGP) (22 RemoteDict) () DictTool.CountWords :D8 (P 7 char P 6 bufferLength P 5 bufferStream P 4 buffer P 3 offset P 2 maxBufferLength P 1 substring P 0 n I 4 analFn I 3 length I 2 fromLoc I 1 stream I 0 analyzer) jdl nBDAH &o A@g XjhCdJJ \g AB CjMj jA _3Oll _MO CmbNkԾCj$NJNJlOl Ol NJl2HNL LLkNI @g ԸKN[x(224 DICTCLIENT.COUNTWORDS 219 Analyzer.Prop 208 SUBSTRING 195 NCHARS 136 BOUT 107 SETFILEPTR 94 SETFILEPTR 86 OPENSTRINGSTREAM 75 ALLOCSTRING 55 DICTCLIENT.PROOFREAD 50 Analyzer.Prop 37 HELP 25 STRINGP 8 ALLOCSTRING) (214 RemoteDict 81 OUTPUT 45 RemoteDict) ( 32 "DictTool.Analyze not implemented for STRING") DictTool.FindWord :D8 (P 1 SEL P 0 TEXTOBJ I 2 CH I 1 WORD I 0 STREAM F 2 W) @ A#HoRg o bHYhd Hoi @AB bsHo IBIBjB IBk IgI IH H Ihi RgA Ho Ihi Hmh(219 \SHOWSEL 210 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 197 PUTWINDOWPROP 184 \SHOWSEL 175 TEDIT.NORMALIZECARET 168 \FIXSEL 160 TEDIT.RESET.EXTEND.PENDING.DELETE 97 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 82 LingFns.FindWord 73 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 60 \SHOWSEL 38 TEDIT.GETINPUT 28 GETWINDOWUSERPROP 5 TEXTOBJ) (226 TEXTOBJ 191 TEDIT.LAST.FIND.STRING 151 RIGHT 146 SELECTION 132 SELECTION 115 SELECTION 104 SELECTION 50 TEXTOBJ 23 TEDIT.LAST.FIND.STRING) ( 205 "(not found)." 92 "Done." 67 "Searching..." 33 (13 10 27) 17 "Word to find: ") DictTool.SubstituteWord :D8 (P 25 REPLACESTRING P 24 instring P 23 ACHAR P 22 NCH# P 21 CHOICE P 20 PENDING.SEL P 17 DICT P 16 CRSEEN P 15 SELPOINT P 14 SELCHLIM P 13 SELCH# P 12 PC# P 11 SEL P 10 CONFIRMFLG P 9 RANGE P 8 STARTCHAR# P 7 ENDCHAR# P 6 OUTOFRANGEFLG P 5 ABORTFLG P 4 REPLACESTRING P 3 SEARCHSTRING P 2 YESLIST P 1 REPLACEDFLG P 0 TEXTOBJ I 4 DICTNAME I 3 CONFIRM? I 2 REPLACEMENT I 1 PATTERN I 0 TEXTSTREAM) @ jo A Ho [Ho hBHo obl B _ ACi_Hoi DKB _"H_dhd O O_dO k_@KOO" _MO O@OOOkg _(@iO( HO LY`oL_$dO$di didodg dgjdndh_&dO& \"HoLo oo _*o i]O*o @hO( OdL @O( Lo@LO vOOOOkH _HOOOH LoRO *O1O.dl O,H O,H O,k_,LOHO OL OOk_IkYOL _:IjId HoIkHoHI o i OpIdjkI _OO OO Ok HOO H OH Ohi I(795 \SHOWSEL 785 \FIXSEL 776 TEDIT.UPDATE.SCREEN 769 \TEDIT.MARK.LINES.DIRTY 700 \FZEROP 680 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 674 CONCAT 664 MKSTRING 636 \FZEROP 615 NCHARS 586 NCHARS 577 \INSERTCH 555 \INSERTCH 546 \INSERTCR 511 \FIXDLINES 484 \DELETECH 459 TEDIT.INSERT 437 TEDIT.DELETE 424 NCHARS 412 TEDIT.SHOWSEL 401 MEMBER 383 MEMBER 371 TEDIT.GETINPUT 356 CONCAT 336 MENU 247 TEDIT.NORMALIZECARET 238 TEDIT.SHOWSEL 226 TEDIT.SETSEL 176 LingFns.FindWord 139 TEDIT.RESET.EXTEND.PENDING.DELETE 132 \SHOWSEL 112 DictTool.CreateConjugationMap 104 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 82 STRPOS 76 CHARACTER 60 TEDIT.GETINPUT 44 TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 31 TEDIT.GETINPUT 5 TEXTOBJ) (762 SELECTION 753 SELECTION 737 SELECTION 728 SELECTION 721 SELECTION 709 SELECTION 493 TEXTOBJ 308 DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 299 CLRPROMPT 257 |MENUTYPE#| 221 RIGHT 158 SELECTION 146 SELECTION 120 TEXTOBJ) ( 669 " Replacements made." 655 "1 Replacement made." 643 "No replacements made." 518 "" 444 "" 396 (NIL "n" "N" "no" "NO") 378 ("*QUIT*" "Q" "q") 366 (13 32 27 10 9) 361 "Yes" 351 "'? ['q' quits]" 345 "Substitute '" 290 "substitutions" 263 "*QUIT*" 98 "Substituting..." 67 "" 55 "Replace word:" 39 "[Aborted]" 26 "Search word:" 11 ("y" "Y" "yes" "Yes" "YES" "T")) DictTool.CreateConjugationMap :D8 (P 19 conjugation P 18 i P 16 newValue P 15 oldValue P 14 caps P 12 entry P 11 conj2 P 10 conj1 P 5 prior P 4 pp2 P 3 pp1 P 2 fullconj2 P 1 fullconj1 P 0 dict I 2 word2 I 1 word1 I 0 language) g B:Ahd@ Bhd@ gIgJK,L,gJ ggJJI1 O(.LKgIggIIY_J_o1O O__OO _HHOhlN_OO _ OO"d-O@O"_$hO"_$O"_"O$O O$iOdO OO OhO _ H_HOO hlOO_RAh@ :do(dH_HO&O ihlOhH(378 LingFns.Capitalize 336 DICTCLIENT.CONJUGATE 261 STREQUAL 212 LingFns.Capitalize 177 LingFns.Capitalize 36 DICTCLIENT.CONJUGATE 26 DICTCLIENT.CONJUGATE 9 SimpleDict.New) (361 Dict 302 Dict 186 Dict 123 pst 118 pp 109 v 78 pst 73 pp 64 v 50 pp 42 pp 4 map) ( 348 (NONE FIRST ALL) 146 (NONE FIRST ALL)) DictTool.FindWordInit :D8 (F 1 TEDIT.DEFAULT.MENU) Q(dHdgogHoQkQhQkQhQ n'Q n'QhQ (137 UPDATE/MENU/IMAGE) (128 MENU 113 MENU 99 MENU 89 MENU 78 MENU 67 MENU 56 MENU 35 Substitute 21 Find 5 MENU) ( 43 (Substitute (QUOTE Substitute) NIL (SUBITEMS (SubstituteWord (FUNCTION DictTool.SubstituteWord) "Substitutes one word for another, keeping the same capitalization and inflectional form."))) 28 (Find (QUOTE Find) NIL (SUBITEMS (FindWord (FUNCTION DictTool.FindWord) "Looks for a word independent of its inflection or capitalization.")))) LingFns.FindWord :D8 (P 8 dictCreated P 7 EOFPTR P 6 U-FIRSTCHAR P 5 LASTCHAR P 4 FIRSTCHAR P 3 EXPO P 2 END P 1 NODE P 0 CHAR I 3 DICT I 2 CH I 1 WORD I 0 STREAM) B  AKBJ@ kٺBJKh bC4@g bACCbA b@gAC B@ kb@ _BOh@B Ak Ak O@ VH@ MM3Ml__lAOOlZH3H CY@ bIO@ OI[@ XH3Hl__lAOOlZH IYΰ(311 CHARACTER 261 EQP 256 GETFILEPTR 242 GETFILEPTR 222 CHARACTER 173 GETFILEPTR 164 CHCON1 159 U-CASE 154 NTHCHAR 146 CHCON1 141 L-CASE 136 NTHCHAR 128 SETFILEPTR 111 GETEOFPTR 100 TEDIT.GETPOINT 90 STREAMPROP 73 DictTool.CreateConjugationMap 52 STREAMPROP 35 MKSTRING 19 GETFILEPTR) (228 Dict 82 FINDWORDMAP 47 FINDWORDMAP) () LingFns.Capitalize :D8 (P 8 char P 7 char P 6 char P 5 litAtom P 4 stringP P 3 w I 1 caps I 0 word) @#@@d[A IHhZH&J @ @ bi@d3@@ biAdg5@ @d @dN Nd Lg$@dO Od "@dO Od L@ M@ @(233 PACK 224 MKSTRING 219 PACK 204 L-CASE 194 U-CASEP 170 U-CASE 160 U-CASEP 128 L-CASE 119 U-CASEP 103 U-CASE 94 U-CASEP 71 UNPACK 52 UNPACK 45 STRINGP 18 LingFns.Capitalize) (142 ALL 83 FIRST) () LingFns.Capitalization :D8 (I 0 word) %@d h@@ gg(22 U-CASEP 8 U-CASEP) (34 ALL 28 FIRST) () (PRETTYCOMPRINT DICTTOOLCOMS) (RPAQQ DICTTOOLCOMS ((COMS * DICTTOOLDEPENDENCIES) (FILES ANALYZER) (* ;; "RMK 2022: DICTCLIENT has disappeared") (* (FILES (FROM {NFS}DICTSERVER>LISP>) DICTCLIENT)) (* ;; "1/6/89 jtm: fixed TEdit.PrintDefinition so that SimpleDicts would print their entries in the definition window." ) (* ;; "1/6/89 jtm: changed TEdit.SetDictionary and DictForStream so that TEdit.DefaultDictionary reflects the default dictionary to use if no other is specified." ) (* ;; "2/28/89 jtm: changed FILES so that DICTCLIENT is loaded from PIGLET.") (* ;; "5/31/89 jtm: changed Dict.AddCommands to put Dictionary menu item on Lafite display windows.") (* ;; "3/27/91 jtm: added TEdit interface to the SearchMenu module") (* ;; "3/1/94 jtm: changed the loading of DICTCLIENT and SEARCHMENU") (FNS TEDIT.INCLUDESTREAM TEdit.PrintDefinition DictTool.PrintDefinition Dict.PrintDefinition DictTool.GetEntry TEdit.SetDictionary DictForStream DictTool.Dictionaries PARSEBYCOLONS PrintPronunciationGuide ConvertPronunciation) (FNS TEdit.SearchMenu TEdit.PrintSearch DictTool.PrintSearch DictTool.MergeSearch NerdForStream TEdit.SetNerd DictTool.PromptForCutoff DictTool.PromptForKeywordCutoff PARSESELECTION) (FNS TEdit.PrintPhraseSearch DictTool.PrintPhraseSearch) (FNS TEdit.PrintSynonyms REMOVEALL CONVERTFUNCTIONSTOFORMS TEdit.PrintNounSynonyms DictTool.PrintNounSynonyms DictTool.PrintVerbSynonyms DictTool.PrintAdjSynonyms TEdit.PrintVerbSynonyms TEdit.PrintAdjSynonyms DictTool.PrintSynonyms) (FNS DictTool.TEditWrapper Dict.OutputStream DictTool.PromptStream) (FNS DictTool.Init DictTool.Open DictTool.OpenDictionary DictTool.OpenAnalyzer DictTool.OpenNerd Dict.AddCommands DictTool.Close) (FNS DictTool.Analyze DictTool.Analyzers DictTool.Pronunciation DictTool.Corrections DictTool.CountWords) ( COMS (* * FINDWORD & SUBSTITUTEWORD) (FNS DictTool.FindWord DictTool.SubstituteWord DictTool.CreateConjugationMap DictTool.FindWordInit) (FNS LingFns.FindWord LingFns.Capitalize LingFns.Capitalization) (P (DictTool.FindWordInit))) (INITVARS DictTool.TimeOperation Dict.DefWindow Dict.CommandsAdded InvertedDict.List DictTool.LastSearch DictTool.LastWord TEdit.DefaultDictionary ( DictTool.MinKeywords 2) (DictTool.MaxWords 100)) (GLOBALVARS DictTool.TimeOperation Dict.DefWindow Dict.CommandsAdded InvertedDict.List DictTool.MinKeywords DictTool.MaxWords DictTool.LastSearch DictTool.LastWord TEdit.DefaultDictionary) (P (DictTool.Init)) (VARS PronunciationGuide PronunciationMap))) (RPAQQ DICTTOOLDEPENDENCIES ((* * code to make sure that the right versions of everything are loaded. The P must be executed before any FILES commands.) (E (PUTPROP (QUOTE DICTTOOL) (QUOTE DEPENDENCIES) ( for FILE in (FILECOMSLST (QUOTE DICTTOOL) (QUOTE FILES)) collect (CONS FILE (CAAR (GETPROP FILE (QUOTE FILEDATES))))))) (PROP DEPENDENCIES DICTTOOL) (P (for FILE FILEDATE in (GETPROP (QUOTE DICTTOOL) ( QUOTE DEPENDENCIES)) do (SETQ FILEDATE (CAAR (GETPROP (CAR FILE) (QUOTE FILEDATES)))) (COND ((AND FILEDATE (CDR FILE) (ILESSP (IDATE FILEDATE) (IDATE (CDR FILE)))) (* clear FILEDATES to force FILESLOAD to reload the file.) (printout T "Flushing old version of " (CAR FILE) T) (PUTPROP (CAR FILE ) (QUOTE FILEDATES) NIL))))))) (PUTPROPS DICTTOOL DEPENDENCIES ((ANALYZER . " 9-Mar-89 15:24:58"))) (for FILE FILEDATE in (GETPROP (QUOTE DICTTOOL) (QUOTE DEPENDENCIES)) do (SETQ FILEDATE (CAAR (GETPROP (CAR FILE) (QUOTE FILEDATES)))) (COND ((AND FILEDATE (CDR FILE) (ILESSP (IDATE FILEDATE) (IDATE (CDR FILE)))) (* clear FILEDATES to force FILESLOAD to reload the file.) (printout T "Flushing old version of " (CAR FILE) T) (PUTPROP (CAR FILE) (QUOTE FILEDATES) NIL)))) (FILESLOAD ANALYZER) (DictTool.FindWordInit) (RPAQ? DictTool.TimeOperation NIL) (RPAQ? Dict.DefWindow NIL) (RPAQ? Dict.CommandsAdded NIL) (RPAQ? InvertedDict.List NIL) (RPAQ? DictTool.LastSearch NIL) (RPAQ? DictTool.LastWord NIL) (RPAQ? TEdit.DefaultDictionary NIL) (RPAQ? DictTool.MinKeywords 2) (RPAQ? DictTool.MaxWords 100) (DictTool.Init) (RPAQQ PronunciationGuide (("q" "cat" "(kqt)") ("A" "pay" "(pA)") ("Q" "care" "(kQr)") ("*" "father" "(f*%"T5r)") ("b" "bike" "(bIk)") ("ch" "church" "(ch/rch)") ("d" "deed" "(dEd)") ("4" "pet" "(p4t)") ("E" "seed" "(sEd)") ("I" "fife" "(fIf)") ("g" "gag" "(gqg)") ("h" "hat" "(hqt)") ("hw" "which" "(hw9ch)") ("9" "pit" "(p9t)") ("I" "lie" "(lI)") ("7" "pier" "(p7r)") ("j" "judge" "(j8j)") ("k" "kick" "(k9k)") ("l" "lid" "(l9d)") ("l" "needle" "(nEd%"l)") ("m" "mum" "(m8m)") ("n" "no, sudden" "(nO)") ("ng" "thing" "(th9ng)") ("0" "pot" "(p0t)") ("O" "toe" "(tO)") ("" "paw" "(p)") ("oi" "noise" "(noiz)") ("ou" "out" "(out)") ("1" "book" "(b1k)") ("|" "boot" "(b|t)") ("p" "people" "(pE%"p5l)") ("r" "roar" "(rr)") ("s" "sauce" "(ss)") ("sh" "ship" "(sh9p)") ("t" "tight" "(tIt)") ( "th" "thin" "(th9n)") ("T" "this" "(T9s)") ("8" "cut" "(k8t)") ("/" "urge" "(/rj)") ("v" "valve" "(vqlv)") ("w" "with" "(w9T, w9th)") ("y" "yes" "(y4s)") ("z" "zebra" "(zE%"br5)") ("zh" "vision" "(v9zh%"5n)") ("5" "about" "(5-bout%")") ("KH" "loch" "(l0KH, l0k)") ("N" "bon" "(b0n; French bN).")) ) (RPAQQ PronunciationMap ((%" %') (5 &f) (/ u) (8 u) (T t h) (%| o o) (1 o o) (% ) (O o) (0 o) (7 ) (I ) (9 ) (E e) (4 e) (* ) (Q ) (A a) (q a))) (PUTPROPS DICTTOOL COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 1994)) NIL