(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (FILECREATED "25-Jan-98 14:03:59" ("compiled on " |{DSK}sources>GAINSPACE.;1|) "30-Mar-95 20:33:04" |bcompl'd| |in| "Medley 14-Aug-95 ..." |dated| "14-Aug-95 15:27:48") (FILECREATED "16-May-90 18:05:30" |{DSK}local>lde>lispcore>sources>GAINSPACE.;2| 12014 |changes| |to:| (VARS GAINSPACECOMS) |previous| |date:| " 3-Dec-86 22:18:00" |{DSK}local>lde>lispcore>sources>GAINSPACE.;1|) GAINSPACEA0001 :D8 (P 1 SI::*CATCH-RETURN-FROM* P 0 SI::*DUMMY-FOR-CATCH* F 2 X F 3 RESPONSE F 4 SI::NLSETQ-VALUE) Ii@R ´2`gRhRi cgðhð´ R hcg(61 EVAL 40 ASKUSER 11 EVAL) (70 :NORMAL 47 N 23 N 18 DWIMWAIT) () GAINSPACEA0002 :D8 (I 0 ATM) @` (10 REMPROPLIST) (5 SMASHPROPSLST1) () GAINSPACE :D8 (P 4 SI::*NLSETQFLAG* P 3 *PROCEED-CASES* P 2 SI::NLSETQ-VALUE P 1 RESPONSE P 0 X F 5 *PROCEED-CASES*) ƒh`°.di jð¦i ¿`UK µÓ`²;i ¿oi ¿g ¿`°dH–H ¿µîg(117 EVAL 95 MAPATOMS 84 PRIN1 72 TERPRI 52 GAINSPACEA0001 32 TERPRI 23 POSITION) (128 |done| 101 SMASHPROPSLST1 90 GAINSPACEA0002 64 SMASHPROPSLST1 41 SI::NLSETQ-PROCEED-CASE 10 GAINSPACEFORMS 5 SMASHPROPSLST1) ( 78 "mapatoms called to erase the indicated properties...") ERASEPROPS :D8 (P 1 X P 0 X I 0 RESPONSE) ó`` @dgð²t¿i oi `°VdH°dId3@ð´I` hð¤µãh²*hdHhhi gð²H` ¿µ«hgð¨@gð²N0`°dHh Z–Kµ&J\[¿µæL@gð´ d  [J°×(240 HELP 230 LAST 224 EDITE 219 SORT 182 \\APPEND2 130 UNION 110 ASKUSER 85 MEMB 47 PRIN1 36 TERPRI 14 UNION) (210 E 204 SMASHPROPSLST1 167 SMASHPROPSMENU 156 E 148 A 135 SMASHPROPSLST1 125 SMASHPROPSLST1 115 Y 80 SMASHPROPSLST1 52 SMASHPROPSMENU 26 Y 19 SMASHPROPSLST1 9 SMASHPROPSLST 4 SMASHPROPSLST1) ( 41 "indicate which ones: ") PURGEHISTORYA0001 :D8 (NAME SI::*UNWIND-PROTECT* P 0 COM I 0 SI::*CLEANUP-FORMS* F 1 TYPE) ÐhQdgð˜¿i°Ggð²:hdooi c¿i ¿hdohi gð„¿`Q `Q `Q `´J`Q ¿`°3dHd3@ð²%QœHg °Hg  ¿µÎh(198 PURGEHISTORY2 190 GETPROP 177 REMPROP 144 PURGEHISTORY1 126 PURGEHISTORY1 115 PURGEHISTORY1 104 PURGEHISTORY1 92 HELP 75 ASKUSER 59 TERPRI 50 ASKUSER) (185 *HISTORY* 172 *HISTORY* 150 LISPXCOMS 138 ARCHIVELST 131 ARCHIVEFLG 120 LASTHISTORY 109 EDITHISTORY 98 LISPXHISTORY 86 ARCHIVEFLG 80 Y 28 Y 21 ARCHIVEFLG 12 E 5 ARCHIVEFLG) ( 67 "ARCHIVELST and named commands too ? " 43 ((Y "es - everything" RETURN T) (N "o - just the properties" RETURN (QUOTE NIL)) (E "verything" RETURN T) (J "ust the properties" RETURN (QUOTE NIL))) 38 "purge everything, or just the properties, e.g. SIDE, LISPXPRINT, etc. ? ") PURGEHISTORY :D8 (P 0 SI::*RESETFORMS* I 0 TYPE) *g`hg ¿$(35 SI::RESETUNWIND 30 \\MVLIST 25 PURGEHISTORYA0001) (20 SI::RESETUNWIND 9 ARCHIVEFLG 4 ARCHIVEFLG) () PURGEHISTORY1 :D8 (I 1 FLG I 0 LST) <@hðµ6A“@h@d`ð²dgh¿µñhˆd ¿µöh(51 PURGEHISTORY2) (32 \ 18 EDITHISTORY) () PURGEHISTORY2 :D8 (P 0 TEM I 0 ENTRY) Hg@ X²/@gHgd@ h¿Hˆd ¿µö„@hh(57 PURGEHISTORY2 39 MEMB 13 MEMB) (32 *HISTORY* 26 *GROUP* 7 *GROUP*) () (PRETTYCOMPRINT GAINSPACECOMS) (RPAQQ GAINSPACECOMS ((DECLARE\: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (RECORDS GAINSPACE) (GLOBALVARS GAINSPACEFORMS SMASHPROPSMENU SMASHPROPSLST SMASHPROPSLST1 DWIMWAIT ARCHIVELST LASTHISTORY ARCHIVEFLG LISPXCOMS LISPXHISTORY EDITHISTORY)) (FNS GAINSPACE ERASEPROPS PURGEHISTORY PURGEHISTORY1 PURGEHISTORY2) (VARS SMASHPROPSMENU (SMASHPROPSLST)) (ADDVARS (GAINSPACEFORMS ((CAR LISPXHISTORY) "purge history lists" (PURGEHISTORY RESPONSE) ((Y "es") (N "o") (E . "verything"))) (T "discard definitions on property lists" (SETQ SMASHPROPSLST1 (CONS (QUOTE EXPR) (CONS (QUOTE CODE) ( CONS (QUOTE SUBR) SMASHPROPSLST1))))) (T "discard old values of variables" (SETQ SMASHPROPSLST1 (CONS (QUOTE VALUE) SMASHPROPSLST1))) (T "erase properties" (ERASEPROPS RESPONSE) ((Y "es" EXPLAINSTRING "Yes - you will be asked which properties are to be erased") (N "o") (A "ll" CONFIRMFLG T EXPLAINSTRING "All - all properties on mentioned on SMASHPROPSMENU") (E "dit " EXPLAINSTRING "Edit - you will be allowed to edit a list of property names"))) (CLISPARRAY "erase CLISP translations" (CLRHASH CLISPARRAY)) (CHANGESARRAY "erase changes array" (CLRHASH CHANGESARRAY)) (SYSHASHARRAY "erase system hash array" (CLRHASH)) ((GETPROP (QUOTE EDIT) (QUOTE LASTVALUE)) "discard context of last edit" (REMPROP (QUOTE EDIT) (QUOTE LASTVALUE))) (GREETHIST "discard information saved for undoing your greeting" (SETQ GREETHIST)))))) (RPAQQ SMASHPROPSMENU (("old values of variables" VALUE) ("function definitions on property lists" EXPR CODE) ("advice information" ADVISED ADVICE READVICE (SETQ ADVISEDFNS NIL)) ("filemaps" FILEMAP) ( "clisp information (warning: this will disable clisp!)" ACCESSFN BROADSCOPE CLISPCLASS CLISPCLASSDEF CLISPFORM CLISPIFYISPROP CLISPINFIX CLISPISFORM CLISPISPROP CLISPNEG CLISPTYPE CLISPWORD CLMAPS I.S.OPR I.S.TYPE LISPFN SETFN UNARYOP) ( "compiler information (warning: this will disable the compiler!)" AMAC BLKLIBRARYDEF CROPS CTYPE GLOBALVAR MACRO MAKE OPD UBOX) ("definitions of named history commands" *HISTORY*) ( "context of edits exited via save command" EDIT-SAVE))) (RPAQQ SMASHPROPSLST NIL) (ADDTOVAR GAINSPACEFORMS ((CAR LISPXHISTORY) "purge history lists" (PURGEHISTORY RESPONSE) ((Y "es") ( N "o") (E . "verything"))) (T "discard definitions on property lists" (SETQ SMASHPROPSLST1 (CONS ( QUOTE EXPR) (CONS (QUOTE CODE) (CONS (QUOTE SUBR) SMASHPROPSLST1))))) (T "discard old values of variables" (SETQ SMASHPROPSLST1 (CONS (QUOTE VALUE) SMASHPROPSLST1))) (T "erase properties" (ERASEPROPS RESPONSE) ((Y "es" EXPLAINSTRING "Yes - you will be asked which properties are to be erased") (N "o") (A "ll" CONFIRMFLG T EXPLAINSTRING "All - all properties on mentioned on SMASHPROPSMENU") (E "dit " EXPLAINSTRING "Edit - you will be allowed to edit a list of property names"))) (CLISPARRAY "erase CLISP translations" (CLRHASH CLISPARRAY)) (CHANGESARRAY "erase changes array" (CLRHASH CHANGESARRAY)) (SYSHASHARRAY "erase system hash array" (CLRHASH)) ((GETPROP (QUOTE EDIT) (QUOTE LASTVALUE)) "discard context of last edit" (REMPROP (QUOTE EDIT) (QUOTE LASTVALUE))) (GREETHIST "discard information saved for undoing your greeting" (SETQ GREETHIST))) (PUTPROPS GAINSPACE COPYRIGHT ("Venue & Xerox Corporation" 1986 1990)) NIL