:- expects_dialect(lps). too_little_wei(_). actions organize(_). % system fluents below will take a while to succeed, so avoid using maxTime(Cycles): maxRealTime(3). % 3 seconds should do % Reactive rule antecedents cannot execute actions, they consume events. % These can be generated with a prolog_events declaration, but this wouldn't suit this example, % with a conjunction of system "event" calls; so instead we hack our way out of this using system fluents... % ... still better than a plain imperative Prolog call, as we get our external world state samples timestamped: if e(accounts(L)) at T1, member(A, L), e(getBalance(A,latest,_),MID) at T1, e_available(MID) at T2, e_result(MID,Balance) at T2, too_little_wei(Balance) then organize(A) from T2 . /** <examples> ?- go(Timeline). */