% Usage: % $ swipl -f none -g ensure_clex -t halt -s downloader.pl % $ swipl -f none -g download_acetexts -t halt -s downloader.pl clex_remote_local('https://raw.github.com/Attempto/Clex/master/clex_lexicon.pl', 'clex_lexicon.pl'). acetexts_remote_local('http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/cgi-bin/acetextset/get_acetexts.cgi', 'acetexts.nldata'). %! ensure_clex % % Download the CLex lexicon if not already present. ensure_clex :- clex_remote_local(Url, Filename), (exists_file(Filename) -> true ; download(Url, Filename)). %! download_acetexts % % Download the APE regression testsuite. download_acetexts :- acetexts_remote_local(Url, Filename), download(Url, Filename). download(Url, Filename) :- format(user_error, "Saving ~w as ~w~n", [Url, Filename]), use_module(library(http/http_open)), setup_call_cleanup( ( http_open(Url, In, []), set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)) ), setup_call_cleanup( open(Filename, write, Out), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out) ), close(In) ).