********** compound composition, two premises IN: swimmer>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: bird>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 2} 1 OUT: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %0.98;0.81% {1 : 2;1} OUT: (&,bird,swimmer)>. %0.72;0.81% {1 : 2;1} ********** compound composition, two premises IN: competition>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: competition>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 2} 1 OUT: <(&,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.98;0.81% {1 : 2;1} OUT: <(|,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.72;0.81% {1 : 2;1} ********** compound decomposition, two premises IN: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: swimmer>. %0.00;0.90% {0 : 2} 1 OUT: bird>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 1;2} ********** compound decomposition, two premises IN: swimmer>. %0.00;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: (-,mammal,swimmer)>. %0.00;0.90% {0 : 2} 1 OUT: mammal>. %0.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1} ********** set operations IN: {Mars,Pluto,Venus}>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: {Pluto,Saturn}>. %0.70;0.90% {0 : 2} 7 OUT: {Mars,Pluto,Saturn,Venus}>. %0.97;0.81% {7 : 1;2} OUT: {Pluto}>. %0.63;0.81% {7 : 1;2} ********** composition on both sides of a statement IN: animal>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: <(&,bird,swimmer) --> (&,animal,swimmer)>? {0 : 2} 1 OUT: animal>? {0 : 2} ********** composition on both sides of a statement IN: animal>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: <(-,swimmer,animal) --> (-,swimmer,bird)>? {0 : 2} 1 OUT: animal>? {0 : 2} ********** compound composition, one premise IN: bird>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: (|,bird,swimmer)>? {0 : 2} 2 OUT: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %0.80;0.65% {0 : 1} ********** compound composition, one premise IN: bird>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: <(&,swan,swimmer) --> bird>? {0 : 2} 1 OUT: <(&,swan,swimmer) --> bird>. %0.80;0.65% {0 : 1} ********** compound composition, one premise IN: bird>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: (-,swimmer,bird)>? {0 : 2} 2 OUT: (-,swimmer,bird)>. %0.20;0.65% {0 : 1} ********** compound composition, one premise IN: bird>. %0.80;0.90% {0 : 1} IN: (~,bird,swimmer)>? {0 : 2} 2 OUT: (~,bird,swimmer)>. %0.80;0.65% {0 : 1} ********** compound decomposition, one premise IN: (&,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} 6 OUT: bird>. %0.90;0.73% {0 : 1} ********** compound decomposition, one premise IN: (-,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1} 6 OUT: bird>. %0.90;0.73% {0 : 1}