# # Name: XCCS (XC-3-1-1-0) to Unicode # Unicode version: 3.0 # XCCS charset: 344 GEORGIAN-ARMENIAN # Table version: 0.1 # Table format: Format A # Date: 4-Aug-2020 # Author: Ron Kaplan # # This file contains mappings from the Xerox Character Code Standard (version # XC1-3-3-0, 1987) into Unicode 3.0. standard codes. That is the version of # XCCS corresponding to the fonts in the Medley system. # # The format of this file conforms to the format of the other Unicode-supplied # mapping files: # Three white-space (tab or spaces) separated columns: # Column 1 is the XCCS code (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 2 is the corresponding Unicode (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 3 (after #) is a comment column. For convenience, it contains the # Unicode character itself (since the Unicode character names # are not available) # Unicode FFFF is used for undefined XCCS codes (Column 3 = UNDEFINED # Unicode FFFE is used for XCCS codes that have not yet been filled in. # (Column 3 = MISSING) # # This file is encoded in UTF8, so that the Unicode characters # are properly displayed in Column 3 and can be edited by standard # Unicode-enabled editors (e.g. Mac Textedit). # # This file can also be read by the function # READ-UNICODE-MAPPING in the UNICODE Medley library package. # # The entries are in XCCS order and grouped by character sets. In front of # the mappings, for convenience, there is a line with the octal XCCS # character set, after #. # # Note that a given XCCS code might map to codes in several different Unicode # positions, since there are repetitions in the Unicode standard. # # For more details, see the associated README.TXT file. # # Any comments or problems, contact # "344" GEORGIAN-ARMENIAN 0xE421 0x10D0 # ა 0xE421 0x0966 # ० 0xE422 0x10D1 # ბ 0xE422 0x0967 # १ 0xE423 0x10D2 # გ 0xE423 0x0968 # २ 0xE424 0x10D3 # დ 0xE424 0x0969 # ३ 0xE425 0x10D4 # ე 0xE425 0x096A # ४ 0xE426 0x10D5 # ვ 0xE426 0x096B # ५ 0xE427 0x10D6 # ზ 0xE427 0x096C # ६ 0xE428 0x10F1 # ჱ 0xE428 0x096D # ७ 0xE429 0x10D7 # თ 0xE429 0x096E # ८ 0xE42A 0x10D8 # ი 0xE42A 0x096F # ९ 0xE42B 0x10D9 # კ 0xE42C 0x10DA # ლ 0xE42D 0x10DB # მ 0xE42E 0x10DC # ნ 0xE42F 0x10F2 # ჲ 0xE42F 0x20A8 # ₨ 0xE430 0x10DD # ო 0xE431 0x10DE # პ 0xE432 0x10DF # ჟ 0xE433 0x10E0 # რ 0xE434 0x10E1 # ს 0xE435 0x10E2 # ტ 0xE436 0x10E3 # უ 0xE437 0x10F3 # ჳ 0xE438 0x10E4 # ფ 0xE439 0x10E5 # ქ 0xE43A 0x10E6 # ღ 0xE43B 0x10E7 # ყ 0xE43C 0x10E8 # შ 0xE43D 0x10E9 # ჩ 0xE43E 0x10EA # ც 0xE43F 0x10EB # ძ 0xE440 0x10EC # წ 0xE441 0x10ED # ჭ 0xE442 0x10EE # ხ 0xE443 0x10F4 # ჴ 0xE444 0x10EF # ჯ 0xE445 0x10F0 # ჰ 0xE446 0x10F5 # ჵ 0xE447 0x10F6 # ჶ 0xE44E 0x0589 # ։ 0xE44F 0x10FB # ჻ 0xE451 0x10A0 # Ⴀ 0xE452 0x10A1 # Ⴁ 0xE453 0x10A2 # Ⴂ 0xE454 0x10A3 # Ⴃ 0xE455 0x10A4 # Ⴄ 0xE456 0x10A5 # Ⴅ 0xE457 0x10A6 # Ⴆ 0xE458 0x10C1 # Ⴡ 0xE459 0x10A7 # Ⴇ 0xE45A 0x10A8 # Ⴈ 0xE45B 0x10A9 # Ⴉ 0xE45C 0x10AA # Ⴊ 0xE45D 0x10AB # Ⴋ 0xE45E 0x10AC # Ⴌ 0xE45F 0x10C2 # Ⴢ 0xE460 0x10AD # Ⴍ 0xE461 0x10AE # Ⴎ 0xE462 0x10AF # Ⴏ 0xE463 0x10B0 # Ⴐ 0xE464 0x10B1 # Ⴑ 0xE465 0x10B2 # Ⴒ 0xE466 0x10B3 # Ⴓ 0xE467 0x10C3 # Ⴣ 0xE468 0x10B4 # Ⴔ 0xE469 0x10B5 # Ⴕ 0xE46A 0x10B6 # Ⴖ 0xE46B 0x10B7 # Ⴗ 0xE46C 0x10B8 # Ⴘ 0xE46D 0x10B9 # Ⴙ 0xE46E 0x10BA # Ⴚ 0xE46F 0x10BB # Ⴛ 0xE470 0x10BC # Ⴜ 0xE470 0x094A # ॊ 0xE471 0x10BD # Ⴝ 0xE471 0x0951 # ॑ 0xE472 0x10BE # Ⴞ 0xE472 0x0952 # ॒ 0xE473 0x10C4 # Ⴤ 0xE473 0x0953 # ॓ 0xE474 0x10BF # Ⴟ 0xE474 0x0954 # ॔ 0xE475 0x10C0 # Ⴠ 0xE475 0x0965 # ॥ 0xE476 0x10C5 # Ⴥ