Version: 0.5 Overview: The scripts provided here are not production quality and have not been tested for secure environments. These scripts are provided as sample code for developer testing and to demonstrate what a server needs to provide as a response to a Flash Player socket policy request. It is not necessary to install or use all the files provided within the zip file. The scripts all perform the same basic function. The differences are in whether the server is run as a standalone process or whether the server is registered with a server process through init or xinetd. There are also minor differences in logging. If the init or xinetd option is chosen, then the system administrator may need to perform a few manual steps such as adding the service to the /etc/services file. The standalone scripts should be compatible with Cygwin on Windows operating systems. All of the scripts require administrator privileges to run. The policyfile.xml file is a Flash Player socket master policy file that will need to be configured to reflect the permissions for the server. The schema for the file is defined here: Python 2.5 is required for the Python based scripts. Usage: The standalone scripts can be run using the following command lines: ./ --file=../policyfile.xml --port=843 ./ --file=../policyfile.xml --port=843 Flags --port: An optional argument. If it is not provided, then the scripts will default to port 843. --file: A mandatory argument pointing to the location of the Flash socket policy file for the server. Command line testing: A basic test of the servers can be performed by issuing the following Perl or Python commands along with the netcat utility. If the policy file is returned, then the test was a success: python -c 'print "%c" % 0' | nc 843 perl -e 'printf "%c",0' | nc 843 Folder layout: The following is a breakdown of the files present within the zip file: Python_xinetd folder This file copies the files into the necessary directories in order to be registered as a service. Please review the script before running it to ensure the paths are compatible with your system. This script is copied into the /usr/local/sbin directory by the install script for use with xinetd. It is a policy file daemon coded in Python and logs to syslog. flashpolicyd.xinet: This xinetd control file registers the daemon with xinetd to run on port 843 as the user nobody. It is copied into the /etc/xinetd.d directory as /etc/xinetd.d/flashpolicyd by the install script. Perl_xinetd folder This file copies the files into the necessary directories in order to be registered as a service. Please review the script before running it to ensure the paths are compatible with your system. This script is copied into the /usr/local/sbin directory by the install script for use with xinetd. It is a policy file daemon coded in Perl and logs to STDOUT and STDERR. flashpolicyd.xinet: This xinetd control file registers the daemon with xinetd to run on port 843 as the user nobody. It is copied into the /etc/xinetd.d directory as /etc/xinetd.d/flashpolicyd by the install script. Python_init folder This file copies the files into the necessary directories in order to be registered as a service. Please review the script before running it to ensure the paths are compatible with your system. This script is copied into the /usr/local/sbin directory by the install script. It is an init compatible version of the Flash policy server that logs to STDERR. This version supports more than one user connection. flashpolicyd.init: This init script supports the basic init commands of "start", "stop" and "restart". It is copied into the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory as /etc/rc.d/init.d/flashpolicyd by the install script. If this method is used, then the service will be run as root. Be sure to review the global variables defined at the beginning of the script to ensure that the paths are compatible with your OS. Standalone folder This is a standalone, single-threaded Perl script that runs in a loop accepting one user connection at a time until the user hits Ctrl-C. This standalone Python Script will run in a loop until the user hits Ctrl-C. This version supports more than one user connection. flashpolicy.xml: This is the socket master policy file that is copied into /usr/local/etc/ by the install scripts. This file must be altered to reflect the relevant ports and domains for the server. README.txt: A file that contains information regarding the applications and this project. License Agreement: Adobe Systems Incorporated(r) Source Code License Agreement Copyright(c) 2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Please read this Source Code License Agreement carefully before using the source code. Adobe Systems Incorporated grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license, to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute this source code and such derivative works in source or object code form without any attribution requirements. The name "Adobe Systems Incorporated" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from the source code without prior written permission. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Adobe Systems Incorporated from and against any loss, damage, claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees that arise or result from your use or distribution of the source code. THIS SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS", WITHOUT ANY TECHNICAL SUPPORT OR ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, TITLE OR QUIET ENJOYMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL MACROMEDIA OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOURCE CODE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.