/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2017, CWI Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(oauth2, [ oauth2_login/2, % +Request, +Options oauth2_reply/2, % +Request, +Options oauth2_validate_access_token/3, % +ServerID, +AccessToken, % -Info:dict oauth2_user_info/3, % +ServerID, +TokenInfo, -UserInfo oauth2_claim/2 % +TokenInfo, -Claim ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_open)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(library(http/http_host)). :- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). :- use_module(library(http/http_header)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/json)). :- use_module(library(base64)). :- use_module(library(utf8)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(apply)). /** Oauth2 based login This module provides oauth2 based login. Oauth2 is a _federated identity_ protocol. It allows a user to login to a service by redirecting to an _identity provider_. After validating the user, the identity provider redirects back to our service. In the process we obtain an anonymous identifier for the user and optionally _user attributes_ such as the user's name, email, etc. As oauth2 does not use HTTP authentication the fact that a user has logged in must be handled using an HTTP session. Using this module requires the user to define two _hooks_: - server_attribute/3 defines properties about one or more _identity providers_. - login/3 establishes the login, typically by ensuring an HTTP session and relating the identity to this session. */ :- multifile server_attribute/3, % +ServerID, +Attribute, -Value login/3, % +Request, +ServerID, +TokenInfo login_failed/2. % +Request, +Message :- multifile http:location/3. :- dynamic http:location/3. http:location(oauth2, root(oauth2), [priority(-100)]). :- http_handler(oauth2(.), oauth2, [prefix]). %! server_attribute(?ServerID, ?Attribute, ?Value) is nondet. % % Multifile hook that defines available oauth2 servers. ServerID % is our internal nickname for the oauth2 identity provider. % Attribute and Value provide the various attributes we need to % know to contact the server. Defined attributes are: % % - url % Base URL for the identity provider. Normally points at the % root of the server. Other locations are relative to this URL. % % - redirect_uri % URI to which the identity provider will redirect back. This % is the public URL for oauth2(ServerID/reply). It may be left % undefined if the server can find its own location. This URI % is normally registered with the identity provider. % % - discovery_endpoint % Endpoint for automatic configuration. The default is `url`, % followed by =|/.well-known/openid-configuration|=. The % discovery URL is used if one of the other required attributes % is not defined by the hook. % % - authorization_endpoint % Path on the identity provider that initiates a login. The % default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint. % % - token_endpoint % Location to validate the access code and obtain an access % token. The default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint. % % - userinfo_endpoint % Path to get info on the user from the access token. The % default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint. % % - tokeninfo_endpoint % Needed for _implicit_ and _hybrid_ login flows (typically not % used by servers) % % - client_id % Identity by which we are known at the identity provider. % % - client_secret % Secret we need to identify ourselves with the identity % provider % % - scope % Set of attributes we wish to have from the identity provider. % % - cert_verify_hook % Set the certificate verification hook. Default is to verify % the certificate. If set to `cert_accept_any`, any certificate % is accepted. This can be used to deal with self-signed % certificates in expertimental setups. %! oauth2(+Request) % % HTTP handler to deal with oauth2 requests. The addresses served % are % % * oauth2(Server/login) % * oauth2(Server/reply) oauth2(Request) :- option(path_info(Path), Request), atomic_list_concat([ServerID,Action], /, Path), !, oauth2(Action, ServerID, Request). oauth2(Request) :- http_404([], Request). oauth2(_, ServerID, Request) :- \+ server_attribute(ServerID, _, _), !, http_404([], Request). oauth2(login, ServerID, Request) :- !, oauth2_login(Request, [server(ServerID)]). oauth2(reply, ServerID, Request) :- !, oauth2_reply(Request, [server(ServerID)]). oauth2(_, _, Request) :- !, http_404([], Request). %! oauth2_login(+Request, +Options) % % HTTP handler to login using oauth2. It causes a redirect to the % oauth2 identity server, which will redirect back to % oauth2(reply). oauth2_login(Request, Options) :- option(server(Server), Options), oauth2_redirect_uri(Server, URI), debug(oauth, 'Redirect to ~p', [URI]), http_redirect(see_other, URI, Request). oauth2_redirect_uri(ServerID, URI) :- server_attr(ServerID, url, ServerURI), server_attr(ServerID, authorization_endpoint, Path), server_attr(ServerID, redirect_uri, RedirectURI), server_attr(ServerID, client_id, ClientID), server_attr(ServerID, scope, Scope), claims_attrs(ServerID, ClaimAttrs), anti_forgery_state(AntiForgery), get_time(Now), asserta(forgery_state(AntiForgery, ServerID, RedirectURI, Now)), uri_extend(ServerURI, Path, [ response_type(code), client_id(ClientID), redirect_uri(RedirectURI), scope(Scope), state(AntiForgery) | ClaimAttrs ], URI). claims_attrs(ServerID, [claims=JSONString]) :- server_attr(ServerID, claims, Dict), !, with_output_to(string(JSONString), json_write_dict(current_output, Dict)). claims_attrs(_, []). %! oauth2_reply(+Request, +Options) % % HTTP handler for the redirect we get back from the oauth2 % server. % % @tbd Deal with `expires_in` and `id_token` fields. oauth2_reply(Request, Options) :- option(server(ServerID), Options), http_parameters(Request, [ code(AuthCode, [string, optional(true)]), state(State, [optional(true)]), error_description(Error, [optional(true)]) ]), ( nonvar(AuthCode), nonvar(State) -> debug(oauth, 'Code: ~p', [AuthCode]), validate_forgery_state(State, _ServerID, _Redirect), debug(oauth, 'State: OK', []), oauth2_token_details(ServerID, AuthCode, TokenInfo), call_login(Request, ServerID, TokenInfo) ; nonvar(Error) -> call_login_failed(Request, Error) ; var(AuthCode) -> existence_error(http_parameter, code) ; existence_error(http_parameter, state) ). %! login(+Request, +ServerID, +TokenInfo) is semidet. % % Multifile hook to realise the actual login. Normally this hook % shall create a session and associate the session with the % identity of the user. This hook may keep track of a user % profile. % % If this hook fails, oauth2_reply/2 returns a `text/plain` % document with the obtained information. This can be used for % debugging and development purposes. % % @arg Request is the HTTP request dealing with the redirect back % from the identity provider. % @arg ServerID identifies the identity provider. % @arg TokenInfo is a dict containing information about the access % token. % @arg UserInfo is a dict containing information about the user. call_login(Request, ServerID, TokenInfo) :- login(Request, ServerID, TokenInfo), !. call_login(_Request, ServerID, TokenInfo) :- oauth2_user_info(ServerID, TokenInfo, UserInfo), format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'), format('Oauth2 login using ~w succeeded~n', [ServerID]), format('Token info: ~n'), print_term(TokenInfo, [output(current_output)]), format('~nUser info: ~n'), print_term(UserInfo, [output(current_output)]). call_login_failed(Request, Error) :- login_failed(Request, Error), !. call_login_failed(_Request, Error) :- reply_html_page( title('Login failed'), h1('Login failed'), p(['ERROR: ', Error])). %! oauth2_validate_access_token(+ServerID, +AccessToken, -Info:dict) % % Validates the AccessToken with Unity (_implicit_ or _hybrid_ % flow). oauth2_validate_access_token(ServerID, AuthCode, Info) :- server_attr(ServerID, url, ServerURI), server_attr(ServerID, tokeninfo_endpoint, Path), claims_attrs(ServerID, ClaimAttrs), uri_extend(ServerURI, Path, ClaimAttrs, URI), http_options(ServerID, Options), setup_call_cleanup( http_open(URI, In, [ authorization(bearer(AuthCode)), header(content_type, ContentType), status_code(Code) | Options ]), read_reply(Code, ContentType, In, Info), close(In)). %! oauth2_user_info(+ServerID, +TokenInfo, -UserInfo) is det. % % Given the token details obtained in oauth2_reply/2, get extended % information about the user from the identity provider. TokenInfo % is a dict that must contain `access_token`. oauth2_user_info(ServerID, TokenInfo, UserInfo) :- user_info(ServerID, TokenInfo.access_token, UserInfo). %! user_info(+ServerID, +BearerToken, -Info:dict) is det. % % Ask info about a user. user_info(ServerID, AccessToken, Info) :- server_attr(ServerID, url, ServerURI), server_attr(ServerID, userinfo_endpoint, Path), claims_attrs(ServerID, ClaimAttrs), uri_extend(ServerURI, Path, ClaimAttrs, URI), http_options(ServerID, Options), debug(oauth, 'Request user info using ~q', [URI]), setup_call_cleanup( http_open(URI, In, [ authorization(bearer(AccessToken)), header(content_type, ContentType), status_code(Code) | Options ]), read_reply(Code, ContentType, In, Info), close(In)). %! oauth2_token_details(+ServerID, +AuthCode, -Info:dict) % % Get information using the provided code. This is used for the % _code_ flow. oauth2_token_details(ServerID, AuthCode, Dict) :- server_attr(ServerID, url, ServerURI), server_attr(ServerID, token_endpoint, Path), server_attr(ServerID, redirect_uri, RedirectURI), server_attr(ServerID, client_id, ClientID), server_attr(ServerID, client_secret, ClientSecret), server_attr(ServerID, scope, Scope), uri_extend(ServerURI, Path, [], URI), http_options(ServerID, Options), setup_call_cleanup( http_open(URI, In, [ authorization(basic(ClientID, ClientSecret)), post(form([ grant_type(authorization_code), scope(Scope), code(AuthCode), redirect_uri(RedirectURI), client_id(ClientID), client_secret(ClientSecret) ])), request_header('Accept'='application/json;q=1.0,\c */*;q=0.1'), header(content_type, ContentType), status_code(Code) | Options ]), read_reply(Code, ContentType, In, Dict), close(In)). read_reply(Code, ContentType, In, Dict) :- debug(oauth, 'Token details returned ~p ~p', [Code, ContentType]), http_parse_header_value(content_type, ContentType, Parsed), read_reply2(Code, Parsed, In, Dict). %! read_reply2(+Code, +ContentType, +Stream, -Dict) is det. % % Read the server reply as a dict. Normally, the reply is a JSON % object, but stackexchange seems to send it as a www-form-encoded % string. read_reply2(200, media(application/json, _Attributes), In, Dict) :- !, json_read_dict(In, Dict). read_reply2(200, media(text/plain, _Attributes), In, Dict) :- !, read_string(In, _, Reply), uri_query_components(Reply, Fields0), maplist(convert_field, Fields0, Fields), dict_create(Dict, _, Fields). read_reply2(Code, media(application/json, _Attributes), In, error{code:Code, details:Details}) :- !, json_read_dict(In, Details). read_reply2(Code, Type, In, error{code:Code, message:Reply}) :- debug(oauth(token), 'Got code ~w, type ~q', [Code, Type]), read_string(In, _, Reply). convert_field(expires=Atom, expires=Number) :- atom_number(Atom, Number), !. convert_field(Field, Field). %! server_attr(+ServerID, +Attr, -Value) is det. % % True when Value is the value for Attr on ServerID. server_attr(ServerID, Attr, Value) :- ( server_attribute(ServerID, Attr, Value0) -> Value = Value0 ; debug(oauth, 'No endpoint for ~q; trying defaults', [Attr]), default_attribute(Attr, ServerID, Value0) -> Value = Value0 ; optional_attr(Attr) -> fail ; existence_error(oauth2_server_attribute, Attr) ). %! default_attribute(+Attr, +ServerID, -Value0) is semidet. % % Compute a default value for a server attribute. default_attribute(redirect_uri, ServerID, URI) :- !, http_current_request(Request), http_public_host_url(Request, HostURL), http_absolute_location(oauth2(ServerID/reply), Path, []), atom_concat(HostURL, Path, URI). default_attribute(discovery_endpoint, ServerID, URI) :- !, server_attr(ServerID, url, Base), uri_extend(Base, '/.well-known/openid-configuration', [], URI). default_attribute(cert_verify_hook, _, Hook) :- !, Hook = default. default_attribute(url, _, _) :- !, fail. default_attribute(Attribute, ServerID, URI) :- oauth2_discover(ServerID, Dict), URI = Dict.get(Attribute). %! optional_attr(+Attr) is semidet. % % True when Attr is optional, i.e., it is ok to fail. optional_attr(claims). %! http_options(+ServerID, -Options:list) is det. % % Provide additional options for http_open/3 to talk to the % identity provider. http_options(ServerID, Options) :- server_attr(ServerID, cert_verify_hook, Hook), Hook \== default, !, Options = [ cert_verify_hook(Hook) ]. http_options(_, []). /******************************* * ANTI FORGERY STATE * *******************************/ :- dynamic forgery_state/4. validate_forgery_state(State, Site, Redirect) :- ( forgery_state(State, Site, Redirect, Stamp) -> retractall(forgery_state(State, Site, Redirect, Stamp)) ; throw(http_reply(not_acceptable('Invalid state parameter'))) ). anti_forgery_state(State) :- Rand is random(1<<100), variant_sha1(Rand, State). /******************************* * METADATA DISCOVERY * *******************************/ %% oauth2_discover(+ServerID, -Dict) is det. % % True when Dict represents _The Discovery document_. :- dynamic discovered_data/3. % URL, Time, Data oauth2_discover(ServerID, Dict) :- ( discovered_data(ServerID, Dict0) -> Dict = Dict0 ; discover_data(ServerID, Expires, Dict0), cache_data(ServerID, Expires, Dict0), Dict = Dict0 ). discover_data(ServerID, Expires, Dict) :- server_attr(ServerID, discovery_endpoint, DiscoverURL), http_options(ServerID, Options), http_open(DiscoverURL, In, [ header(expires, Expires), status_code(Status) | Options ]), ( Status == 200 -> json_read_dict(In, Dict) ; debug(oauth, 'Got status ~p from discovery endpoint; ignoring', [Status]), Dict = _{}, setup_call_cleanup( open_null_stream(Out), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out)) ), close(In). discovered_data(URL, Data) :- discovered_data(URL, Expires, Data0), get_time(Now), ( Now =< Expires -> Data = Data0 ; retractall(discovered_data(URL, Expires, _)), fail ). cache_data(URL, Expires, Data) :- atomic(Expires), parse_time(Expires, _Format, Stamp), !, asserta(discovered_data(URL, Stamp, Data)). cache_data(_, _, _). /******************************* * URI BASICS * *******************************/ %! uri_extend(+Base:atom, +Rel:atom, +Query:list, -URI:atom) is det. % % Create a URI from Base, A relative URI and a query. uri_extend(Base, Relative, Query, URI) :- uri_resolve(Relative, Base, URI0), uri_extend_query(URI0, Query, URI). %! uri_extend_query(+URI0:atom, +Query:list, -URI:atom) is det. % % Extend a URI with a query. If URI0 already has a query, keep all % parameters that do not conflict. uri_extend_query(URI0, Query, URI) :- uri_components(URI0, Components0), extend_query(Components0, Query, Query1), uri_data(search, Components0, Query1, Components1), uri_components(URI, Components1). extend_query(Components, QueryEx, Query) :- uri_data(search, Components, Query0), ( var(Query0) -> uri_query_components(Query, QueryEx) ; uri_query_components(Query0, Q0), merge_components(Q0, QueryEx, Q), uri_query_components(Query, Q) ). merge_components([], Q, Q). merge_components([N=_|T0], Q1, Q) :- memberchk(N=_, Q1), !, merge_components(T0, Q1, Q). merge_components([H|T0], Q1, [H|Q]) :- merge_components(T0, Q1, Q). /******************************* * JWT * *******************************/ %% oauth2_claim(+TokenInfo, -Claim) is semidet. % % True when Claim is the claim made in TokenInfo. oauth2_claim(TokenInfo, Claim) :- jwt(TokenInfo.get(id_token), Claim). %% jwt(+String, -Object) is det. % % True if Object is claimed in the JWT represented in String. % % @tbd Currently does not validate the claim using the signature. jwt(String, Object) :- nonvar(String), split_string(String, ".", "", [Header64,Object64|_Parts]), base64url_json(Header64, _Header), base64url_json(Object64, Object). %% base64url_json(+String, -JSONDict) is semidet. % % True when JSONDict is represented in the Base64URL and UTF-8 % encoded String. base64url_json(String, JSON) :- string_codes(String, Codes), phrase(base64url(Bytes), Codes), phrase(utf8_codes(Text), Bytes), setup_call_cleanup( open_string(Text, Stream), json_read_dict(Stream, JSON), close(Stream)).