(punless (fboundp 'force-print) (define force-print (&rest body) (clet ((body (fif (equal 1 (length body)) (car body) body))(res (print body)))(force-output)(ret res)))) (pwhen (probe-file "subl-grep.lisp") (SL::LOAD "subl-grep.lisp") (EXPORT-HANDLER 'CB-HL-MODULE-SUMMARY)) #| ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: CYC; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*- ;;; -*- Package: CYC; Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- (in-package "CYC") (initialize-transcript-handling) (csetq *thesaurus-subdirectories* '("init" "applications")) (csetq *thesaurus-filename* "gw-thesaurus-init") (csetq *thesaurus-filename-extension* "lisp") (initialize-agenda) (SL::LOAD "init/parameters.lisp") (SL::LOAD "init/port-init.lisp") (SL::LOAD "init/parameters.lisp") (print '(SL::LOAD "setup/my-cyc-init.lisp")) ;;; This file should be the first thing LOADed when a cyc ;;; image is started. (csetq *DEFAULT-CYCLIST-NAME* "CycAdministrator") (SL::DEFVAR *init-emacs-LOADed* 'T) (csetq *gc-reports* t) (SL::DEFVAR *emacs-tcp-port* 4005) (csetq *gc-reports* nil) ;; LISP parameters (LOAD-system-parameters) ;;(IN-PACKAGE :IMPL) ;;(lock-package :IMPL) ;;(cdo-symbols (s *PACKAGE*) (export s :IMPL)) ;;(IN-PACKAGE (PACKAGE-NAME CYC::*LOADER-PACKAGE*)) (define reLOAD-planner () (clet ((directory "./") (files '("action-planner" "planner-workarounds" "html-action-planner"))) (cdolist (file files) (clet ((filename (format nil "~A~A~A" directory file ".lisp"))) (SL::LOAD filename)))) (csetq *forward-propagate-from-negations* nil) (ret nil)) ;; (reLOAD-planner) (define-html-handler cb-echo (httpvars) (clet ((*standard-output* *html-stream*)) (ret (html-echo-args httpvars)))) (DEFINE-CB-LINK-METHOD :current-cb-echo (&optional linktext) (punless linktext (csetq linktext "Echo the http request")) (frame-link (html-princ "cb-echo") (html-princ linktext)) (ret nil)) (DECLARE-CB-TOOL :current-cb-echo "Echo the http request" "Echo the http request" "Echo the http request") (SL::IN-PACKAGE "CYC") (define current-cb-echo (&optional linktext) (cb-link :current-cb-echo linktext) (ret nil)) (define-html-handler cb-smartworld (httpvars) (clet ((*standard-output* *html-stream*)) (format t " SmartWorld: A teeny-tiny SmallTalk interpreter with Cyc connections

SmartWorld: A teeny-tiny SmallTalk interpreter adapted to Cyc written in Java

Sorry, your browser doesn't appear to support applets. " ))) (DEFINE-CB-LINK-METHOD :current-cb-smartworld (&optional linktext) (punless linktext (csetq linktext "Run SmartWorld")) (frame-link (html-princ "cb-smartworld") (html-princ linktext)) (ret nil)) (DECLARE-CB-TOOL :current-cb-smartworld "SmartWorld" "Run SmartWorld" "Current SmartWorld VM") (define current-cb-smartworld (&optional linktext) (cb-link :current-cb-smartworld linktext) (ret nil)) (define-html-handler cb-factory (httpvars) (clet ((*standard-output* *html-stream*)) (format t " FACTory

  Beta version 1.2.4. Copyright Cycorp, Inc. 2005 – 2006.
  Use of this site indicates acceptance of our Terms of Service.

"))) (DEFINE-CB-LINK-METHOD :current-cb-factory (&optional linktext) (punless linktext (csetq linktext "Run FACTory")) (frame-link (html-princ "cb-factory") (html-princ linktext)) (ret nil)) (DECLARE-CB-TOOL :current-cb-factory "FACTory" "Run FACTory" "Current FACTory Game") (define current-cb-factory (&optional linktext) (cb-link :current-cb-factory linktext) (ret nil)) ;; (EXPLODE (STRING (IMPL '(32 96 106)))) ;; (IMPL (EXPL (STRING (IMPL '(32 96 106))))) (DEFINE KMP () (CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :UPCASE) (SL::LOAD "common.lisp") (SL::LOAD "kmp.subl") (SL::LOAD "common.lisp") ;;(CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :PRESERVE) ) (DEFINE V4 () (CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :UPCASE) ;;(SL::LOAD "cb-prolog.lisp") (SL::LOAD "prologc.lisp") ;; (MLG3) ;;(CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :PRESERVE) ) (DEFINE MLG () (CUNWIND-PROTECT (progn (CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :PRESERVE) (MLG3)) (CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) :UPCASE))) (SL::IN-PACKAGE "CYC") (INITIALIZE-POWERLOOM-HANDLING) ;;(EBMT-CREATE-INDEX-FOR-RELEASE "httpd/htdocs/java/fet/lib/cyc-common.jar:/cyc/java/lib/xercesImpl-2.2.1.jar:/cyc/java/lib/lucene-1.4-final.jar" "/departments/nl/corpora/ebmt-release/" 8002 #$EBMTTrainingExamplesFromQLMt) (define d3 ()(SL::LOAD "cynd/doom.lisp")) '(cyc-build-world "units/7117/" "world/kb-7117-RH-ES3-x86_32-local.LOAD") ;;(SL::DEFMACRO let (vars &rest BODY) (ret `(clet ,vars (prog-t ,@BODY)))) ;;(SL::DEFMACRO prog-t (&rest BODY) (ret (fif BODY (fif (cdr BODY) `(progn (trace-warn ,(car BODY)) (prog-t ,@(cdr BODY)))`,(car BODY))))) ;;(define other-package (pack) (ret (fif (eq pack *CYC-PACKAGE*) SYS::*SUBLISP-PACKAGE* *CYC-PACKAGE*))) ;; This package export publically all symbols from the cyc impl,netnat '(pwhen (probe-file "trace.lisp") (SL::LOAD "trace.lisp")) (force-output) #| (INITIALIZE-REFORMULATOR) |# (define trace-warn (&rest code) (ret `(with-error-handler #'(lambda () (force-format t "~%;; ERRROR: ~a~%;; code: ~a~%" *error-message* ',code)) (sl::progn ,@code)))) (defparameter *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM* ()) '(pwhen (probe-file "common.lisp") (punless (MEMBER :CYC-COMMON-LISP sl::*features*) (csetq *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM* (OPEN-TEXT "common.lisp" :INPUT)) (clet (expr) (cunwind-protect (cdo () ((equal expr :EOF)) (csetq expr (SL::read *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM* nil :EOF)) (punless (equal expr :EOF) (trace-warn (force-print 'line (file-position *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM*)) (eval (force-print expr))))) (SL::close *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM*))) (csetq *CURRENT-FILE-STREAM* ()))) |# (SL::IN-PACKAGE "CYC") (csetq *USE-TRANSCRIPT-SERVER* nil) (csetq *MASTER-TRANSCRIPT-LOCK-HOST* "transcript-server.cyc.com") (pwhen (probe-file "kif-loader.lisp") (SL::LOAD "kif-loader.lisp"))