In Mt: BaseKB. Constant: plainCycConstant. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (and (isa plainCycConstant UnaryPredicate) (arg1Isa plainCycConstant Thing)). f: (genls GenlPredsPreservingFunction PredicateDenotingFunction). f: (isa ThePrototypicalFunctionWithAutoGeneratedCorrespondingPredicate PredicateDenotingFunction). f: (resultGenlArg MathBugTypeFn 3). In Mt: BaseKB. Constant: mainClass. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (and (isa mainClass BinaryPredicate) (arg1Isa mainClass Thing)(arg2Isa mainClass Collection)). In Mt: BaseKB. Constant: mainPrefix. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (and (isa mainPrefix Predicate) (arity mainPrefix 3) (arg1Isa mainPrefix Thing)(arg2Isa mainPrefix CharacterString)). In Mt: BaseKB. Constant: mainType. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (and (isa mainType UnaryPredicate) (arg1Isa mainType Thing)). f: (mainType MicrotheoryType). f: (mainType Microtheory). f: (mainType Action). f: (mainType Event). f: (not (mainClass ??Any Thing)). Constant: typeLabel. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (and (isa typeLabel Predicate)(arity typeLabel 5)). f: (comment typeLabel "Maps CycL Collections to the PrologMUD naming conventions."). f: (and (typeLabel 4000 Action "act" "tAct" "iAct_") (typeLabel 3900 Goal "goal" "tGoal" "iGoal_" ) (typeLabel 3800 Capability "cap" "tCap" "cap") (typeLabel 3700 IBTContentType "tIbo" "tIbo" "ibo") (typeLabel 3600 Event "tEvent" "tEvent" "iEvent_") (typeLabel 3500 Situation "state" "tState" "iState_") (typeLabel 3400 FormulaTemplate "ui_" "uiTopic_" "iUI_") (typeLabel 3300 Topic "ui_" "uiTopic_" "iUI_") (typeLabel 3200 PhysicalPartOfObject "tPartType" "tPartType" "iPartType_") (typeLabel 3100 SpecifiedPartTypeCollection "ttPartType" "ttPartType" "tPartType") (typeLabel 3000 OrganismClassificationType "tTypeOf" "ttTypeOf" "tClassificationOf_") (typeLabel 2800 SpaceRegion "tPlace" "tPlaceLike" "iLoc_") (typeLabel 2700 TwoDimensionalThing "tPlacePartOf" "tPlacePartOf" "iLocPart_") ;; (typeLabel AbstractVisualStructure "tPlacePartOf" ttPlacePartOf" "iLocPart_") (typeLabel 2600 OpenGISGeometry "tPlacePartOf" "tPlacePartOf" "iLocPart_") ;; time can be in these forms: TimePoint,Interval/Segment, (typeLabel 2500 TimeInterval "timeOf" "timeOf" "iTimeOf_") (typeLabel 2400 TimeParameter "timeOf" "timeOf" "iTimeOf_") (typeLabel 2300 ScalarInterval "v" "vt" "") (typeLabel 2200 Quantity "quant" "vt" "v") (typeLabel 2100 LinguisticObject "x" "xt" "x") ;; (typeLabel TemplateParsingSyntacticConstraint "x" "xt" "x") (typeLabel 2000 LinguisticObjectType "xt" "xt" "xt") (typeLabel 1900 PersonTypeByActivity "mob" "mob" "mob") (typeLabel 1800 PredicateType "rt" "ttRel" "rt") (typeLabel 1700 FunctionType "iFunc_" "ttRel" "rt") (typeLabel 1600 RelationshipType "iRel_" "ttRel" "rt") (typeLabel 1500 SubLExpressionType "ft" "ft" "ft") (typeLabel 1400 Group "tGrouped" "tGrouped" "iGroup_") (typeLabel 1300 Artifact "tObject" "tObject" "iObj_") (typeLabel 1200 Place "tPlace" "ttPlaceLike" "iLoc_") (typeLabel 1100 Microtheory "mt" "mt" "mt") (typeLabel 1000 PropositionalConceptualWork "cw" "cw" "iCW_") (typeLabel 900 ConceptualWork "cw" "cw" "iCW_") (typeLabel 800 Agent-Generic "mob" "mob" "") (typeLabel 700 InformationBearingObject "ibo" "ibo" "iIBO_") (typeLabel 600 AnalogyEntityWithStructuralEvaluation "cw" "cw" "iCW_") (typeLabel 500 TheList "u" "ut" "u") ;; (typeLabel Tuple "u" "ut" "u") (typeLabel 400 ProgramObject "s_cw" "s_cw" "s_iCW_") (typeLabel 300 Field-LogicalOrPhysical "s_db" "s_db" "s_iDB_") (typeLabel 200 Schema-LogicalOrPhysical "s_db" "s_db" "s_iDB_") (typeLabel 150 ConventionalClassificationType "tTypeOf" "ttTypeOf" "tClassificationOf_") (typeLabel 100 CycSubjectClump "ui_" "uiTopic_" "iUI_") (typeLabel 21 Predicate "iPred_" "rt" "") (typeLabel 20 Function-Denotational "iFunc_" "rt" "") (typeLabel 19 Relation "iRel_" "rt" "") ). Direction: :forward. f: (implies (typeLabel ??PRIORITY ?MC ??A ??B ??C) (ist BaseKB (mainType ?MC))). Direction: :forward. ;;TOSLOW f: (implies (and (typeLabel ?PRIORITY ?T ??ISA ?GENLS ??RESULTISA) (resultGenl ?C ?T) (quotedIsa ?C CycLConstant) ) (and (mainClass ?C ?T)(mainPrefix ?C ?GENLS (TimesFn ?PRIORITY 4)))). Direction: :forward. ;;TOSLOW f: (implies (and (typeLabel ?PRIORITY ?T ??ISA ??GENLS ?RESULTISA) (different ?RESULTISA "") (quotedIsa ?C CycLConstant ) (resultIsa ?C ?T) ) (and (mainClass ?C ?T)(mainPrefix ?C ?RESULTISA (TimesFn ?PRIORITY 3)))). Direction: :forward. ;;TOSLOW f: (implies (and (typeLabel ?PRIORITY ?T ??ISA ?GENLS ??RESULTISA) (genls ?C ?T) (quotedIsa ?C CycLConstant)) (and (mainClass ?C ?T)(mainPrefix ?C ?GENLS (TimesFn ?PRIORITY 2)))). Direction: :forward. ;;TOSLOW f: (implies (and (typeLabel ?PRIORITY ?T ?ISA ??GENLS ??RESULTISA) (quotedIsa ?C CycLConstant) (isa ?C ?T) ) (and (mainClass ?C ?T) (mainPrefix ?C ?ISA (TimesFn ?PRIORITY 1)))). ;;Direction: :forward. ;;f: (implies (and (quotedIsa ?C CycLConstant) (isa ?C MicrotheoryType) ) (mainClass ?C MicrotheoryType)). ;;Direction: :forward. f: (implies (isa ?Col GrammaticallyEncodedDomainRestrictionType) (ist BaseKB (mainType ?Col))). ;; Direction: :forward. ;; f: (implies (and (typeGenls ??TypeType ?Col) (assertedSentence (disjointWith ?Col ??Other ))) (ist BaseKB (mainType ?Col))) ;; (cdo ((*x* 0 (+ *x* 1))) ((= *x* (constant-count))) (cyc-assert `(typeLabel plainCycConstant ,(find-constant-by-internal-id *x*)) '#$BaseKB)) Constant: RetainedThing. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (isa RetainedThing Collection). collectionConventionMt: BaseKB. Direction: :forward. f: (implies (quotedIsa ?ARG1 IndeterminateTerm) (isa ?ARG1 RetainedThing)). Constant: BlastedThing. In Mt: BaseKB. f: (isa BlastedThing Collection). collectionConventionMt: BaseKB. Direction: :forward. f: (implies (and (isa ?MT FictionalContext) (ist-Asserted ?MT (isa ?Arg1 ??Col))) (isa ?Arg1 FictionalThing)). ;;unused for now f: (disjointWith RetainedThing BlastedThing). Direction: :forward. ;; f: (implies (isa ?X RetainedThing) (not (isa ?X BlastedThing))). f: (and (genls HomoSapiens BlastedThing) (genls City BlastedThing) (genls SolidTangibleThing BlastedThing) (genls Organization BlastedThing) (genls MusicPerformanceAgent BlastedThing) (genls Country BlastedThing) (genls Event BlastedThing) (genls Action BlastedThing)). f: (and (genls FictionalThing RetainedThing) (genls HeavenlyBodyScaleObject RetainedThing) (isa PlanetEarth RetainedThing) (isa TheSun RetainedThing) (isa TheBigBang RetainedThing)(isa MarthaStewart RetainedThing) (isa CycAdministrator RetainedThing)).