% nal_reader.pl
% Read Non_Axiomatic Logic from Prolog
% nal_test/2,
% nal_call/2,
:- set_module(class(library)).
:- set_module(base(system)).
:- use_module(library(logicmoo_common)).
:- use_module(library(logicmoo/dcg_meta)).
:- use_module(library(logicmoo/dcg_must)).
:- use_module(library(narsese)).
task ::= [budget] sentence (* task to be processed *)
sentence ::= statement"." [tense] [truth] (* judgement to be absorbed into beliefs *)
| statement"?" [tense] [truth] (* question on thuth-value to be answered *)
| statement"!" [desire] (* goal to be realized by operations *)
| statement"@" [desire] (* question on desire-value to be answered *)
statement ::= <"<">term copula term<">"> (* two terms related to each other *)
| <"(">term copula term<")"> (* two terms related to each other, new notation *)
| term (* a term can name a statement *)
| "(^"word {","term} ")" (* an operation to be executed *)
| word"("term {","term} ")" (* an operation to be executed, new notation *)
copula ::= "-->" (* inheritance *)
| "<->" (* similarity *)
| "{--" (* instance *)
| "--]" (* property *)
| "{-]" (* instance-property *)
| "==>" (* implication *)
| "=/>" (* predictive implication *)
| "=|>" (* concurrent implication *)
| "=\\>" (* =\> retrospective implication *)
| "<=>" (* equivalence *)
| ">" (* predictive equivalence *)
| "<|>" (* concurrent equivalence *)
term ::= word (* an atomic constant term *)
| variable (* an atomic variable term *)
| compound-term (* a term with internal structure *)
| statement (* a statement can serve as a term *)
compound-term ::= op-ext-set term {"," term} "}" (* extensional set *)
| op-int-set term {"," term} "]" (* intensional set *)
| "("op-multi"," term {"," term} ")" (* with prefix operator *)
| "("op-single"," term "," term ")" (* with prefix operator *)
| "(" term {op-multi term} ")" (* with infix operator *)
| "(" term op-single term ")" (* with infix operator *)
| "(" term {","term} ")" (* product, new notation *)
| "(" op-ext-image "," term {"," term} ")"(* special case, extensional image *)
| "(" op-int-image "," term {"," term} ")"(* special case, \ intensional image *)
| "(" op-negation "," term ")" (* negation *)
| op-negation term (* negation, new notation *)
op-int-set::= "[" (* intensional set *)
op-ext-set::= "{" (* extensional set *)
op-negation::= "--" (* negation *)
op-int-image::= "\\" (* \ intensional image *)
op-ext-image::= "/" (* extensional image *)
op-multi ::= "&&" (* conjunction *)
| "*" (* product *)
| "||" (* disjunction *)
| "&|" (* parallel events *)
| "&/" (* sequential events *)
| "|" (* intensional intersection *)
| "&" (* extensional intersection *)
op-single ::= "-" (* extensional difference *)
| "~" (* intensional difference *)
variable ::= "$"word (* independent variable *)
| "#"word (* dependent variable *)
| "?"word (* query variable in question *)
tense ::= ":/:" (* future event *)
| ":|:" (* present event *)
| ":\\:" (* :\: past event *)
desire ::= truth (* same format, different interpretations *)
truth ::= <"%">frequency[<";">confidence]<"%"> (* two numbers in [0,1]x(0,1) *)
budget ::= <"$">priority[<";">durability][<";">quality]<"$"> (* three numbers in [0,1]x(0,1)x[0,1] *)
word : #"[^\ ]+" (* unicode string *)
priority : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)" (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
durability : #"[0]?\.[0]*[1-9]{1}[0-9]*" (* 0 < x < 1 *)
quality : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)" (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
frequency : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)" (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
confidence : #"[0]?\.[0]*[1-9]{1}[0-9]*" (* 0 < x < 1 *)
nal_task(S)--> chspace,!,nal_task(S),!.
nal_task(OUT)--> nal_task_0(TASK),
(nal_three_vals(V3) -> {OUT = nal_in(TASK,V3)} ; {OUT = TASK}).
nal_task_0(nal_task(X,S,T,O,B)) --> optional(B, nal_budget),!, nal_sentence(X,S,T,O). % task to be processed
nal_sentence(X,S,T,O)--> nal_statement(S), nal_post_statement(X,T,O).
/*nal_statement(S),*/ nal_o(`.` ,X, judgement)-> optional(T,nal_tense)-> optional(O,nal_truth),! % judgement to be absorbed into beliefs
; /*nal_statement(S),*/ nal_o(`?` ,X, question_truth)-> optional(T,nal_tense)-> optional(O,nal_truth),! % question on truth_value to be answered
; /*nal_statement(S),*/ nal_o(`!` ,X, goal)-> optional(T,nal_tense)-> optional(O,nal_desire) % goal to be realized by operations
; /*nal_statement(S),*/ nal_o(`@` ,X, question_desire)-> optional(T,nal_tense)-> optional(O,nal_desire) % question on desire_value to be answered
% nal_statement(nal_word(S))--> nal_word(S).
nal_statement(S)--> amw(nal_statement_0(S)),!.
nal_statement_0(S)--> cwhite,nal_statement_0(S).
amw(`<`) ,!, nal_term(A), nal_copula(R), nal_term(B), amw(`>`) , {S=..[R,A,B]} % two terms related to each other
; nal_l_paren, `^` , nal_term_list_comma(L), nal_paren_r, {S= exec(L)} % an operation to be executed
; nal_l_paren, nal_term(A), nal_copula(R), nal_term(B), nal_paren_r, {S=..[R,A,B]} % two terms related to each other, new notation
; nal_word(A), nal_l_paren, nal_term_list_comma(L), nal_paren_r, {S= exec([A|L])}% an operation to be executed, new notation
; nal_term_1(X), {S= nal_named_statement(X)} % a term can name a statement(S)
nal_copula(X) -->
nal_o(`-->` ,X, inheritance )
; nal_o(`<->` ,X, similarity )
; nal_o(`{--` ,X, instance )
; nal_o(`--]` ,X, property )
; nal_o(`{-]` ,X, inst_prop )
; nal_o(`==>` ,X, implication )
; nal_o(`=/>` ,X, predictive_impl )
; nal_o(`=|>` ,X, concurrent_impl )
; nal_o(`=\\>` ,X, retrospective_impl )
; nal_o(`<=>` ,X, equiv )
; nal_o(`>` ,X, predictive_equiv )
; nal_o(`<|>` ,X, concurrent_equiv )
; nal_o(`=>` ,X, unknown_implication )% dmiles added
; nal_o(`|-` ,X, prolog_implication ) % dmiles added
nal_term(N) --> nal_term_old(O), {old_to_new(O,N)}.
--> nal_word(S) % an atomic constant, term,
; nal_variable(S) % an atomic variable, term,
; nal_compound_term(S) % a term with internal structure
; nal_statement(S) % a statement can serve as a term,
nal_term_0(N) --> nal_term_0_old(O), {old_to_new(O,N)}.
--> nal_word_0(S) % an atomic constant, term,
; nal_variable_0(S) % an atomic variable, term,
; nal_compound_term_0(S) % a, term, with internal structure
; nal_statement_0(S) % a statement can serve as a, term,
nal_term_1(N) --> nal_term_1_old(O), {old_to_new(O,N)},!.
--> nal_word(S) % an atomic constant, term,
; nal_variable(S) % an atomic variable, term,
; nal_compound_term(S) % a, term, with internal structure
old_to_new(rel([R, var(arg, L) | B]), ext_image(New)):- length(Left,L), append(Left,Right,[R|B]), append(Left,['_'|Right],New),!.
old_to_new(rel([R, var(int, L) | B]), int_image(New)):- length(Left,L), append(Left,Right,[R|B]), append(Left,['_'|Right],New),!.
nal_compound_term(X)--> mw(nal_compound_term_0(X)),!.
nal_compound_term_0('exec'([S]))--> `^`,!,nal_term_1(S),!.
nal_compound_term_0(S)--> \+ dcg_peek(`<`),!,nal_compound_term_1(S),!.
( nal_o(nal_op_ext_set,X,ext_set), nal_term_list_comma(L), `}` % extensional set
; nal_o(nal_op_int_set,X,int_set), nal_term_list_comma(L), `]` % intensional set
; nal_word_0(A), `[`, nal_term_list_comma(L), `]`, {S= v(A,L)} % @TODO notation
; nal_o(nal_op_negation,X,negation), nal_term(AB),{L=[AB]} % negation, new notation
; nal_l_paren, nal_paren_compound_term(X,L), nal_paren_r
), {S=..[X,L]}.
nal_paren_compound_term(X,L) -->
nal_op_multi(X), nal_comma, nal_term_list_comma(L) % with prefix operator
; nal_op_single(X), nal_comma, nal_term(A), nal_comma, nal_term(B), {L=[A,B]} % with prefix operator
; nal_o(nal_op_ext_image,X,ext_image), nal_comma, nal_term_list_comma(L) % special case, extensional image
; nal_o(nal_op_int_image,X,int_image), nal_comma, nal_term_list_comma(L) % special case, \ intensional image
; nal_o(nal_op_negation,X,negation), nal_comma, nal_term(AB),{L=[AB]} % negation
; nal_term(A), nal_op_multi(X), nal_term(B),{L=[A,B]} % with infix operator
; nal_term(A), nal_op_single(X), nal_term(B),{L=[A,B]} % with infix operator
; nal_preserve_whitespace((nal_term_0(A), chspace, {X=rel}, nal_term_list_white(SL, ` `))),{L=[A|SL]}
; {X=product}, nal_term_list_comma(L) % product, new notation
nal_op_int_set-->`[`. % intensional set
nal_op_ext_set-->`{`. % extensional set
nal_op_negation-->`--`. % negation
nal_op_int_image-->`\\`. % \ intensional image
nal_op_ext_image-->`/`. % / extensional image
nal_preserve_whitespace(DCG,S,E) :- locally(b_setval(whitespace,preserve),phrase(DCG,S,E)).
% nal_no_preserve_whitespace(DCG,S,E) :- phrase(DCG,S,E).
nal_o(`&&` ,X, and) % conjunction
; nal_o(`*` ,X, product) % product
; nal_o(`||` ,X, or) % disjunction
; nal_o(`#` ,X, sequence_spatial) % patham9 "sequence", wasn't really useful for NLP, it was called PART
; nal_o(`&|` ,X, parallel_evnts) % parallel events
; nal_o(`&/` ,X, sequence_evnts) % sequential events
; nal_o(`|` ,X, int_intersection) % intensional intersection
; nal_o(`&` ,X, ext_intersection) % extensional intersection
nal_op_single(X) -->
nal_o(`-`, X, ext_difference) % extensional difference
; nal_o(`~`, X, int_difference) % intensional difference
nal_variable(VA)--> nal_variable_0(V),!,maybe_plus_array2(V,VA).
-->nal_o(`$`, X, ind), nal_word_0(W) % independent variable
;nal_o(`#`, X, dep), nal_word_0(W) % dependent variable
;nal_o(`?`, X, query), nal_word_0(W) % query variable in question
;nal_o(`/`, X, arg), nal_word_0(W) % query variable in params
;nal_o(`\\`,X, int), nal_word_0(W) % query variable in ....
nal_variable_0(('_')) --> `_`.
nal_variable_0(('#')) --> `#`.
nal_variable_0(('$')) --> `$`.
nal_tense(X) -->
nal_o(`:/:`, X, future) % future event
; nal_o(`:|:`, X, present) % present event
; nal_o(`:\\:`, X, past) % :\: past event
nal_tense('t!'(X)) --> `:!`, number(X), `:`.
nal_tense('t'(X)) --> `:`, nal_term_1(X), `:`.
% Desire is same format of Truth, but different interpretations
% Truth is two numbers in [0,1]x(0,1)
nal_truth([F,C])--> `%`, !, nal_frequency(F), optional((`;`, nal_confidence(C))), optional(`%`),!.
nal_truth([F,C])--> `{`, dcg_basics:number(F),!,{is_float_0_1(F)}, chspace, dcg_basics:number(C),{is_float_0_1(F)},`}`,!.
nal_truth([F,C])--> `Truth:`,read_nal_expected_truth(F,C).
% Budget is three numbers in optional(O,0,1]x(0,1)x[0,1]
nal_budget(nal_budget_pdq(P,D,Q))--> `$`,!, nal_priority(P), optional(( `;`, nal_durability(D))), optional((`;`, nal_quality(Q))), `$`.
is_float_0_1(F):- 0.0 =< F, F =< 1.0.
nal_word(E) --> amw(nal_word_0(E)).
nal_word_0('+'(E)) --> `+`,dcg_basics:integer(E),!.
nal_word_0(E) --> dcg_basics:number(E),!.
nal_word_0(E) --> quoted_string(E),!.
nal_word_0(E) --> nal_word_str(E).
% nal_rsymbol(Chars,E) --> [C], {notrace(nal_sym_char(C))},!, nal_sym_continue(S), {append(Chars,[C|S],AChars),string_to_atom(AChars,E)},!.
nal_word_str(MaybeArray) --> dcg_peek([C]),{char_type(C,alpha)},!, nal_rsymbol(E),!,maybe_plus_array(E,MaybeArray).
maybe_plus_array2(E,var_holds(E,[])) --> mw(`(`),mw(`)`),!.
maybe_plus_array2(E,var_holds(E,Ar)) --> `(`,owhite,nal_term_list_comma(Ar),owhite,`)`.
maybe_plus_array(E,E) --> \+ dcg_peek(`[`),!.
maybe_plus_array(E,idxOf(E,Ar)) --> `[`,owhite,nal_term_list_comma(Ar),owhite,`]`.
nal_priority(F) --> nal_float_inclusive(0,1,F). % 0 <= x <= 1
nal_durability(F) --> nal_float_exclusive(0,1,F). % 0 < x < 1
nal_quality(F) --> nal_float_inclusive(0,1,F). % 0 <= x <= 1
nal_frequency(F) --> nal_float_inclusive(0,1,F). % 0 <= x <= 1
nal_confidence(F) --> nal_float_exclusive(0,1,F). % 0 < x < 1
nal_o(S,X,X) --> owhite,S,owhite.
nal_o(X,X) --> nal_o(X,X,X).
nal_float_inclusive(L,H,F)--> amw((dcg_basics:number(F) -> {nal_warn_if_strict((L=< F,F=< H))})).
nal_float_exclusive(L,H,F)--> amw((dcg_basics:number(F) -> {nal_warn_if_strict((L < F,F < H))})).
nal_warn_if_strict(G):- call(G),!.
nal_warn_if_strict(G):- nal_dmsg(nal_warn_if_strict(G)),!.
:- set_dcg_meta_reader_options(file_comment_reader, nal_comment_expr_unused).
nal_comment_expr_unused(_) --> {!,fail}.
nal_comment_expr(X) --> chspace,!,nal_comment_expr(X).
nal_comment_expr('$COMMENT'(Expr,I,CP)) --> nal_comment_expr_3(Expr,I,CP),!.
nal_comment_expr_3(T,N,CharPOS) --> `/*`, !, my_lazy_list_location(file(_,_,N,CharPOS)),!, zalwayz(read_string_until_no_esc(S,`*/`)),!,
nal_comment_expr_3(T,N,CharPOS) --> {nal_cmt_until_eoln(Text)},dcg_peek(Text),!,
nal_cmt_until_eoln((`//`, \+ dcg_peek(`expected:`))).
nal_cmt_until_eoln(((`'`, \+ dcg_peek(`'outputMustContain`), dcg_peek(\+ `' Answer `)))).
nal_comma --> amw(`,`).
nal_l_paren --> amw(`(`).
nal_paren_r --> amw(`)`).
nal_term_list_white([H|T], Sep) --> nal_term_0(H), ( (Sep,owhite) -> nal_term_list_white(T, Sep) ; ({T=[]},owhite)).
nal_term_list_comma([H|T]) --> nal_term(H), ( nal_comma -> nal_term_list_comma(T) ; {T=[]} ).
nal_rsymbol(S)--> {builtin_symbol(S),name(S,Str)},Str,!.
nal_rsymbol(E)--> nal_rsymbol([],E).
nal_rsymbol(Chars,E) --> [C], {notrace(nal_sym_char(C))},!, nal_sym_continue(S), {append(Chars,[C|S],AChars),string_to_atom(AChars,E)},!.
nal_sym_continue([]) --> nal_peek_symbol_breaker,!.
nal_sym_continue([H|T]) --> [H], {nal_sym_char(H)},!, nal_sym_continue(T).
nal_sym_continue([]) --> [].
nal_peek_symbol_breaker --> dcg_peek(`--`).
nal_peek_symbol_breaker --> dcg_peek(`-`),!,{fail}.
nal_peek_symbol_breaker --> dcg_peek(one_blank).
nal_peek_symbol_breaker --> dcg_peek([C]),{\+ nal_sym_char(C)},!.
nal_sym_char(C):- \+ integer(C),!,char_code(C,D),!,nal_sym_char(D).
nal_sym_char(C):- [C]=`_`,!.
nal_sym_char(C):- bx(C =< 32),!,fail.
%nal_sym_char(44). % allow comma in middle of symbol
% word is: #"[^\ ]+" % unicode string
nal_sym_char(C):- nal_never_symbol_char(NeverSymbolList),memberchk(C,NeverSymbolList),!,fail. % maybe 44 ? nal_comma
%nal_sym_char(C):- nb_current('$maybe_string',t),memberchk(C,`,.:;!%`),!,fail.
nal_sym_char(_):- !.
nal_rsymbol_cont(Prepend,E) --> nal_sym_continue(S), {append(Prepend,S,AChars),string_to_atom(AChars,E)},!.
nal_is_test_file(X):-filematch(library('../nal-tests/**/*'),X), \+ nal_non_file(X).
nal_is_test_file(X):-filematch(library('../examples/**/*'),X),atom_contains(X,nars), \+ nal_non_file(X).
nal_non_file(X):- downcase_atom(X,DC),X\==DC,!,nal_non_file(DC).
nal_non_file(X):- atom_contains(readme,X).
nal_non_file(X):- exists_directory(X).
nal_non_file(X):- atom_concat(_,'.pl',X).
nal_do_test_file(File):- (\+ atom(File); \+ is_absolute_file_name(File); \+ exists_file(File)),
filematch(File,Absolute), !, nal_do_test_file(Absolute).
% Whole Group
nal_do_test_stream(In):- nal_read_clauses(In,Expr),!,nars_exec_ex(Expr).
% One at a time
% nal_do_test_stream(In):- repeat, nal_read_clause(In,Expr), nars_exec_ex(Expr), Expr==end_of_file.
nal_dmsg(O):- is_list(O),!,in_cmt(maplist(print_tree_nl,O)).
nal_dmsg(O):- format('~N'), in_cmt(print_tree_nl(O)).
amw(A)--> cspace,!,amw(A).
amw(A)--> A,more_cspace(chspace).
%chspace--> `,`,dcg_peek(chspace),!.
chspace--> cspace.
chspace--> `,`,!.
chspace--> [C],{char_type(C,white)}.
aspaces--> chspace, more_aspace(chspace).
more_aspace(P)--> P,!, more_aspace(P).
more_aspace(_)--> [].
more_cspace(P)--> P,!, more_cspace(P).
more_cspace(_)--> [].
% NAL file reader
nal_file(CMT) --> {retract(t_l:'$last_comment'(CMT))},!.
nal_file(end_of_file) --> file_eof,!.
nal_file(O) --> eoln, !, nal_file(O).
nal_file(O) --> chspace, !, nal_file(O).
nal_file([]) --> \+ dcg_peek([_]), !.
%nal_file(O) --> nal_file_element(O), !, owhite.
nal_file(O) --> read_string_until_no_esc(Str,eoln), {phrase((nal_file_element(O),owhite),Str),!}.
% fallback to english in a file
nal_file(unk_english(Text)) --> read_string_until_no_esc(Str,eoln),
{atom_string(Str,TextStr),{format('~N%~~ '),ansifmt([red],(TextStr)),nl},split_string(TextStr, "", "\s\t\r\n", Text)}.
% nal_file(planStepLPG(Name,Expr,Value)) --> owhite,sym_or_num(Name),`:`,owhite, nal(Expr),owhite, `[`,sym_or_num(Value),`]`,owhite. % 0.0003: (PICK-UP ANDY IBM-R30 CS-LOUNGE) [0.1000]
% nal_file(Term,Left,Right):- eoln(EOL),append(LLeft,[46,EOL|Right],Left),read_term_from_codes(LLeft,Term,[double_quotes(string),syntax_errors(fail)]),!.
% nal_file(Term,Left,Right):- append(LLeft,[46|Right],Left), ( \+ member(46,Right)),read_term_from_codes(LLeft,Term,[double_quotes(string),syntax_errors(fail)]),!.
% non-standard
nal_file_element(O) --> chspace, !, nal_file_element(O).
nal_file_element(expected(O) ) --> `//expected:`, read_string_until(Str,(eoln)),!,{phrase(read_nal_expected(O),Str)}.
nal_file_element(outputMustContain(O)) --> `''outputMustContain('`, amw(nal_file_element(O)),`')`,!.
%nal_file_element(outputMustContain(O)) --> `''outputMustContain('`, !, read_string_until(Str,`')`),`')`,{fmt(Str),phrase(nal_file_element(O),Str,[])}.
nal_file_element('oneAnswer'(O) ) --> `' Answer `, read_string_until(Str,(`{`,eoln)),{phrase(nal_task(O),Str,[])}.
nal_file_element(Comment) --> nal_comment_expr(Comment),!.
nal_file_element(N=V ) --> `*`, nal_word(N), amw(`=`), nal_term(V).
nal_file_element(nal_in(H,V3)) --> `IN:`, nal_task_0(H), optional(nal_three_vals(V3)).
nal_file_element(nal_out(H,V3)) --> `OUT:`, nal_task_0(H), optional(nal_three_vals(V3)).
% standard
nal_file_element(do_steps(N)) --> dcg_basics:number(N),!.
nal_file_element(H) --> nal_task(H),!.
nal_file_element(nal_term(H)) --> nal_term(H).
% nal_read_clause("'the detective claims that tim lives in graz",A)
ospace --> chspace,!,ospace.
ospace --> [].
read_nal_expected(O) --> chspace, !, read_nal_expected(O).
read_nal_expected([H|T]) --> read_nal_expected_ele(H),read_nal_expected(T).
read_nal_expected([]) --> [].
read_nal_expected_ele(O) --> chspace, !, read_nal_expected_ele(O).
% ^say executed with args ({SELF} * bedroom)
read_nal_expected_ele(executed_with_args(T,A)) --> amw(nal_term(T)),`executed with args`,amw(nal_term(A)).
read_nal_expected_ele(answer(O)) --> `Answer:`,nal_file_element(O).
read_nal_expected_ele(occurrenceTime(T)) --> `occurrenceTime=`,ospace,dcg_basics:number(T).
read_nal_expected_ele(truth(F,C)) --> `Truth:`,read_nal_expected_truth(F,C).
read_nal_expected_truth(F,C) --> chspace, !, read_nal_expected_truth(F,C).
read_nal_expected_truth(_,_) --> `.`,!.
read_nal_expected_truth(_,_) --> \+ dcg_peek([_]), !.
read_nal_expected_truth(F,C) --> read_nal_expected_truth_ele(F,C), !, read_nal_expected_truth(F,C).
read_nal_expected_truth_ele(F,C) --> (chspace;`,`), !, read_nal_expected_truth_ele(F,C).
read_nal_expected_truth_ele(F,_) --> `frequency=`,ospace,nal_frequency(F).
read_nal_expected_truth_ele(_,C) --> `confidence=`,ospace,nal_confidence(C).
% {1 : 4;3}
nal_three_vals(V3)--> `{`, read_string_until_no_esc(Str,(`}`;eoln)),
%nal_file_with_comments(O,with_text(O,Txt),S,E):- copy_until_tail(S,Copy),text_to_string_safe(Copy,Txt),!.
:- thread_local(t_l:sreader_options/2).
nal_tests:- make, fmt('\nNAL TEST'), nal_reader:forall(nal_is_test(_,Test),nal_test(Test)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
% try_reader_test(Test):- is_stream(Test), !, \+ is_compound(Test), open_string(Test,Stream), try_reader_test(Stream).
nal_zave_varname(N,V):- debug_var(N,V),!.
%nal_zave_varname(N,V):- V = '$VAR'(N).
implode_varnames(Vs):- (var(Vs) ; Vs==[]),!.
implode_varnames([NV|Vs]) :- implode_varnames(Vs),
(var(NV) -> ignore((nal_variable_name(NV,Name),nal_zave_varname(Name,NV)));
nal_read_clauses( Text, Out):-
findall(Cl,nal_read_clause(Text, Cl), OutL),
nal_read_clause( NonStream, Out):- \+ is_stream(NonStream), !, % nal_dmsg(NonStream),
must_or_rtrace((open_string(NonStream,Stream), nal_read_clause(Stream, Out))).
nal_read_clause(Stream, Out):-
M\== input, !,
nal_read_clause(Stream, Out),
nal_read_clause(Stream, Out):-
op(601, xfx, input:(/)),
op(601, xfx, input:(\\)),
(at_end_of_stream(Stream)-> Out=[];
nal_read_term(Stream, Term),
(Term == end_of_file -> Out=[];
(Term = (:- Exec) -> (input:call(Exec), Out=More) ; Out = [Term|More]),
nal_read_clause(Stream, More)))).
notrace(( is_stream(In),
read_codes_from_pending_input(In,Text), Text\==[])), !,
call_cleanup(parse_meta_ascii_nal(nal_file, Text,Expr),
notrace(( =( ascii_,In),
call_cleanup(parse_meta_ascii_nal(nal_file, Text,Expr),
parse_meta_ascii_nal(nal_file, Text,Expr):-
parse_meta_ascii(nal_file, Text,Expr),
nal_reader:{X}:- call(X).
% Expand Stream or String
nal_call(Ctx, Stream, Out):- \+ compound(Stream),
must_or_rtrace(nal_read_clauses(Stream, List)), !,
nal_call(Ctx, List, Out).
nal_call(Ctx, List, Out):- is_list(List),!, maplist(nal_call(Ctx),List, OutL),flatten(OutL,Out).
nal_call(Ctx, InnerCtx=json(List), Out):- !, nal_call([InnerCtx|Ctx], List, Out).
nal_call(Ctx, List, Out):-
sub_term(Sub, List), nonvar(Sub),
nal_rule_rewrite(Ctx, Sub, NewSub),
% ignore((NewSub=='$',nal_dmsg(nal_rule_rewrite(_Ctx, Sub, NewSub)))),
nonvar(NewSub), Sub\==NewSub,
subst(List, Sub, NewSub, NewList),
List\==NewList, !,
nal_call(Ctx, NewList, Out).
nal_call(_Ctx, List, Out):- flatten([List], Out),!.
nal_rule_rewrite(_Ctx, json(Replace), Replace):- nonvar(Replace),!.
nal_join_atomics(Sep,List,Joined):- atomics_to_string(List,Sep,Joined).
nal_into_tokenized(Text,TokenizedText):- \+ string(Text),!,
any_to_string(Text,String), nal_into_tokenized(String,TokenizedText).
split_string(Text, "", "\s\t\r\n", [L]), L\==Text,!,
nal_into_tokenized(Text,TokenizedText):- L=[_S1,_S2|_SS],
atomics_to_string(LO,Split, TokenizedText).
split_string(Text, "\n", "\s\t\n\r",StringList),
maplist(nal_join_atomics(' '),SentenceList,ListOfStrings),
:- fixup_exports.
nal_is_test(read, "'the detective claims that tim lives in graz").
nal_is_test(read, "<{tim} --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})>.").
nal_is_test(read, " swimmer>. %0.87;0.91%").
nal_is_test(read, "''outputMustContain(' swimmer>. %0.87;0.91%')").
nal_is_test(read, "1").
nal_is_test(read, "$1").
nal_is_test(read, "#1").
nal_is_test(read, "?1").
nal_is_test(read, "/1").
nal_is_test(read, "\\1").
% to distinguish
% "eaten by tiger" vs. "eating tiger"
% before: (/,eat,tiger,_) vs. (/,eat,_,tiger)
% now: (eat /2 tiger) vs. (eat /1 tiger)
nal_is_test(read, "'eating tiger").
nal_is_test(read, "(eat /1 tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "(/,eat,_,tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "'eaten by tiger").
nal_is_test(read, "(eat /2 tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "(/,eat,tiger,_)").
nal_is_test(read, "'intensional eating").
nal_is_test(read, "(eat \\1 tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "(\\,eat,_,tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "(eat \\2 tiger)").
nal_is_test(read, "(\\,eat,tiger,_)").
nal_is_test(exec, "'Revision ------
'Bird is a type of swimmer.
'Bird is probably not a type of swimmer.
swimmer>. %0.10;0.60%
'Bird is very likely to be a type of swimmer.
''outputMustContain(' swimmer>. %0.87;0.91%')").
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** revision
IN: swimmer>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: swimmer>. %0.10;0.60% {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. %0.87;0.91% {1 : 1;2}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** abduction
IN: competition>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: competition>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 2}
OUT: chess>. %1.00;0.42% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: sport>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: sport>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&,chess,sport) --> competition>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <(|,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.90;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: < $1> ==> $1>>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: < $1> ==> $1>>. %1.00;0.42% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: < $1> <=> $1>>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: (&&, #1>, #1>). %0.90;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********* induction
IN: swimmer>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: bird>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: bird>. %1.00;0.42% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: swimmer>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: (|,bird,swimmer)>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: (&,bird,swimmer)>. %0.90;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <<$1 --> swimmer> ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.42% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <<$1 --> bird> ==> <$1 --> swimmer>>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <<$1 --> bird> <=> <$1 --> swimmer>>. %0.90;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: (&&,<#1 --> bird>,<#1 --> swimmer>). %0.90;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** exemplification
IN: bird>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: animal>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
OUT: animal>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: robin>. %1.00;0.45% {1 : 2;1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** conversion
IN: swimmer>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: bird>? {0 : 2}
OUT: bird>. %1.00;0.47% {2 : 1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** y/n question
IN: swimmer>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: swimmer>? {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** wh-question
IN: swimmer>. %1.00;0.80% {0 : 1}
IN: 1 --> swimmer>? {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. %1.00;0.80% {0 : 1}
nal_is_test(exec, "
'the detective claims that tim lives in graz
'<{tim} --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})>.
'and lawyer claims that this is not the case
<{tim} --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})>. %0%
'the first deponent, a psychologist,
'claims that people with sunglasses are more aggressive
<<(*,$1,sunglasses) --> own> ==> <$1 --> [aggressive]>>.
'the third deponent claims, that he has seen tom with sunglasses on:
<(*,{tom},sunglasses) --> own>.
'the teacher claims, that people who are aggressive tend to be murders
<<$1 --> [aggressive]> ==> <$1 --> murder>>.
'the second deponent claims, that if the person lives in Graz, he is surely the murder
<<$1 --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})> ==> <$1 --> murder>>.
'who is the murder?
<{?who} --> murder>?
''outputMustContain('<{tom} --> murder>. %1.00;0.73%')
nal_is_test(read, "
' Custom truth values These are added by appending {0.0 0.9} instead of %0.0;0.9% as we believe this increased the readability.
' Example
********** wh-question
IN: swimmer>. %1.00;0.80% {0 : 1}
IN: 1 --> swimmer>? {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. %1.00;0.80% {0 : 1}
' can now be
********** wh-question
IN: swimmer>. {1.0 0.80} {0 : 1}
IN: 1 --> swimmer>? {0 : 2}
OUT: swimmer>. {1.0 0.80} {0 : 1}
nal_is_test(read, "
' has to be written as
(rel /1 b)
' and image as
' as
(rel /2 a)
' same for \\ with \\1 and \\2.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Intervals, to measure expected time distances between events, are always learned by ONA and stored as meta-data, they are not part of the Narsese I/O format anymore. Hence a sequence
' becomes
' or
(a &/ b)
' and also the interval for implications is not used anymore.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Operators The syntactic sugar
' is not supported anymore, instead the full notation has to be used which is supported by both systems:
<(*,arg_1,arg_2,arg_3,arg_n) --> ^op>
' though for operations without arguments, the following shortcut can be used:
nal_is_test(read, "
'1. Copulas in ONA are binary, since it's using an array-based heap for terms.
' While there are ways to encode n-ary relations in a binary heap, the ONA philosophy, following KISS,
' encourages the use of left-nesting, which is also used by the system itself to compose sequences of events:
((a &/ b) &/ c).
nal_is_test(read, "
'2. The parallel temporal copula &| is not implemented, please use &/ for now, again due to KISS.
' If the order does not matter in some background knowledge we want to give the system, in addition to
<(a &/ b) =/> c>
' also give it
<(b &/ a) =/> c>
' to achieve the same as with &| for now.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Optional syntactic improvements
' The ONA parser does not require commas, and doesn't distinguish between < and (, also it supports infix format.
<(|,a,b) --> M>.
' can be written as
<(a | b) --> M>.
' or even as
((a | b) --> M).
' Note: Spaces cannot be omitted.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Tim is alive.
<{Tim} --> [alive]>.
'Tim is a human.
<{Tim} --> human>.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Humans are a lifeform.
'Lifeforms are like machines.
nal_is_test(read, "
'Tom eats chocolate.
<(*,{Tom},chocolate) --> eat>.
<{Tom} --> (/,eat,_,chocolate)>.
nal_is_test(read, "
in>. :|:
<({SELF} * kitchen) --> ^go>. :|:
<({cat} * kitchen) --> in>. :|:
in>. :|:
<({SELF} * bedroom) --> ^go>. :|:
<({cat} * bedroom) --> in>. :|:
in>. :|:
<({SELF} * livingroom) --> ^go>. :|:
//no cat this time, it doesn't like the livingroom :)
in>. :|:
<({SELF} * bedroom) --> ^go>. :|:
<({cat} * bedroom) --> in>. :|:
//Ok you are in corridor now
in>. :|:
nal_is_test(read, "
G! :|:
nal_is_test(read, "//Jonas has asthma?
<{jonas} --> [asthma]>?
//expected: Answer: <{jonas} --> [asthma]>. Truth: frequency=1.000000, confidence=0.801900
//Angelika has asthma?
<{angelika} --> [asthma]>?
//expected: Answer: <{angelika} --> [asthma]>. Truth: frequency=1.000000, confidence=0.810000").
nal_is_test(exec, "
'********** [08 + 09 -> 10]:
'The robot is holding key001.
<(*,Self,key001) --> hold>. :|: %1.00;0.81%
'The robot is holding key001.
<(*,Self,key001) --> hold>. :|:
'The robot is holding key001.
''outputMustContain('<(*,Self,key001) --> hold>. :!1: %1.00;0.93%')
nal_is_test(exec, "
'********** compound composition, two premises
'Sport is a type of competition.
competition>. %0.90%
'Chess is a type of competition.
competition>. %0.80%
'If something is either chess or sport, then it is a competition.
''outputMustContain('<(|,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.72;0.81%')
'If something is both chess and sport, then it is a competition.
''outputMustContain('<(&,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.98;0.81%')
nal_is_test(exec, "
********** [07 + 09 -> 11]:
IN: <(*,key001) --> ^pick>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {0 : 0 : 1}
IN: <(*,Self,key001) --> hold>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {1 : 1 : 2}
OUT: <<(*,Self,key001) --> hold> =\\> <(*,key001) --> ^pick>>. :\\: %1.00;0.45% {2 : 1 : 1;2}
OUT: <<(*,key001) --> ^pick> =/> <(*,Self,key001) --> hold>>. :\\: %1.00;0.45% {2 : 1 : 1;2}
OUT: <<(*,key001) --> ^pick> > <(*,Self,key001) --> hold>>. :\\: %1.00;0.45% {2 : 1 : 1;2}
OUT: (/,^pick,_)>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {2 : 0 : 1}
nal_is_test(exec, "********** deduction
IN: animal>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: bird>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
OUT: animal>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: robin>. %1.00;0.45% {1 : 2;1} ").
nal_is_test(exec, "********** deduction
'the detective claims that tim lives in graz
'<{tim} --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})>.
'and lawyer claims that this is not the case
<{tim} --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})>. %0%
'the first deponent, a psychologist,
'claims that people with sunglasses are more aggressive
<<(*,$1,sunglasses) --> own> ==> <$1 --> [aggressive]>>.
'the third deponent claims, that he has seen tom with sunglasses on:
<(*,{tom},sunglasses) --> own>.
'the teacher claims, that people who are aggressive tend to be murders
<<$1 --> [aggressive]> ==> <$1 --> murder>>.
'the second deponent claims, that if the person lives in Graz, he is surely the murder
<<$1 --> (/,livingIn,_,{graz})> ==> <$1 --> murder>>.
'who is the murder?
<{?who} --> murder>?
''outputMustContain('<{tom} --> murder>. %1.00;0.73%')").
nal_is_test(read, "
//First: Input diamond:
// | ██ |
// | ██ ██ |
// |██ ██|
// | ██ ██ |
// | ██ |:
<{M1[-1.0,0.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[1.0,0.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[0.0,1.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[0.0,-1.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[0.5,0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[-0.5,0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[0.5,-0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1[-0.5,-0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M1} --> (/,called,_,circle)>.
//Re-observe imperfectly
// |▒▒ ██ |
// | ██ ▒▒ |
// |▒▒ ██|
// | ██ ▒▒▒▒|
// | |:
<{M3[-1.0,1.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>. %0.5%
<{M3[0.0,1.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M3[-0.5,0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M3[0.5,0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>. %0.5%
<{M3[-1.0,0.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>. %0.5%
<{M3[1.0,0.0]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M3[-0.5,-0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>.
<{M3[0.5,-0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>. %0.5%
<{M3[1.0,-0.5]} --> [BRIGHT]>. %0.5%
//What was observed?
<{M3} --> (/,called,_,?what)>?
//A circle
''outputMustContain('<{M3} --> (/,called,_,circle)>. %0.83;0.36%')").
nal_is_test(exec, "
burgers are tasty food
the stranger eats a burger in the pub
who eats tasty food?
//expected: Answer: (eat /1 ([tasty] & food))>. :|: occurrenceTime=2 Truth: frequency=1.000000, confidence=0.278811
who is in the pub?
//expected: Answer: (in /1 pub)>. :|: occurrenceTime=3 Truth: frequency=1.000000, confidence=0.900000
nal_is_test(exec, "
//NARS, where is the cat?
//Passive question <({cat} * ?where) --> in>? :|: wouldn't trigger a decision
//Active question however does:
<(<({cat} * #where) --> in> &/ <({SELF} * #where) --> ^say>) =/> G>.
G! :|:
//expected: ^go executed with args ({SELF} * bedroom)
nal_is_test(read, "
//ok, feedback of NARS going to the bedroom, the cat is there!
<({cat} * bedroom) --> in>. :|:
G! :|:
//expected: ^say executed with args ({SELF} * bedroom)
nal_is_test(exec, "
'********** compound composition, two premises
'Sport is a type of competition.
competition>. %0.90%
'Chess is a type of competition.
competition>. %0.80%
'If something is either chess or sport, then it is a competition.
''outputMustContain('<(|,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.72;0.81%')
'If something is both chess and sport, then it is a competition.
''outputMustContain('<(&,chess,sport) --> competition>. %0.98;0.81%')
nal_is_test(read, " (/,REPRESENT,_,DOG)>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2} ").
nal_is_test(read, "
'********** induction on events
'John is opening door_101
(/,open,_,door_101)>. :|:
'John is entering room_101
(/,enter,_,room_101)>. :|:
'If John enter room_101, he should open door_101 before
''outputMustContain('< (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/, (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%')
'new: variable introduction also in time:
'If someone enter room_101, he should open door_101 before
''outputMustContain('<<$1 --> (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/,<$1 --> (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%')
'adjusted +2 to +3 in both conditions
nal_is_test(read, "
''outputMustContain('< (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/, (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%')").
nal_is_test(read, "
''outputMustContain('<<$1 --> (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/,<$1 --> (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%')").
nal_is_test(read, "
< (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/, (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%").
nal_is_test(read, "<<$1 --> (/,enter,_,room_101)> =\\> (&/,<$1 --> (/,open,_,door_101)>,+6)>. :!6: %1.00;0.45%").
nal_is_test(read, "****************I am a comment").
nal_is_test(read, "****************").
//When a person picks an object in a place, the picked object is also in that place
<<#Person --> ((pick /1 $Object) & (in /1 $Place))> ==> <$Object --> (in /1 $Place)>>.
John is in the playground.
Bob is in the office.
John picked up the football.
Bob went to the kitchen.
The football is in what?
//expected: Answer: (in /1 playground)>. :|: occurrenceTime=4 Truth: frequency=1.000000, confidence=0.466560
********** conditional deduction
IN: <(&&,a,b) ==> c>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: a. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
OUT: c>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 1;2}
"IN: (&|,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>). :\\:
IN: (&|,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {0 : -1 : 1}
IN: (&|,<#1() --> (/,on,{t002},_)>,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>). :\\:
IN: (&|,<#1() --> (/,on,{t002},_)>,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {0 : -1 : 1}
IN: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>)!
IN: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>)! %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>). :|:
IN: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>). :|: %1.00;0.90% {0 : 0 : 1}
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>) =|> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>.
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>) =|> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>) =|> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>) =|> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>.
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>) =|> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>.
IN: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>,<(*,Self,#2(#1)) --> at>)=|><(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>.
OUT: (&|,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>). :\\: %1.00;0.90%
OUT: (&|,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {8 : -1 : 1}
OUT: (&|,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<{t002} --> (/,on,_,#1())>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {6 : -1 : 1}
OUT: (&|,<#1() --> (/,on,{t002},_)>,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>). :\\: %1.00;0.81%
OUT: (&|,<#1() --> (/,on,{t002},_)>,<#1() --> (/,at,Self,_)>). :\\: %1.00;0.81% {2 : -1 : 2;1}
OUT: (&|,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>,<{t002} --> (/,on,_,#1())>)! %1.00;0.90% {6 : 2}
OUT: (&|,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>,<{t002} --> (/,on,_,#1())>)? :\\: {23 : 1 : 3}
OUT: (&|,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>,<{t002} --> (/,on,_,#1())>)? :|: {7 : 7 : 5}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>)! %1.00;0.81%
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>)! %1.00;0.81% {16 : 2;1}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>). :\\: %1.00;0.90%
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {4 : -1 : 1}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>,<(*,Self,#1()) --> at>)? :|: {1 : 1 : 3}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>, (/,at,_,#1())>)! %1.00;0.90% {1 : 2}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>, (/,at,_,#1())>). :\\: %1.00;0.90% {3 : -1 : 1}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>, (/,at,_,#1())>)? :\\: {15 : 1 : 3}
OUT: (&|,<(*,{t002},#1()) --> on>, (/,at,_,#1())>)? :|: {2 : 2 : 4}
OUT: <(&|,<(*,#1,#2(#1)) --> on>, (/,at,_,#2(#1))>) ==> <(*,Self,#1) --> reachable>>. %1.00;0.90% {4 : 1}"),
''outputMustContain('(&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001}))! %1.00;0.43%')
''outputMustContain('(^go-to,{t001})! %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('(^go-to,{t003})! %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('<(&&,<$1 --> [chirping]>,<$1 --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('<(&&,<$1 --> [with-wings]>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.45%')
''outputMustContain('<(&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.45%')
''outputMustContain('<(&&, [chirping]>, [with-beak]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.42%')
''outputMustContain('<(&&, [chirping]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('<(&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.43%')
''outputMustContain('<(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> reachable>,(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('<<$1 --> [with-wings]> ==> (&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>)>. %1.00;0.45%')
''outputMustContain('< [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %0.90;0.45%')
''outputMustContain('< [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')
''outputMustContain('< bird> ==> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.42%')
''outputMustContain(' swan>. %0.10')
(&&,<#x --> P >, <#x --> S>) ?
(&&, P1>, P2>) .
(&&, P1>, P2>)?
(--, ).
(^go-to,{SELF},{t001}). :\\:
< (&&,<(*,#manswer,#m) --> replyTo>, <(*,#manswer,U) --> sender>) <=> <#m --> uResponse> >.
< <#x --> P > ==> (/,R, #x, _ ) > >.
<(&&, <#y --> S>, <#x --> P> ) ==> <#y --> (/, R, #x, _ )> > ?
<(&&,<$x --> [chirping]>,<$x --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.
<(&&,<$x --> flyer>,<$x --> [chirping]>, <(*, $x, worms) --> food>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.
<(&&,<$y --> [chirping]>,<$y --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$y --> bird>>.
<(&&, [chirping]>, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>.
<(&&, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> [living]>>. %0.9%
<(&&, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>.
<(&&, [flying]>, [with-wings]>, [chirping]>) ==> bird>>.
<(&&, [with-wings]>, [chirping]>) ==> bird>>.
<(&, [red], light) --> traffic_signal>?
<(&/, (||, S, P), +5) =/> M>. %0.9%
<(&/, a, +1) =/> b>.
<(&/, b, +1) =/> c>.
<(&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|:
<(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> hold>,(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>.
<(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|:
<(*, John, key_101) --> hold>. :\\:
<(*,S1, S2 ) --> (*,P1, P2 )> ?
<(*,S1, S2 ) --> (*,P1, P2 )>.
<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>. :|:
<(^go-to,$1) =/> <(*,Self,$1) --> at>>.
<(^go-to,$1)=/><(*,SELF,$1) --> at>>.
<(^go-to,{SELF},$1)=/><(*,{SELF},$1) --> at>>.
<(|, boy, girl) --> youth>. %0.90%
<(~, boy, girl) --> [strong]>. %0.90%
<(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>?
<<$y --> [with-wings]> ==> <$y --> flyer>>.
<<$y --> flyer> ==> <$y --> [with-wings]>>.
<<(*,$1) --> ^go-to> =/> <(*,SELF,$1) --> at>>.
<<(*,$1,$2) --> Friends> ==> (||, (&&,<$1 --> [Smokes]>,<$2 --> [Smokes]>), (&&,(--,<$1 --> [Smokes]>),(--,<$2 --> [Smokes]>)))>. %0.6;0.9%
< [flying]> ==> [with-beak]>>. %0.90%
<{Tweety} --> [with-wings]>.
[number]: # of cycles to process before continuing to next line
IN: (^go-to,{t001})!
IN: (^go-to,{t001}). :\\:
IN: (^go-to,{t003})! %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: (^go-to,{t003}). :|:
IN: <(&&,<$1 --> [chirping]>,<$1 --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <(&&, [chirping]>, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&&, [chirping]>, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <(&&, [chirping]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&&, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> [living]>>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&&, [flying]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|:
IN: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> hold>,(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>.
IN: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> hold>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> reachable>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|:
IN: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {0 : 0 : 1}
IN: <(&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {0 : 0 : 2}
IN: <(*, John, key_101) --> hold>. :/:
IN: <(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>! %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {0 : -1 : 1}
IN: <(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>! %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {0 : 0 : 1}
IN: <(^go-to,#1) =/> <(*,Self,#1) --> at>>.
IN: <(^go-to,#1)=/><(*,Self,#1) --> at>>.
IN: <<$1 --> [with-wings]> ==> <$1 --> flyer>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <<$1 --> flyer> ==> <$1 --> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> <(*,Self,#1) --> at>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
IN: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> <(*,Self,#1) --> at>>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: < [flying]> ==> [with-beak]>>. %0.90;0.90% {0 : 2}
IN: <{Tweety} --> [with-wings]>. %1.00;0.90% {0 : 1}
out is a reference to the current output buffer, containing a list of strings; one for each output
OUT: (&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001}))! %1.00;0.81%
OUT: (&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>)! %1.00;0.81% {16 : 2;1}
OUT: (&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>)? :\\: {13 : 0 : 2;3}
OUT: (&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<{t001} --> (/,^go-to,_)>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>)? :\\: {14 : 0 : 2;3}
OUT: (^go-to,{t001})! %1.00;0.81%
OUT: (^go-to,{t001}). :|: %1.00;0.90%
OUT: (^go-to,{t003})! %1.00;0.81%
OUT: (^go-to,{t003}). :|: %1.00;0.90%
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> [chirping]>,<$1 --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> [chirping]>,<$1 --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81% {1 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> [with-wings]>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.45%
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> [with-wings]>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.45% {4 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.45%
OUT: <(&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> <$1 --> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.45% {4 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&&, [chirping]>, [with-beak]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.42%
OUT: <(&&, [chirping]>, [with-beak]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.42% {11 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&&, [chirping]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%
OUT: <(&&, [chirping]>, [with-wings]>) ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81% {5 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&/,(^go-to,{t003}),(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.81%
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> hold>,(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.81%
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> hold>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.81% {2 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> reachable>,(^pick,{t002}),(^go-to,{t001}),(^open,{t001})) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.81%
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t002}) --> reachable>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.81% {14 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.43% {5 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.43% {8 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,Self,{t003}) --> at>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.81% {17 : 0 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.43% {11 : 1;2}
OUT: <(&/,<(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) =/> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.81% {16 : 0 : 2;1}
OUT: <(&/, (/,at,_,{t003})>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {15 : 0 : 1}
OUT: <(&/, (/,hold,_,{t002})>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {10 : 1}
OUT: <(&/, (/,reachable,_,{t002})>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {16 : 1}
OUT: <(&/,<{t002} --> (/,hold,Self,_)>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {11 : 1}
OUT: <(&/,<{t002} --> (/,reachable,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. %1.00;0.90% {9 : 1}
OUT: <(&/,<{t003} --> (/,^go-to,_)>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {11 : 0 : 2}
OUT: <(&/,<{t003} --> (/,at,Self,_)>,<(*,{t002}) --> ^pick>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>,<(*,{t001}) --> ^open>) ==> <{t001} --> [opened]>>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {7 : 0 : 1}
OUT: <(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>! %1.00;0.81% {19 : 2;1}
OUT: <(*,{t001}) --> ^go-to>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {1 : 1 : 2}
OUT: <(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>! %1.00;0.81% {19 : 2;1}
OUT: <(*,{t003}) --> ^go-to>. :|: %1.00;0.90% {1 : 1 : 2}
OUT: <(/,(*,{t001}),_) --> (/,^go-to,_)>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {7 : -1 : 1}
OUT: <(/,(*,{t003}),_) --> (/,^go-to,_)>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {7 : 0 : 1}
OUT: <(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>. %0.10;0.73%
OUT: <<$1 --> [with-wings]> ==> (&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>)>. %1.00;0.45%
OUT: <<$1 --> [with-wings]> ==> (&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>)>. %1.00;0.45% {4 : 1;2}
OUT: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> (/,at,_,#1)>>. %1.00;0.90% {1 : 1}
OUT: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> (/,at,_,#1)>>. %1.00;0.90% {1 : 2}
OUT: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> (/,at,_,#1)>>. %1.00;0.90% {10 : 2}
OUT: <<(*,#1) --> ^go-to> =/> (/,at,_,#1)>>. %1.00;0.90% {8 : 2}
OUT: < [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %0.90;0.45%
OUT: < [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %0.90;0.45% {8 : 2;1}
OUT: < [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%
OUT: < [with-wings]> ==> bird>>. %1.00;0.81% {3 : 2;1}
OUT: < bird> ==> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.42%
OUT: < bird> ==> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.42% {8 : 2;1}
OUT: <{t001} --> (/,^go-to,_)>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {2 : -1 : 1}
OUT: <{t003} --> (/,^go-to,_)>. :\\: %1.00;0.90% {2 : 0 : 1}
IN: <(*, John, key_101) --> hold>. :/:
(--, ).
<(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>?
OUT: <(~,swimmer, swan) --> bird>. %0.10;0.73%
<(|, boy, girl) --> youth>. %0.90%
<(~, boy, girl) --> [strong]>. %0.90%
<(&&,<$x --> flyer>,<$x --> [chirping]>, <(*, $x, worms) --> food>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.
IN: <(*, John, key_101) --> hold>. :/:
''outputMustContain(' swan>. %0.10')
nars hears a boom"),member(X,List),X\=="",X\==''.
nal_is_test(exec,"'********** conversions between inheritance and similarity
'Swan is a type of bird.
'Bird is not a type of swan.
swan>. %0.10%
'Bird is different from swan.
''outputMustContain(' swan>.')
''outputMustContain(' swan>. %0.10')
''outputMustContain(' swan>. %0.10;0.81%')
<{a, b} |- (&/,a,b)>.").
<{a, b, after(a,b)} |- b>>.").
<{ b! , b>} |- a! >").
% {Event a., Implication b>.} |- Event b.