1 LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES MANUAL 1 LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES MANUAL ICONW 1 GRAPHICS 1 ICONW 6 This is a package of functions for building small windows of arbitrary shape, principally for use as icons for shrinking windows; i.e., these functions are likely to be invoked from within the ICONFN of a window. An icon is specified by supplying its image (a bit map) and a mask that specifies its shape. The mask is a bit map of the same dimensions as the image whose bits are on (black) in those positions considered to be in the image, off (white) in those positions where the background should ``show through.'' By using the mask and appropriate window functions, the icon package maintains the illusion that the icon window is nonrectangular, even though the actual window itself is rectangular. The illusion is not complete, of course. For example, if you try to select what looks like the background (or an occluded window) around the icon but still within its rectangular perimeter, the icon window itself is selected. Also, if you move a window occluded by an icon, the icon never notices that the background changed behind it. Icons created with this package can also have ©©titles''; some part of the image can be filled with text computed at the time the icon is created, or even changed after creation. 2 Creating Icons 1 (ICONW IMAGE MASK POSITION NOOPENFLG) [Function] Creates a window at POSITION, or prompts for a position if POSITION is NIL. The window is borderless, and filled with IMAGE, as cookie-cut by MASK. If MASK is NIL, the image is considered rectangular (i.e., MASK defaults to a black bit map of the same dimensions as IMAGE). If NOOPENFLG is T, the window is returned unopened. (TITLEDICONW ICON TITLE FONT POSITION NOOPENFLG JUST BREAKCHARS OPERATION) [Function] Creates a titled icon at POSITION, or prompts for a position if POSITION is NIL. If NOOPENFLG is T, the window is returned unopened. The argument ICON is an instance of the record TITLEDICON, which specifies the icon image and mask, as with ICONW, and a region within the image to be used for displaying the title. Thus, the ICON argument is usually of the form (create TITLEDICON ICON_someIconImage MASK_iconMask TITLEREG_someRegionWithinICON). The title region is specified in icon-relative coordinates, i.e., the lower-left corner of the image bit map is (0, 0). The mask can be NIL if the icon is rectangular. The image should be white where it is covered by the title region (in any event, TITLEDICONW clears the region before printing on it). The title is printed into the specified region in the image, using FONT, which if NIL defaults to the value of DEFAULTICONFONT, initially Helvetica 10. The title is broken into multiple lines if necessary; TITLEDICONW attempts to place the breaks at characters that are in the list of character codes BREAKCHARS. BREAKCHARS defaults to (CHARCODE (SPACE ›)). In addition, line breaks are forced by any carriage returns in TITLE, independent of BREAKCHARS. BREAKCHARS is ignored as needed if a long title would not otherwise fit in the specified region. For convenience, BREAKCHARS = FILE means the title is a file name, so break at file name field delimiters. The argument JUST indicates how the text should be justified relative to the regionit is an atom or list of atoms chosen from TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT, which indicate the vertical positioning (flush to top or bottom) and/or horizontal positioning (flush to left edge or right). Where not indicated, the text is centered. The argument OPERATION is a display stream operation indicating how the title should be printed. If OPERATION is INVERT, then the title is printed white-on-black. The default OPERATION is REPLACE, meaning black-on-white. ERASE is the same as INVERT; PAINT is the same as REPLACE. For convenience, TITLEDICONW can also be used to create icons that consist solely of a title, with no special image. If the argument ICON is NIL, TITLEDICONW creates a rectangular icon large enough to contain TITLE, with a border the same width as a regular window. The remaining arguments are as described above, except that a JUST of TOP or BOTTOM is not meaningful. 2 Modifying Icons 1 (ICONW.TITLE ICON TITLE) [Function] Returns the current title of the window ICON, which must be a window returned by TITLEDICONW. Additionally, if TITLE is non-NIL, makes TITLE be the new title of the window and repaints it accordingly. To erase the current title, make TITLE be a null string. (ICONW.SHADE WINDOW SHADE) [Function] Returns the current shading of the window ICON, which must be a window returned by ICONW or TITLEDICONW. Additionally, if SHADE is non-NIL, paints the texture SHADE on WINDOW. A typical use for this function is to communicate a change of state in a window that is shrunk, without reopening the window. To remove any shading, make SHADE be WHITESHADE. 2 Default Icons 1 When you shrink a window that has no ICONFN, the system currently creates an icon that looks like the window's title bar. You can make the system instead create titled icons by setting the global variable DEFAULTICONFN to the value TEXTICON. (TEXTICON WINDOW TEXT) [Function] Creates a titled icon window for the main window WINDOW containing the text TEXT, or the window's title if TEXT is NIL. DEFAULTTEXTICON [Variable] The value that TEXTICON passes to TITLEDICONW as its ICON argument. Initially NIL, which creates an unadorned rectangular window, but you can set it to a TITLEDICON record of your choosing if you would like default icons to have a different appearance. 2 Sample Icons 1 The file StockIcons contains a collection of icons and their masks usable with ICONW, including: FOLDER, FOLDERMASKœA file folder PAPERICON, PAPERICONMASKÿÿï%ÿA sheet of paper with the top right corner turned FILEDRAWER, FILEDRAWERMASKÿÿï%ÿThe front of a file drawer ENVELOPEICON, ENVELOPEMASKÿÿï%ÿAn envelope TITLED.FILEDRAWERÿÿï%ÿA TitledIcon of the filedrawer front (Capacity, about three lines of 10-pt. text) TITLED.FILEFOLDERÿÿï%ÿA TitledIcon of the file folder (Capacity, about three lines of 10-pt. text) TITLED.ENVELOPEÿÿï%ÿA TitledIcon of the envelope (Capacity, one short line of 10-pt. text) (LIST ((PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC) STARTINGPAGE# 30) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD LEFT) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (54 12 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE FOOTINGV) (54 27 558 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE VERSOHEAD) (54 762 558 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (54 54 504 618) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC)) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD RIGHT) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (270 12 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE FOOTINGR) (54 27 558 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RECTOHEAD) (54 762 558 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (54 54 504 684) NIL))) (PAGE NIL (PAPERSIZE Letter FOLIOINFO (ARABIC)) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD LEFT) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (54 12 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE FOOTINGV) (54 27 558 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE VERSOHEAD) (54 762 558 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (54 54 504 684) NIL))))) /ÌÌøøT.Ìøø.ÌÌø ø.øø.øø.ø2ø.ÌÌøø.ÌÌøøBøø PAGEHEADING VERSOHEADBøø PAGEHEADING RECTOHEADAøø PAGEHEADINGFOOTINGVAøø PAGEHEADINGFOOTINGRMODERN MODERN MODERNMODERNMODERN  HELVETICA HELVETICA   HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFNMODERN     HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFN HELVETICA HRULE.GETFN HELVETICAÕ>³ HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  547 (     6°!  1Cç  c  i P 5  O C a†Hs% HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  (D_  *M ž HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN ó   1 þ HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN k!4TOK{üzº