#ifndef QC_H #define QC_H struct qc *extract_qc(struct dg *d); struct qc *extract_qc_arg(struct dg *d, int arg); int quickcheck(struct qc *a, struct qc *b); int equiv_quickcheck(struct qc *a, struct qc *b, int *Fw, int *Bk, int *Gz); struct qc *copy_qc(struct qc *in); struct type *qc_type_n(struct qc *in, int n); #ifdef CONF_H void gqc_count_failure(struct path path); void gqc_result(); void write_qccode_from_pet_instance(struct dg *petqc, FILE *f); #endif extern int __qc_use_heap; // qc extractor compiler typedef void (*qc_extractor_function)(struct type**, struct dg*); qc_extractor_function dynamically_link_qc_extractor(); int compile_qc(char *qccode_path); // internal properties to be used only by the freezer void *freeze_qc(); void recover_qc(void *qcf); #endif