% regulus2dcg.pl %--------------------------------------------------------------- :- module(regulus2dcg, [regulus2dcg/2, regulus2dcg_dynamic/2, regulus2dcg_dynamic_for_generation/2, regulus2dcg/3, regulus2dcg_dynamic/3, regulus2dcg_dynamic_for_generation/3, regulus2dcg/4, internalise_cat/4, match_cats/2, cat_matches_cat_in_list/2 ] ). %--------------------------------------------------------------- :- use_module('$REGULUS/Prolog/regulus_declarations'). :- use_module('$REGULUS/Prolog/regulus_utilities'). :- use_module('$REGULUS/Prolog/regulus_read'). :- use_module('$REGULUS/Prolog/strcat_semantics'). :- use_module('$REGULUS/PrologLib/utilities'). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(terms)). :- use_module(library(ordsets)). :- use_module(library(system)). 'SICSTUS4ONLY'( ( :- use_module(library(file_systems)) ) ). %--------------------------------------------------------------- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, static, _SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg_dynamic(InFile, OutFile) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, dynamic(normal), _SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg_dynamic_for_generation(InFile, OutFile) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, dynamic(generation), _SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, SucceededOrFailed) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, static, SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg_dynamic(InFile, OutFile, SucceededOrFailed) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, dynamic(normal), SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg_dynamic_for_generation(InFile, OutFile, SucceededOrFailed) :- regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, dynamic(generation), SucceededOrFailed). regulus2dcg(InFile, OutFile, DCGType, SucceededOrFailed) :- timed_call(regulus2dcg1(InFile, OutFile, DCGType, SucceededOrFailed), TimeTaken), format('~NCompilation finished, ~2f secs~n', [TimeTaken]). %--------------------------------------------------------------- regulus2dcg1(InFile, OutFile, DCGType, SucceededOrFailed) :- on_exception( Exception, regulus2dcg2(InFile, OutFile, DCGType, SucceededOrFailed), ( inform_about_top_level_regulus_error(Exception), SucceededOrFailed = failed ) ). regulus2dcg2(InFileOrFiles, OutFile, DCGType, SucceededOrFailed) :- regulus2dcg_init, read_regulus_file_or_files(InFileOrFiles, ReadRules0), ( DCGType = keep_line_info(static_for_generation) -> assertz(category_internal(null_sem, [sem])) ; true ), add_lexical_feature_defaults(ReadRules0, ReadRules1), convert_rules_to_strcat_semantics_if_necessary(ReadRules1, ReadRules2), expand_abbreviations_in_rules(ReadRules2, ReadRules), regulus_rules_to_dcg_rules(ReadRules, DCGType, DCGRules0), ( DCGType = stanford -> DCGRules0 = DCGRules1 ; add_dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats(DCGRules0, DCGRules1) ), ( DCGType = keep_line_info(static_for_generation) -> add_rule_for_null_sem_cat(DCGRules1, DCGRules2) ; DCGRules1 = DCGRules2 ), %% we want to preserve the order between the rules: safe_remove_duplicates_preserving_order(DCGRules2, DCGRules3), %% sort(DCGRules2, DCGRules3), write_rules_dcg_file(DCGRules3, DCGType, OutFile), !, SucceededOrFailed = succeeded. regulus2dcg2(_InFile, _OutFile, _DCGType, SucceededOrFailed) :- inform_about_top_level_regulus_error(failed), SucceededOrFailed = failed. %--------------------------------------------------------------- regulus2dcg_init :- retract_all_regulus_preds. %--------------------------------------------------------------- regulus_rules_to_dcg_rules(RegulusRules, DCGType, DCGRules) :- findall( DCGRule, expand_regulus_rule_in_list(RegulusRules, DCGType, DCGRule), DCGRules), \+ member(failed_expansion, DCGRules). expand_regulus_rule_in_list(Rules, DCGType, Result) :- member(rule(Rule, LineInfo), Rules), regulus_debug_call(2, inform_about_expanding_rule(Rule, LineInfo)), expand_regulus_rule(Rule, DCGType, InstantiatedRule, LineInfo), ( InstantiatedRule = failed_expansion -> Result = failed_expansion ; Result = rule(InstantiatedRule, LineInfo) ). expand_regulus_rule(Rule, DCGType, InstantiatedRule, LineInfo) :- on_exception( Exception, ( expand_regulus_rule1(Rule, DCGType, InstantiatedRule0), InstantiatedRule = InstantiatedRule0 ), ( inform_about_regulus_exception(Exception, LineInfo), InstantiatedRule = failed_expansion ) ). expand_regulus_rule1(Rule, DCGType, InstantiatedRule) :- give_up_if_bad_rule(Rule), pre_process_rule(Rule, DCGType, InstantiatedRule). %--------------------------------------------------------------- give_up_if_bad_rule(Rule) :- \+ using_prolog_semantics, sem_variable_in_rule_head_not_in_body(Rule), !, regulus_error('~NSemantic variable in rule head doesn\'t appear in body~n', []). give_up_if_bad_rule(_Rule). sem_variable_in_rule_head_not_in_body( ( H --> B ) ) :- %H = cat(_CatName, _SynFeatsWithVals, Sem), H = _Cat:Features, member(sem=Sem, Features), term_variables(Sem, SemHeadVars), term_variables(B, BodyVars), member(V, SemHeadVars), \+ id_member(V, BodyVars), !. %--------------------------------------------------------------- inform_about_expanding_rule(Rule, LineInfo) :- Rule = ( Head --> _Tail ), copy_term(Head, Head1), numbervars(Head1, 0, _), LineInfo = line_info(_ItemNumber, From-To, File), format('~NExpanding rule ~w --> ... in lines ~d to ~d in ~w~n', [Head1, From, To, File]), !. inform_about_expanding_rule(_Rule, _LineInfo). %--------------------------------------------------------------- % pre_process_rule(+Rule, -PreProcessedRule) pre_process_rule(Rule, DCGType, PreProcessedRule) :- pre_process_rule1(Rule, DCGType, PreProcessedRule, nonhead), instantiate_null_sem_values(PreProcessedRule). pre_process_rule1(Var, DCGType, Var, HeadP) :- var(Var), !, HeadP = nonhead, DCGType = keep_line_info(static_for_generation), current_predicate(user:regulus_config/2), user:regulus_config(prolog_semantics, yes). pre_process_rule1((H --> B), DCGType, (H1 --> B1), _HeadP) :- !, pre_process_rule1(H, DCGType, H1, head), pre_process_rule1(B, DCGType, B1, nonhead). pre_process_rule1((P, Q), DCGType, (P1, Q1), _HeadP) :- !, pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, P1, nonhead), pre_process_rule1(Q, DCGType, Q1, nonhead). pre_process_rule1((P ; Q), DCGType, Result, _HeadP) :- DCGType = stanford, !, ( pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, Result, nonhead) ; pre_process_rule1(Q, DCGType, Result, nonhead) ). pre_process_rule1((P ; Q), DCGType, (P1 ; Q1), _HeadP) :- !, pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, P1, nonhead), pre_process_rule1(Q, DCGType, Q1, nonhead). pre_process_rule1((?P), DCGType, Result, HeadP) :- DCGType = stanford, !, ( pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, Result, HeadP) ; Result = [] ). pre_process_rule1((?P), DCGType, (P1 ; NullP1), HeadP) :- DCGType = keep_line_info(static_for_generation), !, null_sem_version_of_constituent(P, DCGType, NullP), pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, P1, HeadP), pre_process_rule1(NullP, DCGType, NullP1, HeadP). pre_process_rule1((?P), DCGType, (P1 ; NullP1), HeadP) :- DCGType = dynamic(normal), !, null_sem_version_of_constituent(P, DCGType, NullP), pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, P1, HeadP), pre_process_rule1(NullP, DCGType, NullP1, HeadP). pre_process_rule1((?P), DCGType, (P1 ; []), HeadP) :- !, pre_process_rule1(P, DCGType, P1, HeadP). pre_process_rule1(Atom, _DCGType, Atom, _HeadP) :- atomic(Atom), !. pre_process_rule1(Cat:FeatsWithVals, _DCGType, InternalCat, HeadP) :- !, internalise_cat(Cat, FeatsWithVals, InternalCat, HeadP). pre_process_rule1(Other, _DCGType, _, _HeadP) :- regulus_error('~NBad subterm in rule: ~q.~n', [Other]). %--------------------------------------------------------------- % Following code relies on the fact that we have sorted the features % in the category declarations when we internalised them. % It may be the case that a feature is specified more than once in % a feature-set, e.g. cat:[f=X, f=(a\/b)] internalise_cat(CatName, FeatsWithVals, _, _) :- top_level_category(CatName), member(sem=_SemVal, FeatsWithVals), !, regulus_error('~NMeaningless for top-level category to use sem feature. Probably gsem intended?~n', []). /* internalise_cat(CatName, FeatsWithVals, cat(CatName, SynVals, Sem), _HeadP) :- CatName = null_sem, FeatsWithVals = [sem=Sem], SynVals = [], !. */ % Note that we remove the ignored features before checking validity of % the feat-val list, since otherwise we'll get an error - if there are % any ignored features, they'll be missing from the internal category % declaration too. internalise_cat(CatName, FeatsWithVals, cat(CatName, SynVals, Sem), HeadP) :- atom(CatName), get_category_internal(CatName, AllFeats), give_up_if_undeclared_feats_in_feat_val_list(CatName, AllFeats, FeatsWithVals), remove_ignored_feat_val_pairs_from_list(FeatsWithVals, FeatsWithVals1), replace_vals_with_substitutes_in_feat_val_list(FeatsWithVals1, FeatsWithVals2), is_valid_feat_val_list(FeatsWithVals2, AllFeats), sort(FeatsWithVals2, FeatsWithVals3), internalise_cat_feats(AllFeats, FeatsWithVals3, SynVals, Sem0), internalise_cat_sem(HeadP, Sem0, Sem), !. internalise_cat(CatName, FeatsWithVals, _, _) :- regulus_error('~NBad category: ~q~n', [CatName:FeatsWithVals]). % internalise_cat_feats(+AllSynFeats, +FeatsWithVals, -SynFeatsWithVals, -Sem). internalise_cat_feats(AllSynFeats, FeatsWithVals, SynVals, Sem) :- ( ( member(sem, AllSynFeats) ; member(gsem, AllSynFeats) ) -> true ; Sem = no_value ), internalise_cat_feats1(AllSynFeats, FeatsWithVals, SynVals, Sem, '*dummy*', '*dummy*'). internalise_cat_feats1([], [], [], _Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- !. internalise_cat_feats1([Feat|R], [(Feat=Val)|R1], [(Feat=Val1)|SynVals], Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- ( Feat \== sem, Feat \== gsem), !, internalise_feat_val(Feat, Val, Val1), internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, Feat, Val1). internalise_cat_feats1(R, [(LastFeat=Val)|R1], SynVals, Sem, LastFeat, LastVal1) :- ( LastFeat \== sem, LastFeat \== gsem), !, internalise_feat_val(LastFeat, Val, Val1), Val1 = LastVal1, internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, LastFeat, Val). internalise_cat_feats1([Feat|R], R1, [(Feat=AnonVal)|SynVals], Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- ( Feat \== sem, Feat \== gsem), !, internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, Feat, AnonVal). internalise_cat_feats1([sem|R], [(sem=Val)|R1], SynVals, Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- !, Sem = value(return, Val), internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, sem, Val). internalise_cat_feats1([gsem|R], [(gsem=Val)|R1], SynVals, Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- !, Sem = value(global, Val), internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, sem, Val). internalise_cat_feats1([sem|R], R1, SynVals, Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- !, Sem = no_value, internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, sem, no_value). internalise_cat_feats1([gsem|R], R1, SynVals, Sem, _LastFeat, _LastVal) :- !, Sem = no_value, internalise_cat_feats1(R, R1, SynVals, Sem, sem, no_value). %--------------------------------------------------------------- % internalise_feat_val(+Feat, +Val, -InternalisedVal) /* The Mellish boolean vector encoding trick. If we have N possible values, we represent the internalised value as a term with functor 'bv' and arity N+1. The first arg is 0, the last arg is 1, and args I and I+1 are unified if and only if the Ith possible value is NOT compatible with the specified value. Clever, isn't it? */ internalise_feat_val(_Feat, Val, InternalisedVal) :- var(Val), InternalisedVal = Val, !. internalise_feat_val(_Feat, Val, InternalisedVal) :- functor(Val, bv, _), InternalisedVal = Val, !. internalise_feat_val(Feat, Val, InternalisedVal) :- get_value_space_for_feat(Feat, ValueSpace), possible_values_for_value_space(ValueSpace, AllPossibleVals), length(AllPossibleVals, NVals), NVals1 is NVals + 1, functor(InternalisedVal, bv, NVals1), arg(1, InternalisedVal, 0), arg(NVals1, InternalisedVal, 1), internalise_feat_val1(AllPossibleVals, 1, Val, InternalisedVal). internalise_feat_val1([], _NVals1, _Val, _InternalisedVal). internalise_feat_val1([PossibleVal | RPossibleVals], I, Val, InternalisedVal) :- feature_value_compatible_with_spec(PossibleVal, Val), !, I1 is I + 1, internalise_feat_val1(RPossibleVals, I1, Val, InternalisedVal). internalise_feat_val1([_PossibleVal | RPossibleVals], I, Val, InternalisedVal) :- I1 is I + 1, arg(I, InternalisedVal, ArgI), arg(I1, InternalisedVal, ArgI1), ArgI = ArgI1, internalise_feat_val1(RPossibleVals, I1, Val, InternalisedVal). %--------------------------------------------------------------- % The point of this predicate is if necessary to substitute feature % values deriving from inheritance, as defined by feature_value_space_substitution/3. replace_vals_with_substitutes_in_feat_val_list([], []). replace_vals_with_substitutes_in_feat_val_list([Feat=Val | R], [Feat=Val1 | R1]) :- replace_feat_with_substitute(Val, Feat, Val1), !, replace_vals_with_substitutes_in_feat_val_list(R, R1). replace_feat_with_substitute(Val, Feat, Val) :- member(Feat, [sem, gsem]), !. replace_feat_with_substitute(Val, Feat, Val1) :- replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Val, Feat, Val1). replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Val, _Feat, Val) :- var(Val), !. replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Val, _Feat, Val) :- functor(Val, bv, _), !. replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Val, Feat, Val1) :- atomic(Val), feature(Feat, ValueSpaceId), feature_value_space_substitution(Val, Val1, ValueSpaceId), !. replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Val, _Feat, Val) :- atomic(Val), !. replace_syn_feat_with_substitute((P/\Q), Feat, (P1/\Q1)) :- !, replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(P, Feat, P1), replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Q, Feat, Q1). replace_syn_feat_with_substitute((P\/Q), Feat, (P1\/Q1)) :- !, replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(P, Feat, P1), replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(Q, Feat, Q1). replace_syn_feat_with_substitute((\(P)), Feat, (\(P1))) :- !, replace_syn_feat_with_substitute(P, Feat, P1). %--------------------------------------------------------------- give_up_if_undeclared_feats_in_feat_val_list(CatName, AllFeats, FeatsWithVals) :- undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list(FeatsWithVals, AllFeats, []-UndeclaredFeats), UndeclaredFeats \== [], !, regulus_error('~NUndeclared feature(s) ~w in category ~w~n', [UndeclaredFeats, CatName]). give_up_if_undeclared_feats_in_feat_val_list(_CatName, _AllFeats, _FeatsWithVals). % undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list(+FeatsWithVals, +AllFeats, InUndeclaredFeats-OutUndeclaredFeats) undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list([], _AllFeats, OutUndec-OutUndec). undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list([(Feat=_Val) | R], AllFeats, InUndec-OutUndec) :- \+ member(Feat, AllFeats), \+ ignore_feature(Feat), !, NextUndec = [Feat | InUndec], undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list(R, AllFeats, NextUndec-OutUndec). undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list([_F | R], AllFeats, InUndec-OutUndec) :- !, undeclared_feats_in_feats_val_list(R, AllFeats, InUndec-OutUndec). %--------------------------------------------------------------- % internalise_cat_sem(HeadP, Sem, Sem1) % Internalise the semantic value of the category. We do rather different % things for a category that is the head of a rule (HeadP = head) and % a category that occurs in the body (HeadP = nonhead). % % If Sem belongs to a head, we just keep it as it is, except that we mark % all variables as references. This corresponds to passing up a structure % in a generated GSL rule, e.g. % % np:[sem=[dev=D, loc=L]] --> % device:[sem=D], % in, % location:[sem=L]. (1) % % might become something like % % NP ( device:a in location:b ) {return([ ])} % % If Sem belongs to a non-head, we again branch depending on whether it is a % structure or a plain variable: % % If it's plain variable, we keep it as it is, except that we mark it as a % non-reference, as in example (1). % % If it's a structure, we replace it with a new variable V, also marked % a non-reference, and instantiate all variables inside the structure as % components of V. We use the notation a+b instead of the more usual a.b. % This corresponds to GSL's Java-like way of accessing % parts of daughter's structure, e.g. % np:[sem=[spec=S, dev=D, loc=L]] --> % device:[sem=[spec=S, dev=D]], % in, % location:[sem=L]. (2) % % might become something like % % NP ( device:a in location:b ) {return([ ])} internalise_cat_sem(nonhead, value(global, _Val), _Result) :- regulus_error('~Ngsem feature is meaningless except in head of rule.~n', []). internalise_cat_sem(HeadP, value(ValueType, Val), value(ValueType, Val1)) :- !, internalise_cat_sem1(HeadP, Val, Val1). internalise_cat_sem(_HeadP, no_value, no_value) :- !. internalise_cat_sem1(head, Sem, Sem1) :- mark_sem_variables(Sem, ref, Sem1). internalise_cat_sem1(nonhead, Sem, Sem1) :- using_prolog_semantics, !, mark_sem_variables(Sem, nonref, Sem1). internalise_cat_sem1(nonhead, Sem, Sem1) :- var(Sem), !, mark_sem_variables(Sem, nonref, Sem1). internalise_cat_sem1(nonhead, Sem, _Sem1) :- is_semantic_component(Sem), !, regulus_error('~NSemantic variable occurs twice in body of rule.~n', []). internalise_cat_sem1(nonhead, Sem, NewVar) :- instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(Sem, NewVar). mark_sem_variables(Sem, ref, Sem1) :- var(Sem), !, Sem1 = ref(Sem). mark_sem_variables(Sem, nonref, Sem1) :- var(Sem), !, Sem1 = nonref(Sem). mark_sem_variables(Sem, _Type, Sem) :- atomic(Sem). mark_sem_variables(FuncExpr, Type, FuncExpr1) :- using_prolog_semantics, compound(FuncExpr), !, functor(FuncExpr, F, N), functor(FuncExpr1, F, N), mark_sem_variables_args(N, FuncExpr, Type, FuncExpr1). mark_sem_variables(FuncExpr, ref, FuncExpr1) :- functor(FuncExpr, F, N), gsl_function(F/N), !, functor(FuncExpr1, F, N), mark_sem_variables_args(N, FuncExpr, ref, FuncExpr1). mark_sem_variables(FuncExpr, nonref, _FuncExpr1) :- functor(FuncExpr, F, N), gsl_function(F/N), !, regulus_error('~NNot meaningful to use GSL function ~w in body of rule~n', [F/N]). mark_sem_variables(F=V, Type, F=V1) :- !, mark_sem_variables(V, Type, V1). mark_sem_variables([], _Type, []) :- !. mark_sem_variables([F | R], Type, [F1 | R1]) :- !, mark_sem_variables(F, Type, F1), mark_sem_variables(R, Type, R1). %mark_sem_variables((F, R), ref, (F1, R1)) :- % !, % mark_sem_variables(F, Type, F1), % mark_sem_variables(R, Type, R1). %mark_sem_variables((_F, _R), nonref, _) :- % regulus_error('~NList in body of rule not allowed yet~n', []). mark_sem_variables(Other, Type, Other1) :- regulus_error('~NBad call: ~w~n', [mark_sem_variables(Other, Type, Other1)]). mark_sem_variables_args(0, _FuncExpr, _Type, _FuncExpr1). mark_sem_variables_args(I, FuncExpr, Type, FuncExpr1) :- I > 0, arg(I, FuncExpr, Arg), arg(I, FuncExpr1, Arg1), mark_sem_variables(Arg, Type, Arg1), I1 is I - 1, !, mark_sem_variables_args(I1, FuncExpr, Type, FuncExpr1). % If we are using Prolog semantics, % a) don't do anything special with expressions of the form F = V % b) allow any kinds of semantic expressions on the RHS instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(_Term, _StructureOver) :- using_prolog_semantics, !. instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components((F = V), StructureOver) :- var(V), !, V = StructureOver+F. instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components((_F = Atom), _StructureOver) :- atomic(Atom), !, regulus_error('~NSemantic variable assigned value in body of rule.~n', []). instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components((_F = V), _StructureOver) :- is_semantic_component(V), !, regulus_error('~NSemantic variable occurs twice in body of rule.~n', []). %% Removed by peter ljunglöf, 2008-01-14: %% instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(Atom, _StructureOver) :- %% atomic(Atom), %% !. instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components([], _StructureOver) :- !. instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components([First | Rest], StructureOver) :- !, instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(First, StructureOver), instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(Rest, StructureOver). %% Added by peter ljunglöf, 2008-01-14: instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(Atom, _StructureOver) :- atomic(Atom), !, regulus_error('~NSemantic variable assigned value in body of rule.~n', []). instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(A, B) :- !, regulus_error('~NBad call: ~w.~n', [instantiate_semantic_variables_as_components(A, B)]). %--------------------------------------------------------------- add_dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats(DCGRules, DCGRules1) :- findall(LHSCat, lhs_cat_in_dcg_rules(DCGRules, LHSCat), LHSCats), findall(RHSCat, rhs_cat_in_dcg_rules(DCGRules, RHSCat), RHSCats), findall(UndefinedCat, ( member(UndefinedCat, RHSCats), \+ member(UndefinedCat, LHSCats) ), UndefinedCats0), safe_remove_duplicates(UndefinedCats0, UndefinedCats), dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats(UndefinedCats, DummyRules), append(DCGRules, DummyRules, DCGRules1). lhs_cat_in_dcg_rules(DCGRules, LHSCat) :- member(Rule, DCGRules), lhs_cat_in_dcg_rule(Rule, LHSCat). lhs_cat_in_dcg_rule(rule((Head --> _Body), _LineInfo), LHSCat) :- Head = cat(F, Feats, _Value), length(Feats, N), LHSCat = F/N. rhs_cat_in_dcg_rules(DCGRules, RHSCat) :- member(Rule, DCGRules), rhs_cat_in_dcg_rule(Rule, RHSCat). rhs_cat_in_dcg_rule(rule((_Head --> Body), _LineInfo), RHSCat) :- rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(Body, RHSCat). rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(Var, _Cat) :- var(Var), !, fail. rhs_cat_in_dcg_body((P, Q), Cat) :- !, ( rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(P, Cat) ; rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(Q, Cat) ). rhs_cat_in_dcg_body((P ; Q), Cat) :- !, ( rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(P, Cat) ; rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(Q, Cat) ). rhs_cat_in_dcg_body(cat(F, Feats, _Value), Cat) :- length(Feats, N), Cat = F/N. dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats([], []). dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats([F | R], [F1 | R1]) :- dummy_rule_for_rhs_only_cat(F, F1), dummy_rules_for_rhs_only_cats(R, R1). dummy_rule_for_rhs_only_cat(F/N, rule((cat(F, Feats, _Val) --> {fail}), no_line_info)) :- length(Feats, N). %--------------------------------------------------------------- null_sem_version_of_constituent(P, keep_line_info(static_for_generation), NullP) :- P = _Cat:FeatValPairs, member(sem=SemVal, FeatValPairs), NullP = null_sem:[sem=SemVal], !. null_sem_version_of_constituent(P, dynamic(normal), NullP) :- P = _Cat:FeatValPairs, member(sem=SemVal, FeatValPairs), NullP = null_sem_to_expand:[sem=SemVal], !. null_sem_version_of_constituent(_P, _DCGType, NullP) :- NullP = []. %--------------------------------------------------------------- add_rule_for_null_sem_cat(DCGRules, [NullSemCatRule | DCGRules]) :- null_sem_cat_rule(NullSemCatRule), !. null_sem_cat_rule(rule((cat(null_sem, Feats, SemVal) --> []), no_line_info)) :- Feats = [], SemVal = no_value. %--------------------------------------------------------------- write_rules_dcg_file(DCGRules, DCGType, File) :- format('~NWriting out rules...~n', []), flush_output(user), %trace, open_regulus_file(File, write, S), write_dcg_file_intro(S, DCGType), write_rules_dcg_stream(DCGRules, DCGType, S), close(S). write_dcg_file_intro(S, DCGType) :- member(DCGType, [static, dynamic(_)]), !, format(S, '~N :- use_module(\'$REGULUS/Prolog/regulus_eval\').~n~n', []). write_dcg_file_intro(_S, _DCGType). %--------------------------------------------------------------- write_rules_dcg_stream([], _DCGType, _S). write_rules_dcg_stream([F | R], DCGType, S) :- write_dcg_rule(F, DCGType, S), write_rules_dcg_stream(R, DCGType, S). write_dcg_rule(Rule, DCGType, S) :- format_dcg_rule_for_writing0(Rule, DCGType, Rule1), portray_clause(S, Rule1). format_dcg_rule_for_writing0(rule((H-->B), LineInfo), keep_line_info(DCGType), rule(OutputRule, LineInfo)) :- format_dcg_rule_for_writing0(rule((H-->B), LineInfo), DCGType, OutputRule), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing0(rule((H-->B), LineInfo), DCGType, OutputRule) :- on_exception( Exception, format_dcg_rule_for_writing1((H-->B), LineInfo, DCGType, OutputRule), inform_about_regulus_exception(Exception, LineInfo) ), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing0(Rule, _DCGType, _OutputRule) :- regulus_error('~NUnable to format rule for DCG output: ~w~n', [Rule]). format_dcg_rule_for_writing1((H-->B), LineInfo, DCGType, OutputRule) :- format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(B, B1, Tree, Globals, []-ExtraGoals0, nonhead), format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(H, H1, Tree, Globals, ExtraGoals0-ExtraGoals, head(LineInfo)), add_extra_goals_to_body(B1, ExtraGoals, B2), format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(DCGType, (H1-->B2), OutputRule), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing1(Rule, _DCGType, _OutputRule) :- regulus_error('~NUnable to format rule for DCG output: ~w~n', [Rule]). format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(static, (H-->B), (H-->B)) :- !. format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(static_for_generation, (H-->B), (H-->B)) :- !. format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(dynamic(normal), (H-->B), OutputRule) :- expand_term((H-->B), (H1 :- B1)), OutputRule = dcg_clause(H1, B1), !. format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(dynamic(generation), (H-->B), OutputRule) :- expand_term((H-->B), (H1 :- B1)), OutputRule = dcg_clause_for_generation(H1, B1), !. format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(stanford, (H-->B), (HOut--->BOut)) :- flatten_comma_list_to_list(B, B1), turn_procedural_goals_into_return_values(B1, B2, H, H2), dcg_cats_to_stanford_cats_list([H2 | B2], [HOut | BOut]), !. format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(DCGType, InputRule, OutputRule) :- regulus_error('~NBad call: ~w~n', [format_dcg_rule_for_grammar_type(DCGType, InputRule, OutputRule)]). format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(Var, [Var], lex(Var), _Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- var(Var), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2((A, B), (A1, B1), Tree, Globals, GIn-Gout, nonhead) :- !, format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(A, A1, ATree, Globals, GIn-GNext, nonhead), format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(B, B1, BTree, Globals, GNext-Gout, nonhead), Tree = (ATree, BTree). %Tree = [ATree, BTree]. %format_dcg_rule_for_writing2((A ; B), (( A1, {Tree=ATree} ) ; ( B1, {Tree=BTree} ) ), Tree, Globals, GIn-Gout, nonhead) :- format_dcg_rule_for_writing2((A ; B), (( {Tree=ATree}, A1 ) ; ( {Tree=BTree}, B1 ) ), Tree, Globals, GIn-Gout, nonhead) :- !, format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(A, A1, ATree, Globals, GIn-GNext, nonhead), format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(B, B1, BTree, Globals, GNext-Gout, nonhead). format_dcg_rule_for_writing2([], [], empty_constituent, _Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2({Goal}, {Goal}, procedural_goal, _Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(Atom, [Atom], lex(Atom), _Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- atomic(Atom), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(cat(null_sem_to_expand, [], Value), {Local='*null_value*'}, empty_constituent, _Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- format_body_value(Value, Local), !. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(cat(Cat, SynFeats, Value), Goal, Tree, Globals, GIn-GIn, nonhead) :- format_body_value(Value, Local), Goal =.. [Cat, Tree, SynFeats, Local, Globals]. format_dcg_rule_for_writing2(cat(Cat, SynFeats, Value), Goal, BodyTree, Globals, GIn-GOut, head(LineInfo)) :- format_head_value(Value, Local, Globals, GIn-GOut), %Tree = [Cat, BodyTree], Tree = phrase(Cat, LineInfo, BodyTree), Goal =.. [Cat, Tree, SynFeats, Local, Globals]. %--------------------------------------------------------------- turn_procedural_goals_into_return_values([], [], H, H) :- !. turn_procedural_goals_into_return_values([{merge_globals([_Feat=Val], _)}], [], H, H1) :- !, H =.. [CatName, Tree, SynFeats, _Local, Globals], H1 =.. [CatName, Tree, SynFeats, Val, Globals]. turn_procedural_goals_into_return_values([F | R], [F | R1], H, H1) :- turn_procedural_goals_into_return_values(R, R1, H, H1), !. dcg_cats_to_stanford_cats_list([], []). dcg_cats_to_stanford_cats_list([F | R], Result) :- dcg_cat_to_stanford_cat(F, F1), dcg_cats_to_stanford_cats_list(R, R1), ( is_list(F1) -> append(F1, R1, Result) ; Result = [F1 | R1] ). dcg_cat_to_stanford_cat(DCGCat, StanfordCat) :- is_list(DCGCat), StanfordCat = DCGCat, !. dcg_cat_to_stanford_cat(DCGCat, StanfordCat) :- DCGCat =.. [CatName, Tree, SynFeatsVals, Local, _Globals], feat_vals_to_vals(SynFeatsVals, SynVals0), ( SynVals0 = [] -> SynVals = [no_args] ; SynVals = SynVals0 ), Syn =.. [CatName | SynVals], Sem = [Local, Tree], StanfordCat = Syn/Sem, !. feat_vals_to_vals([], []) :- !. feat_vals_to_vals([(_F=V) | R], [V | R1]) :- feat_vals_to_vals(R, R1), !. feat_vals_to_vals(Other, Other1) :- regulus_error('~NBad call: ~w~n', [feat_vals_to_vals(Other, Other1)]). %--------------------------------------------------------------- format_body_value(no_value, _NewVar) :- !. format_body_value(value(return, Value), Local) :- format_body_value1(Value, Local). format_head_value(no_value, _NewVar, _Globals, GIn-GIn) :- !. format_head_value(value(return, Value), Local, _Globals, GIn-GOut) :- format_head_value1(Value, Local, GIn-GOut). format_head_value(value(global, Value), Local, Globals, GIn-GOut) :- Local = _NewVar, format_head_value1(Value, Globals0, GIn-GNext), GOut = [merge_globals(Globals0, Globals) | GNext]. %--------------------------------------------------------------- format_body_value1(Var, Var) :- var(Var), !. format_body_value1(no_value, _NewVar) :- !. format_body_value1(Atom, Atom) :- atomic(Atom), !. format_body_value1(nonref(T), T1) :- format_body_value1(T, T1), !. format_body_value1(Term, Term1) :- functor(Term, F, N), functor(Term1, F, N), format_body_value1_args(N, Term, Term1). format_body_value1_args(0, _Term, _Term1) :- !. format_body_value1_args(I, Term, Term1) :- I > 0, arg(I, Term, Arg), arg(I, Term1, Arg1), format_body_value1(Arg, Arg1), I1 is I - 1, !, format_body_value1_args(I1, Term, Term1). %--------------------------------------------------------------- format_head_value1(V, V, GIn-GIn) :- var(V), !. format_head_value1(no_value, _NewVar, GIn-GIn) :- !. format_head_value1(Atom, Atom, GIn-GIn) :- atomic(Atom), !. format_head_value1(ref(V), V1, GIn-GOut) :- format_head_value1(V, V1, GIn-GOut), !. format_head_value1([F | R], [F1 | R1], GIn-GOut) :- !, format_head_value1(F, F1, GIn-GNext), format_head_value1(R, R1, GNext-GOut). format_head_value1(Val+Slot, slot_value(Val1, Slot), GIn-GOut) :- !, format_head_value1(Val, Val1, GIn-GOut). format_head_value1(Expr, Expr1, GIn-GOut) :- functor(Expr, F, N), functor(Expr1, F, N), !, format_head_value1_args(N, Expr, Expr1, GIn-GOut). format_head_value1_args(0, _Term, _Term1, GIn-GIn) :- !. format_head_value1_args(I, Term, Term1, GIn-GOut) :- I > 0, arg(I, Term, Arg), arg(I, Term1, Arg1), format_head_value1(Arg, Arg1, GIn-GNext), I1 is I - 1, !, format_head_value1_args(I1, Term, Term1, GNext-GOut). %--------------------------------------------------------------- add_extra_goals_to_body(Body, ExtraGoals, Body1) :- ExtraGoals = [], !, Body1 = Body. add_extra_goals_to_body(Body, ExtraGoals, Body1) :- make_comma_list(ExtraGoals, ExtraGoal), Body1 = (Body, {ExtraGoal}). make_comma_list([P], P) :- !. make_comma_list([P, Q], (P, Q)) :- !. make_comma_list([F | R], (F, R1)) :- make_comma_list(R, R1). %--------------------------------------------------------------- flatten_comma_list_to_list(V, [V]) :- var(V), !. flatten_comma_list_to_list((F, R), Result) :- !, flatten_comma_list_to_list(F, F1), flatten_comma_list_to_list(R, R1), append(F1, R1, Result). flatten_comma_list_to_list([], []) :- !. flatten_comma_list_to_list(Other, [Other]). %--------------------------------------------------------------- comma_list_to_list_recursive(V, [V]) :- var(V), !. comma_list_to_list_recursive((F, R), [F1 | R1]) :- !, comma_list_to_list_recursive1(F, F1), comma_list_to_list_recursive(R, R1). comma_list_to_list_recursive(Other, [Other]). comma_list_to_list_recursive1(V, V) :- var(V), !. comma_list_to_list_recursive1((F, R), [F1 | R1]) :- !, comma_list_to_list_recursive1(F, F1), comma_list_to_list_recursive(R, R1). comma_list_to_list_recursive1(Other, Other). %--------------------------------------------------------------- match_cats(Cat1:Feats1, Cat2:Feats2) :- internalise_cat(Cat1, Feats1, InternalCat1, head), internalise_cat(Cat2, Feats2, InternalCat2, head), !, InternalCat1 = InternalCat2. cat_matches_cat_in_list(Cat1:Feats1, List) :- internalise_cat(Cat1, Feats1, InternalCat1, head), member(Cat2:Feats2, List), internalise_cat(Cat2, Feats2, InternalCat2, head), InternalCat1 = InternalCat2, !.