/* $Id$
* Project: Swicli.Library - Two Way Interface for .NET and MONO to SWI-Prolog
* Author: Douglas R. Miles
* E-mail: logicmoo@gmail.com
* WWW: http://www.logicmoo.com
* Copyright (C): 2010-2012 LogicMOO Developement
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using MushDLR223.Utilities;
using Class = java.lang.Class;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using SbsSW.SwiPlCs;
namespace Swicli.Library
public partial class PrologCLR
public static bool cliGetField(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueOut)
if (!valueOut.IsVar)
var plvar = PlTerm.PlVar();
return cliGetField(clazzOrInstance, memberSpec, plvar) && SpecialUnify(valueOut, plvar);
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
if (!CheckBound(memberSpec)) return false;
bool found;
foreach (var searchFlags in getInstance == null ? BindingFlags_SEARCHS : BindingFlags_SEARCHIS)
object cliGet01 = cliGet0(getInstance, memberSpec, c, out found, searchFlags | BindingFlags.GetField);
if (found)
return valueOut.FromObject(cliGet01);
return false;
public static bool cliSetField(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueIn)
if (!valueIn.IsVar)
return Embedded.Error("Cant set property with a var {0}", valueIn);
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
if (!CheckBound(memberSpec)) return false;
bool found;
foreach (var searchFlags in getInstance == null ? BindingFlags_SEARCHS : BindingFlags_SEARCHIS)
if (cliSet0(getInstance, memberSpec, valueIn, c, searchFlags | BindingFlags.SetField)) return true;
return false;
/// [] = 'Item'
public static bool cliGetProperty(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm indexValues, PlTerm valueOut)
if (!valueOut.IsVar)
var plvar = PlTerm.PlVar();
return cliGetProperty(clazzOrInstance, memberSpec, indexValues, plvar) && SpecialUnify(valueOut, plvar);
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
Type[] paramz = null;
BindingFlags searchFlags = BindingFlagsALL;
if (!CheckBound(memberSpec, indexValues)) return false;
var pi = findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, false, true, ref paramz, searchFlags);
if (pi == null)
Embedded.Error("Cant find property {0} on {1}", memberSpec, c);
return false;
Action postCallHook;
var ps = PlListToCastedArray(indexValues, pi.GetIndexParameters(), out postCallHook);
object cliGet01 = pi.GetValue(getInstance, ps);
return valueOut.FromObject(cliGet01);
public static bool cliSetProperty(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm indexValues, PlTerm valueIn)
if (!valueIn.IsVar)
return Embedded.Error("Cant set property with a var {0}", valueIn);
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
Type[] paramz = null;
if (!CheckBound(memberSpec, indexValues, valueIn)) return false;
BindingFlags searchFlags = BindingFlagsALL;
var pi = findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, false, true, ref paramz, searchFlags);
if (pi == null)
Embedded.Error("Cant find property {0} on {1}", memberSpec, c);
return false;
Action postCallHook;
var ps = PlListToCastedArray(indexValues, pi.GetIndexParameters(), out postCallHook);
pi.SetValue(getInstance, CastTerm(valueIn, pi.PropertyType), ps);
return true;
public static bool cliGetRaw(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueOut)
if (!valueOut.IsVar)
var plvar = PlTerm.PlVar();
return cliGetRaw(clazzOrInstance, memberSpec, plvar) && SpecialUnify(valueOut, plvar);
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
if (!CheckBound(memberSpec)) return false;
bool found;
foreach (var searchFlags in getInstance == null ? BindingFlags_SEARCHS : BindingFlags_SEARCHIS)
object cliGet01 = cliGet0(getInstance, memberSpec, c, out found, searchFlags | BindingFlagsALL3);
if (found)
return valueOut.FromObject(cliGet01);
return false;
public static object cliGet0(object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, Type c, out bool found, BindingFlags icbf)
Type[] paramz = null;
paramz = GetParamSpec(memberSpec) ?? ZERO_TYPES;
if ((icbf & BindingFlags.GetProperty) != 0)
var pi = findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, false, true, ref paramz, icbf);
if (pi != null && pi.CanRead)
var mi = pi.GetGetMethod();
if (mi != null)
found = true;
return ((InvokeCaught(mi, mi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance, ZERO_OBJECTS) ?? VoidOrNull(mi)));
Embedded.Warn("Cant find getter for property " + memberSpec + " on " + c + " for " + pi);
found = false;
return null;
if ((icbf & BindingFlags.GetField) != 0)
FieldInfo fi = findField(memberSpec, c, icbf);
if (fi != null)
object fiGetValue = fi.GetValue(fi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance);
found = true;
return (fiGetValue);
if ((icbf & BindingFlags.InvokeMethod) != 0)
if (memberSpec.IsVar)
Embedded.Warn("cliGet0 on IsVar={0} on {1} for {2}", memberSpec, c, getInstance);
found = false;
return getInstance;
string fn = memberSpec.Name;
MethodInfo mi = findMethodInfo(memberSpec, -1, c, ref paramz, icbf) ??
GetMethod(c, fn, icbf) ??
GetMethod(c, "get_" + fn, icbf) ??
GetMethod(c, "Get" + fn, icbf) ??
GetMethod(c, "Is" + fn, icbf) ??
GetMethod(c, "To" + fn, icbf);
if (mi == null)
Embedded.WarnMissing("Cant find getter " + memberSpec + " on " + c);
found = false;
return null;
Action postCallHook;
object[] value = PlListToCastedArray(memberSpec, mi.GetParameters(), out postCallHook);
object target = mi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance;
object retval = InvokeCaught(mi, target, value, postCallHook) ?? VoidOrNull(mi);
found = true;
return retval;
found = false;
return null;
public static bool cliSetRaw(PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn)
object getInstance;
Type c;
if (!GetInstanceAndType(clazzOrInstance, out getInstance, out c)) return false;
foreach (var searchFlags in getInstance == null ? BindingFlags_SEARCHS : BindingFlags_SEARCHIS)
if (cliSet0(getInstance, memberSpec, paramIn, c, searchFlags | BindingFlagsALL3)) return true;
return false;
public static bool cliSet0(object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn, Type c,
BindingFlags searchFlags)
Type[] paramz = null;
if ((searchFlags & BindingFlags.SetProperty) != 0)
var pi = findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, false, true, ref paramz, searchFlags);
if (pi != null)
var mi = pi.GetSetMethod();
if (mi != null)
object value = CastTerm(paramIn, pi.PropertyType);
object target = mi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance;
InvokeCaught(mi, target, new[] {value});
return true;
return Embedded.WarnMissing("Cant find setter for property " + memberSpec + " on " + c);
if ((searchFlags & BindingFlags.SetField) != 0)
FieldInfo fi = findField(memberSpec, c, searchFlags);
if (fi != null)
object value = CastTerm(paramIn, fi.FieldType);
object target = fi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance;
fi.SetValue(target, value);
return true;
if ((searchFlags & BindingFlags.InvokeMethod) != 0)
string fn = memberSpec.Name;
MethodInfo mi = findMethodInfo(memberSpec, -1, c, ref paramz, searchFlags) ??
GetMethod(c, "set_" + fn, searchFlags) ??
GetMethod(c, "Set" + fn, searchFlags) ??
GetMethod(c, "from" + fn, searchFlags);
if (mi == null)
Embedded.WarnMissing("Cant find setter " + memberSpec + " on " + c);
return false;
Action postCallHook;
object[] value = PlListToCastedArray(paramIn, mi.GetParameters(), out postCallHook);
object target = mi.IsStatic ? null : getInstance;
object retval = InvokeCaught(mi, target, value, postCallHook);
return true; // valueOut.FromObject(retval);
Embedded.WarnMissing("Cant find setter " + memberSpec + " on " + c);
return false;
private static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type type, string s, BindingFlags flags)
return type.GetMethod(s, flags);
catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
return null;
catch (MissingMethodException)
return null;
catch (Exception)
return null;
private static MemberInfo findMember(PlTerm memberSpec, Type c)
return findMember(memberSpec, c, InstanceFields) ??
findMember(memberSpec, c, InstanceFields | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
private static MemberInfo findMember(PlTerm memberSpec, Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags)
if (IsTaggedObject(memberSpec))
var r = GetInstance(memberSpec) as MemberInfo;
if (r != null) return r;
Type[] paramz = GetParamSpec(memberSpec) ?? ZERO_TYPES;
return findField(memberSpec, c, searchFlags) ??
findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, true, true, ref paramz, searchFlags) ??
findMethodInfo(memberSpec, -1, c, ref paramz, searchFlags) ??
(MemberInfo) findPropertyInfo(memberSpec, c, false, false, ref paramz, searchFlags);
//findConstructor(memberSpec, c));
private static FieldInfo findField(PlTerm memberSpec, Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags)
if (c == null)
Embedded.Error("findField no class for {0}", memberSpec);
return null;
if (memberSpec.IsVar)
Embedded.Error("findField IsVar {0} on type {1}", memberSpec, c);
return null;
if (memberSpec.IsInteger)
int ordinal = memberSpec.intValue();
var mis = c.GetFields(BindingFlagsALL);
if (ordinal < 0 || ordinal >= mis.Length) return null;
return mis[ordinal];
if (IsTaggedObject(memberSpec))
var r = tag_to_object(memberSpec[1].Name) as FieldInfo;
if (r != null) return r;
if (memberSpec.IsCompound)
if (memberSpec.Name != "f")
return null;
return findField(memberSpec.Arg(0), c, searchFlags);
string fn = memberSpec.Name;
if (fn == "[]") fn = "Get";
FieldInfo fi = c.GetField(fn, searchFlags);
return fi;
private static PropertyInfo findPropertyInfo(PlTerm memberSpec, Type c, bool mustHaveP, bool assumeParamTypes,
ref Type[] paramz, BindingFlags searchFlags)
if (c == null)
Embedded.Error("findProperty no class for {0}", memberSpec);
return null;
if (memberSpec.IsVar)
Embedded.Error("findProperty IsVar {0} on type {1}", memberSpec, c);
return null;
if (memberSpec.IsInteger)
int ordinal = memberSpec.intValue();
var mis = c.GetProperties(BindingFlagsALL);
if (ordinal < 0 || ordinal >= mis.Length) return null;
return mis[ordinal];
if (IsTaggedObject(memberSpec))
var r = tag_to_object(memberSpec[1].Name) as PropertyInfo;
if (r != null) return r;
if (memberSpec.IsCompound)
if (memberSpec.Name == "p")
Type[] paramzN = null;
return findPropertyInfo(memberSpec.Arg(0), c, false, assumeParamTypes, ref paramzN, searchFlags);
if (mustHaveP) return null;
if (paramz == null)
// Warn("using paramSpec {0}", ToString(memberSpec));
paramz = GetParamSpec(memberSpec) ?? ZERO_TYPES;
string fn = memberSpec.Name;
if (fn == "[]") fn = "Item";
if (paramz == null || paramz.Length == 0)
return c.GetProperty(fn, searchFlags) ?? c.GetProperty("Is" + fn, searchFlags);
var ps = c.GetProperties(searchFlags);
int len = paramz.Length;
PropertyInfo nameMatched = null;
bool ignoreCase0 = (BindingFlags.IgnoreCase & searchFlags) != 0;
if (ignoreCase0)
fn = fn.ToLower();
foreach (PropertyInfo info in ps)
if (info.Name == fn || (ignoreCase0 && info.Name.ToLower() == fn))
nameMatched = nameMatched ?? info;
ParameterInfo[] indexParameters = info.GetIndexParameters();
if (assumeParamTypes)
if (len == indexParameters.Length)
if (IsCompatTypes(paramz, GetObjectTypes(indexParameters)))
return info;
// incompat but ok
nameMatched = info;
return c.GetProperty(fn, searchFlags) ?? c.GetProperty("Is" + fn, searchFlags) ?? nameMatched;