# # This file provides an example configuration for a production OpenCog # server. Particularly noteworthy is the list of automatically loaded # modules. # SERVER_PORT = 17001 LOG_FILE = /tmp/cogserver.log # Other possible log levels are "error", "warn", "info", "debug" and "fine" # LOG_LEVEL = debug LOG_LEVEL = info LOG_TO_STDOUT = false SERVER_CYCLE_DURATION = 100 IDLE_CYCLES_PER_TICK = 3 # Economic Attention Allocation parameters STARTING_STI_FUNDS = 100000 STARTING_LTI_FUNDS = 100000 TARGET_STI_FUNDS = 10000 TARGET_LTI_FUNDS = 10000 STI_FUNDS_BUFFER = 10000 LTI_FUNDS_BUFFER = 10000 MIN_STI = 0 #ECAN_MAX_ATOM_STI_RENT = 15 ECAN_STARTING_ATOM_STI_RENT = 10 ECAN_STARTING_ATOM_STI_WAGE = 10 ECAN_STARTING_ATOM_LTI_RENT = 1 ECAN_STARTING_ATOM_LTI_WAGE = 10 ECAN_AFB_SIZE = 0.2 ECAN_AFB_BOTTOM = 100 ECAN_ATOMSPACE_MAXSIZE = 100000 ECAN_ATOMSPACE_ACCEPTABLE_SIZE_SPREAD = 100 ECAN_MAXLINKS = 300 ECAN_LOCAL_FAR_LINK_RATIO = 10 ECAN_DIFFUSION_TOURNAMENT_SIZE = 5 ECAN_RENT_TOURNAMENT_SIZE = 5 #Used by ImportanceDiffusionAgent class #0 => flat rent, 1 => exp rent, 2 => log rent, 3 => linear rent ECAN_RENT_TYPE = 0 ECAN_RENT_AMNESTY = 5 ECAN_RENT_EQUATION_PARAMETER_0 = 0.05 ECAN_RENT_EQUATION_PARAMETER_1 = 0.0 #End of ImportanceDiffusionAgent class #Used by SimpleImportanceDiffusionAgent class #Maximum percentage of STI that is spread from an atom ECAN_MAX_SPREAD_PERCENTAGE = 0.6 # If false, will diffuse along hebbian links only. If true, # will also diffuse to all non-hebbian incident atoms in the # incoming and outgoing sets ECAN_SPREAD_HEBBIAN_ONLY = false # Maximum percentage that will be available for diffusion to hebbian links HEBBIAN_MAX_ALLOCATION_PERCENTAGE = 0.5 ECAN_CONVERT_LINKS = false ECAN_CONVERSION_THRESHOLD = 15 # spread deciding function type (HPERBOLIC = 0 and STEP = 1 ) SPREAD_DECIDER_TYPE = 1 #END of SimpleImportanceDiffusionAgent params #ForgettingAgent params ECAN_FORGET_PERCENTAGE = 0.001 #END of Economic Attention Allocation parameters # Use this command PROMPT when telnet/terminal doesn't support ANSI PROMPT = "opencog> " # Prompt with ANSI color codes ANSI_PROMPT = "opencog> " # Use this guile PROMPT when telnet/terminal doesn't support ANSI SCM_PROMPT = "guile> " # Prompt with ANSI color codes ANSI_SCM_PROMPT = "guile> " # Global option so that modules know whether they should output ANSI color # codes ANSI_ENABLED = true # Cogserver in OSX will automatically change .so extension to .dylib # if .so exists. MODULES = opencog/cogserver/server/libbuiltinreqs.so, opencog/cogserver/shell/libscheme-shell.so, opencog/cogserver/shell/libpy-shell.so, opencog/attention/libattention-types.so, opencog/attention/libattention.so, /opencog/build/experiments/attention/libattentionexperiment.so # Optional modules, not enabled by default # opencog/modules/libPersistZmqModule.so, # opencog/modules/benchmark/libbenchmark.so, # opencog/moldules/events/libatomspacepublishermodule.so # opencog/attention/libhebbiancreation.so # opencog/learning/dimensionalembedding/libdimensionalembedding.so # opencog/viterbi/libviterbi.so # IMPORTANT! # Database login credentials. Change these to reflect your actual setup! # For information on how to set up atomspace persistance, see the README # file in opencog/persist/sql/README. # # STORAGE = "opencog-atomspace" # STORAGE_USERNAME = "opencog_user" # STORAGE_PASSWD = "asdf" # # The sense-similarity tables hold precomputed values or the similarity # of word WordNet-3.0 senses. These tables are referenced in # nlp/wsd/SenseSimilaritySQL.cc These will *eventually* be replaced by # a persistent opencog table of sense similarities. For now, they remain # in use. # SENSE_SIMILARITY_DB_NAME = "lexat" SENSE_SIMILARITY_DB_USERNAME = "linas" SENSE_SIMILARITY_DB_PASSWD = "asdf" # Parameters for ZeroMQ AtomSpace Event Publisher ZMQ_EVENT_USE_PUBLIC_IP = TRUE ZMQ_EVENT_PORT = 5563 # Parameters for RuleEngine # RULE_ENGINE_TRIGGERED_ON = [1 ,2 ,3] # 1-when atom added 2-when atom enters to AF 3-both on 1 and 2 RULE_ENGINE_TRIGGERED_ON = 1 # OpenPsi parameters #PSI_FEELINGS = fear, anger, happiness, sadness # Complete list of feelings #PSI_FEELINGS = fear, pride, love, hate, anger, gratitude, happiness, excitement