/* @(#)aggreg.pl 24.1 2/23/88 */ _________________________________________________________________________ | Copyright (C) 1982 | | | | David Warren, | | SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, | | California 94025, USA; | | | | Fernando Pereira, | | Dept. of Architecture, University of Edinburgh, | | 20 Chambers St., Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, Scotland | | | | This program may be used, copied, altered or included in other | | programs only for academic purposes and provided that the | | authorship of the initial program is aknowledged. | | Use for commercial purposes without the previous written | | agreement of the authors is forbidden. | |_________________________________________________________________________| /* Copyright 1986, Fernando C.N. Pereira and David H.D. Warren, All Rights Reserved */ aggregate80(Fn,Set,Val) :- dimensioned(Set), !, u_aggr(Fn,Set,Val). aggregate80(Fn,Set,Val) :- i_aggr(Fn,Set,Val). i_aggr(total,Set,Val) :- i_total(Set,Val). i_aggr(_,Set,_):- Set==[],!,fail. i_aggr(average,Set,Val) :- i_total(Set,T), length(Set,N), N>0, Val is T/N. i_aggr(max,Set,Val) :- i_maxs(Set,List), one_of(List,Val). i_aggr(min,Set,Val) :- i_mins(Set,List), one_of(List,Val). i_aggr(maximum,[V0:O|S],V) :- i_maxs0(S,V0,[O],_,V). i_aggr(minimum,[V0:O|S],V) :- i_mins0(S,V0,[O],_,V). u_aggr(total,Set,Val) :- u_total(Set,Val). u_aggr(_,Set,_):- Set==[],!,fail. u_aggr(average,Set,V--U) :- u_total(Set,T--U), length(Set,N), N>0, V is T/N. u_aggr(max,Set,Val) :- u_maxs(Set,List), one_of(List,Val). u_aggr(min,Set,Val) :- u_mins(Set,List), one_of(List,Val). u_aggr(maximum,[V0:O|Set],V) :- u_maxs0(Set,V0,[O],_,V). u_aggr(minimum,[V0:O|Set],V) :- u_mins0(Set,V0,[O],_,V). i_total([],0). i_total([V:_|R],T) :- i_total(R,T0), T is V+T0. i_maxs([V:X|Set],List) :- i_maxs0(Set,V,[X],List,_). i_maxs0([],V,L,L,V). i_maxs0([V0:X|R],V0,L0,L,V) :- !, i_maxs0(R,V0,[X|L0],L,V). i_maxs0([U:X|R],V,_,L,W) :- U>V, !, i_maxs0(R,U,[X],L,W). i_maxs0([_|R],V,L0,L,W) :- i_maxs0(R,V,L0,L,W). i_mins([V:X|Set],List) :- i_mins0(Set,V,[X],List,_). i_mins0([],V,L,L,V). i_mins0([V:X|R],V,L0,L,W) :- !, i_mins0(R,V,[X|L0],L,W). i_mins0([U:X|R],V,_,L,W) :- UM1, !, Z is X + (Y*M1)/M. u_sum(X--U1,Y--U,Z--U) :- ratio_db(U,U1,M,M1), M>M1, !, Z is (X*M1)/M + Y. u_maxs([V:X|Set],List) :- u_maxs0(Set,V,[X],List,_). u_maxs0([],V,L,L,V). u_maxs0([V0:X|R],V0,L0,L,V) :- !, u_maxs0(R,V0,[X|L0],L,V). u_maxs0([U:X|R],V,_,L,W) :- u_lt(V,U), !, u_maxs0(R,U,[X],L,W). u_maxs0([_|R],V,L0,L,W) :- u_maxs0(R,V,L0,L,W). u_mins([V:X|Set],List) :- u_mins0(Set,V,[X],List,_). u_mins0([],V,L,L,V). u_mins0([V:X|R],V,L0,L,W) :- !, u_mins0(R,V,[X|L0],L,W). u_mins0([U:X|R],V,_,L,W) :- u_lt(U,V), !, u_mins0(R,U,[X],L,W). u_mins0([_|R],V,L0,L,W) :- u_mins0(R,V,L0,L,W). u_lt(A,X--U) :- Y is -X, u_sum(A,Y--U,Z--_), Z<0. dimensioned([(_--_):_|_]). one_of([X|_],X). one_of([_|R],X) :- one_of(R,X). ratio(N,M,R) :- R is (N*100)/M. card(S,N) :- length(S,N).