language: c dist: bionic before_install: - chmod +x bindings/js/ bindings/js/ bindings/js/link-parser/ bindings/js/ install: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - sudo apt-get install -y make m4 gcc g++ autoconf autoconf-archive pkg-config libtool # required dependencies - sudo apt-get install -y swig flex ant graphviz # optional dependencies - sudo ./bindings/js/ script: - ./ - ./configure --disable-python-bindings # TODO: fix tests that fail with python bindings enabled - make - make check - sudo make install - sudo ldconfig - make installcheck - echo "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." | /usr/local/bin/link-parser - sudo ./bindings/js/ after_success: - if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG == link-grammar-* ]]; then sudo ./bindings/js/; fi; notifications: email: false