%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- ensure_loaded([ 'task/online_demo', 'printer/extract', 'task/sent_sim', 'task/bag_of_words', 'prover/tt_nattableau', 'task/entail', 'task/kb_induction', 'xml/xml_output', 'printer/reporting', 'testing/sick_train_trial_solved' ]). :- multifile ccg/2, id/2. :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initially debMode/1 was for bebugging % now it serves as parameter input :- dynamic debMode/1. %:- use_module(library(theme/dark)). debMode( 'nil' ). debMode( ral(400) ). %debMode( effCr(['nonProd', 'nonBr', 'equi', 'nonCons']) ). % old one, not effcient debMode( effCr(['equi', 'nonBr', 'nonProd', 'nonCons']) ). % one of four effcient ones reset_debMode :- retractall( debMode(_) ), assertz( debMode('nil') ), assertz( debMode(effCr(['equi', 'nonBr', 'nonProd', 'nonCons'])) ), set_rule_eff_order, assertz( debMode(ral(400)) ). set_debMode([H | Rest]) :- ( H = ral(_) -> retractall( debMode(ral(_)) ), assertz( debMode(H) ) ; H = effCr(_) -> retractall( debMode(effCr(_)) ), assertz( debMode(H) ) ; H = ss(SS) -> retractall( debMode(ss(_)) ), ( is_list(SS) -> List = SS; numlist(1,SS,List) ), assertz( debMode(ss(List)) ) ; H = parallel(Cores) -> ( var(Cores) -> current_prolog_flag(cpu_count, Cores); true ), assertz( debMode(parallel(Cores)) ) ; assertz( debMode(H) ) ), set_debMode(Rest). set_debMode([]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Set parameters from the scratch parList(Parameters) :- % TODO fix the keywords and erro on unknown ones is_list(Parameters) -> reset_debMode, set_debMode(Parameters) ; throw_error('No list argument given to parList!', []). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % List of Parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % debMode % data:sick use sick data % 'once_solved:parser' compare predicted problems to the list of once-solved problems % 'xml' write terms or tableaux in XML % 'html' write twrms and tableaux in HTML, outomatically creates XML files too % 'fix': prints fixes done on CCG trees % 'proof_tree': develope a proof tree % 'aall': allows alignment of any NPs % cpu_count the number of threads to use for concurrent run % complete_tree Proof stopped when the RAL is reached, not when an open branch is found % 'prprb': prints the problem % waif(filename): writes answers in file in SICK style % waifx writes extended answers in file % 'ne': reports MW Named Entity found % 'mwe': multiword expression found % 'prlim': prints when rule limit is reached % 'ProperNames': consideres all bare nouns (even plurals) as proper names % 'the': inserts "the" for bare nouns (even plurals) instead of "a" % a2the replace all a,an with the % s2the replaces all plurals with definites % thE allow Existential import for the in false context % 'wn_ant': uses antonym relation of Wordnet % prlex: print extracted Lexicon % '2class': binary classification % ral(N): rule application limit is N % no_gq_llfs dont obtain LLFs with generalized quantifiers, i.e. use fixed CCG terms % 'gq_report' report how quantifier raising is going on % pr_lex_rules print lexical rules that are not explained % pr_sen print a sentence when running gen_llfs_latex % disj use hand-coded disjoint relation % usedRules([rules]) print the rules if they are used % parallel(CPUs) concurrent_maplist for entail % pr_kb print knowledge base % no_kb no hand crafted lexical knowledge base will be used % no_wn no wn knowledge will be used % no_qk no quantifier knowledge will be used % singPrem takes only single premised problems, for fracas % fracFilter filter Fracas problems that are ill formed % noPl Treat plural morpheme as a % constchk allow consistency check % noHOQ Treating most,many,several,a_few,both as a % noThe Treat The as a % shallow using shallow classifier % neg_cont classifier based on negative vords to identify contradictions % sub_ent classifier based on subset of set of words to identify entailment % noAdmissRules exclude admissible rules % EffCr([nonBr, equi, nonProd, nonCons]) defining an effciency criterion % eccg latex trees are probted in different tex file % ss([...]) list of frequent sysnsets to choose % allInt All noun modifeirs are intersective % lab_map:mapping_name Map labels of problems to other ones, e.g., for SICK % %%%%%%%%%%%% Ab|In-duction parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % align-(both|no_align|both) when building tableau for abduction use $align LLFs % constchk Use consistency check of sentences to discard induced KB % fold-N Defines N-CV for abduction % constKB abduced KB should be consistent with initial KB % compTerms abduced KB should contain relations over compatible terms % patterns-[pat] list of patterns, e.g., _@_, etc