(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "INTERLISP" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (FILECREATED "18-May-90 01:13:35" {DSK}local>lde>lispcore>sources>XCL-COMPILER.;2 2600 changes to%: (VARS XCL-COMPILERCOMS) previous date%: "17-Dec-86 21:01:52" {DSK}local>lde>lispcore>sources>XCL-COMPILER.;1) (* ; " Copyright (c) 1986, 1990 by Venue & Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT XCL-COMPILERCOMS) (RPAQQ XCL-COMPILERCOMS ( (* ;; "The Xerox Common Lisp compiler") (FILES XCLC-RUNTIME (* ; "Run-time support functions.") XCLC-ENV-CTXT (* ; "Environments and contexts.") XCLC-TREES (* ; "Program trees.") XCLC-TOP-LEVEL (* ;  "Entry points and top-level file processing.") XCLC-ALPHA (* ; "Alphatization.") XCLC-OPTIMIZERS (* ; "Internal optimizers.") XCLC-ANALYZE (* ; "Program analysis.") XCLC-META-EVAL (* ; "Meta-evaluation.") XCLC-TRANSFORMS (* ;  "Function-specific transformations.") XCLC-DATABASE (* ; "Function-property database.") XCLC-ANNOTATE (* ; "Tree annotation.") XCLC-GENCODE (* ; "Code generation.") XCLC-PEEPHOLE (* ; "Peephole optimization.")))) (* ;; "The Xerox Common Lisp compiler") (FILESLOAD XCLC-RUNTIME XCLC-ENV-CTXT XCLC-TREES XCLC-TOP-LEVEL XCLC-ALPHA XCLC-OPTIMIZERS XCLC-ANALYZE XCLC-META-EVAL XCLC-TRANSFORMS XCLC-DATABASE XCLC-ANNOTATE XCLC-GENCODE XCLC-PEEPHOLE) (PUTPROPS XCL-COMPILER COPYRIGHT ("Venue & Xerox Corporation" 1986 1990)) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL))) STOP