# # Name: XCCS (XC-3-1-1-0) to Unicode # Unicode version: 3.0 # XCCS charset: 50 FORMS # Table version: 0.1 # Table format: Format A # Date: 4-Aug-2020 # Author: Ron Kaplan # # This file contains mappings from the Xerox Character Code Standard (version # XC1-3-3-0, 1987) into Unicode 3.0. standard codes. That is the version of # XCCS corresponding to the fonts in the Medley system. # # The format of this file conforms to the format of the other Unicode-supplied # mapping files: # Three white-space (tab or spaces) separated columns: # Column 1 is the XCCS code (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 2 is the corresponding Unicode (as hex 0xXXXX) # Column 3 (after #) is a comment column. For convenience, it contains the # Unicode character itself (since the Unicode character names # are not available) # Unicode FFFF is used for undefined XCCS codes (Column 3 = UNDEFINED # Unicode FFFE is used for XCCS codes that have not yet been filled in. # (Column 3 = MISSING) # # This file is encoded in UTF8, so that the Unicode characters # are properly displayed in Column 3 and can be edited by standard # Unicode-enabled editors (e.g. Mac Textedit). # # This file can also be read by the function # READ-UNICODE-MAPPING in the UNICODE Medley library package. # # The entries are in XCCS order and grouped by character sets. In front of # the mappings, for convenience, there is a line with the octal XCCS # character set, after #. # # Note that a given XCCS code might map to codes in several different Unicode # positions, since there are repetitions in the Unicode standard. # # For more details, see the associated README.TXT file. # # Any comments or problems, contact # "50" FORMS 0x2821 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2822 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2823 0x250C # ┌ 0x2824 0x250C # ┌ 0x2825 0x2518 # ┘ 0x2826 0x2514 # └ 0x2827 0x251C # ├ 0x2828 0x252C # ┬ 0x2829 0x2524 # ┤ 0x282A 0x2534 # ┴ 0x282B 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x282C 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x282D 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x282E 0x250F # ┏ 0x282F 0x2513 # ┓ 0x2830 0x251B # ┛ 0x2831 0x2517 # ┗ 0x2832 0x2523 # ┣ 0x2833 0x2533 # ┳ 0x2834 0x252B # ┫ 0x2835 0x253B # ┻ 0x2836 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2837 0x2520 # ┠ 0x2838 0x252F # ┯ 0x2839 0x2528 # ┨ 0x283A 0x2537 # ┷ 0x283B 0x253F # ┿ 0x283C 0x251D # ┝ 0x283D 0x2530 # ┰ 0x283E 0x2525 # ┥ 0x283F 0x2538 # ┸ 0x2840 0x2542 # ╂ 0x2841 0x254E # ╎ 0x2842 0x254F # ╏ 0x2843 0xFFFF # UNDEFINED 0x2850 0x2561 # ╡ 0x2851 0x2562 # ╢ 0x2852 0x2556 # ╖ 0x2853 0x2555 # ╕ 0x2854 0x2563 # ╣ 0x2855 0x2551 # ║ 0x2856 0x2557 # ╗ 0x2857 0x255D # ╝ 0x2858 0x255C # ╜ 0x2859 0x255B # ╛ 0x285A 0x255E # ╞ 0x285B 0x255F # ╟ 0x285C 0x255A # ╚ 0x285D 0x2554 # ╔ 0x285E 0x2569 # ╩ 0x285F 0x2566 # ╦ 0x2860 0x2560 # ╠ 0x2861 0x2550 # ═ 0x2862 0x256C # ╬ 0x2863 0x2567 # ╧ 0x2864 0x2568 # ╨ 0x2865 0x2564 # ╤ 0x2866 0x2565 # ╥ 0x2867 0x2559 # ╙ 0x2868 0x2558 # ╘ 0x2869 0x2552 # ╒ 0x286A 0x2553 # ╓ 0x286B 0x256B # ╫ 0x286C 0x256A # ╪