update changeLog.txt in SwiPlCs and SwiPlCs-Documentation/Download Versioning: - change the version number in - AssemblyInfo.cs - SwiCsPl.shfb - rename SwiPlCs-Documentation/Download/SwiPlCs_1.1.plv.pl.zip - add a new line in the table in SwiPlCs-Documentation/Download/index.htm - change version in SwiPlCs-Documentation/build_bin_package.bat build and Test: - run FxCop with SWI-cs.FxCop - run all tests in solution - run project HelloWorldDemo - run Sandcastle help file builder with SWI-Pl-cs2\Help\SwiCsPl.shfb - run SwiPlCs-Documentation/build_bin_package.bat - [include the new file(s) into the project] - set properties 'build action' auf content Publish: - include the new zip file (SwiPlCs-Documentation\Download) into the project - check and include new documentation html files into the project (SwiPlCs-Documentation\Generated\html) - publish project SwiPlCs-Documentation - publish Download/SwiPlCs_x.x.x.zip to http://gollem.swi.psy.uva.nl/twiki/pl/bin/view/Foreign/CSharpInterface - and to http://www.swi-prolog.org/contrib/CSharp.html VSS Checkin