/* _________________________________________________________________________ | Copyright (C) 1982 | | | | David Warren, | | SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, | | California 94025, USA; | | | | Fernando Pereira, | | Dept. of Architecture, University of Edinburgh, | | 20 Chambers St., Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, Scotland | | | | This program may be used, copied, altered or included in other | | programs only for academic purposes and provided that the | | authorship of the initial program is aknowledged. | | Use for commercial purposes without the previous written | | agreement of the authors is forbidden. | |_________________________________________________________________________| */ /* :- op(1001,xfy,...). :- op(1101,xfx,'--->'). :- op(500,fx,+). :- op(500,fx,-). */ terminal(T,S,S,x(_,terminal,T,X),X). % writef(" terminal -- SUCCEEDED1 for T= {0} S= {1}", [T,S]) %. terminal(T,[T|S],S,X,X) :- % writef(" terminal -- SUCCEEDED2 for T= {0} S= {1}", [T,S]), gap(X). %terminal(A,B,C,D,E) :- % writef(" terminal -- FAILED for T= {0} S= {1}", [A,B]), !, fail. gap(x(gap,_,_,_)). gap([]). virtual(NT,x(_,nonterminal,NT,X),X). phraseXG(P,A1,A2,A3,A4):- safe_univ(P,[F|Args0]), % dtrace, conc_gx(Args0,[A1,A2,A3,A4],Args), Q=..[F|Args], call(Q).