# # Name: XCCS (XC-3-1-1-0) to Unicode # Unicode version: 3.0 # XCCS charset: 46 GREEK # Table version: 0.1 # Table format: Format A # Date: 4-Aug-2020 # Author: Ron Kaplan # # This file contains mappings from the Xerox Character Code Standard (version # XC1-3-3-0, 1987) into Unicode 3.0. standard codes. That is the version of # XCCS corresponding to the fonts in the Medley system. # # The format of this file conforms to the format of the other Unicode-supplied # mapping files: # Three white-space (tab or spaces) separated columns: # Column 1 is the XCCS code (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 2 is the corresponding Unicode (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 3 (after #) is a comment column. For convenience, it contains the # Unicode character itself (since the Unicode character names # are not available) # Unicode FFFF is used for undefined XCCS codes (Column 3 = UNDEFINED # Unicode FFFE is used for XCCS codes that have not yet been filled in. # (Column 3 = MISSING) # # This file is encoded in UTF8, so that the Unicode characters # are properly displayed in Column 3 and can be edited by standard # Unicode-enabled editors (e.g. Mac Textedit). # # This file can also be read by the function # READ-UNICODE-MAPPING in the UNICODE Medley library package. # # The entries are in XCCS order and grouped by character sets. In front of # the mappings, for convenience, there is a line with the octal XCCS # character set, after #. # # Note that a given XCCS code might map to codes in several different Unicode # positions, since there are repetitions in the Unicode standard. # # For more details, see the associated README.TXT file. # # Any comments or problems, contact # "46" GREEK 0x2624 0x0384 # ΄ 0x2625 0x0313 # ̓ 0x2626 0x0314 # ̔ 0x2627 0x0345 # ͅ 0x2634 0x0374 # ʹ 0x2635 0x0375 # ͵ 0x263B 0x0387 # · 0x2640 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2641 0x0391 # Α 0x2642 0x0392 # Β 0x2643 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2644 0x0393 # Γ 0x2645 0x0394 # Δ 0x2646 0x0395 # Ε 0x2647 0x03DA # Ϛ 0x2648 0x03DC # Ϝ 0x2649 0x0396 # Ζ 0x264A 0x0397 # Η 0x264B 0x0398 # Θ 0x264C 0x0399 # Ι 0x264D 0x039A # Κ 0x264E 0x039B # Λ 0x264F 0x039C # Μ 0x2650 0x039D # Ν 0x2651 0x039E # Ξ 0x2652 0x039F # Ο 0x2653 0x03A0 # Π 0x2654 0x03DE # Ϟ 0x2655 0x03A1 # Ρ 0x2656 0x03A3 # Σ 0x2657 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2658 0x03A4 # Τ 0x2659 0x03A5 # Υ 0x265A 0x03A6 # Φ 0x265B 0x03A7 # Χ 0x265C 0x03A8 # Ψ 0x265D 0x03A9 # Ω 0x265E 0x03E0 # Ϡ 0x265F 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2660 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2661 0x03B1 # α 0x2662 0x03B2 # β 0x2663 0x03D0 # ϐ 0x2664 0x03B3 # γ 0x2665 0x03B4 # δ 0x2666 0x03B5 # ε 0x2669 0x03B6 # ζ 0x266A 0x03B7 # η 0x266B 0x03B8 # θ 0x266C 0x03B9 # ι 0x266D 0x03BA # κ 0x266E 0x03BB # λ 0x266F 0x03BC # μ 0x2670 0x03BD # ν 0x2671 0x03BE # ξ 0x2672 0x03BF # ο 0x2673 0x03C0 # π 0x2675 0x03C1 # ρ 0x2676 0x03C3 # σ 0x2677 0x03C2 # ς 0x2678 0x03C4 # τ 0x2679 0x03C5 # υ 0x267A 0x03C6 # φ 0x267B 0x03C7 # χ 0x267C 0x03C8 # ψ 0x267D 0x03C9 # ω 0x267E 0x03E1 # ϡ 0x26C0 0x0344 # ̈́ 0x26C3 0x1FDF # ῟ 0x26C4 0x1FCF # ῏ 0x26C5 0x0301 # ́ 0x26C6 0x0300 # ̀ 0x26C7 0x0342 # ͂ 0x26C8 0x1FDE # ῞ 0x26C9 0x1FDD # ῝ 0x26CA 0x1FCE # ῎ 0x26CB 0x1FCD # ῍ 0x26CC 0x0308 # ̈ 0x26CD 0x0385 # ΅ 0x26CE 0x1FED # ῭ 0x26CF 0x1FC1 # ῁ 0x26D0 0x0386 # Ά 0x26D1 0x0388 # Έ 0x26D2 0x0389 # Ή 0x26D3 0x038A # Ί 0x26D4 0x038C # Ό 0x26D5 0x038E # Ύ 0x26D6 0x038F # Ώ 0x26D7 0x03AA # Ϊ 0x26D8 0x03AB # Ϋ 0x26DC 0x03E2 # Ϣ 0x26DD 0x03E4 # Ϥ 0x26DE 0x03E6 # Ϧ 0x26E0 0x03D3 # ϓ 0x26E1 0x03D4 # ϔ 0x26F0 0x03AC # ά 0x26F1 0x03AD # έ 0x26F2 0x03AE # ή 0x26F3 0x03AF # ί 0x26F4 0x03CC # ό 0x26F5 0x03CD # ύ 0x26F6 0x03CE # ώ 0x26F7 0x03CA # ϊ 0x26F8 0x03CB # ϋ 0x26F9 0x0390 # ΐ 0x26FA 0x03B0 # ΰ 0x26FB 0x03F3 # ϳ 0x26FC 0x03E3 # ϣ 0x26FD 0x03E5 # ϥ