% LOGFILE last change: 25 October 1994 Modifications: 25 Oct 94: reimplementation of FOIL added to the library 18 Apr 94: COBWEB - Bug in data set cobweb_3.pl removed - Output of cobweb.pl prettyfied - Prolog dialect dependency removed - Modified for avoiding rounding errors - Parameter 'acuity' can now be modified explicitly IDT - Zero-division bug removed - Several Prolog dependencies removed - Additional examples prepared AQ1 - Prolog dialect dependency removed All algorithms give now at consultation time a brief description of how to call them, which can also be obtained by proofing the goal 'help'. 5 Mar 93: INVERS.PRO: The program has be changed for compatibility with C-PROLOG 5 Mar 92: COBWEB: A bug in the computation of the prediction score of nodes has been removed. Furthermore, some changes were made in order to improve the readability (e.g., comments were added) and the compatibility with other PROLOG dialects. Furthermore, several small example data sets have been added. 25 Sept 91: Basic algorithms for explanation based generalisation and partial evaluation based on Kedar-Cabelli & McCarty's idea. Different kinds of simple PROLOG meta-interpreters added (directory: ebg) 25 Sept 91: Ivan Bratko's algorithm for learning attributional descriptions added (directory: attdsc) 25 Sept 91: The directories are no longer archived and compressed. May 1991: a new version of COBWEB replaced a faulty version