XEROX PLOTOBJECTS2 2 4 1 PLOTOBJECTS2 1 4 By: Tad Hogg (hogg.PA @ Uses: PLOT and PLOTOBJECTS PLOTOBJECTS2 defines an additional plot object for use with PLOT. NEW PLOTOBJECT FILLEDPOLYGON - a polygon with optional shading in its interior. FUNCTIONS The following functions provide an add facility for the new object. They are similar to the corresponding functions for the standard plot objects, e.g. PLOTPOINT, etc. The allowed forms of the arguments texture, style, menu and nodrawflg are the same as for the standard functions. (PLOTFILLEDPOLYGON plot positions label style texture menu nodrawflg) [Function] The points in positions define a closed polygon. The polygon is filled with texture, and the other arguments are the same as for PLOTPOLYGON. If the linewidth specified by style is 0, the polygon perimeter will not be drawn. Returns a FILLEDPOLYGON PLOTOBJECT. All plot objects may be created independently of the previous functions. This is useful if it is desired to create a plot object without entering it on a PLOT's display list. The following creates and returns the new plot object. (CREATEFILLEDPOLYGON positions label style texture menu) [Function] Returns aa FILLEDPOLYGON PLOTOBJECT. The actual drawing is done with (CLILPPED.FILLPOLYGON clippingregion points texture stream operation windnumber draw? width drawoperation color dashing) [Function] which effectively does both of (FILLPOLYGON points texture stream operation windnumber) and (if draw? is non-NIL)a series of (DRAWLINE x1 y1 x2 y2 width drawoperation stream color dashing) for each edge of the polygon except they are clipped against clippingregion in stream coordinates. (LIST ((PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE LETTER STARTINGPAGE# 206) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO NIL) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE NIL . LETTER) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO NIL) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE NIL . LETTER) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO NIL) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))))).ÈÈ(È(È (È(ŠŠ8(ŠŠ8DÈÈ PAGEHEADING RUNNINGHEADMODERN MODERN MODERN MODERNLOGOMODERN  TIMESROMAN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN $BA Ë -1  5Y0$æ# % b ,   #  @‘kzº