********** compound composition, two premises swimmer>. %0.90% // Swan is a type of swimmer. bird>. %0.80% // Swan is a type of bird. 5 OUT: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %0.98;0.81% // Swan is a type of bird or a type of swimmer. OUT: (&,bird,swimmer)>. %0.72;0.81% // Swan is a type of swimming bird. ********** compound composition, two premises competition>. %0.90% // Sport is a type of competition. competition>. %0.80% // Chess is a type of competition. 5 OUT: <(|,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.72;0.81% // If something is either chess or sport, then it is a competition. OUT: <(&,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.98;0.81% // If something is both chess and sport, then it is a competition. ********** compound decomposition, two premises (|,bird,swimmer)>. // Robin is a type of bird or a type of swimmer. swimmer>. %0.00% // Robin is not a type of swimmer. 3 OUT: bird>. %1.00;0.81% // Robin is a type of bird. ********** compound decomposition, two premises swimmer>. %0.00% // Robin is not a type of swimmer. (-,mammal,swimmer)>. %0.00% // Robin is not a nonswimming mammal. 3 OUT: mammal>. %0.00;0.81% // Robin is not a type of mammal. ********** set operations {Mars,Pluto,Venus}>. %0.90% // PlanetX is Mars, Pluto, or Venus. {Pluto,Saturn}>. %0.70% // PlanetX is probably Pluto or Saturn. 3 OUT: {Mars,Pluto,Saturn,Venus}>. %0.97;0.81% // PlanetX is Mars, Pluto, Saturn, or Venus. OUT: {Pluto}>. %0.63;0.81% // PlanetX is probably Pluto. ********** set operations IN: {Mars,Pluto,Venus}>. %0.90% // PlanetX is Mars, Pluto, or Venus. IN: {Pluto,Saturn}>. %0.10% // PlanetX is probably neither Pluto nor Saturn. 3 OUT: {Mars,Pluto,Saturn,Venus}>. %0.91;0.81% // PlanetX is Mars, Pluto, Saturn, or Venus. OUT: {Mars,Venus}>. %0.81;0.81% // PlanetX is either Mars or Venus. ********** composition on both sides of a statement animal>. %0.90% // Bird is a type of animal. <(&,bird,swimmer) --> (&,animal,swimmer)>? // Is a swimming bird a type of swimming animal? 2 OUT: <(&,bird,swimmer) --> (&,animal,swimmer)>. %0.90;0.73% // A swimming bird is probably a type of swimming animal. ********** composition on both sides of a statement animal>. %0.90% // Bird is a type of animal. <(-,swimmer,animal) --> (-,swimmer,bird)>? // Is a nonanimal swimmer a type of a nonbird swimmer? 2 OUT: <(-,swimmer,animal) --> (-,swimmer,bird)>. %0.90;0.73% // A nonanimal swimmer is probably a type of nonbird swimmer. ********** compound composition, one premise bird>. %0.90% // Swan is a type of bird. (|,bird,swimmer)>? // Is a swan a type of bird or swimmer? 3 OUT: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90;0.73% // A swan is probably a type of bird or swimmer. ********** compound composition, one premise bird>. %0.90% // Swan is a type of bird. <(&,swan,swimmer) --> bird>? // Is swimming swan a type of bird? 2 OUT: <(&,swan,swimmer) --> bird>. %0.90;0.73% // Swimming swan is a type of bird. ********** compound composition, one premise bird>. %0.90% // Swan is a type of bird. (-,swimmer,bird)>? // Is swan a type of nonbird swimmer? 3 OUT: (-,swimmer,bird)>. %0.10;0.73% // A swan is not a type of nonbird swimmer. ********** compound composition, one premise bird>. %0.90% // Swan is a type of bird. <(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>? // Is being bird what differ swimmer from swan? 2 OUT: <(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>. %0.10;0.73% // What differs swimmer from swan is not being bird. ********** compound decomposition, one premise (&,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90% // Robin is a type of swimming bird. 6 OUT: bird>. %0.90;0.73% // Robin is a type of bird. ********** compound decomposition, one premise (-,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90% // Robin is a type of nonswimming bird. 6 OUT: bird>. %0.90;0.73% // Robin is a type of bird. ********** compound decomposition, one premise <(|, boy, girl) --> youth>. %0.90% // Boys and gials are youth. 5 OUT: youth>. %0.90;0.73% // Boys are youth. ********** compound decomposition, one premise <(~, boy, girl) --> [strong]>. %0.90% // What differs boys from gials are being strong. 5 OUT: [strong]>. %0.90;0.73% // Boys are strong.