en·vÅos UUENCODE 2 4 1 UUENCODE 1 4 By: Doug Cutting (Cutting.PA@Xerox.COM) This document last edited on October 7, 1987. UUENCODE provides facilities for encoding files into printing ASCII characters for transfer by electronic mail. It is compatable with the UNIXÔ facility of the same name. For details of the file format see the UNIXÔ manual page on `uuencode'. (UUENCODE FILES INTO-FILE) [Function] Encodes the files named by FILES into INTO-FILE. FILES may be either a list or files or a single file name. Note that UNIXÔ uudecode does not support multiple files encoded in one file. Thus one should only pass a single file name to UUENCODE if the file is to be decoded under UNIXÔ. Returns the name of the file written. (UUDECODE FILE-OR-STREAM ONLY-ONE-FILE?) [Function] Decode from FILE-OR-STREAM writing the decoded files in the connected directory. FILE-OR-STREAM may be either a file name or a stream. If ONLY-ONE-FILE? is non-NIL then only one file will be extracted from FILE-OR-STREAM, and an error will be reported if no encoded file is found. This can be thought of as UNIXÔ compatability mode. Returns the list of the names of the files extracted. (UUENCODE-INTERNAL INS OUTS DECODE-NAME FILE-MODE) [Function] Called by UUENCODE to encode one file. Encodes all bytes from the stream INS to the stream OUTS. DECODE-NAME is the name the file should be given when it is decoded. FILE-MODE is the UNIXÔ file mode for the file. DECODE-NAME defaults to (FULLNAME INS) and FILE-MODE defaults to the value of the variable UU.MODE-DEFAULT. Returns OUTS. UU.MODE-DEFAULT [Global Variable] The default UNIXÔ file mode to encode files under as an integer. UNIXÔ uudecode will use this when creating the decoded file. The initial value is 644Q (read & write by owner, read by group and other). (UUDECODE-INTERNAL INS ONE-FILE-ONLY?) [Function] Called by UUDECODE to decode one file. INS should be a stream open for input. Returns the name of the file extracted or NIL if none is found and ONE-FILE-ONLY? is NIL. UUENCODE was inspired by Christopher Lane's BMENCODE package.(LIST ((PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC "" "") STARTINGPAGE# 288) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO (ARABIC "" "")) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE NIL . LETTER) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO NIL) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE NIL . LETTER) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 INVISIBLE OFF SELECTPOINT OFF PROTECTED OFF SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF EXPANSION REGULAR SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM INVERTED OFF USERINFO NIL STYLE NIL) FORMATINFO NIL) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 528 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL)))))3ÈÈT,È,È,È,ŠŠ8,ŠŠ8HÈÈ PAGEHEADING RUNNINGHEADCLASSICCLASSICCLASSICMODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN ).õ   G  ˆ U"Ì ª=;?zº